.77> ORONO WE~t ~IM*~, ~ J{~ ~ ~96~ A. Caruthers Cites Plight 0 f Small Business Mari1 A1çý Carruithers, M.P.P., Durbam., keeper two days a week and now i 'he has him four days a week. He Thie recent report of the Com-Iloses money1 on smalî orders; mitiee on,- Consumner Credit tabled Ithey 'cost hlm more to process iin the Legisiature, has aroused althan the orders are worth. In- great deal of interest and indeed setoscorne in any time, to concern among the buying public, ceki oosadhs1cons and this concern will no doubt checkneyerbgive any niicaticoun be reflected in government legis- T-- ver uch an mpoti icatio latio)n to, control the unscrupulous:1 tacti,-es of certain lending and Another example is of a man mnerchandising, interests. who, contemplated starting his own business as a painting con- The report revealed what is tractor. Ris wife was a first- weil known to victims of such class bookkeeper 'and was going practices, that many lending coin- to keep the accounts. panies are charging interest rates' oif 24% and higher; indeed, one 1 He was advised to visit ews-h of incident is recorded of interest the offices of the Government De- than "8OO00 have 15 or fewer elu- ployees. ln the decacl e tween 1951 and 1961, thie incre ie i employmenit in industries in O-n- tario was 1% but in t'he servce indlustries reQreýsenting small bus- C[arke Two4-Roorn School Field Day Results A 1ýýilusraédbythsefiursUndecr 8 Boys- sllbustraed by th(es te fgues, 1.Don Martin, Brown's; srnil usiessprvids te bstFox, LockhaPrts; 3 Jason ii, Opportulnities for 'employment for kard. those dlisplaced by automation,. ~ r8Grs 1Srall business' seldom,ï if ever, 1 Vlukl Harris, Leskard; makes demands on foreign capi- bie Langstaff, Kendal; 3- ta]. It is ôf paramount importance Stepienlsoný, Brown'. to our economy, and warrants Under 10 Boys- your support, my support and 1 Cam Wilson, Brown's, greater ýconsideration by al lev- ford Fee, ,Leskatd; 3 joli els of government. land, Kendal. -~ .Under 10 Girls- Mvuéh can be andi shouldi bel Idone to assist small business, Mr. Reilly in his budget speech sug- gested four Iforms of assistance: rates as higli as 87%/. Certain it is partments .whuch would require (1 Gvemntsolrfai tht hndreds of people have him to make deductions or re- from imposing additional burdens been rookedýr and cheated by glib!tuirns, so that hie would have first- and unnecessary regulations. If and voluble salesmen, lai fields of hand information in regard to extra duties are impoýed provis- finance, chimney repairs, vacuum [these. lion should bce made. cleaners, alumninum siding, mleat Hie did so, and the v-arious of-- (2) Sinail business shoulâ have freezers, and 'so. on. ficers were mnost co-oper-ative and represenitationj on the Ontario Ec- These complaints -we know are obligîng la explainîng whatheorncCnc, Goveranent Bo- genuine and the'y shoul d be ex- had to -do, and in giving him ards arid -Ag1encies, including Li- posd.1 av prsnalybeen cal- sample forms. censing Boards and Consumer ped. pIi have persona 'onlly fProtection Committees. lef uanponeopl inrvene oneaîf1lie looked them over and took (3) overnrnent should extend of anypeole n tis dnnc-thein home to lus wife. She look- the services and persornalof the tion Thepraticehasalwas ~ ed them over carefully, and then sralbsnsmnge ntri- rapd d n our scie, bt w htl said, "Bill, I arn not going to 'do ing proigam, providld by the De- i rapdan xtnï; l6eopetail this' nonsense and I suggest partment of Education. lat&îporation felt~ and,. that you1 go back to your old' em- oeaet hudepn tbh.g, pressure rIédio and tels" c- ployer and1 let hlm worry about the sere f hOntriiD evel- vision4(dv£ertis1rg, the practi-e theepaerroricOp ent ofAgeny nbyareating a * las increased and the iserîousnessbycretig of the problern greatly aggcravat- This lie did. la 1963 lihe earned sinaîl businessmen's council lu Sj$6200, but sorry to say, his boss deal specifically with problerns oif Thei is nothe gid ta ii had a bad year and endedup wth small. business. Theîanta anothor aide t4000. eonsvmer's coin . howecver, ninom f n=d400 Certainly, the Governiinent is this was brodght te the attention Ladies and Gentlemen, the sig- aware of and concerned about the, oif the Legisiature very vividly, re- nificant fact i la this situation is position of small business, and eently by the Honourable rnem- that-the story is true. No doubt some steps, baye been taken to ber for Eglinton -Biding, >,Mr. mary similar situations are to be assist, but more are needed. With Leonard Rellly, a successful'bus- found in Our own communitie5. 'the recommendations of the Com-' inessrnan himseif. II see this everv nuth. Mor nd~~1 mittee -on Consumer Credit, the As Mr. Reilly pointed out, the small businessman is a large con- sumier, as, well as a vendor, anid that la drafting 1 egislatiou, to pro- tect the public from iuîscrupulous business practices, the position of the small businessmian mnust not only be protected, but provision ieust be. made for strengthening his merchandising methods, 'and lis financial position la the econ- omic lifeof the cornrunity. Accordirg to a report recently issued by the Federal govern- mient, there are approxirnately- 440,000 srnall irdependent busin- esses la Caniada, and it is esti- mated that more than 100,000 tif these are in Ontario. The srnall busîinessmnan today is in many ways inegl"ectedt by ahl levelstof ,goveriiiient. Ila recent year,heelias been forced to lie- corne a tax collector with little or more srnall busi neýsses are closing and the owner finr-ding employ- nient -iindustry or largër busin- essy enterprises., This is flot the whdle story, hlowever; there are other factors that adveriely affect the small businessman. lie does not have the advantages afforded by big industry and large unions, nor car lie afford a battalion oif law- yers or, as Mr. 'Reilly put it, squadrons oif profes siomal lobby- ists to protect bis interests.,' Substantial and needed assist- ance tlirougli the Ontarioi Devel- opment Agency 15 being provided for the rnianufacturing industry, but very ittie is being done for the service companies, includingi retail mnercliantsý whîch represent 45.8%' of the total industrial pro, duction la Ontario,. no compensation. - - Mst if these small business- men have invested their tirne, There are many exampies tif their efforts and their Canadian this: an outstarding tire is the capital ia or der to build a busin- collection tif contributions on be- ess. Some of the sinali retailers haîif: the Ontarioi Hospital Ser- are investing 10, to 12 hours per vices Cmmsio. in additioi n; dy- o-le-terown bosses. Most however, there are forced deduc- j ithei rovide a Public service tions oif the Ontarioi Sales 'fax, 7which is taken for granted, wheth- and many businesses mstcollect'it hajpený,s to be, an indep0ntdent Federal sales tax, payroll income retailer whose custonlers corne in tax, unemployrnent insurance tax, frorn the street to use a telephone Workmer's Compensation deduc- or to get charge for a parking tions, and many others. meter, or custorners who drive This is1 not all; special reports, into a gasoine station and ln- tabulations, and census forms quire about directions. have to bce made, out, and records Small businessmen are, requir- tif these kept by varied types tif ed to take a chance on their ln- small businesses vestments; they are willirg to These services, la mary re-, take part in aIl the charitable spects, are taken for granted by drives, to take an active part in goveraments, and indeed by the the life tif the community, instal- public. Each year sees an extra' ling Christmnas liglits ln trees, burder tif this type placed, on outsîde to attract customers and the shoulders tif small business. to radiate goodwill at Christmnas Whea the Canada Pension plan time, and to pay ail taxes, basin- comes into force, and the medi- ess taxes, retail taxes, corpora- cal h ealth insurance legislation, at tion taxes, property taxes, and least two more will be added. ircome taxes. 1 Not only are these taker for The small independent basin- grarted, but la most cases a pen- essman provides an essential ser- 'alty is imposed if ther forais are vice to the public, invests his own not cornpleted and returned lm- fards and lias faith la the future m-ediately. oif Ontario. One Toronto merdhant who The ecoromic strength and ln- wrote to Mr. Reilly la this con- dependenetof our Province de- neto s quoted as sayîing: pends' to a large extent on the "M1r. B. is wirding up his bu s inal businessman. Approximate- mness and one tof the main reas-: ly 90% of ail business la Canada tins is the cost oif fillirg out tax lis small business; out oif 13,000 forms. lie used to have a bù'-ik- industries la this 'Province, more recomimendations made by Boards oif Trade, Chamnbers. of Commerce, andl other bodies, the Goveramecnt, will be and should be Li a posi- tion to draft legislation more favoDurable to this important seg- mient of our, econorny. CWZM LeeA UTOSERIC 1 Margo Allun, Broywn's, 3 Susan St.ark, Kendal. Under 12 Boys- 1 Bradley Wilso-n, Broi Neil Brennan, Kendal; 3 Gerrow, Leskard. Under 12 Girl$ - 1 Wendly Wilson, Bry Becky Lee, Leskard; 31 West, Locktharts. Under 1l Boy- 1 Robert Foster, Kendal; Bonnemna, Loekhart's; 3 Ji Under 14 Girls-' 1 Gail Brown, Leskard; ma Turaipsky, Kenidal; 3 Bickle, Newtonville. LONG DISTANCE Under 17 Boys- 1 Douglas Mercer, Kei Larry Johinson, Leskard; Staipleton, Newtonville. Under 17 Girls- 1 Marie Couro.ux, Ken June Robinson, Brown's; 3 Laing, Lockhart's. BROAD JUMP Under 8 Boys- 1 Jason Lee, Leskard; Mýartîn, Browns 3 Dougia eroKendal. Under 8 -Girls- 1 Vikki Hlarris, Leskt Sheilah McDonald, Lookjh Delibie Langstaff, Kendal, Under 10 Boys-_ 1 Cli#f'ord, Fee, Leekard; Wilson, Brown.s; 3,,Wayn. den, Lockhart's. ee, Les- 2 Deb-1 Brendal 2. Clif- lin Zea- 1 Rtith Chaters, Lerýkat'd; 2 Su- san Stýark-, Kendal; 3 Dale Demii.rk Brown's. Under 12 Boys- 1 iO hris Jorgensen. Lockhart'j; [2 Neil Brennan, Kendal; 3 Het$ jRobinson, Brown's. Underý 12 Gi rls- 1 Becky Lee, Leskard; 2 Wanda Swerdfiger, Kendal; 3 Marlyn West, Lockhart's. Under 14, Boys- ,11 David Bellamy, Leskard, a 2 none; Steve West, Lockhart's; 3 Terry Stark, Kendal. Under 14 Girls- wn's 2 1 Gail Brown, Leskard; 2 Wil- Dennis ma Turans'ky, Kendal; 3 Karen Harte M.ýax-ýwell, Lockhart's. 2Under 17, Boys- >wns;1 Larry Johnson, Leskard, 2 Marilyn Douglas Mercer, Kendal; Barry. Western, Lockhart's Under 17 G4irls- 12 Nick rim Pitt, 1 Marie Couroux Kendal 2 Jn Robinson, Brown's; 3 Sandrîa Laing, Lockhart's. 2 Wil- 3Karen BEAN BAG THROW Under-8 Bo&'s- 1 Don -A2111n, Brown's 2 RýipÈ Searle, Nwûvil;3 Orle Therteil, Kendal. nd'al; 2 Udr8Grs 3 Neil Tina Burgess, Leskard; 2 ChLar- lene Hall, Newt<onville; 3 Mary 1 d a l; 2 C o t , kLhc a r ts. 3Sandra Under 10 Boys- 1 Douglas Henderson, Nen-vra ville; 2 Michael Young, Leakard; 3 Roddy Carveth, Laekhart's. Under 10 Girls- 2 Don 1 Debbie Youngnian, Kendal; 2 las Ilen- Dale Demark, Brown',s; 3 Debble Battaims, Leskard. Under 12,Boys- :ard; 2 1 Sam Patiner, Brown's; 2 Phil- iart's 3 ip Ndecls,'Newtonville; 3 NeiL Brennan, Kendal. Under 12 Girls- 2 Caan i 1Suizanne Worrall, Newtonvýýi!le ýe Hazel- 2 Joan ('ail, Brow's.: s Beeky (Céontinued- page 8) AT OUR SERVICE DXSTATION G HWY. 35 and 115 - Just North of Newcastl FEATURING PREMIUM QUALITY PRODUCiS AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES eTOVE OIL May be picked up per in a:ny quantity 1 cgal ATTENTIîON FARVERS & TRUCERS 3-D DIESEL FUEL BOWMANVILLE PERSOSTOSE ADMITTE MUTREPORT By 3lP*M. Eýffective Il July, 1965, persons, other than emergencies and those admitted early, in the mornilg and discharged the saute day, must check in flot later than 3 p.m. This decision bas been made in the interests of improved service and better patient care, BOARD 0F DIRECTORS iD A elvc 'ru &- ý;4f-É