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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Jun 1965, p. 1

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Orono Wl IVOLUME 271, UÉR2 ORONO' C>ommittee To Study High Scliool Additioni A corrmmittee meeting has been storJàly 8 f0 study 1the e r a adition to ,Port Hop was disclosed a a me- 4-d o the Durham District Ilighi « o&board held recently at the Picipa1 P. J. Bigeiow, pria- n sI ofth Port Hope High Schol, epoteda current atenà- dneof 1000 pupils and said a- bot 6 percent were taking the 1oaton u ourse. .Le, board approved the rentai for7 two years, f six portable clasromsto be located on ilhe grudof Port Hope Higli School wrhan option to buy the buildl- igsat thie expir-atijon of the ren- The Mlilbrook Higlh Scho PrniaWilliam Brown, stafeA îIn i report that the addedclass rosat is school were cosuple- edexcept for some furnisûiags ,stîl iof be installed. Th' e board gave authority for rommIIîttee study for the possible insalatonof showers at the .ý'pproval was gvna, the mree-1 tinI- o have ail grade ain)e stu- dents ina the rea tundergo read1(ing tsts repýared by fihe Ontario Cuniiultl Insttute nét fail to dWriune teirreadinc ability as to both comiprehenision and to 9peed. Alau trkchimnof the Co-rdiatig Gidace Commit. Besadabliyin rcading 'ýWCou-ld help not ony lath,,fe, dcf scho- mkg fo d citizens. The meting voted to pay th expenises of twoý tea-chers willing, to att'endý a special course in rèad- ing fromn July 5th to August 6. discussion, board mem- bers agreed thlat oaly Ia excep- 1t1ionail cases should pupils be pro- mo,,ted f0 grade 13 'unless t 'hey have completed four options ia grade .12. The decision to permit a grade 12 student îto "reach uip" tf0 grade 13 for not more tLhan two subjecets or for a gae13 .student to) 'reach down" to grade 12 for ojne or two subi ects laï which hehd failed wvoutld rest with prncipalS.ý It wýas stated a DepartmentJ of Edlucation ruling nx year will require- a student f0 comriplete fout' options la grade 12 beforeý eneiggrade 13. ArtDisplay, O,-rono Library, The Orono Public Libraryis_____________ n~ featuring a ,isplay of art ,wbide lias been un touir of Can Childreu Eniov apdaq. Thýe exhbtn totalling a- rnound' twenity canvasses iilus-i trate-s nnyinterruptions S.fS.P.iaI Tbe art is by grade 13 Stu- deints and lias been judged'asi fle best of te- sbxttdi 1963 to tbhe Iallmark Art Sio jnrship -Fuid. Thue exbibitoii will ho on play for. a 1iited i ,me, no more tham, two weeks, at the local Li- - uiàlewell'" advise«'fo vicwý as sùoin as 'pissith1e. The' bl ry ïs o>pea Tuesday evenings, E'Àidaiy1 aftfnrr niï,mevenilngs. Th» art show features abstraets modernistie, sf111 lite and oî-L or! fwo real iIlite. In fied lathe grouping are pnoïl and wa,-iter co5lou-r cnass IThe Orono Ujnîted 'Cixurcl Sun- day School held tieir anuaIic nie Tuesday .fenÔ n vn ing at lAie,,Mrono Park. At i~ twc hiin4red vand 'Pfifty' chffdreni aicng -wisopi0e fifEty paretg andi Prio)r to the pÏenie dine Ths'poiMi)n of the icwas 'avrangM,'by fthe Oron'ô Copl&s, 'Oilb iwiobad a fulll 31lle of ac- tivifies in operation. m At six 'eiocI (the ,fhree huan- jdred sat doSwn f0th 'eiir pc çinner with, a greatd a~c loi feods and desser1ts. Fres1ixie andi ruilk xvas supplied for fixe children along xitVi fea fotfix Expect laps To Turn First Part 0f August, The inýstallation Oft the Ooo ings tus are available xiii Water ystem is nearing cn-fx estimation. Thiis tact is f0 be pletion and prospects .appear_ f0 inown ,this xeek. set early August or possibly sooner to f uru on the Municipal supply 0f xater. Thxe construction of the stand pipe at th 'e noth 0f tixe Village bas been cornpleted. Painting tixe stand pyipe green is-expected also fo be completed. This leaves only the flushing and disinfecting of file tank to be carried'ouf. The distribution systein throughout the Village lias, al but been completed. As of Wed- nesday only a few hundred feet remained fo be laid on the line fo0 the Hlighway plus fthe line from fixe pum-p house f0 the:stand pipe. A few cother small additions may be> added to Vile coafract provid- A number of. connections fro thxe mra;ins f0the street lines hiave1 yet to be -ompleted but are not expected to taire f00 mucix longer. The fouýndation -for theý pu,11p house lýas been comipleted and the remnainder &t the struc-lture should net take tooi long.Foo- ing the construction of fixe punxpr,, bunse the pumnp will be in-stalled Progress la iaying pipe on Tuesday was very slow due f0 water running infofixe trenchi alonig the road west of A. Piggofts If xas la thîs area thaf wý.aferI and especially quicir sand pla- ued fixe work ëf crossing thxe îbil way 115. 1im05 JUNE 21th, 1965 Communication Ludwig Hleimirathi of Toronto îs Reicoinmendati*ons xiii be made in thiedrvers eat today forthe to the next United Counties 195 andanDrvigChamrpio3n- council sessio,3n that, council corn- shi. Ieimat, Wo wn he na- pletely undýerwrite tlhe cost of tioaltiielat ~a, oved ouf radio commuýinications equipment infl, fth ieda Mopo t hchwollink al fîre depart- cr~Satrray coi4i aconvincing mnsi h onisadmk Wlflia he un~p Toph Daiithem part cfo' a provijnce-wide f ire Thes tern ~'ilapp',)el the cmuiainnetwork. fil d nlspwrfllIL:n Th eiin y fire and mur- Fis Fo ashe uzzd 3 lap scpaloffcias rpresentîng most n 4 miuts, 7. seon1s orcf heTowns'ip in the, two coun- an ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' avrg o 0 mîlptr ie a md eently at a meet- hour. Hisfastest lap vwas onmi- in- Ing inCooug ecently. It ms ut,3.8 s econ- l-id . I called b)y couinties' mutual aid Boüb McLeani of Vanci(ouve(r,' in ood1 ao and Cûbo-urg ,f ire a slek Lous 2B, .~as send c, Robert Fitzgibbon and Gor- with, Mlaier of Thorohiirn don, Wright, 'EMO co-ordinator. a sîilar car placing third. - A.Carruthers T rot ice I rustees Gain Road Wiîdthi The Orono Police Trustcees andi Mr. Garnet Smiîth agi'eed on Mvon- day evenîng -at a special meticng tO equaly tradMe property. Th tougli - Wie agr-jeement Mr. ritî v1 îiii an a a30inai feet in fronit Mo'lis poet hi is nortix of Bowens Garage and l oni îlhich Ix r. Smlitixis lnow build- ing« a ilouse. For this parcel ot land xvixi was exces]aind for, î il Street, fixe Village will re- eÀve a 26 foot trip on the sui side ûf M.Smiitli's property. This viii be appiied to ant unop,)ened ruad allowauwe wiih ruans eas, and xest, br!ngýing the alw ance to fixe required 66 teet. iIf lai due course Vuile roadai 1lowa-nce il-cls' d 'heparcei 0 Iancod '911 d i -a' 'baildlang lot. A discussion on Main Street parking was. stili le't Lup la ixe acr wîth no efhiite decislon be- in1g m-ade by flic Board, i f~s 'AnnaGilli a7 -2~ Ye~~ ork University C-ý" luIr Gasof l965, receiv- ed he- Ba 'scier of Arts degree rcu ert-y at Ca ivocation Hall,- Un- ie ieof Tororto. Miss GuI is ,.he eider dau..ssiter of Mr. and -r R. 1.GuI, Bowma,uiville. Miss î (111 lias J-otord the Bell Tele- À hone Crcmpanyi- of Canada ina the po ition of Service Adviserý, Snua3l Busilnesses- for' the Toronto Area. 0o "Snak At Slunday -SehoolAnniversary Thiis corning Sunday, June 27th Puppet show. wilI be Sundjay Sehool1 Annivers- The followi ary at 0Orono Uinited Church.ý It their Classes bas been customary to hold' tAis a.m. service iM service in fixhe churth with the L. Boy, Mrsý. congregation, parents, teachers Tyrreil, Mrs.1 ,and students tkn an active dergarten; Mr part lna the îmorning worshlp ser-IA. Gi1bank, iM vice. the Nursery; Mrs. D. West, iThei meiibe-rship lan Sunday R. H1arness, M Scixool has increased to the ,pot Mrs. D. ]3ailej that if ail thie students were f0 De-partmenjt. assemble af fixe samne houx- tiere would be liiied roûri for paî-- These elaýss ents and other mernbers ofthe 9:45 sharp hn con-,gregation. To overcomne this befregoing probleni it bas been decldced fo, bars and wrea ' old two Sunday mioring scervic -jv'11 be awýard es. lce, xhich %w At 10 a.m. a service xiiib- 14Y Mr. Marv Pedfr Nursery, Kindergarteni mu sic will be ý e,» D'e nt, me'bers of C.G-j will not follow the umuai order of BoY5 gclass service. Ail dilidren wili have' Nursery fori a part t6 play la the service and W0 a.. erVi<E inv place <of a sermon , rsY L of the Hi C in Asieitt las planned a special (Contîi wdng teachers and viii be at fixe 10 Mrs. D. Staples, Mrs. J. Kramier, Mrj-s. C.' R. West of thxe K-- Irs. L, Aslett, Miss Vliss M. Miitcheil oi Mrs. E. Giibank, tMrs. B. Long, IV1'rq4 Miiss Donn.a Cu r ey of the Prtiary ses will assenxbie at in liheir own racotxn atllis for attendance led during the ser- 111I be presided over Sb Cocva. QUcAI e Iomided by niem- ifns tfuring tA'ie- ce wI i la c i 4harge icinhers. Ail pa1-onts nuied page 2) Oirono Students. Compete In Track And Field by Patsy Matixer. teams, the red teami and white Under 14: Fred Bunting, Caruj- A inust suemeflt.eield daylteam. Tixe White teami was vlce line Jobnston. was ied by Cile Orrne Pu~blicitorious lna taf i had a score r 17, Douglas Taýylr ansi scloodl, lnthle .Orone Park oýn 140 points to file red teami's 137 Darlene West. Jun& '18tE. Thxe day w-a eop t iThea Newcas ½nsClub'do- but sphits -werc nct dap4 d Tihe group winners were as fol- nated fwp teoph)os; onuefor fl lan thct -theveflts o races, bal] Iwt:'best' girl, whilch 'xeY t6 'fa4lene ftro*, hap' t ,and hxp-,-broa4 Under 8: Davidi Arsrton, Wes', andot one yV-tiebesf bol' g4- justuf and' higil jump iv uett along plane Býoyd and Judyt West.ling, to Fred Bunfng. ratixer sxpoutlily and o)ulokl3t. To Undr 0: AlanPears, Gerald- 1 Te eldI, Py i ý:g&tbc Save pre.thus' tinxe', th& - o1!sne Vn6rdr'îkl c" esfor 4 véT0il uiv an a ate their Ilincuin thfie I-vel' prkI Undeir 12: Brian Black, Ronda ig "Tixank Yu' ij&sent frcm 1M T ilprh.oI waîs di'vided intO two Tannant the cixool fo peuple wVio ilelpedýJ. Pictured above are fixe indivi- Blackr, Ronda Tennant, Fred Bua-i Vandeaibrinir, Judy West, David dual -group-, xinners at the re- ting, Caroline Johnston, Darlene Armstrong, Diane Boyd and, Alan cent Orono Public Schuol 'Track West, (bof tom row) Geraldine Pearis. and Field Meef. Top row '- Brian Torono Driver Wios At MoIsport 1

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