I. -~ - 'r> - - '.~' ORONO-WEEKLY TrIMES, THlURSDAY, LUNE l9th, 1965 R eport From Ottawa R~ussell C. rlney, MTL., uunuiam uwo orAhnree orflU mrae capiible We lost a great Canud.aýian Mon- folfowers. day when, George Nowlan, Pro- And so, but for the refusal off gressive Conservative Member for Mr. Dieffenbiaker to resIgn in those Digby-Annapolis-Kings in Nova im:itical days, Cariadians today Seotia passed away. miglit be mourning tlie loss off 1 first îheard off George Nowlan a Prime Minister. about -1957 when I struck up a' ffriendshîp, wthlad occisjuior D law partners ' one dochsjior Pf-auline j eweétt b inOntario on business. lfis partner spoke se highly of Mr. Guest Of l-1oy-o-uw Nowlan - . . off lis integrity, loy- A~L/L alty-to a cause and bis great ai- Dr. Pauline Jewett, MP. for ity as a lawyer, that I. was anx- Northumberland, was guest of ious te meet him when I first lionour at the annual meeting off went to Ottawa la 1962. the Central Ontario Southb Wom- As you xiii recali, tlie minrirtY en's Liberal Association lield near Conservative government elected Brighton Saturday. in 1962, was doomed almost ffrom its inception because off tlie build, Nearly 200 guests jodned in hon- up of dissention within, the Cab- ouiing Miss Jewett as the first wo- mnet off Prime, Minister Dieffen- man elected from this area off the baker. province. Representatives were As a rookie in tlie House 01~ present fror tlie district batween; Ceaimons it seemed to me that Oshawa and Kingston, and frdsn George Nowlan, as Minister off Peteirborough on tlie nortli. Finance, was overshadowed in Mrs. Frank Lewis, president off tliosae first few months by bis tlie Ontario Women's Liberal As- colleagues Fleming, Fulton, llark- sociation, delivered greetings to ness, Hees and Hamilton. Miss Jewett from Prime Minister As tlie Diefenbaker Cabinet Pears on and Extarnal Affairs1 siowly strangled itseif from with- Miniter Paul Martin. in pr.eminent mnember like Fulton The luncheun speaker was On- and Harkness rasigned. Donald tario Liberal Leader Andriew Fleming indicated that lie would Thompson. net rua again., In those last liec- A panel discussion durîng tlie tic ýdays there were only a few affternoon session was led byMem- off the front bench Miisters wlio bers off Parliament from the dis- remained loyal to Mr. Diefenbiaker tricet. Discussion on tlie Canada It' seemed to many that if the Pension Plan, water pollution and goverament was going to survive, lake levels were led by ïi.cvenue the "Coaservatives would have to Minister E. J. Benson, M.P. for agree on a new leader, wlio would Kingston; Rusell C. Hoaay, M'P. off course, automatically become for Durh.am and Robert Temple, Prime Minister off Canada. 1 M.P. for Hastings South. Certainly it sermaed that way Mrs.- Monica J 1ackson off Peter- to George Hees and Pierre Sev*. borougli was eiected president off igny who were to eventually fur- 'the association for the coming nish the coup de graca to the ya n r.C .Lvknc Diefnbaer gverment ItwasNewcastle was chosen ffirst vice- no secret on Parliament Hill and1, turitofiuf b + cuntv tatif M..1president. Diefenbaker would resign the Conservativas could agree on George Nowlan as leader and Prime Minister. Equally, it wA~s no secret that Social Cradit lead- er 'Robert Thornpson was prepar- ed te, throw bis members behiad Mr. Nowlaa to ensure a stable government. Thera, was the suggestion that Mr. Nowlan was to be leader pro tam . . . until, a national conven- tion could be held and a perman- ent leader, chosca. This arrange, ment was subsequently denied by Mr. Nowlan. Knowing hlm for the figliter that lie was 1Jarn sure thera was ne such deal .-. - if George Nowlaa was to ha leader lie would ba leader, and tire would be no deals for liai! It is fruitlass to speculate as to "wliat miglit'have been." I hýeliev- ed then, aad I stili beliave, iliat had Mr. Diefenbaker resigned,1 George Nowlan would h ave pull-1 ed the goverament togethar and1 with the support off the Social 1 eredit Party lie would prohably1 liave carried on a stable govera-i ment. Bob Thompson would proli-r ahly deny it, but I think soe ar-r rangements could ,have heen made to find a cabinet post for liim and Junior 'armer's News Round-up, by Wm. J. Tomlinsoýn -Hey! tliay'ra liera:. Tlie slow va- hicla signs are now ready for sale. Itelp protect yourseif and the people wlio work for you. The problams that persist and are a hazard. to a slow moving vehicle, is tha prohlam off identi- fying at distance tlie validae is slow moving. By putting this siga on your aquipmant and getiting your naighbour te. do the same the ýSMV siga wilýl become known. Thesa signs were designeýd by an- gineers to ýgiva you widest possible coveraga. The signs are made off heavy aluminum, and aire portable Therefora tliere is no glass to be broken, no batteries to replace, no wire to repair, and also, due te. the colour you have a warning liglit or colour during the day- liglit bours. The, siga will flot rust or ha broken, very easilY aioved £rom one piace off equip- ment týo another. The price is only $2.50, it is the cheapest warniag system on the market. You can 0 0 Township of Clarke 0 Applications for the Establish-g 0ment of a 0 0n in the Township of Clarke S poun~d in th e Township of Clarke will be xeceived up to Applications, clearly markad, for the establishment off a dog pùdin tire Township off Clarke will be raceived up te i 5 p.m. on June 21, 1965, hy tihe undersignad: For*further detaîls please contact Messrs. Robt. Chatar g 'ýOoJa 36ýr1),Orm Fals(Oron o 16 y 1) or tira under- o sgned.g H. E. MILLSON, 0g grk g Box 37, Oreno, Ont. LADIES' DRESSES More Sumnier Dresses arriving this week A good selection of 'easy-care cottons ,arnels, and linens with straýght or full skirts. Print and plain in sizes 9 to 241/2 .. $6.95 to $16.95 LADIES' IIANDBAGS A good assortment of Summer IIa4dbags, Ail the new f ashion lits in Straws or Basket. Naturaj, white and brown. .... $2.98 - $3,98 LADIES' SWIM SIJITS Several styles in Ladies' Bathing Suits. Plain shades and prints in une and two-piece style. Attractive colours, sizes 12 to 20. Priced front ..............1$12.95 to $22.50 GIRL'S SWIM SUITS One and. two-piecee styles in Girl's Bathing Suits of stretch nylon. Plain shades, stripe and attractive prints. Sizes 4 to 6X years and 8 to 14 years. Priced.....$2.98 to $4,98 MEN'S and BOY'S SWIM TRUNKS »ifferent styles in Men's and Boy's Trunks of Rayon Latex and Stretch Nylon. Black, royal, green and red. Men's waist sizes 30. to 40. Boy's sizes 8 tfo 16 years ..$1.98 to $2,98 AR LOCAL NEW-S Mr. aud Mrs. Vance, Smith off passawan visitled at Mr. andMrs. 'Everett Stapletons over tlie week- end. The Orono Couples Club heild a soal evening -in tlie, main- audi- ftorium Odf Oronio United Cch on Saturday eveffing, MIy 29th. A game off shuffishoard was en- jioyed and refreslhments were ser-I ved in the friendship room. A family pienie is planned for June 20, to be lield in tlie Orono Park. Mr. and Mrs. Raîpli Ellis, Bell- E vilIe were visitors with Mr. and 1Mrs. Horace Best on Sunday and called- on other friands in Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Burnett, off Kinston spent the, weekýend witli Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Graham and Terry. Mr. Paul Tamblyn, who has Pleen a PaIb in 1iýospital at Guelph, spent the waekend witli his paren ts Mr. and Mrs. Carlos 1Tamblyn and Sharon. Mrs. J. F. Stevenson returnýed to lier bornme after spending sever- ai weeks with lier daughter Mrs. H. LeVaillant and Mr. LeVaillant, 7Scarborougli. Miss M. ClemIenýce off Newcastle 15 stayin(g witli ler. eall Don Welsli by phone 263-2784 or mysaif, Orono 2236, to, place your orders, or any Junior Farmi- er member in Your area, There is a sample sign in the Depart 'ment off Agriculture Buildin.. TheJunioIr F:anmer field day is eoming uP so You Juniors better get in sliape, if you can. Aiso faniily niglit is even closer and as soon as the final plans are dIrawn up 1 Will Pass Vliem along. V UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge îqtCV B. Long-- SUNDAYLUNE .?th, 1965 orono- 11:15 a.m. Kirby- 9.45 a.m. Leskard - 2 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL Orono - 10:00 ar. Kirby - 11 a.m. Leskard - 10 a.m. The Orono Band on Wednesday Allin off Chegran Falls, Ohio vi- played 'at the Mllbrook Faifr. ited with Mr. and Mrs. Clarencsb Th e Orono Swimming pool lias Alfin from Monday until Wednes- again become a popular centre day'f hi ek flor thie children off the,_community y-ftiswýk havi4ng opened on Saturdiay l'ast. Miss E. Davidson liad tlie mûs- Rev. Cecil Alun aof Pasadena, fortune to fal o-ver the ,veeçe-d Call. and his son Rev.-Roland T. breaking lier arm. hat ss aea a nJn Why these Bargain Basement Beauties! of course and they're on for Thurs, Fi and Satq. Women's Ita1ian-type Sandafr white, tan', brown. .... $1.69 l3athing Caps, ail colours ea, 59c Bathing Towels, striped .. $1.98 patterned, each ...... $188 fLadies' one-piece Swîm Suits priced at,............ $5.49 È.- Girl's one and two-piece Swim Suitsý, 8 - 14X for ...... $3.98 sizes 4 -6X for ....... $2.79 Girl's Cotton Swim Suits, 4, 5, 6and 6X ........$1.98 Youth - Puy's Swem Trunks and Briefs .... $1.19 to $1,98 Men's SwIi Trunks, 38-40 $2.69 Dixie, disposable spoons, forks, knives, 24 in a package for .................. 25c Floral Fly Swatters, each... .......... 49e Nylon Tricot Panty, S', M, L, pair for ý.. :. . 43e Women's Jax Panty, S, M, L, pair for .... 59e Two pair priced for........... 1...... 98e White Raîn Shampoo, speciaj.......... 47e Se1hick Stainiless Steel Ragýor Blades, 5-blade Dispenser, regular 79e for........... 63e O)rono e5"c to $1 Store "Where Variety Prevaýls"> Phone 122, Orono, Ontario . 1 oui. MI