From the- Orl'Àno Uited Chi "THE BIG 'G'" Taken from a sermon preached by the 1ev. H. A. Mellow on the oecasioft of the Masonie Divine .Service. The topic will, immediately eall to mmnd a T.V. Commercial. BUT, it relates to a Masonie Symbol al- ways immediately conspicuous in the Masonic Temple. The letter 'G' is, a reminder of God. It is my biope that for ail who see the T.V. Commercial and ail who enter a Masonic Temple they will- think ,of the- One Whom the real. "Bic; ýG" relates. Too 'often we see a Church, at- tend a Service, see the Masonic 5Emblem or hear the ritual wlth- c-ut any penetrating. or eomnpell-' îng thought of the Living Reality to Whom they should direct, us. Paul said to' the Athenians, 'Whomn ye ignorantly worship, Him declare I unto you." I would Miie to say, "Him Whom we care- fully regard, even in our formiai Service, I declare unto you."1 But first there must be cleared away some tragie misconceptionis. Bishop J. A.' T. Robinson ln "H1onest To God", whatever else k~e did, challenged, and rightly, the ancient, primitive, yet ail toc commonly held idea of God being ONLY "Up there" or "out there"'. The poet has it riglit . . "Centre and soul, of every sphere-, yet to each loving heart how near!" Too long do we remain children and hohd the childiïsh idea of God being some long white- whiskered* human-like creature sittîng out somewhere on a cljoud. OJr we fail to recognize that being a "Spirit",' God is not limited by time and space as are we humans whose bodies bave ýearthy dimen- sions. But .worse than these areý the qualities we attribute to God. By implication we accuse Hlm of, capriciousness. For example the statement that if we touch wood we have protected ourselves;' oth- erwise God might infliet upon us some misfortune. Or we think if we lobby effectîvely we can per- suade Him to change His 'aws for ojur benefit whatever that éhange znay do to harm another. Or, we call a hurricane or a sinking ship "An at of God."1 Another is seeking to uise God as the -fire department in case of Pemergency, forgetting that 'we re- quire to destroy inflammable rags,ý inspect wiring, and extinguish flames of matches. In some like- ness to thîs we regard God as a kind of cehestial Santa Claus. A young married man whose undis- ciplined childishness was break- ing his home and who was being urged to seek counsel from God repliecf that be had no use for prayer. 1He had tried it when 16 by prayin~g for an electrie shivrer and not ' getting the shaver! Thank God for the New Curric- ulum which is a help in eorrecting these misconceptions. Now, let me try to present 'something of what 1 believe iu the Christian ConceptM Asindicated earlier, though God encompasses in His Creation Callyour licensed Plumbing &-. .Mechcinical Contractor whQ se Ils, instalis and 8uarantees PLUMBIN-G - HEATING .Phone 143, Orono the galaxies 'millionsc years away, stili he is than our reathiniz. and than our hapds and, feet." He is ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURISDAY, JULY 8th, 1965 Fater ofth Podio. an wenPLEBISCITE MAY BE HELD their ratepayers an opportuni4y h ate rsofd the odig a henf At its June 7 meeting, Mill- to express theîr opinion regard- rC w resond o te oureac ofbrook council, on motion of coun- ing assumption by Cavan of 50 oLilc His love with our attitude chang- cillors P. Hlamilton and C. North- iper cent ownership in the Cavan- ed, then are we elevated to re- ey, agreed to a proposai by the Mllbrook Memorial Arena with of light stored relationship. For this H1e 'co' .eI f Cavan township thta1e oisaln natfca "loser is worthy of our love. both municipalities held a plebis- ice unit in the arena.' ,d, nearer H1e is "Sovereign." "The Law cite at the same, time, to give _________________ of the Lord is perfect."11He is not limited by, time or space. 1 wortny o .ol (J loyal JtoUiI1LV. Psalmist when he said, "Yea tho' know Hlm here, even at the same time as the listening folk on 11e, being Immortal, has made 1 walk thrui the valley of the earth's other side know Him. His us for Immortality. Our. hf e "is shadow of death I wil fear no gretnes a Cratr i wothyofmore than meat": Our "'life does evil, for Thou art with me." gretnes a Cratr i wothyofnot consist'of the abundance of We wihl trust Him to the point our evernce.things possessed." H1e is worthyo of proving His, way right ln our H1e is "Father" to me. Jesus our amulation. ýsocial, business and personal re- used this revealing terma. My To be a Mason a man must af- lationships, not accepting the thoughts go back to relations withifîrm: "My trust is in God." That code of the crowd, but the "stat- a human fàther who made this is to say, i V we mean this affirm- utes" of God. And we shah do term meaningful;. wise lu his1 ation that we shah -"put our lives this in the -same spirit of love's counsel; careful in his disciplin-lin orbit" about God; H1e at the obedience as that of Him Who in ing; loving the immaturity and re- centre, and not we ourselves. We Gethsemane said, "Not my will belliousness out of me. God is the 1 will trust Hlm as the Shepherd but Thine be done." SPLUMBING and HEATING d Sales and Service 024 HOUR BURNER SERVICEI S B.A FINANCING OLow Interest Rates : hones: p0 Hampton CO. 3-2298 Tyrone CO. 3-2650 Save 9û! BETTY k CROCKER il.iBUY! Save -Je! Solid White )N'eat 7-oz. Tins F BESTBUY~Save10!3-lb. Family Pack PET UY! Sve6f! CIello10s BES BU! Sve~5e Whteor Coloured BETBY ave 12c! Buly 1 - GtiFree! 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