ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUR$P.;DAY, JUNE l7th, 1965 VACATION TIME ealh and BeaLutyAid S ALE FRSIYOUNG GRADE "A" PREDRESSED - -Ready Fer the Oven Y 5-10 lb w1l 1UKt average.3 c CTAB L E RITnE WIENER4S1b4C ALPINE OR PRIMROSE CIIOPPED FRESH LEAN & MEATY Bef tekettes lb 55c Side Spare Ribs l 65c BETTY CROCKER - ALL FLAVOURS m CAKE MIE S pkgs 75c SPA M o r SPR FAB DETERGENT. 12 oz tin 39c 20c off giant 59c 32oz 73c 6 oz. ins CH 10 for ý$1 Produace of USA Can. No. 1 Grade Ideal for Salads A .DeIicious Treat - yroduce of U.S.A. Can. No. 1 CATLUES lumbo 45"8 Bursting with Juice SUKIST ORANGES Barmosa, or Beauty -,Produce of U.S.[A, Can. No. 1 LUSHOUS PLUMS HOSPITALITY APPLE PIE - each DEMPSTERS KAISER ýROLLS - Pkg. of 3 -------- --- CHRSTIE SHORTCAKE LAYERS --,------------------ CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES - Walkers 1 lb. Pkg. IWALKERS 'SALTINES il - 1 lb. Pkgs. -------- ----- KRAFT MALLOWS - Miniatures 2 - 10 oz. Pkgs - ----- WELCHADE GRAPE DRINK - 32 oz. Size ------- SOCIETY DOG FOOD Beef or Liver Chunks 4- 15 oz. Tins 69e CHOCOLATE SYRUP - Hershey - 16 'OZ. Size --27e MUFFIN MIX - etty Crocker 21 - 14 oz. Pkgs.,--------- -65C JELLO INSTANT P UDDINGS 4 - Reg. $ize , - -------------59e TULIP MARGARINE - Coloured - 3 Ilb. Unit----- -------- 83e MAPLE FIESTA DINNERWARE THIS WEEK! SOUP BOe'WLES r 14 oz. Tube 29e doze113S quart 39e SAVE THESE EXTRA TAPES! RECEIVE AN EXTRA $10.00 BONUS TAPE WITH INSTANT ýCOFFEE - Chase & Sanborn RECE IVE AN -EXTRA ".00 BONUS TAPE WITH KADANA TEA BAGS - 69c Special PIj IGA SThAWBERiLY JAM with Pectin 24 RECEIVE AN EXTRA $4.00 BONUS TAPE WITH KELLOGGS CORN FLAKES 12 6 oz. Jar ,g. of 100 24 oz. Jar 2oz. Pkg- PRECEIVE AN EXTRA $2.00 BONUS TAPE WITH T-AP»LEIRITE BOLOGNA '- Sliced 12 oz. Pkg. FROZEN GREEN BEANS Birdseye French 10 oz. Pkg. CELLO CARROTS Produce of U.S.A. Can. No. 1 3 lb bag IGA MILD CHEESE WEDGES 12 oz. Wedge ices Effective J une 16, 17, 18, 19 We Resewve the' Right t imit Qutitles Kendal Our Sunday Sc'hool Anniversar ast Sunday was well attended& particuarly by thoseý from New- onville who had knownl the Beech f amily when they lived there 26 years _ go. The Sunday School c'hildreri gave two numbers and Mrs. Jack Fonk gave a fine cion- tralto solo entitled "How Great T'hou' Art". Six Sunday School pvpi'js were presented with gifts by the United Churchl Women for perfect attendance during 1964. They were Doroîthy, Shirley, Bih, Dauglas and Irene Mercer ar»4 Bonnie Geach. Mr. Allen Beech spoke on the achievements of thte United Ohurc'h of Canada on lihi's its fortieitb Anniv ersary and the brigh.t future that lay anhead. He was acoormpanied' by bis wife and mother. The Rev. E[u- gene Beech is stiljl in hospital recovering from a eoronary. Ris brother, Mr. G. Beech and Mr$. Beech of Maple were there' also a brother-inlaw, Mr Larmer ae South Monaghan. Mr.e Robert Morton's sisteýr,, Muriel and family have motorcd from Minnesota and are visi4tinýg friendas thiis week Miss C. W. Stewart entertaired Mr- and Mrs. Jack Elliott last Sunday evening. 1Mrs., Wm. Greenwood is visit- img ber daughter, Velma, Mrs. Ray Blrown and family at St. Catherines. tThere bas been consideruble sicekness on the sixth line. Mr. R. Mortôn suffered a great deal from an infected h'and wbieh re- quîred lancing. Mr. Leslie Mor- gan bas had a severe attack of the quinsey. Mr. und Mrs. Carman Bell of Garden Hill attended the Kendal Church Anniversary. The rural Sehools of Clarke Towàýhip were.glad to make use ul the new improvements at the Kendal Park on FI eldIDoy, June_ 111h. Mr. Wm. 'Turansky bad ne mor .e than tigh4te-ned the bolts, on tbe new swings before the ciildren were sailing big4. Tamblyn (Continued from page 1'ý lovebirds at tbe corners ckf eaeh tier. The table was lighted with tail pink tapers in large silver candelabra. abra. Those who presided over the tea and coffee cups during the afternoon were Mrs. Eric Flood, Grafton, an aunt of Mrs. Tamblyn, Mrs. S. J. Gray, Garden Hill, Mrs. John Brown and Mrs.. Fred Tam- blyn, both of Orono, aunts of Mr. TpImblvn. Sers ing in the afternoon were Mrs. Brian' Taylor, Oshawa, Miss Vicki Co tter, alo, Miss Lau- ra Bowman, Enfiteld, Miss Marilyn Hamm, Orono and- the Misses Jean and Marilyn Tamblyn, also of Orono. During the evening the more than 200 people who called to ex- tend best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Tamblyn, also enj'oyed an excell- ent concert by the Orono Brass Band, who bonored and surprised the Silver Wedding celebrants by plàying on their lawn. Ivison Tamblyn bas been ýa member of this band ýsince be was a boy. Those at tbe door in the eve- ing were Roy Beatty, Toronto, a 'cousin of Mrs. Tamblyn, J. C. Tamblyn, Orono, a brother of Mr. Tamblyn, and Russell Best, Hampr' ton. Miss Jennie Best, -Hampton and Miss Marilyn- Tamblyn, Or- ono, were in charge of the guest book in the evening. During the evening those who presided over the tea and coffee cups were Mrs. A. M. Ilosk,'n, Co- bourg, mother of Mrs. Tamblyn, Mrs. M J. Tamblyn, an aunt of el 9 MAZOLA QIL SUNKIST & SENECA FROZEN- 8 Varieties LEMONADEor PUN<