ORQNO WEEKLY TIMlES, THURSDAY, JUNE 1-itb, 1965 O"ïRONO WEEKLY TIMES. FbatàIished iu 19M8 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Eiditor and Maniager (Authorizeci as Second Class mail, PosI Office Department, Ottawa) Published every Thureday at the office of publicatioe Main Street; Phone 109, Orono, OnTnrio Suhscription payable in advance In Canada $1.50 Iu U.S.A. $2.50 Mecnber of thse Canadian Weekly Newspaper Assoc. Memebr of thse Ontario Weekiy Newspaper Assoc, At tlent1Ion 1 DO YOU NEED FARM PO-ND? FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: To encouragethe construction of Farm Ponds, the Government of Ontario wilI pay 50% of the cost of an approved pond, up to a maximumn Of ý50O. This financial assistance is avi farmers for: @ CONSTRUCTING A NEW PONxà *IMPROVING AN EXISTING POND Toapply, consulit your Counly Agricultural Represettive OR Agriculeural Engineer for information, application forms, and advice Ontarlo Department of Agriculture Hou. W-s.A. Stewazt, inîster Ontario Department of Enecrgy and ResourcesMngmn UIon. J. . Simonett, Minister Interest tha.t's for your health The first interest of your Registered Pha.rmacist is to compound your doctor's prescriptions wth professional precision . . . to safeguard your healtis. STUTOT'S Pharmacy OÉONO, 9-ONT. PRONE 168J RCOYA L Bowmanville 623-5589 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY - JUNE 17, 18, 19 Senid Me No Flowè,rs (COLOR) Doris Day, RockHudson, Tony RandIli Excellent Coum1edy SUN-, MON., TUES., WED. - JUNE 20, 21, 22, 23 Sýex crndý the Single Girl- Tony Curtis, Netali Wood, Rïenryi Fonda (COLOR> Adult Entertalument PLANNING PICNIC FOR 300 ORZ 400 More fun tisaL a picnic for three or four is a picwic for 3 or 4 hunm dred and bhis 1$ planned tor next Tuesday', June 2211d, when Orono Sunday Sehool bave their a-rinual outing. Eadh year the Sunday Sohool grows larger and the fun of the picnic increases too. The SundaY School staff hope to see their ciasq members ut Orono Park and their parents too. Sometimes parents have other eommitmients and can't attend with their children but if you can corne, if only for the supper at 6 p,.n. we. hope you wiil make a special effort to be there. The taâbles will he set with plates, forks, cups and serviettes iAnd piping hot tea and cold drinks nwill be supplied. Ail you have to 'do is bring your supper and en- -joy a wonderfui hour wqt-n friends «ad neighbours. So many of thse 4eachers woutld like to get to know the parents better and this is an excellent op)poïtunity to ment lun- formally. iThe Couiples Club has again volunteered to be in charge of tise ,lames andl races and events are planned f oe ail ages from 3 ,ears to 18 years and of course the popular "Peainut Seranibie" Wyill be included. The children are to corne to Orono Park as soon as school is dismissed. The pool will be open for those wso wish to swim and the games will ail be held before supper. This is the closing "fun" eveut ~for tise Sunday Scisool but our .Anu'iversary Services wili be held June 27 when Sunday School of- ficially closes, pins wiii be award- -1d and students will graduate. ,But more news of that next week. Don't forget - Next Tuesday, June 22nd at Orono Park. Corne ,and john the fun and bring yourj Momn and Dad. DIED DeGROO01T - At Memoriai Hospi-! tai, Bowm>anvil1e, on Tuesday, June 1,501, 1965_ AdriannaJohn na Vi,'sser, aged 65 years. Wife of the late John Andrew de Groo.t, dear mother of Jacoba (Mrs- Ralph Bouwmeester)_ Bowman- ville, Geertruida (Mrs. C. A. Bos) Oshawa and Arie, Orono. Restiug at tise Morris Funerai Chapel, Bowmanvliip. Service ln the Ohapel on Friday at 2 o'ciock. Interment Bowmianville- Cemetery. In lieu of f lowers, donations Vo' Canadian Ca 'ncer Society would be, appreciated. CARD 0F THANKS We wouid like to extend our sincere rthanks and, appreciation to Heatiser Rebekais Lodge for' the magnificent job they did of catering to our Diamond Wedding celebration on June l3th, 1965, To the many frieuýds who called, and for beautiful cards and f low- er's, as well as other tokený of friendship and good will. To tise friends who poured tea and any- one who1 assisted in any way in inaking thse occasion a wonderfui success, a day long to be remem- bered. Sincerely Ben and Eva White. a-p AUCTION SALE Real Estate, antiqde furniture, cut glass, china and elecrical ap- pliances the' Estate of' the l1ate Win. Byam selling by public au- clou without reserve on Saturday, June 26tis at his late residence on Bank Street, Millbrook. Real Estate subject to a reserve bld. J. A. Reid and Sons,,Sales Man- agers. NOTICEo Regarding Propos 3d EXPROPRIATION Notice is hereby given that the Council of The Township of Clarke at its regular Couneil Meeting to be held on Tuesday the th day of JuIy 1965 at the Councîl Chambers in The Township Rail at Oroxo Ontario at 10:00 A.M. or anytime thereafter will consider passinga By-Law to widen, ,divert and improve thse following roads: ROAD A. - ROAD B. - ROADC- etc. and, to expropriate certain lands in thse said Township re- quired for thse aforesaMd roads the said lands situate lying and being in the foilowing areas of the said Township: PARCEL "A" ROAD "éA"- PARCEL "B"' ROAD "B" - PARCEL "C"' ROAD "îC"- The proposedl By-Law and Plan sixowing thse lands affected may be seen in the'offices of fte Township Clerk in thse Town, ship Hall at Orono, Ontario. The Council will hear lnu person or by his or her counsel, ag- ent or solicitor, any person who dlaims that his or her lands will be prejudlcaliy affected by thse said by-law and who applies to be heard. Dated this Srd day of June 1965. H.ý E. MILLSON, Clerk ,Treasurer Township of Clarke ROAD A - A Rond Aliowance known as Morgans Road and be- ing 2.65 miles of road ln thse area west of the Hamiet of Crook- ed Creek and being the road nlàlowance between Lots 16, and 17 in thse second and third concessions. ROAD B - A -Road allowance 4 miles in length in total, and lying between lots 4 and 5 in concessions six, seven and eight; and abutting lots 5 to 9 inclusive lu the eighth concession and betwecn lots 8 and 9 ithse eighth concession. ROAD C - A Road Allowance known 'as thse Leskard Road be- ing 2.7 miles in length and lying between lots 30 and 31 in, concessions six and seven.. ROAD D -IA Road Allowance being 2.5 miles in length abut. ting lots 16 to 26 inclusive and lying between thse fifth and sixth concessions. ROAD E - A Rond Allowance adjacent to a structure refer- red to as The Kimbaîl Bridge and being in lot 10 concession Broken Front, ROAD F- A Road Allowance adjacent' to a structure known as the Hallowell Bridge and being between lots 1Ô and il lu concession four. 'ROAD G - A Road Allowance being a portion of thse third concession road being 1 mile in length and abuttig lots 25 to 28 inclusive lu the second and third concessions. ROAD H - A Road Ailowance adjacent to a structure known as thse Hoad Bridge, being One eightis of a mile in length ex- tending north and soutis of the proposed bridge and lying ho- tween lots 8 and- 9 concession Broken Front "A">. ROAD I - A Road Allowance adjacent to a structure known as the Crooked Cree1ý Bridge and being' approximately one fifth of a mile in length extending east and west of thse pro- posed bridge betwecu concessions three and four lu, lot 10. PARCEL "'A" ROAD "IA" -'Part of lots 16 and 17 in the sec- ond concession and part of lots 16 and 17 in the third conces- sion. PARCEL "B"' ROAD "B" - Part of lots 4 and 5 iu concession six, part of lots 4 and 5 in concession seven and part of lots 4 and 5 in concession eight, and part oflots 5, 6, 7, 8, aud 9 lu thse eighth concession and part of lots 8 and 9 lu the nintis cGný cession. PARCEL "C' ROAD "'C"- Part of lots 30 and 31 iu the sixtis concession and part of lots 30 and 31 iu the seventis conce- sion. PARCEL 'ID" ROAD 'ID" - Part of lots 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26 in the fifth concession and part of lots 16, 17, 18, 19,- 20, 21, 22. 23. 24. 25 and 26 lu thse sixtis concession. PARCEL "E"I ROAD 44 E" - Part of lot 10 concession A Bro- ken Front and part of lot 10 concession "B"' Broken Front,