r '~ ~ LA Afla t flA~ ~. ~ VL r,,r '-7ŽLr- tr--- - - - - ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAYJUNE lO0th, 1965 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Established in 1938 by R., A. Forrester R'o>y C. F'orrester - E&toür and Manager (ÀAUthlorizeci as Second Class aiPoaet Office Depaxtrment, ottawa) Lets'Help To Rol The Bal The city of Oshawa is rnaking a bld for the loeating of a Community Colege la Oshawa. This,' we feel, should be of interest for those la this area and is an undertaking whioh shoulti gain the support of pur local public, munici- pal governinents and organizations. The Ontario Department of Education, la recently amnouincng the establishmient of Community Colleges, dlid not, in their announcement give locations where they may Ibe constructed. Cowmuni'ty Coqfleges is a new venture la iour educational field and is designed, we understand, to &allow students graduating from grade 12 further educa- ýtional benefits. It is feltithat thec Colleges will be of ja s*ecial benefit la furthering the educýùion of many of oui dcilidren. The number to be bullt lnitially is very small and 14 is encouraging to sec one centre in our area making a sub- jým&sson for a Comniunity College. No doubt the Oshawa ventureý would appreciate support from neigfhbouring muni- cipalities, school boards and organizations la making their plea to the Ontario Department of Education. There alsi nxay be some financial assistance îequired. May we suggcst that oui local Council, Police Trus- tees and Chamber of Commerce offer their support in order to, add strength to the Oshiawa îcquest.- Students ia this tiea should have equal opportunity with others throughout the Province and a Commumlty. College la Oshawa would place sucli an institution at oui doorstep. IUV Shampoo GIVES BEER RINSE SET & GLOSS 2 oz cream 59C shlopueAt STUTTl'SPharinacy OBONO, ONT. ROYAL PHONE 108., Bowmanville 623-5589 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY - JUNE 10, 11, 12 Flipper's.New Adventure IN COLOR,- ALSO "ADVANCE TO THE REAR" -,G1enn Ford SUNDAY TO SATURDAY - JUNE 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 -Sed% Men NoFlodw ers (Color) DORIS DAY, ROCK HUDSON, TONY RANDALL EXCELLENT COMEDY PIED MILLER- At ýOshawa' General Hospital on Mv1ondey, June 7th,1 1965, Mary Diana Miller, a îge 62: years, wif e of the late Charles Thomas -Miller, Orono. Service was held at. the Morris Funeral Chapel, BowmnanVille on Wednes- day, June 9th at 3:30 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetery. a-p DlED WHIlrE-At Bowmanviile Mein- orial Hospital, Monday, June 7th, 1965, Rose Ann White, beloved wife of the late Ge orge White. Aged 97 years. Resting at the Barlow .Funei'al Home. Service will be held on Thurlsday at 2 o'clock from the Barlow Funeral Home, Park St., Orono. Interment Orono Cemet- ery. CARD 0F THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our relatives, friends and neiglibors for the many acts of kindness, floral tributes, and the many cards and letters- of sympathy, ,Which has beiped so much to lighten oui sorrow in the c loss of our be1oved son and brâther Bob. ilorace and Marjocrie B est, Ron, Anne and Wayne a-p MRS. LOTTIE McCUTCHEON The death of a former Orono resident, Mrs. Lottie MeCutcheon, occurred suddenly Monclay at the Oshawa Generai Hospital She was in lier,88th year and formerly re- sided at 27,Ritson Rtd. S.' She was the former Lottie Dew- eli and was born on the Sixth Line of Clarke Township, dauglh- ter &f the Vivian and John Dew- ýll. InI 1902, the deceased married John McCutdheon at Orono- Mrs. McCutcheon was prede-i ceased by lier husband iu 1923. She was a member of the Angli- can Church. The deccc sed moved frùm Or- ono to, Oshawa in 1942. She is survivcd by two daught- ers, Mrs- Durwln Steckley (H!'da) Mrs. Laverne Neael (fleulazh) and a son Earl, al of. Oshawa. Funeral Service' frora the Ger- row Funeral Home dhapcl on Thursday with Rcv. Canon F. G. Onglcy cof St. Georgc's Memorial Anglican Churchl wiil officiate. Interment will be in Oronc Cemetéry. Uinit No. 3 Our June meeting was.hcld on June lst at the home of Mrs- E. Stapleton. Visiting this lovely country home was a joy to us al. The meeting was opcned by singing the hymn 'in the Garden' Mrs. Sherwin asked Mrs. Robin- on to rend Genesis 2: 1-9 and lc-ad in prayer aîter which she gave a very interesting talk on 'Trees', * 'oncluding witjh that eufl poem callcd 'Trees'. Mrs D rutm- mond sang 'Lord Let me Live, To- day.' The study book "The Purpose of God in Christ.' Again we werc fortunate in having Mrs. Grant to take the study. She deait with (Continucd on page 3) HEAINGSYSTEFN VOl/i AOM/éý f-f Regardingt'Propos lad EXPROPRIATION Notice is hereby given that the Council of The Township of Clarke at its regular Council Meeting to be held on Tuesday the th day of July 1965 at the Council Chambers ln The Township Hall at Oreo Ontari o at 10:00 A.M. or anytime thereatter wil consider passing a By-Law to widen, divert anid improve the following rods ROAD A. - ROAD B. - ROAD C. - etc. and to expropriate certain lands la the 'said Township re- qufred for the aforesaiki roads the said lands situate lyig and being in the f ollowig areas of the said Township: PARCEL "A" ROAD "A" - PARCEL "B"' ROAD "4B" - PARCEL "C"' ROAD "'C"- The- proposed By-Law and Plan showi ng the lands affected may be seen in the offices, of tte Township Clerkla the Town-, ship Hall at Orono, Ontario. The Council wiII hear in person or by his or her counsel, ag- ent or solicitor, any person who dlaims that his or her lands will be prejudically affected by the said byý-law and who appliesto be heard. Dated this 3rd day of .une 1965. H. E. MILLSON, Clerk, Treasurer Townshbip of Clarke ROAD A - A Road Aflowance known as Morgans Boaki and be- ing 2.65 miles of road inl the area west of the Hamiet of Crook- ed Crcek'and being the road allowance between Lots 16 and 17' in the second andi third concessions. ROAD B - A Road allowance 4 miles la length in total and lying between lots 4 and 5 ia concessions six, seven and eight; and abutting lots 5 to 9 inclusive la the eighth concession and between lots 8 and 9 in the eightb concession. ROAD C- A Road Allowance known as the Leskard Road be- ing 2.7 miles ln length and lying, between lots 30 and 31 in concessions six andi seven. ROAD D- A Rond Allowance. being 2.5 miles in length abu - ting lots 16'to, 26 Inclusive and lying, between the f ifth an,.'. sixth concessions. ROAD 'E- A Road Allowance adjacent te a structure refer- red to as The Kimbali Bridge and being i lot 10 concession, Broken Front, ROAD F- A Road Allowance adjacent to a structure known as the Hallowell Bridge and being between lots 10 and il in concession four. ROAD G - A Road Allowance being a portion -of the third concession, road being 1 mile la length anld abutting lots 25 te 28 inclusive ia the ,second and third concessions. ROAD Hl - A Road Allowance adjacent te a structure known as the Hoad Bridge, bel4g one éighth of a mile in length ex- tending north and south of the proposed, bridge and lying be. tween lots 8 and 9 concessi on Broken Front "&A". ROAD 1 - A Road Allowanee adjacent to a structure knowa as the Crooked Cree1',Bridge and being approximately one fifth of a mile la length extending east and west of the pro. posed bridge between concessions three and four in lot 10~. PARCEL "A" ROAD "A", - Part of lots 16 and 17 la the sec- ond concession and part of lots 16,and 17 la the third concesý sion. PARCEL "4B" ROAD "B"' - Part of lots 4 and 5 la concession six, part of lots 4 and 5 in con 2ession seven 'and part of lots 4 and 5 la concession eight, and part of lots 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 in the eiglith concession and part of lots 8 and 9 in the ninth con- cession. PARCEL "C"y ROAD "'C" - Part of lots 30 and 31 la, the sixth Concession and part of lots 30 and 31 la the seventh conces- Sion. PARCEL 'ID" ROAD "B" - Part of lots 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21., 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26 i the fifth concession and part of 'lots 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. 23. 24. 25 and 26 la the sixth concession. PARCEL "E" ROAD II E" - Part of lot 10 concession A Bro,. ken Front andi part of lot 10 concession "B", Broken vFt