-e-t&TOôr EKLY TIMES, WEDNESIYAY, JU1NE flth, 1965 QUEEN MOTHER LUNCH ES AT BATTERWOOD jBler Mai esty, The Queen Moth er, arrived at Batterwood HIouse, Canton, at one o'clock Friday, for di1nner, a visit with Right Honour. able Vincent Massey, and family, and Iter took a stroil tirougli the grounds at Batterwood. Radiant and smiling, Ber Ma- jesty wore a light yellow en- semble with white hat, handbag and shocs. A white veil from lier hat covered haîf her face. time on bickering and facetious The lgnclieon meal consisted points of order, and more time on of roast duckling with dressing, legîsiatîve accomplishmients. orange gravy with orange Oecor- ations, smoked salmon and. s.lad The changes -ive the speaker asparagus with lemon b utter, a mucli tighter rein on proceed- l and cheese souffle. ings. The- rigit to- appeal f rom the Speaker's rulings lias been eliminated. This mucli abused WELFARE STATE process took many hours of time in prior, sessions. The Speaker's CALLED STRYCHNINE ruling was often challeng-ed with Rerin toheWfaeSte the t houglit that this would se, erve as "th tbotthe e ofastnie as an indirect embarrassmnent to wshhis lming sty close the government. hh s'omn wr cle" 1 Un. fl-vYY, L11VtLU± thp On-Jf Another time waster whicbh las been regulated by the ame nd- ments is the "question peiod." Traditionally this time, at tlie op- ening of the Bouse each day, was for the purpose of giving merm- bers of the opposition a chane to-question Ministers on matters of, urgent national importance. Over the years the abuse of thus Procedure lias been growing,,. Memibers, unfortunately, forget tario Cliamber of Commerce, warned members of the Cobourg Chamber of Commerce of the per- ils of everyone becoming "as- sorted Civil Servants", if tlie wel- fate state comes into being. Mr. Kellow urged that ",naw is the time for each individual to make himself heard, to voice op- inions on events, needs and mat- ters of government," for, he em- the requirements of urgency anladoms he ane, he"evrybdy national importance. Tliey askecomes thnsmeb tenevryod questions, designed to impress i bcme obd. folks back home, aboujt problemns He said that wien one gets in their own consitue'ncies -whici down to'brass tncks1 the substance quite often were neither urgent of a welfare state.is something f ce' or of national importance. Con- nothing and this 'is an illusion sequently the question period fre-1 which political demagogues have quently ran to- 90 minutes or1 used tlirougiout ýhistory to, en- more. able themselves to become ty- rants when fillions of people have Under the new rules the ques- t accepe-thprsainhtoe tion period is limited to one hour p gtd th pe rsusothat ne on Mondays and one-lialf bout a e oehigfrntig ail other days., With tlie new While this is obviously an illu- authority given to him tlie Speak- sion, yet in tlie space of 40 years er, is able to insure that. this tLme the promise of something for is devoted to proper questions. ,eothing lias brougit about the' The traditiônal two hour, diyànerý break is a thing of tlie past. Now the Bouse sits rigit tir-ougli until adjournment at 10.00 p m. Mem- bers of ecd party have adjusted s0 that one-hnlf of thein stay in the. Bouse while tic other one- haîf cnt. There are special saf- guards to prevent saap votes he- ing taken during tuis twro, or period. One of the ncw re.'ila0ions provides th3t tic Bouse may sit after 10:00 p.m. to finiish thle leg. isiative item before it at the time. The extended sittUng would be. at tbe request of a Minister. Anytee members may jure dr>wn sucli a request. Previously Ftch a request coud not be granted if cee member objectel. The guillotine is, of course, tic kcy reform. This provision per- mits reasonable timne limits to bo virtual enslavement of haîf tlie people of the country. placed on ecd stage of, the de- bate on any item of legislation. No. longer will it be possible for one group to mount a filibuster to prevent a matter coming to a jvote. Tiec changes are by f ar the MOsS extensive ever in tic history of Canada's Parliament. The new rules move the operation of Par- liament from tie horse and buggy to thc jet age. if Parliament has suffercd inî the minds of Canadians ini the pasi I think it can be traced dit- ectly to the ancient procedural method under which we were try- ing to operate a 20th century Parliament. There lias been great, improvement, and Parliament and] Canada will be tie better for it.1 I EASTERN BREEDERS Ail SE-RVICE "The best thiing that tan happen to your herd" "Successful Farmers use M,. * oin the trend to higher Profits *Cali our nearest Brauch 'Office at our expense for service or information. We aré listed in your phone book under EASTERN 'BREEDERS INCORPORATEB kepor't From Oftawa UNITED CHuRCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev B. E. Long SUTNDAY, JULY 4th, 1965 Churc h Service nt Orono at 11:15 Combluol VîtiN od KIRBY Church at,9:45 Sunday Sehool at 11:00 No services, at Leskard RusseLl C. Honey, M.P., Durham The Blouse of Commons bas now been operating under tic streamlfined rules of procedure for twyo weeks. The results are impressive. By -le 3th we hope to have completed all business outlinied'by theî Prime Minister for thîs part of the session. Par- liament wîll then recess for the summer montis. The modernization'of the rules bas had the net eff eet of the Bouse of commons spending lesï Beach Towels, 30x60 printed .......... Striped ......... $1.8 $1.98 Ladies Blouses, various'sizes and Colours prioed, at ...... ... $1.00 to $1,98 6.12 Inseet Repellant spray can eaeh....69e Cajamine Lotion per hottle ............. 29e Noxema Sun Tan Oil............. a....55c' Noxema Sun Tan Lotion ................ 60e ",THE STORE WITH VARIETY" MEN'S CASUAL SLACKS The finest dress pant tailoring featured in this rugged, durable cas- ual slack in regulaàr or Continental style. Light Summer shades ,of beige and blue as well as dark checks. Waist sizes 30 to 42, per pair - $., Boy's W alking Shorts Good quality shorts in haîf-boxer style or Continental style with',, adjustable waist. Blue, beige, tan and green, 'sizes 10 to 16 yrs. $1,98 - $2,98 BOYS' JACKETS Boys' Jackets of -heavy qual- ity cotton with rayon lining, front yoke, elastic inserts at side, zipper front, light blue and black. Sizes 8 to 16 years, Price each $4.95 BOYS' SPORT SH-IRTS A gooüdstock of Cotton broad- clothand knitted Cotton shirts with short sleeve,. stripes, checks and plain shades. Sizes- 8 to 18 years Price....$198, - $2,99 BOYS' WHITE SHIRTS White ý hort-sleeve shirts, styled by Tom Sawyer, fine quality cot- ton, Dura-stay collar. Size 8 - 16 yrs Price each.......... ....... $2.99 Sturdy Athletic soles, Canadian made, Sizes 6 ýto 10 per pair BOYS' ATHLETIC BOOTS - boots with durable cotton duck uppers cushioned arch support, black or white $2.45 Sizes il to 5 per pair and rubber $2.75 Mr. and Ms Paul McMeack'n and son are spendjng the suner in Klngjston wliere Mr. MeMaekini will be attending. Queens Univer- ,sity for a, sùmmer course in Mati- emnaties. Mr. and Mtrs. Ross Taylor and family visited in Oronio over 'tihé week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Burns Kitmer vis- ited with Mrs. W. CI H. Mitchell. Miss Mary Jean Torpey, bride- to-be of Mr. Harold Moffat, was honoured at a shiower last Satur- day night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moffat. MissDonna Courvier, bride-to- be, wa-s honoured with a siower by Mrs. R. Hancock and Mrs. C. w. Billingsat the home of Mrs. Billings on Thursday evening. Miss Couvierý was also honoured with a shower Tuesday night bOy Mrs. H. Bailey andI Mrs. Jack Mef- fat at Mrs. Moffat's home. Linda, McLaren, daugier of Mr. and Mrs. Archie McLaren un-, derwent an appendix operation. in Memorial Hlospital, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Donald - Staples -and family sp ent a few holidays this week at Pigeon and Baptiste Lakes. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henry Lewis, the former Miss Sandra Darlene Cobbledicek of Newcastle'on their marriage at St. George's Anglican Churcl inl Newcastle on Saturday, June 19th;' Mr. and, Mrs. Lewis will reside in Newcastle. Mr. Stanley Wesley, Staples, a retired C.P.R. conductor, late Of ToÉonto, passed away siçklely at Municipal Water systemin istql,- his residence on Cobb H~ill, Orono tion rports that Gaffney Ç~ on Sunday, June 13thi. The fier- struction is now testing the --eie- ai was from the Win. Speers Cha- mains for leaks and should be- pel in Toronto on June l5th. -nain completion of thesystMni terment was in the family plot in along witli restô'ration ftr the Orono Cemetery. Istreets withih the flext tve!ý The residlent engineer over the. three weeks. Dominion Day Week-End t SIPECIAILS Orno Sc tou 10 tr PHONE 122 ORONO Straw Sun Hats, ladies, girls, mens 99e to $1.29 Childrens Straw SunIlats ...... 69e to $1.1.9 Ladies linen type pleated Skirts 12-20 . $3.33 Ladies printed cotton 'SWrts, 14 20 eaeh $2.99 Ladies one-piece SwÎm Suits, 32-38 ...... $5.4(1' Chilrens one and two-piece Swim Suits, priced at...... ......' $L984$3598 11ôys Swý4m Trunks and Briefs, 2'14 98c-$1.98 Bathing Catps, ahl colours......... .....569C SBeach Balis .................. 25ec'and 69e Spit Swim Rings eaeh ..... ............ 69C.