..... ........... ....... FOR SALE CAR FOR SALE BIRTH Pioféàsonal ûrector 1947 International Truck; 1957 New VaWffhali EÊ,pic DeluxelATKIrNSON-ROy and Carol At- PrfssoalDreiry ~ ]JTF RANKWifiB l SrvceSttin;tee-ful MCwaraty ________________________ uick sedan. $1675.00 inceludes license, gas and kinson (nee Yeo)arhayt. Winfeld SeîceStaton;tel- fll GC wrraty.announce the birth ¶ their daug-h~- onea-c Phone Oshiawa, 728-6207, Fred ter Lisa Marie on June lst, 16 CARLFOR SALE00_"h______Hospital.____ 0Owens. a-p at Oshawa GeneaHopt.a- IILL PRKN C.LIMITEDg 1953 Plymouth,~ $75.00 or best NURSING HOME Chartered Accountants 177ChuchSt. notffer, good r-unng order. Phone Licensed accommodation at Kin St, Nwcatle~ W3, Orono. a-p Wtress W ne Lyntonhurst Mmar Nursing 98-440g Bowmnîe 623339 nÀE OMSFRSL able rates. 98-44 Apply RSFO SL 5<Phone Orono 371. n:28:p 36% King St. E., Oshawa ooco=>c:O=Qz>c=O<ý Apl Raye West Jr. dter ~No experience necessary -6659- o' p.m., Chùreli St. South,, Orono..11 RECEPTION WilimC.Hll25 Cmm,-6539;i~~L L Phone 135J. Horne's Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. F. B. White, 0, î WilamCD all. m. , C.A. u12.uff -ILz~ i Hi1wy115ono, wilI be 4"At Home" to t1v4fr _________________ letrial Ct inBUYING OR SELLING ____________Ofellows Hall, Orono on Suap- ______________________ onracg day, June l3th from two teo itr Electic Leatilg ETATEo'clock in the afternoon and nYMx REALicHetii CRIPPLED TEEN-AGE GIRL sevOfl to fine o'clock in theee an evc E LE T T WANTS mng on the decasion of th ir- Sixtieth Wedding Anniversary. Soiio . .M G L baby carniage, craille, prints, EPTO I:;:~YcE T~ BA. F r ndenrvio J.M G LLAintique :::ostcr doUZ:::; to Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Tamb1 n InteOfie o rno nalo j RALETTEBOE This interest has encouragedl will be "At Home" to their figand given hier an interest, friends, relatives and neighbours1 R.ý R. Waddell Q.C., Poe:rno17 Wiiliug to pay well. on Saturday, Jn 2hfo MAN T, RNO gOshawa 728-4285 o5ith afernoon and 7 tc,1 MAIN ST, ORONOApply Box 300, Orono Week- in the evening, at their hom)ie Telephone 138 Orono ~ o no lcrc I -ly imes, Orono, ont. Cedar Dale Farm, Orono, on bce PHON 12 _______________________occasion of their silver weddîng_, 0<=e anniversary. ,2: CONTRACTORS FOR /ý00=c0000=ý _________________u FOR SALE COMING. EVENT FARM andl HOIJSE S OG IPSN gredCoat Plants for sale. Kendal Sunday School Anal --er- WIRING nUÊlSM$2N.5Rd0oý,Caair n pake sary will be held -Sunday, June 1 V Free Estmat$2.50SO per 100 plants. Free. Esimats SO Klaas Reitsma, phone 1177 Or- at 7:30 p.m. 0 19RRILD. BOWN no.b-c Special speaker will be 74r, ~ .ERRLLD. ROW g APPLIANCE SALES g Phone Onono 208 G__________ 0 ~Allan Beedh M.A., B.D., Phydiol- B.S.A. B.A:Sc: O:L:S: Promp and Guaranteed Repairs ga tMmc lnefrAo Promp n ~PAINTING IT 9O FOR SALE: BOX PLANTS oita iioCii o ia 9PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER 0 irin~o Eetical 0hl UndDu dics pca (Civil> Equiplentnd Aplices * EXTERIOR ~All kinds of Aniual Flower hic n rgAdcs pca (cvlg Such at Metors - Water Heaters PAPER HANGING and Vegetable Plants. music. a-e Ontario an Surveyor 0 T.V. - Radios,- Stoves - Irons 0 BUILDING CUPBOARDS PhoeWil6laiamJ .,men Land g REMODELLING hn 46SainS. rn COMING EVENT 12URNITURStE RE 165R d-20-p Meeting sponsored by Dtrhani,% 0o 4 ==oC O=OCFI= U NI 8IE EQ MCounty Farmers Union at Ponty- Bowmailville, Ontario nu0 Og0 CARPENTRY pool'Hall, June llth, 8:30 p.m. o fi 9.72g AND ALL ODD JOBS U Speaker-ýMr%. 1Rus.sel Honey,. Teepon 23721 9 l Sash, Door Frames a '1 %nd Cediar M.?. All farmhers sh'ould attend to flanmiI n Wno Un maeto order.s hear Chairman of Agricultural g Phne 87.612 Necasle. Committee of House of Commons. F.h.eGr7-6,am.Ne castle. Walter Miller, Vice President, ~ Inurane n_____________________Ontario Farniers' Union will also L. J. SKAIFE -à Bildingd a House? il xdbepeet - Girls and, women wanted for DECORATION DAY AN9evc.;rabryPeig Sun4day, June 27th will be oh.- 0or rernodelling your premet Apyply Klaas Reitsmna, phone served as the annual Decoratian one, then cocontact 177 Orono.1 a-c day at Orono Cemetery. Memorial fi1 ______Streetone,______contact Service in the Chapel at 2.00 p.m. PETERBOROUGH OAlito, conducted by the local clergy. Fin UHELP- WANTED c2- Phone 742-5482 ~~N11~~Full time, Waitress f r Royal __________________ Package Policezes U AYdU NicholsonU Lunch Restaurgant, Higihway 115. COUPLES CLUB PICNIC Il Fidelity Bond, ý Phone 987-4561 a-p The Couples Club annual fani- PHONE_____191___________ ly pienic wil'l be held at tihe Or- General LUability SPHCOPNE 2191ORON ono Park on June 2th at three Life9 On the stump or pateli. ocok Ir~T A P tMrtaeLau ___________ Hofert Ltd., Andy Sutch buyer, LESKARD CHURCU j 9Sr5, Ponypool. b-21-p ANNIVERSARY SEE Sunday, lune 20th 9 g PART-TIllE RADIO at 7:30 pa.' 1ii' TV REPAIRS Guest Speaker Rev. John Romenil "RED LYCTT ai H mIonu, 0 L YCETT-GARDEN g - HI-FI - Stroof Courtie TfiSde lllt 0Record PTwers LsadSpecialMui OFFICE . MAIN ST., ORONO A I - ennas - Twr LsadU.C.W. Jime Suppen, phone 12516 ROL 3616 Poeî-6 ~ f Plumbîng & Heating PA- Systeni for rent Wednçsday,* lune ý23rd from 5 ________1-R-16____________0 All9part s and labour guananteed p.m. Salads, pies and strawberny Phon e 194M1 PonHARR~Y WIERSMA shiorteake. b-c JAKREMD _________ =O>c:>CZCI=C==e 0 Onono, Ontario 77 Ooo AUCTION SALE Orouo's Licensed 00'_______________- There will be offered by public Auctioneer and Valuatoi auction 47 head of Shorthorn Spcaâei amad Bx13MO. 8-3552 Real Estate cattle, 53 feeder hogs, 1000 lay- Specaliz inFarmand Box 33 ~en jg r Se ~ ing lens, twe tractors, threshiing Furniture Sales hnBynorSligal aLhn, hi w bakmt onutmefor terms Stafford Brother equipment, milking machine, hay Conui meDrines ýAccounting anu Md1 H w blower, moder m eupet and dates LimitedWifHa le furniture etc. the property of ýh0ne 5 r 18 Orone 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. W Lçfl vyj< linZý Orono Mr. Raymond' Chapmnan, lot 30, Manufacturers of bRpentg concession 7, Clarke Townshiip, TEDJA KSO CmetryMemril incorne Tax Returus Pnepaned T1 . , 11 miles west of Kirby. Sale will TEDJAC SO Ceetey emoial .Jack R icard be held on Saturday, 'June s9hr Autiner ndVauaorDealens InREL R Furniture sale at 10:00 p.m. hr Auctoner ad Vluaor e JA FE REN 71 g St E. Bomaufle Lunch served. JaAk Reid Auction- ConduetsAiitlon Sale Of ail Domestie & Foreign Gnanites J C EREt1Kng;. owavleeer. siesan t eaonbe ats and Marbies - Inffliptions Cnt 6320 Comm n at eawith himrates a nd CemeterylRepain Work ORONO 3R2 Memben Oshawa and District pont Penny, Ontario ___________~Mrn Monments andJa k A otadCyl Barnes and Byam Uad yl PUMPING OUT. Family Mamorials 0 a k A noI Orono Phone 146 Oui quaity an servie0leavs O PLMBING and A VTIN Rpeenaiv VULOH OT ORONOý WEEKLY TIllES,ý, THIJRSDAY, JUNE l.0th, 1965 ï Il mi