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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Jun 1965, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 1Oth, 1965 "The Mleaniing0f Comfort"' Taken fû a sermon preachied because of its size. 11e was. saying hy 1ev. Basil Long. 1Ris ýyoke was easy because if was Liai 55 - seipture Ile sson. porperly fitted to 'the bearer; 1f would flot irritate or chafe. The Today, I would like to speak to bre a ilfbcueh h you n th mening0f osnfrt.took the yoke of Christ upon him, In our scripture lesson we are walked ln tihe strengh of Christ. remlidfed that mans ways are po So he calis us to fodlow i, the saine as God's ways. The pro to take His yoke upon us and HeJ pihef also says, "Hfo ye that tiist, corne- to the waters. Why do Ye has promised 'that He will fit us1 spend so muceh of your lives, time for every experdence. H1e wil] and strength for the things that give us fhat deep comfort thlat, do ne Jafisfy," It is a good ques- fis the heart and the soul with 41,on. Why do we spend so raach of peace, jour lives, time ani strength for What does titis mean for the te hings that dù nof safisfy. elderly? Well, we may have spent We are a generation, who seek our lives foolishfy, seekin.g te comfort but sometimes we seek it tihings that, satisfy not, however in the wrong' way. Many of the it is not f00 late. In the last ho'urs things for wýhich we labour are of our life God has promised that SUPerficial. We are told on tele-11e. will fi11 us with Rlis strength vision that if a woman had her and His Presen.ce. He will help us wisit fu>filed, site would like to to take c-ur minds off ourselves live her life as a blonde. if a manl and to live in trust and faith. could have his wisit he would sit Whaf does if say te the middle1 and sip Old Vienna. Nov; Grand- aged people? 11ere we are in the1 Pa doesn't look forward f0 his prime of Ilile with experience, a rocking chair and pipe; Grandma degree of learnin4g and, the 1,,oad doesn't look forward to her rock- grows iteavier. Off en we try toi ing chair and knitfing - she is P meet the greater responsibîlities blonde hurtling down the higit- withoUt titat special ingredient way in a high powered car, smok- whih cornes frosu God. If we missi ing ýthe riglit brand of cigarettes. itte years slip away and life These are the titings that count. grows dulil. We feel we have la- we are told, in the advertising on boured for te fhings whioh per- television.istnd ise th things that God doesn't think so and Gel does not teach us anything lîke that. Mans way is f0 fthink of coin- fort in terins of freedom from things that make life itard. God's Noay is f0, change the inner niman until he pours himself outward. Man seeks freedom from. lone- liness, hunger, pain, sorrow and probhlrns by crowds, food, puis a nd ther means which allow hlm o dodge aside. H1e seeks eomfort in tryin.g Vo secure good flouses, éars, boats,, cottages, pensions, prestige and a itost of otiter things witile al the time the days and the years are flitting by. A fùmriliar story speaks clearly of thaf which ruins the 1f e of many people. A mian and wife were taking a very short train trip and the womran continually fused around trying to. get com- fortable until her husband said,,. I'Susan, this iis a very short trip and 'if you don't soon sit down the scenery is ail going f0 be pas- sed." A gre at many people spend most of their lives getting com- fortable and iso often miss that one great ingredient in life 1that God would have us receive so that we could be truly comfortable and at peace. Jesus taugitt that time is valu- able and that the nature of the life we live is important. He told te story of the ricin farmer xho decided f0 store up his mfany pos- se-sions and f0 cat, drink and be merry. But, his sudden demise from life point ed ouf .thaf he lhad sadly miscalculated te nature, of 111 e. So often, as the prophet Isaiah says, we labour for the titings that perisit; we fail ýto seek the Lord while H1e may- be found; we fail to cail upon Hlmi while 11e'is near. Asfinie passes we seek our comfort only f0 find that'if eludes US. "Comforf ye, comfort ye, my peopie," said ýGod throught the Prophet Isaiali. Comfort here has the old roof meaning of sftreng- then and fortify the spirit. Com- fort means fto gain those spiritual qualities Which puf us into a right relationship witi 1f e, that will see us safely titruit any of ifs sfruggles or problenis. Comforf in the bible- means struggle, not Physical ease. Jesus said. "Follow me." Then he said, "Foxes have holes and birds have nesfs but the Son of Man has nowhere fo lay Hlis head.' H1e did not pro- mise Ris followers ease, but He, did promise titem comfort. Hé snid, "Corne unto me, ail ye that labour and are iteavy laden and 1 wil give you rest.' How were titey to get resf? Jesus saiýd, "Take my yoke upon you and lear1 of me, for I amn meek and lowly in heart and you shahi find peace and rest for your souls" Why? ý'Because my yoke is easy and my burden is lighf". Jesus wasn'f say- in g the load would nof be heavy sucii as ours Vo fItýe time to know are eternal. It is difficit in a generation suéh as ourls to, take tinie to kniow God, but it is flot impossible. So often we merýasure ourselves by man's iýdea of success. But how> hollow if tail is- for God's ways: are not man's 'ways. God's gifts are eternal, Vhey cfinnot -be taken away. 11e won't brlng us-freedom £rom reýsponsibility but He will take awvay our loneliness. He wilI take away that hunger which gnaws, at the heart and the sloul of al who, have flot found God. He m-tay lead us throulgh pain and sorrow but H1e will strenglihen us as He doýes and bring us, our stronýger and richer in every way. N1e wilI not allow us to ýdoýdge the problems of 111e but H1e will give us answerU. It grieves the hearf of God, I amr. sure, if we spend our lives putting aside material thinigs - and forget the gift 0f sipiritual thintys, because muscles weaken, the mmind is dimamed, but 'life goes on., dur souls are eternal and if 'we have nof' alýlowed God to min- ister to, themn, then lfe can f ake on a feeling that there is no pur- pose, no direction, no goal. Yet when we furn our lives, our m inds and our hecarts f0 Christ, to see everything in the light of Christ and to do everything fhrough, Ris Spirit then we know a life that neyer ýgrows oldJ. The muscles Alay, veaken and tihe eyes grorw dim, but there is a neiwnes s and a, fulness 0f 111e that is eterniai. Now, I pray that God might bring us comhfort -not the conifort of ease as we lay asidle responisi- hlit y, bt tthe eomfort o ite peace of. Jesus 'ChrIst, the cofort of te New Life, the born aLgsin experience., If we have that, we have Jhe special ingredient -hat makes 1f e full and complete. The hours, days and wieeks will net flit by without pus-pose or melan- ing but will be jaînspacked wf tihe essentials 'of hife, te ihhpr- tant things wýhieh live frvr EASTERN 'BREEDERS A.i. SERVICE "éThe best thing that can happen to your herd" Successfnl Farmers use A.I. *Joi the trend to highert Profits *Cail our nearest Branch Office at our expenge for service or information. We are listed in your phonebook under EASTERN BREEDERS INCORPOÈATED A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Impala Sport Coupe and rae' raef'iI The '65 Chevralet is the best-laaking, best-handling, smaathest-riding Chevralet ever built. Sa it stands ta reasan that right naw, Chevralet value is at an ail-Urne high. And because Trade 'N' Travel lime is naw in high gear at'yauùr Chevrolet dealer', he has the biggest selectian af Chevraiet madels in stock. What's mare, he can deliver the madel af yaur chaice fast, and he wants yaur trade-in far the baam in used car sales. Naw, if yau put ali-time high value and Trade 'N' Travel lime tagether, the anly canclusian yau can passibly came ta is that naw is the ta buy! Sa haw abaut seeing yaur Chevralet dealer in persan and praving far yaurself that Chevralet value is at an ali-time high, and that Trade 'N' Travel lime is the time ta buy? That way, yau'Il have the satisfactian af knawing yau've dane the right thing at the right time - made the best deal af the year an a beautiful new Chevralet. disco ver the difference! CH EVRO LET -CH EVLLE.-CHEVY II - CORVAIR -CORVETTE Ifs Trade'N'Travet Tîme,;. .At Your Chevrolet-Oldsmobile- Dealer's Nowl Authorized Chevrolet Dealer in Bowmanville Phone: 728-Z06ROY NICIIOLS MOTORS LIMITED Bowmanville, Ont. C-1165C Be sure to see Bonanza on the CBC-TV network each Sunday. Check your local listing for channel and trne.,^ i ài

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