ORONO WEEKLY TIMSTURSDAY, JUNE lO1th, 1965 'Rail1-chicks' Cash ln, At 'Peterborough Races Awokrran's intuition o flay ai has wo its last tý unhon a long shot at the, Peter- don an.d is now1 bore-.ugh races a fortnig'ht ago re- of soane two years wa7.rd.ed six local women wiiih a Jîimny G. Unk veash reward luf $1500 for 67 cents Chailles Armstrong lThe six chipped in o buy a wîn nose of a win M~ and a place ticket on "Out In St. Catherines. Th Front" who returned, for the win hors e's besi race z soen of $96,00. No hot tip, lihey J;ack Reid bas cimjst good judgement by two second place itefemale sex. TIhelgiers and a w! Bluring the pasi two weeks the View Chamnp. Mr. icgl boys have been placing weil are racing at St. at Peterborough both' with their Bomber Dares,, ýown horses and for other owners. by Dave Roughley, Jack Williams placed first with inl the winning ch Happy Mac on Saturday wiilh a ting a mark of 2:C lime of 2:18. H1e bas also driven A crowîd of 12( to a seco-nd position With Happy last Saturday bet .Mac two week ago.0000 Junior West nipped a win with- Kenicrop two weeks ago in front 4-H BEEF CLIL <fJack 1 Williams wiïth Happy The se cond r Wac. 11e has also piaced first South Durhaim 4-E ,ith Speedway Pat on the same held on, ThursdaN -vening. Last Saturday Spe'ýdwaiy the Hope Caif Cl Fat came in in second place. of Mr. Carnet Ri Keitb We'st placed second two ville.- Here,. the sweeks ago wî4rh Lirhtning Dares gîven details cfa pýid' seveni'h last Saturdad. He projeci and wer( 'as also piiaced fifth and sixth Mass of Sho r 'wftlh Gratton Po6rtage.MrCifMate Ge~l#-d) Robinson with Shelly agricultural reprE Brooke has yet to reach the mon- the officiai placi ey finisbhing fieth and eigh. on this class. M~ AT THE BIG TRACKS hanked by Ken Ronnie, Wes's Tommy Direct meeting was adjou NEW SCHOOL IS APPROVED IDarlington, Towniship has given approval to, t] Sehocol Board, of the tom two trips at Lon- mrise not in excess of hitting a stride repayaible over 20 year, rago. purpose of building andE ko, owned, by a 16 room school on Lot g, came within a /onday niglit at %is recordeýd the of the year. recently gained e finishes with fin with Meadýow- r.Reid's horses " Catherines.Th C formerly owned h, as been twice la ircle of late set- 07. 200 at Peterboro ta total cd $24,- TAKE NOTICE1 ,UB MEETING meeting of thel U Beef Club was av, June 3 with lub ai the f aim ,lekard. Bowman- members werc a. special summer re olso given a rn cows to judge. ýws, the assistant reseniative, ,lave ing and reas'ons mr. Riekard was Wilson and the >nrned. QUiCilwK CIIERRY, CRUNCII A DESSERT PELIGHT FO'R EASY SUMMÀER DININO 16 Grahamn Wafers (crushed to fine erumbs) 'k cup brownsugar 1 tsp. cinnamon 1/2 cup meted btter 1/4 tsp. sat 1 20 oz. can Canada Choice cherry pie filling. Heat oven o 3225 Mix fra- liam waer crumibs,, sugar, cinnamon, butter and sait. Sprinkle three-quarters oùf crumb mixture over the bot- tom of an eight inch or nine inch cake 'pan.. Pat down gently with the bowl df a spoon. Spread the Canada Chroice cherry pie filling over crunib base. Then sprinkle on remaining one- quarter df the cruimb mix- ture. Bake for '30 minutes. Serve warm with cream. Serves 6. for the equipping t19, con- cession 5, Hanipton.. The clerk was authorized to apply to, the mun- icipal board for approval. On the motion of Councillor Glb>bs and Deputy 'Reeve Muir, T. C. Glaspeil wil, be requested to assent to the dedication of lands fromn his property on Lot 19, Con- cession 5. RED CEtOSS WATER SAFETY WEEK IN CANADA JUNE 7 TO 13 Notice of Application By ,..orporation of the Township of irke to Dispense with a Vote of the E1ec&ors 1: The Council of the Corporation of the Townshiip of Clarke intenris to apply to TheOntario Municipal Board for approval of the works referred to in Schedule "A' hereto, at an estimated cost in respect of each work as shown in such Schedule and that the suni of $31,785, part of the cost thereof, shall be raised by the sale of deben- tures Payable out of the general rate over a period not exceeding five years. 2: An application wili be made to the Ontario Municipal Board for an order to dispense with' the assent of the electors to the undertaking of the said works. Any rate- payer may, within twenty-one days after the first publication of this notice, 'send by post prepaid toithe clerk of the Township of Clarke jat the address given below, a 'notice ini writing stating bis objection to such approval and thegrounds' of such objection. 3: The Ontario Municipal Board may order pursuant. to the statute that the as- sent of the electors shall not be required and may approve of the said works, but be- fore doing so it may appoint a time and place for a public hearing when aü1y objections will be considered. D XTED at the Township of Clark<e this 3rd day of June, 1965. H. E. MILLSON, Clerk Box 37, Orono, Ontario. SUHEDULE "A" To the foregoing Noice Estimated Cost CONSTRUCTION 0F. 1. HOAD BRIDGE, including land acqui- sition an.d road construction of approx- imately 1/8 mile in ail, extending north > nd south of the proposed bridge, Lots, 8/9, Concession BF, "A, 2CROOKED) CREEK BRIDGE and grad- ing on the approaches of the proposed structure for a-total distance of approx- imately 1,100 feet, Lot 10, Concessions 3/4 4. SIXTU CONCESSION ROAD, including culverts at various locations. The total length is approximately one mile, Lots 17 to 20 inclusive and part of Lot 16, Concessions 5/6 $33,725.96) 34,975.0 $94,000.00 Amount Vo he Debentured 13,690-00 $31,785-00