I VOLUME 27, NUMNBER 23 To Decide Source 0fTa Operciion For Water,-,,, The Orono Police Trustees met on Monday evening and dis- cussed the operation of the Mun icipal Water System with two representatives of the Plant Op- eration Branch of the OW.R.C. It w as pointed out by the rep- resentatives that tU-e pumping sta- tion will have to be inspected once daily along wvith other pevi- ddic checks of the system on a -weekly or monthly basis. The- O.W.R.C. will hold control of the systemi but the qrytem wiIl be OP- erated at the- local level by an advisory committeIý who will be responsible to the O.W.R.C. The Trustees, who wil in C11 iikelihood, become the advisorY commiittee, are to meet Mhs cm ing Monday evening To iscuIss the possible meanse'urd2r which the -new water system wll be op- erated. The operatfion cQWIb arried eut, along with the Oo' flydro Sy stem as a PblcUility or by an individual par', timlie person. The cost of operatingi iystem is exypee-rted to j, ut oa nm, of $2000.00 aninuall1Y whichwod include cost of hiYdr(o. ur, ns daily checks and othfer ir spcc- tions. Billing and coiectiflg 'Ss were -.stated ta biF above t $2000300 figure. In the crepnec,~lte was received f rom, the, Plapiningý consultant firm c Mr:h4i Mmacklin and 1K)ý1Ionogiavhwo laç estimated a cost of(J.00af0 ta layont a planl for the uelpd no(rth-east sectioýn af the Yllae R. C. Forrester and U. . fM-Yereer~ stated that tley Îlad imelt th the Carke Planning qocard on.li thiis proposaI and thit t;Bor favoured such a plan beDýipi0 Èti I tuted. The Trustees a re'o neti with th' e Townshi,7 Counil ian efforIt to gain an indiication fram, 4,temthat sud a an when1om~- pIeted and appeoved would! be supported as au off:iciIpnfor the particula ri' rea. FoliWVing teindication fr-cm Curilth~e Truistees are ta tab- tt n1t have trie plant drawin ap A plan was suuj)iitc 9-y u E. Bowen asking aproval fOr paving to the Highway in fiTnt of bis garage at the north of ic VNillage. The clairman, 1.~ Mercer, was authorized to have the Road Superiuïendent view the plan before approval is given. la:ges. The Orono Trustees ihstruc- ted the secretary li wite iie-z Carruthers to seek 'information on the progress of this 'bill. Doug Simapson asked vhat ac- tion was to be taken in removing the curbs on both sides of the street and recommerneiýd fthat prices be obtained for such work. On motion of Simpson anid Mer- cer prices are t o beobtained for- such work. H. M. Mercer and R. C. Fo-r- rester stated that the Department of Transport had made a surVýey of the parking in Orono andý that their report should first be rec- ceived before any action is takenii. R. Forrester tial frontage charge shnxld stated that a par- and ' connection he levied aait properties in the Village this 1 erfor thait nrinrl c1irinçç which helda Satur< attend Tan many near BasE fort ý,crum] was tions, blyn, blynl, T. Ta treasiu Gameý Orono Wilfrt Mrs. Airs. . Faro ekly TIR ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNIESDAY, JUNE 3th, 1965 ubIyn Famity o0y icoic eannual Tamblyn Picnic was at Waltona. Park, -Newicastle, lay, June l19th. It was well, ded, iiblyns, came from Chicago,, Rlochester, NMY., and fromi Ontario cîties and. townsi and, far. se bail and races were held the young 'fol. A very nptious smorgasbordi supper enjoyed, folwe y elec- Past Pres. James C. Tam- O1rono; Pres. Charles TÈam.- Oshawa; Vice Pres. Robert liblyni, Gor-mley; Secretary- Uyrers, Mdrs. J. B. Thompson, wa and Bey. Jack Hill, Gaît; s5 Conve-ner, Ivison Tamblyn, o; Table Comimittee, Mrs. red Bowman, Enniskilen, Carlos Tamblyn, Oronio and .Everett Browni, Orono. 'ewells to cousins anvd al hoping to meet again a-t mWal-tonaà Park on the third atrayi les Unoccupîed House Bur.ns To Ground ,An unoccupied frame farm f arm. house owned by Marvin and Kerr Friday the local fire depart- was ýreduced to ashes late Thursi ment answered, two fire catis, day night, in the, Townshipof both grass, at the Orono Dump Clarke. The two-storey building and the Orono Public School. was located on a farm west of The Orono Fire Departmeat George Pope'ýs, well back from answered a mutual aid eall from the seventh line. The cause of Bowmanville early Saturday a£- the fire is not known. ternoon and for four hours as-~ sisted the Bowmanville Depart- T5e fire was first noticed fromiment in eurlbing a grass and bust. the HaýmIet of Kendal from wliere.!ire in the Steveni's Mili area, the alarm was sent in to the Or-iwest of the town 'lne. The fite onof fire departmne;t. At thîs time i tarted from a bon-fire whicb. the bidn was WeIl ablaze anid quickly spread over mâany acres b eyond any hope of sa vîng. Loý- of Christmas trees, bush and grass cated in the same area was a set !and. The Bowmanvîile Depart- of barns which were untouchei ment foughit the fire 'until garly by the fie evening and were also cailed The farm is used as a pastýireback againf on Sunday. OronoJunior Gardeners. the system was in. operation. June 1986.C o d c E This is to be decided within the next week.Ar Ih Ra JuirGreeso th bBusy bees hadl notbing over the Ard Thý Rain Cfne"usy Jno aceeso h Mlonday evenin1g the ram in îaïl' weekend, wheni they sta'ged, their Fari 'rs ay Cit ysecond annual Decoration Day Fatitvi lIa ~uL came to Orono and along with' Flower Sael. Frday evening a' the entire area, was deIu'ged ýwtfaut ougtr n I$ay Along Roadside wla tinwof t~h ad t The aaliats 1 der the- direction of Mrs& T. Fair- Oigto the serious droughtt had littie rain during tëe past brother and, Mrs. 0. Challice, bus- throughout miany parts ojf the rnonth with thie result that crp ily prepared the advance orders Province, particularly in the Oa-i have suffecred, ant'ilawns iave be and by 10 p.m. the oid Challice tawa Valley and sections of East- cornle parched. 'barn was the most fragran-ýt barni erni Ontario, which is resulting in Torrents of water rushed along 'in the county. It was evident the ýan emergency condition insofýras, the streets and ini numierous cases orders.would dlean out the supply fodIder shortage is concerned, The ereated holes andi soft spots a- of flowers and unless more could Honourable C. S. Ma:)cNaughton, lon.g the side of tise roa,13 uhere be obtained the Saturday sale Mvinister of H-ighiways, has ise the watermains had beensail-would bave to be canicelled. A instructions to the effeet hat led. Sidewalks, în a w cs'~ hi of telephone calis covered laraers are ta be allowed to zt dfropped, .wmi Aouecne-jthe area aeiçJresulted in a rs and barvest hay on hi«hwaFy onadpse ;mer stock by 10 a.mn. Saturday.Stl rïghits-of-way wherever the oper-I Not only* will the ram be wel- weee sold out by noon Witt, i comied in the farmn are-,as but it ________________ ati9 ca be ndetake sa~W'has also assisted to seitling the jarmers îl be contacted by De-fiovrte aer aisnth to.Mr C. Jônes, having parked1 Partent eprsenttive mnai. illae. is car over the course of the Districts and, personally advýIsed'Vlae ni n iISrene of this offer. i In a few cases in Orono mud wvater mi nMi tet ne and water ran into cellars where d a tow-truck to put the car on The minister las written to ail Lth'e house water connection lhad solÎid footing. One side, of the Tawniships, and dounties suggest- been taken firom- the street une car sank to its axies in the'-sof t ing tlat thc Municipalities in this t the cellar. This was especially fi. 1However, considering the emergency aiso allow the gr-ass true at places where the. hole in dfisturbance of earth in 'the Vil- toý be harvested -on rights-of-wa-y the bas;ement wall had not been lage due to the fater installation, !f roads under their jurisdliction. Sealed aftýer making the connec, the damage was very sligît. ,nterprisilng 'Sale $140.60 in thc cash, box' Tfhe Committee in charge were, Mr. and, Mrs. T., Fairbrother, Mr. and Mrs., O. Challiee,, Mrs. K. Schoenmaker, Mrs. C.. IR1llings, most helpful volunteers- were Mrs. L. Bowins, Mrs. L., Mcleee, Carl Billings, John Caldwell, Mrs. G. Tennant, Mrs. D. Mlay, Mrs. D. Staples, Mrs. K. Jorgensen, Mrs. D. Evans. The Junior Gardeners in attendî ancd- were tired preparing eau- tainers, cuttingý cedar »elIPp)ings>, wyatering 'and delivering. WVe are most grateful tai"h,!, Brookdale-Kingsway Ihursèry and Jackan lorit~of Bowmaniville, 'oild -Ms. F. Wte of Newead- for thelir don.ations of fiowers. QUICK ENDING This happened in a New 71aîiit- shire town on1 a war-m SundAy' marning. The mîinister had been preacl.. ing a long time wlen lis callie dog came in, walked slowly down the aisle, jumnpedl up on the plat- form, sat down by the pulpit fao- iug, the congregation - and yawned. That ended thesermon, R. C. Forrester was, authoriÉ cd to have a d ead tree on Main St., remroved and also ta have repair,; made to somle existîng yonung A letter was received froii the Clarke Township Committee stat- ing thiat they had purclascd the -site of thle VIllage dump and wouald be lnceludiug it in the C.cn- tennial projeet. The village xvas asked to dlean up the property and vacate it by Nlarcii 15, 1966. 1 This created, considlerable dis-P cussion vitl f0 3solution u,âalflgý forth.* It is expeeted ro create a considerable pro1 em irAto in- crease the -cost-.o f haaffling gar- b.ge front the Village.I The County Ria1 Engineer - pointeti out by' eter that tbe ~ Couuty held jirisdetîovi over ILie Main Strec't of Oroni) f. 'un fenc'e ta fence and that ii the Village ' contemplated rern!ival f ci.ttIA tley must first re.Žeivo poa h aoeaete ato o fromtheCouuy. ne of.studeý-nts who have for 103 A. letter was also reen:eie from years obtainýed their education at Kingc City Police Villag.z in which Antiocl sclool, just east of Or- they pointed ont tai the ne;V ie- na The sclool was buit lu the islation being passed Ut Queen s year 16 n st epra Park- which cauld I)'e instrumental ety closed following the preseut iii doing away witb. Police, Vil- teim Students wlo would at- tend the school in 1965-66 will at-1 end the Orono Public School. Duriiig the period of the. 103 years f ew improvements' have been made in the one-room school and today much is to be desired in this building that has been used as a centre of education for the children lu the Aut iocl are-a, for the high score athiete at te The students shown above are meet. Tthe school aiso won the those attending the *school this softball touruainent. for one-room year. The1 school holds the hon- 3chools in 1964. Marie Yeo is also our this y ear of being the top one- shown holding her coveted shield room- school iu the recent field for winuing second in the County day campetitian leld in Kendal Contest of the Puiblic Sclooi Pub- Park. Gary Black hlds the cup lic Speaking Contest. 1-1 1