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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Jul 1965, p. 1

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Orono VOLUME 2, NUM15BER 24 ee l y ýl 1e ORO)NO WEEIÇLY TIMES, THUR'SDeAY, JULY Cth, 1965 >mmer Program In WhA Radio Del eg ati ollns Ask Fo r ru ~ - AnticShool closed ils doorsà The Sumimer Playground Pro- the month of 1July. fo--r the l 1ast Urne last T-uesday ýDI ,J U gra atth OrnoPar ws a wth hechudrn ad othrs The Township of Clarke hel,,' No fuither readings of the by- ý7- etablished on Monday of Included in the activities, will getting together for1 a picnicL this wýeek. The program is spon-ltbe interesting crafts, games and lunch- hl eua othy meigiwt brov$0OO y d eben-te by he roo Aater th-speia eviý das. god nro- * 1on Tuesday when they conducted ture for the -Orono Hyri Ss? se d y he roo maturAt- pecalevnt ay. god nrl- An enjoyahie hour ,was spent general business and met with could -bc undertaken due te 'the eieAssociation and is being con- ment is aticipated this year. 1with many expressing a regret delegations in respect of road fact that the Ontario Hydro have du1'>,Eed by Miss Leslie Stephenson lta u col'ilnt pe cnsrton ncranprsofyeitat give their approval. The Mliss Stephenson has taken two ,The summer program works in a or choîxii notoe cownscinip fdebenture issue is to bie handled coures i opratig plygrund:G",," 'Mr.,, Carroll Nichols, represent. through the Canadian Imperial activitieýs at Quin-Mo-Lae Camp program-. in that those participat- 1:Oxey the yasagetmn iglaitnTwshpFres akof Commerce at 53/%. and is well qualified for the oper- igi ohaeabet aeptClhristmas concerts were greatly1 Mutual Fire Insurance Co., re- Mr. S. B. Rutherford was ap- ationof such a program. in both programs. enjoyed plus ,seh)ool trips. This1 ported to Cuclta h en one himno h etn Thesminer program will b le Registration in the summer year's tnîp te Upper Canada -, an as ceasing to. pay the fire niai Comrittee by resolution, lie u, onda plygrond ay;be takenou lage xii long be rem1embîered by atnac fee of $75.00 for any The appointiment was made due carriedon each morning, Mua lyrudmy eano the pupils and parents who went. fire in the Township of Clarke. to the resignation of Mr. W. Bunt- to Friday,,, from 9 te 12 during the 'Park any morning.1 __________________________________________________ In appreciation te a fine teach- Thirough a resolutien of Council' ing as Chairman. er ,the eilîdren and miothers pre- the agreement was ciosed out ia Five bidis were received for the u or G r e e s T avell1ed sentedMlrs. Lowery with.a beau- accordance te thle request of the ucaeobld, y of o jun or G ar en rs rtiül rasisorrado ndwished Fire Insurance Company. Township property at the site of ber ail the be8t in her new school. M onKmalrpeetn the new Township garage. Mr. J. ______________________ himself and MIrs. M.. Shaw,, re- A. Reid was the successful bid- To Serpent Mounds,,Rice'Lake acag ntelcto queteda cang l th loatin er at a price of 51 cents per A bs cr~ig ~meber of Girs l ys. nd ve-îs Ga~ c ntof road construction at his prop- bale. Others submitting bids wereý o ueyed to 4 meme-so. irl 1. oerls Gy ece G(raduate erty. Another request was aise Messrs. Ivison Tamblyn, Ralph thiýe Junior Garcleners anu rends u into;, 2d Saly Saple'* 3r filed for a change at Lots 16 and Greenwoo& Henry ýSkireatt and Paurk n esday.h Sret onsJui chid17, Concession 3. Both requests RSae. Boys il yrs. and over :lst Chris ~aet eivsiae rr ete By resolution Brian Caswell After they arrivedthe eidren, Aslett; 2nd Wayne Couvier; 3rd ~b uulareetTewr was appointed te operate a dog eoedsi in bfor~ their PeterLasn udr osieton nth tW pound in Ille Townshis of Clarke. lunch. During the afternooa n a aac h ad-6-Ogrs e.aoeaea r ne h u Final arrangemnetis have yet te inspectionaofetheeMounds was10n-irls cipal Works Assistance Prograrn. b epe joypedtiolofe yrce hc lst, Dale Evans; 2ud KatXy Grady 'u A gat of $200.00 was pse 3rd, Janet Schoenmaker ..... o h ura etal Agricul- Alte a eevdfo h were in charge of Mrs. T. ax . tualSoiey Department of Hgwy ttn brother and Mr. and Mrs. L. As- Boys-lst, Norman May; 2nd! A letter was received trom lhe that, tee many supplementary jett. Winners o h different Tommy Lowery; 3rd Paul Staples ~ t~srneCmayhnln h odb-aswr en umt rcswras folîows: td y heTonsip Teyase raceswereIl yar ad vr irs-Is Township insuranelin vhich ittebyheTwsi.hyasd year anaOve t*iiS- stthat in future these be combinied lst race,, Special for ail girls Bonnie Barlow; 2nd, Evelene 1 was stated that an acidi'tionai -iver 12 years -Treasure Hunlt, Brown; 3rd, Donna Chailice. A rmu o 8 lwel enc-.i rerte ro r .e ok work.b ec sayto give compiete township Alte rmM.Hlepb won by Julie Schmid - a beach san vr OS-slic School Inspecter, poi.ited eut býag dlonated by Ctcrnishst's Red & til yearsTandshver Boyno st - Chris Aslett; 2nd Peter Larsen;2~ wlilty eeage.This covetrae Wrhite Store. - orioudicudtntin htm y ta t To ship had ne iauth- 3rd Wayne Fairbrother. i 1appen in the OronKedloerttesabshceIhlias l-lepin rae, irls6 t 10yrs Rairoo Rae -6-1, Gi~ls~ , , ,~. ny ther public building under -if it was their wish te give the lst, Sue Asiett; 2nd H-eather Mc- lst Susan Stesa; 2nd Sue Asett i . the Jurisdiction of the Township.scosahifdyolayt a- Gu;3dCamieNwa. 3rd, Yvonne Schoenmaker. itCouncil are teaiibtain the addi-tedheialfrtattwel 6-10 Bos- lstPaul aaples;Y necessary te pass a civic hoh- Hopping race, boys 6 te 10 yrs. 2nd, Tommiy Lewery; Srd Harold Council endorsed a recemmnen- dy lst, Paul Staples; ý2nd Jonathan YI ,iI dation presented by Whitby tea ylte ~l. .f.Iomsc Staples; .3rd Tommny 1owery (Continued, page 8) petition the Province te accept a Leskard reported the effect of Miss eathe Ruterford, -dau- greater share of the cost cf edu- oa pryinhi are. h MissIleaher utlcation in order that every student roadl srperintendent was instruct- ,hter cf Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Ruth- in the Province would have an eded te invesigate the complaint.' P tL k up e En serford is a recent graduate of Iqa poruiy uc es The first meeting of the newly ýHoel ie, S. oseh'sScr,#lýure wouid- aise îeave moremoney appointed Adjustment Commit- of Nursing,, Kingston. Miss Ruth in the municipaîity te cairry out tee, whic-h- will handie irregular- Season For H eather R ebeka1hs .erford bas been visiting with, ber terredpogas phig n escaied fopr Jl th.nfrswg tities lu property transfers wa atd Twentv-six Sisters and Brothersl___________________________________________________________ gathered at the Lodge Hall on Tuesdlay, June 22nd for the ]est meeting of the season. A delicieus pot Luck dinner was i»uch en- joyed after which regular Ledge meeting was held with Sister Betty Newmnan , N.G., presiding, assisted by Vice Grand Sister Loin Kennedy. Roll Cail showed al cf-- ficers present. Minutes were. read by Record- lng Seretary Sister MVae Allen. Sister Lola Kennedy gave a fine report on the visiting cemmnittee. Sister Alice Hooey repeorted on thie catering te the diamond 'ýed-1 dling anniversary cf Bro. and os- fer Ben, and Eva White. Sister Rainey reported for the commoittee in charge cf purchas- ing a piano for the, Lodge room and a motion was Passed that the Ledge purchase a piano frem Mrs. Everton White. Sister Mae Allen and Sister Laverne Barrabail gave a fine re- port ifrorn the Rebekah Assernbly held at the Rtoyal Yýork Hetel in Toronto which they attended., Sister Gladys Garnsby reported that she and Sister$ Betty -Major, Irene MIurray, Velma Watson, Mae Allen, Lola Kennedy attend- ed the. reception and banquet for newiy-elected President, held at Sisters Mae Allen, Irene Mur-E ray, jean Lewis, Betty Major vis--Q ited Sister Emmra DLunu at Belle-a ville Hospital.y IlAcnee for the Trim-FaIlis weddin.g was, appointed and, a t com-mittee, formed. Business be-v ,n-g concluded, Lodge closed ne-c cording te ritual. The Wýater Safety and Swiim- formed a number cf ye.ars age te, rning Classes held at the Orene carry 'on the water safety clnsses1 Swimning Pool attract a large after the Orono Red Cross was attendance every July and this arnalgamated with the Bowman- year is ne exception. Weil over ville Red Cross. 300 youngsters registered, during In the Tadpole section, non the first two days cf the classes swimmers ever 130 have enrol-1 wvhich 1epened this week The led in four individual classes. classes are sponsored by the Or- -Seventy-three were enrolled. On, ono Water Safety Club which was Menday in the beginners cl asses with 51 in the Juniors, 22 lu Iu- Srnith. Assistants are Mrs. Neli termediates, il lu Seniors and 5 Snielders, Misses Lynu Bailey, seeking, their bronze swimming Debbie Reynolds and Carol Nix- awardon. Two qualified swim ming and wrater safety instructors aîong The park is now a beehive of with four other assistants are activity every morning when conducting the classes. Mrs. Shir- s-wirmmers and parents make their ley Reynolds is lu charg'e f the daily trip te the pool for the instructions assisted by Mr. Ren 1 swimming lessons. - - - - ----- --- 1 M, !M SL"ý

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