ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, JUNE 24th, 1965 O'RONO WEEKLY TIMES Establislied ln 19ý38 by R:. A. Foirester Royy C. For rester - Editor and 3,Manager {Authorized as Second Class mail, Pat 0Office Depaitment, Ottawa) Published every Thursday at the office of publicatior Main'Street, Phone 109, orono, (ntarlo &Sbscription payable in advance In Canactia $1.50 in U.S.A. $2.50 Member of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Assoc. Memebr of the Ontario Weekly Newspaper Assocý A olicy Needed, At thec recent monthly meeting would be repeatcd in any area of -the Township School Area w'here a school is closcd and Bloard two policies were cited con- coild become a burdensome cost ccrning transportation, whcin a of the educational system. delegatio11 approached the Board on transpoPrting students from the The policy of busing students Antiocli area to the Oroni schooli outside the two mile radius of a commcùcing September 1965. sehool scems more logical and practical. Such a pâlicy is cicar It was rcported that the Board eut and aoes not become dlouciec was liable for transportatio hlrougl the use of old section whcn a ,,school is ilosed clandtu-bouandaries. ents we-re gvn their education igh1, ay cr1OsSIngs and higli. -in anothler school. Also it was re- may, travel by publiýc sehîlool stu,-1 ported that no su-bsidy is, paid for dents ini waling to seho(ol is a students being buscd within a great concern to parents but is two mile radius of a school. one in which many students haýve to face cach and cvcry dlay. in Although an indicaton was giv- ýCiarke students, do travel thec en that busing will be supplied higliways ,to attend PonNo. ia the Anti>chi area for si.ulents 9, Enterprise, ,Kirby and wt- Who arec wifhin a two mAc m rd- ville. This canýnot 7-e c ius of flhc Orono sehool, sorne uniess, hwvr e doubDt Must exist over the inter- and this -ould bec one i costsy pretation of tlic two poliries. 'Policy f0 follow. . Itwudappear from this cor- mer thatr -t'le frtpolicy would not no ppyi aTowsip ;Dareal fGý jr C; nnerstdIt)pIICY , stuet s Soufli JtSon.rville Drive in Or- Ono ýiv o acin fthe Anticli,ý &hol sctin)could dcmand and obtain. buing to fthc Orono hol Thisvwoýuld lic ridiculous ïand vcry costlyv for thec Boardwh wold have t-._,- o pýay 100 percent of- the oat. Tesesaine conditions L If would appear fth flicBoh r lias yct to set a phiyon busing.1 -or preseniy tensareaf- t tni heficOrono -jschool from ClcCarlie Union area and are wîtlout board icd bus ser- vice. '£lie busingpo ancanuof be haudled onindvdulcases but must lie bs on a sound and clear cut policy. This policy mutbcecsfal'lied liy fthclocal 17] rLfoPr IO OUT 0F TRIP PAN ýINTO AFIE Early,, Sunday evenling the Or-1 ono Fire Dcpartmcent answered n, cali to the hiome oýf Mr. and Mrvls. Cowiing on thie Taunton roaýd op- posite Clarke Union Sehool. It is reported that during 4the tfrying of french fricýd potateesý the grease fiashed up-in flames. Curtains and calendars in the kit- clien were burnt off the walls along w'ith the scordhing of one side of a washîing machine. AlIthough Elttie damage was donc heat, and smoke filled the bhuse necessitating the use of gas masksby thec firernen. COUNCIL ACCEPTS BID FOR KIMBALL BRIDGE At a, spýecial meeting thi-s wecek tihe Township of Clarke accepted the tender of E. F. Marston Con- struction Cýo. for the construction of fice Kimball Bridge, south-of Newtonville on the Lakeshore Road. Vaso' tendered pnicc wasiL M7,550.45. Twoa other tenders werc rcceiv- cd: -Ganaraska Brid:ge Co. $21.280. a)ndMc Ron Constru-ction for thec p-ie of $28,289-99. Furiithcr,. council authorized fthe cligo-f tetnders for the- Leskard Bride wth closing date of July 1lth. PAl'Nl'RPLUMBING AND FTiGEXPANDS " e' Plumbing and Hcating have hctseii n their Uoperation tinsmithing. Thiis been madel possible fiogifi ucaeof tinsmiýthin, qupmct hihwas purchaseri in PetrborouLi*. Mr. Partner s- tateîs that the can noW nm,0ke almost anytbirgl in this Une. JUNIOR IýASEBALL LEAIGUE SCI-EDULE Kendal. et hoyrtc and away gainesý Sun., .June 7 Kenctal at Peter- Tues Iuy 6Oshiawa at Kendal Thu' s, Jly'5 touffville at Ken-' daai Mon Jniy 1 Ken a t Cutc Tue, Jly27 Port Hope eaKn- Si ls 0p.m. wccekday 6 :30 OVER WEL COME Th ; roro Jr.o G irls won thcir first halb aelof flic e- son on Mouday niglit etth Or- ono Parkc, lflie: v.ictory tliey' dl' stecitflic Welcoomc rgirls liya Dar-le'ne West and Bevrle Tennt sb'a:red tipth u tics or e ci cc wit'11og; CRONO GRILS DEFEATHI) 1W NIIW( ASTLE 3QUAD tintes-led for lant wcck) - 'r'be O ccc ~irl~ bav~ k t fwo s scce"cive 'ruser te Nc~cOlc 'by sc, cro' s k 'rird tOto la. ~ s c j ~'S 05g o~ ~>'~'T - I ~t ,,'. - il. N " " - f k' fli~~'isc- "fs-drU ~1sc ai a n T 5 :r isîli vî'fo- - 1'. P - os-cc 'le css'. sm~ ,,.sc ~ dvs, ~ c s, sU ~~-' ~ ,'~j '~f k"' s- v ~ ,~ i 'T - - ~r' xcr- r. Si ~s ~-'~~- ~'~Y' ~e ~~l5 "s s-s Adiiù Ej:,er Cot) F INkLM kLDEiy !NNI' ' b'JNYORKf T , c 5 r' Tf a' ~' i.1 Os fi ci l'e Ž a~'e offlcaf 1/us .lxss i sig b li'sicau- lune2afh ismnlfe residýence Estate suh,'jetof a reserve bl, J. A. Rcd and Sons, Sales Mlan- agers. Regarding Propos -*d EXPROPRIATION Notice is hereby given that thec Council of The Township of Clarke at its regular Council Meeting to be held on Tuesday the 6th day of July 1965 at the Council- Chambers lu The Township Hall at Orono Ontario at 10:00 A.M. or anytime thereafter will consider passing a By-Law to wlden, divert and improve the, following roads: ROAD A. - 'ROAD B. - ROAD C. - etc. and to, expropriate certainlands in the said Township re- quired for the aforesaid roads the sald lands situate Iying and being iu the following, areas of the said Townsbip: PARCEL "A" ROAD "4A"- PAR,-CEL, "B" ROAD "B" - P4~CEL"C"ROAD "C"- The preposed By-Law and Plan showing the lands affeeted may be seen in the offices of tte Township Clerk in the Townr ghip Hall at Orono, Ontario. The Councfl wiIl hear lu persou or by bis or ber counsel, ag- c7,ýne rslctr any person who dlaims that bis or her lands will be prejudically affected by the said by-Iaw and wbo applies to be heard.' Dated this r day <if June 1965. Il. E. MIILLSON, Clerk Treasurer TownsMp of Clarke ROA 'D A - Rn Allowance kuown asJMeJrgans Reasi and hi. ing 2.65 m-ies ef roasiil the arca west icf th.e iaiet of Crook- cd Creek and liciug he road allowance betwàecu Lots 16 and 17 lfinecù ed Ithird, concessions, ROAD B- A -1 ,ad ealowance 4 miles la length lu total ai lysngbetwen los 4 andi 5 lu concessions six, seven ansicili ans aluttng ots5 to 9 inclusive 'in the eightb concession an:1 hctwcn l CI 8ansi 9 lu tbe eighth concession. PMOAD PC -ARas Allowance known as the LesilaLdRoas bu ing 2'i mles ,u legtb andsilyiug between lt1 3 ni 1l concssins sx aSi sven. HO ~ D -A Road ALlewance bcing2.mielulnhabt fi ý 'glt 6to 26 inclusive andilyig bctwcu 'he ffbas ROAD E -- A Reasi Ailownnce adjacent to a structure refer- resi to as The KimbalBidige andi being lu, lot 10 concession Bro1ken Front. RODF - A Rond Allowance adjacent te a structure' knowlu as th Hallwcll ridge andi being betweeu lots 10, andIil ti ROADG - Red Alowacc binga portion cf fic hh'LI ce css reasi icing11mile lu ýIaCngh adautn lt 5t 28 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~t nauieif' eod niîr ocis i 'i ' ~ p r mi or. ~ns- cî~ c5 r f ~cs' -' 'Ïl l~.sf) _ ~ a~. aI c. t 'c ouc'~r - s~ -~ oit Iii ir flic s'~ i s Us tins conc~j CT .4, c, i--r 's- t. Ors r ~cs se id ~ s et uses ,, , ~ 1 s-îsstls >, ADII Part c lot 8 ad 9 cf ce PARCE 'T'L "E iY 1911, - Pa-t of 'cf 10 cocesien tAe fnd paitcof lt 1 encsiin fu. 'Elm