ORONO lWEEKLY VT1mES. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30th, 1965 Graduatîon Party HeId Promotion Resuits I BROWN'S SCIROOL dsPrncipal, Mrs. L. Bruton. IGrade One ta Two. For0..noPublic "Sehool GradsDnl li, oetAbn A miost successful Graduation CroLr ot oadMr Ptywas held Monday evening JUNIOR FARMERS tin,Anita Mehie, Doug Pitt' (re- ta honour of twenty-five graduat- NEWS ROUNDUP peat), Frank Silvestri, Mark Shaw ing students of the Oromo Public by Wm. J. Tomlinson Grade Two ta Three'1 Sehojol. The students with their The Junior,* Farmers held their Danny Adred (repeat) , Coroy parents enjoyed a banquet din- parenf s night ast Tuesday, June Cali (repeat-, Rosenmary, Crowells, ner in the main auditoroum ofi22nd at Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Dorothy Downey, Brenda Shaw, the; Orono United Church. This Rickard's farm Brenda, Step)henson. veas fohowed by the presentation The Junior Farmers, parents Grade Three ta Four -of graduating 'diplomas, awards and friends. enjoyed an education- Margo Allun, Audrey Curson, znd bars. To finalize the activities al as weli as a sociable evnn. Norma Downey, Tomn Martin. evenig. .Grade Four ta Five. <af the year and the evening the Mr. Charhie Grocey of Eastern eBodBra CrwlsA- ýtudents of grade 8, and- on invi- !reeders Association spoke to thelneCroCytn owa, tation, those of grade 7 and grade'nmen and Mrs. Pat Grearson spoke leyCro, yo Cowlard, enak '-0 of Clarke High'School, enjoyed to the ladies. Pat is the Home Ec- Bianshe a, a leWihs n ak ,- dance party in the school. . onomist for Durham County, rAn hi wpromot Wilcst ourre 1The banquet dinner with sal-' There were about one hundred Apea.exet or e ads ice cream was provided by neople, which isn,'t what y(> GadeFie a i -0b" mothers of grades 7' and 8. -Ou wouhd cail a arge crowd. But Chris Hughes, Herbert Robin- -a de seven students served their 'Il -ss this is what our modern son, Rohert Shaw,, Harold Young ser ors and parents.' Tables. were world leans towards, individual- (reneat). eorated with red and white im instead of familyism. Grade Six, ta Seven -1reamers, roses,,floral groupings The haying harvest is in full, Russel Aluin, Kathy Bridger, ani candies. Donnie Mec'Kenzie, swing now so I know it wil be Joan Caîl, Karen Demark, Sari, thre top graduating student, had lbard to attend some of the func- Palmer, Susan Simpson, Judy 'te honour of cutting the graduat- tions, howevere there is one com- Stephenson and Victor Young., ing cake. Donnie. has lead his ing Up which we must remember Grade Seven to Eight rasfor the past four years and and that is on Juhy l7th in Peter- Alan Crowelis, Don Crowehls, s'also the recipient of cuff, borough,' Quinty District Field Linda Hereil, James Pitt, June lhnks presented, by, Mr. Paxton, Day.Roio, Rck Stpesn principal of the Orono-School. Rbinlv ison, R ephenWison, The students of grades six, sev- -in and eight presented Mr. Pax- --on with a smoker's stand and a -1I of a pen'by Margaret Taggart, f r the pen Ihat was aiways lo§t. Mr. Paxton assi-ted by Mrs. Lunn, Mrs. Simpson and Miss AI- âred presented the graduating di- plomas, awards, bars and school àetters. The foilowing ýare -the Grade 8 %Graduates: Donnie' McKenzie, Bill Caldwell 'Carol Mercer, Ellen Milison, Bey- ,ýrley Tennant, Patricia, Wall1ice, 7Pamela Hardy, Patsy Mather,' El- aine Schmid, Susan Goode, Di- anne Partridge, Robert Nixon, Mag Taggart, Fred Bunting, -Amine, rnott, Gary Simnpson, Mar- Tree Nursery. by Blain Moffat On June 28th the grade V ciass ,,,o Orono Public School toured &le Orono Tree Nursery. When we reached the nursery ,we were taken to the packing ýshed where our guide, Mr, Leslie Ho(pper, showed us slides. In the -ýtdïdes it was shown how trees -were, grown. They aiso showed ithe land being worked up, and 1ihow they used a big roller ta 'Toarm the.seed beds. Followîng the making of the .beds a Gandy seeder is used ta plant the seeds. This Gandy seed- ,ýear is pulled by two men. ,Afte* the seed beds have been -piante d they corne along with a 'Wagon of sand and as they go -down and up the seed beds men sprinkle the sand over the seeds. 'They then corne aipng and cover the sand with straw. This is fol- ,dawed by placing on the screens, When one winter has passed tdae men and women go out and -:uncover the one year old trees. At this age the' trees must be weded by hand. When they are -wo-years oid they are transplant- ,ed. After seeing the slides we were toaded into a truck and went in-1 .to the nursery. Here we saw what ýtrees looked, like- when thyee 1, 2, 3'and 4 yearsof age. Whien n,e were in the truck we' discov- ,ered that the nursery was made up of - 1,350 acres, 400 acres of this 'is used as the tree nursery, ,650 acres is, rough, rolng -land suitable for oniy plantations and -the other 300 acres is low-ying rreek bottom land. Also while on the truck Mi~ Hlopper told us that when they 'puiled the' trees they tied them ý!m bundies of -twenty-five. While driving aiong we aiso ~discovered that the machine they cse té irrigate the trees is cailed Ihe "Green Dragon". The trees are sold to the cus- tomiers when they are four years ,ýald. garet Middleton, Darlene West, Fae Lewis, Glenn, Grady, Don Todd, Doug Taylor,ý Barbara Mit chell, Clive Johnson, John Park- inson. .Awards .wcre presented for schoiastic and athietic achieve- ments as follows: English Language Subi ects - - De (nnie ]\khenzie History and Geography- Don- nie Mec1i'. Mathematics and Science - Carol Mercer« Music and Drama- Beverley Tennant Athletie Trophiec West, Fred Bunting - Darlene i General Proficiency -D anie MeKenzie BARS AWARDEI- 2 year Academie.-Susan Goode, Robert Nixon, Elaine Schmid. 4 year Acadeniîje-.-fuI Caldwell, Pamela Hardy, Donnie McKenÂ;e, Carol Mercer, Ellen Milison. Bev- erley Tennant, Patricia Wallace 2 year Music -Anne Arnott, El- aine Schmid 3 year MusicýM~ag Taggart 4 year Music-Margaret MIIdIe- ton, Bqoverley Tennant, Donrnie, McKenzie, Ellen Milison, 1 year ratory-Ellen Millj-,n 3 year Oratory-Donaie Mc. Kenzie 2 year Sports-John Parkinson, Clive Johnson, Bob Nixon. 3 year Sports-Don Todd, Djar- lene West, Fred Bunting, Fae Lewis, -arol Mercer, Beverley Tennant 4 year Sports-Margaret Mid- dieton, Douglas Taylor. 1 year Sports-Elaine Schmnid, Barbara Mitchell, Ellen Milisont, Glenn Grady, Dianne Partridge. One year Attendance Bar- Frad Bunting, Pamela HaÉdy, El- len Mihîson, Susan Goode. 2 year Attendance- lar-Mar- garet Middleton, Fae Lewis, El- aine Schmid, Barbara Mitchell School Letter Awards were pre- sented to: Donnie- McKenzie, El- hen Mlison, Beverley Tonnant. Orono Hoisemeiî 1H*itting Wire Early Orono horses and horsemen .are in the thick of competition frorn London to Garden City and Peterborough and even to tracks in the United States. In rnany cases their horses are finishing in the money consistant- hy as is Honnie West's Tommy Direct which has won five of its six, races this year racing at the London track. 1 Jack Reid with Thelgiers has had a constant winner and in a drive by Jack in the latter part r of ast wcek drove to another 1win in a tirne of 2.08.2 at Garden City. Meadowview Champ cornes -in the sarne category and chalked up a 2.06.2 win recently. Not to be outdone by his father, G rade Eight to Nine Bil 1-Aldread, Karen lBoxail, Bonny Bridger; Keith Can (re- _peat), Henry Demark, Ma rgaret Downey, David Hughes, n'o Pahmer and Georgie Simpsfon Charles Reîd's horse, Hal Spirit, has taken another victory at Lon- don. Agate, a locally known horse, also coped first' at the Garden City last week. Flo-Son was an- other recent winner. Every Saturday night'ail roads lead to Peterborough for' the local harness-horse fans and horse- men. Last Saturday Jack Williams and Keith West' entered in some friendy rivalry when, West with Lightning Dares ,()sed out Will- iams wih Happy Mac, at the wire. The two drivers placed 1, 2 in the race. Junior West in two heats placed 3 and 2 with Speedway Pat. ROYAir L Bowmanvile me'O %"f JA623-5589 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY - JULY 1, 2, 3 GOODýBY, CHARLIE COLOR Tony Curtis, Debbie Reynolds, Pat Boone SUN., MON., TUES, WED.- JULY 4, 5, 6, -7 TOPKAPIuà À COLOR Melina Mercouri, Maximillion Schell and Peter Ustinov - (Acaderny-award winning roie> Gad REPELLENTr REPE41 NSECTS PLEASANTLY Shop At STUTT'S Pharmacy OBOINO, ONT. PHONE 16M WFLDDING* STATIONERY More and more brides are findlng theY can have the luxury look they love and still keep on the sunny ide of their bridai budget with exquisite Rainbow stationery. It features Therrno-Engraving - an amnazing rich, raised lettering with ail the good taste and distinction the finest craftsmanship - yet cots so litthe. Do see aur exciting selection of contemporary and traditional typeý faces . one ýperfet, for you. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENTS INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS and for the Reception PLACE CARDS, NAPKINS, MATCHES etc. OronoWeek ly Times MAIN STREET, ORONO SPHONE 109