r ORONO WEEKLY TilMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 24th, 1965 ~grandparent:s and congregation lept.; Mrs, O, ChallIce, hMrs. C. 'snexbers who wvish to attend VýhislWhite, MJrs. M. I àcock, Mr. D. special service for the younGer 'May, Mr, L. Bowins from the In- Sunday Schol dePts. are cordial- Mr. Les Aslett from the Srs.; and ly welcomed. termiediates; Mrs. Ross Gilbart, At 11:15 the regular marning Mrs. W. Armstrong Sunday worship will be held for'the Jun- Schooyl Suiperinitendent. The Sr, !or, Intertmedliate and Senior De' Choir will provide specialj music -parttments who will meet at il Sm. in their respective 'class roan-is prier to the service. The teachers in attendan(ce will be MjVrs, C. Billings, Mrs. F. Vagg, -Ars. N. Porter, Mrs. W. ]3arraball Mr., Len Pears, Mr. M. Colvin.and Mrs. C. McLaren froan the" Jr. îThis Summer mrak i t a GIREAT ONTARIO1 !AD)YENTU E, VACATION Relive history amid naturàl spiendour ini Central Ontarjo'! Vacation in Centrai Ontario and enioy the rewarding experience of a '5amily adverture rich in historical in- rEýrest!, natural beauty and pure holi- day pleasure. Return to the early days of French C-anadla at The Martyrs' Sirine and *Ste. MarieAmong the Hurons in Midland. Explore the fascin-iling Blue. Mountain Caves niear Colingwood. Then swim, suni and relax along miles and miles ai -slver sand beac.hes an, *Nottowasaga Bay. Discover Leacock country. Follovy ýhe stops of Saimuel de Champlain and see Orillias statue commemorating the WnrepicI explorers visit. Take a serene canoe trip through Muskoka, ndian same for "Blue Skies". Then go an a picture-taking spree in the beautiful Highlands of Hliburton. Cruise the famed Trent Waterway, aincient Iroquais war canoe route. See Peterbosough's Trent Canal Locks, highest hydraiulic lift locks in the world., Thon vsit beautifttl Burleigh Folls, famous for its fishing. Wed like to help you plan a re- warding family Adventure Vacation In Central Ontario. Send this coupoý -n cind weîîl mail you aur Greatl Central Ontario Ad- -venture Vacation bookiet (24 pages in full celour>. Provinceof Ontario, JDept. of Tosrism & Isformatiom, tParîtament Buildings, Room 000, IToronto 2, Ontario. ciies sn me comptefe information 1 o n Great Central Ontario Advenfure Vcations.I jNam e__________ IAddress_____________ ýCty - Province. *- -- -- ------- Callyour licensed Plumbing & Mechanical Contractoz and guarantees I PLUMBIN« - FIEATI NE Phone 143, Orono *1 z and we are privileged ta have asl ,ur guest speaker Mr. A.jr ruthers ýM.P. of GardensinHii. Nursery and Junior Congregaýtian wili be held a us-ual during the morning service. For the students and teachers of the Churph Schaol this is a very special Sunday Service. We, the staff, hope yau wilI make a special effoe totabe at either' or iboth of the 'services. By your BFST BUY! Save 12c! Coloured BEST BUY! Save 7c!3c Pc S OWFLAKE Shortening BEST BUY! Save 29e! 6c Off Fresi-iPack Coffee M AloJEL HOUSE BEST BUY! Save 32c! Assorte-d Varieties ]-"-oz. St Rrcese Bad eli she S BEST BU"" Save 5e Catalia or Casino Liquid 8-E BESTBUY!Save15e!Beefor Irish I 7~/ ~T~' Chicken Dinner S(Case of 12 Biags GRlE Pkgs F DOMINION DAY FEATURES! RSave 20c! Maple Leaf Canned 'Y-l.Tin, 12oz, Tins M E 14 Fe5 Save 4c! 3c Off Pack! 8-oz. Pkgs. aHELEaf 5LICES 29vC 1-lb. PIcg. Save 10c! 6e Off Pack 16-oz. Jar 27c aple Leaf CHiED-R-S"PREtD -S5c 1-lb. Bag Save 13Se! Post 1O-oz. Fkgs. 79< ALPHA BITS 2pkgs 69 c Save 20c! Supreme Homogenized 3-lb. Tin ;erver Jars PE N T B TR9c 4'R$ (Crush) Camnnd tn -oz. Botties SO0FI D RIUN-KS l2for 89C 49c shly popped 9-0z. Jumibo Bag BEAVER POPCORN 2C 15-oz. Tins Fresh Baked! Weston or Sunbeam 550CINAONBUNS 35C Package of 12- Regular S9eý pkg. ded l 1b I aple Leaf" Comple1(tely Boneless Cryovac Z2 ~-3lbs. en Fresh Hm-ron-No. 1 iis- ndFlavourful nus CaionaRdCardinal -No. 1 wtb. ll I presence at the- service these iyoung peuaple will be made ta feel that they t'oo are an import-~ ant par of the chuirch and wlll h-ave a more menngfùl under-t standing of Christian f ellowship. BarnieF ard Byam SPLUMBING and HEATINGOI _I Sales and Service . 24 HOUR BURNER SERVICEo 19B-A FINANCING * SLow nterest Rates Phones- 0 Hampton CO. 3-2288 Ï Tyrone CO. 3-2650 . .. . . .......... Orono, Sundcay School ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Sunday, June 27th- 10:00 A.M. - Kindegarten, Nursery and Primary Departments 11:15 A.M. - Junior, Intermediate and Senior Departments. Special Music by Junior Classes and Junior Choir Guest. Speaker at the 11:15 Service: MR. ALEX CARRUTHERS Nursery and Junior Congregation Facilities at both services Make this an Extra Special Day by joinfing the young people at one or both services. A cordial welcome awaits, you.