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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Jun 1965, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TLE$ TiU.$$»DAY, ~JNE ,4tb,.1~5 Report FhO 18 -lune l1Mý5 'RseiC. Hcïey, Y .,- Durhayn Detilsfo re'distribution ofE el- ecto ora içlnavi-es were announe- eu onr, f tlis weck. 1V e-]igh Fibe oS interest. f0 rea)ders if I r.eview i 'n this Report thle as- pects oiEf the legisiation under hh thealteratien ofE boundar- iesq is- c gmade. Durhain has becuen lrarged by thle addition of thle West half -of tile Riding of Nov tinumberiand. The munieipaliies ýron Nortil- uxnberland added to,,Durhamu te form the new Riding of Nortilum- beriand-DIurham are Vile Town ofE Cûbourg, file Townshi'ps of Hamil- ton, Haidimand, Alnwick, Percy, and South Monaghan, and Vile Village cf Hastings. It is interest- ing to note that part of Hastings is in tile Countiy ofE Peterboroui and tilerefore the new Riding ill. be representative cf people in three Rid'in$s. The additions te Durharm increases Vthe' Ridingà population from about 40,000 f0 62,912. Redistribution was made nec- essary by the rapid grawthi i urban areas in Canada. Since tile last redistribution in 1952 there has- been a very great shift in population fromi rural Vo urban areasThe be st illustration, of this shift ýs to mention that Maur- ice Moreau ('L YorkSarborougil) represents 267,000 people wiere-, Sion.junctîon of AMain and Mili Street&. rn Q tc& w LOC L _,S Ir. Dane Found returned home A new sig.u bas been- erected ùe- from tile hospital on Tuesday of Inoting the sponsoing group of 1On $.unday affernoon, June 20, thus week. the flolwer bed. as John Loney (PC Bruce) rep- the Orono couples Club heid their TeOon JuirGdnrs MsLyaPeras ccpe esets nlyabut 9,QO.anniual famnily pienie at, the i3omeihave made a number ofi iprove- a position with file Canadian Jmt- Previ.ouis redistributions wvere of Dpon and Jeanne Staples, Ten carried out bS, a Special Commit- cou~ples and twenty-eight eilrnnejýt hi iwrbc tfl ei ako omre tee o'f the House of Co.-mmons, were present. Races andgae Represzentation on iail Parien- weve enjoyed by everyone. ary Conuittees is in Vthe saine Mrs. C. A. Cunminrg, Toronto, pý3roportioni as hie p2rty represeni- Mr. and MArs. R. P. Rickaiby, of tation in the IHouse of Cùm Conions.E owmavlewere Sulda)Y vis!-it. Iin frI The govcrnment party theref ove tors withi Mrs. Harry Bai.àley. aiways had a majority on file Mr. and Mrs. Mort Sabin and * Cornmittee which ledJ to frequent Miss Ages Ferguson f RocileterD drawn, with political considera. Alex Watson tuis week. tions An mind rather tlian con- Dr. and Mrs. Paul Rutherford sideatins uch as population, and famuly are visiting witil-Mr. conununity of interest, geograpli- and Mrs. S. B. Rutherford and icai boundaries, county borders Janice. Dr. Rutherford leaves r n 5 0t -1. 0 S o e and se on.. shortiy for Flint, Meiilgan wlhere Thà ntrn tn isqin 1ý he will specialize in uis profes- In chaired ýby 14r. Justice E. A. Rieh ardson of the Supreme Courto Ontario, ýwho 'was appointed b, the (Chiel Justice cf Ontario. Tei other memibers wcre anpoïnte by the Speaker of the louseo Comimons, and the fourth merrbe is Mr. Nelson Castonguay, Chie Electoral Officer for Canada wlti serves on cair of the 10 Provir ciai Commissions. Proüf that th Ontailo Commission is non-pohi cal is best illustrated by tile Lac -Meinberslip i.s exactly thle nan, as that of the Commission ;ýet ul by the legisiature of Ontarioy* re-adjust bouindaries of Provincio Ridings . The inew boundaries will be e SUMMER Applîance Sale McClaary Easy (Mod 200) u1r$284.95 DRYRS, ..~.... Saje Price $150.00 up Begular Price $179-95 WRINGER WASHERS Sale Price $149.00 AUTOMATIC WASIIERS 1)n Sale 350.00 24 Inch Reguiar $Z69.95 ELECTRIC RANGES, i..Froin $150.00 30 Inch Regular $299.95 ELECTRIC RANGES ... rom $250.00 ReguIar te, $109,95 REFRIGERATORS 12,cu ft Frein $325.00< Rrgular tu $449.95 REFRIGERATORS, 14 eui ft Froin $350.00 McCLARY EASY COPPERTONE APPLIANCES Frostr.Free --- Regular price $479-95 REFRIGERATOR 12 cu. ft . Sale $375.00 30 Deluxe RANGE, reg $Ï309.95 for $259,00 Wit h Aluminum LUner and SîignaI Liht Regular $389-95 22 Cu Ft FREEZER _ SaS' IePrice $275.00 SPEUA11&L PAINT SALE OUTSIDE WHITE, Reguïar $7.95 Nin-Chalking or y-eliowing SPEcIAL prICE - ----$,49 Regular Interior Exterior PAINT LESS 10 PERCENT ROLPH HARDWARE 0EASTERN BREEDERS AI. SERVICE ddThe best thing that can happen to your herd" *Successful Farmers use A. Join the trend te higiler Profits Cail our nearest Branch çOfice at 'Our expense for service or information. We are listed in your phone book under EASTERN BREEDERS INCORPORATED Ch- by Çvo cef 410 n. le 'p Jal fective about April ,1966. The statute sets out certain procedure to be followed to ensure that ail Canadians have a right to objeeýt to the proposed changesSi they wish to do so. The Commission Wilhold a series of public hear- lugýs at wbich they wiil hear ol,- j eCtins. At the conclusion of these hearigs the Commiùssion wiil changes, if aniy, and present its report to Parliamnt. Any .10 Members of Primn lmay enter a irotest seii~ fhe provisions af the Report to whieh fthey objeet and setting ouft thle reasons fo the objection. Withiin 15 days ofits receipt flic Hueof Coimr fllust ecom- pleté its review of tlie Report and &,end it back to thle Commissioù (Ccrntinle% page 8) SUNITEDOCHURtU a Orono Pastoral Charge Rev B, E-. SUNDAYtý-JNË 1,tT 965 No Service at Leskard or Kh.iby aloRNO Suniay Srhool Anriveroary Services at 10:00 and 11:1.5 SUDYSCIIOOL KLrby Leskëard -10 am BABIES' DIAPER SUITS A new stock of Diaper Suits for boys iAnd- girls. Several attracetive styles în pink,' blue, green and red - Sizes 6 to 18 months' $1,98 - $3.98 PHOuNE 122UJCUNO Paper Plates,, 9 inch ........ 25 for only 47e Insulated Plastïc Picnic Cups, 7 oz.,. 24 for 33e Fancy,,Patternted Garden Cushions, each $1.00 Toy Cargo Boat 17" for pool or tub ...... 67c SmajI Girl's Check Parasoles, each....89)c "Orehid" Boxed Stationery, 20> sheets and envelopes, priced, per'box ........79er Cellulose Tape '/zx 500", each. 19e 2 for 25c I Sudden Beatuty Hair Spray, priced .....88c Ladiles' Rayon'Brjiefs, f ancy trim, 49c, 2 for 87,C Johnson's Baby Powder, reg. 75e for ..59e Bobbie Pins,, 75 on card, reg. 25e fur ...14e Ladies' Brush Curlers, ail sizes with f re-comtb àid picks, regular $1.00 for .......63k Lay-A-Way Plan Cheerfully Available WHERE VARIETY IS A REALITY SALE 0F LADIES' RATS R-teo is your chance to get -à real bargain in Suimmer llats. We~ st1ll have some god styles ail colours'in Straws aîd FliÔwer Rats and you may choose any ait IIALF PRICE., CHILDREN'S KANGAROO SHI1RTS Cotton fleeced Sweat Shirts wiLt self -lined dmaw string' hoods- Donied front or 7îpper front style Blue only. Sizes 1 to 6x years Priced at .......$2,0and $2.25 GIRL'S KNEE KNOCKERS Western style Knee Knockers of navy denin tailored to give perfett fit at waist and hips. Si;e 8, 10 and 12 years........$29 Mats Ends of AXMINISTER CARPET with rubberized back.. Sizes 18,.,' These are cheap at only ............................... each 9e f. me," ew %FWIWIN~V" lw.o

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