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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Jul 1965, p. 4

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OROrNO WEEKLY TIMES, TlUURSDAY~, JULY îtIb165_____ ORONO PUBLIC SCHOOL 1 PROMOTIONS The followingc is a list of the promotions for the. Orono Publie Sehool for the school year 1964-, 1965. Grades 1 and 2 are listedj alphabetically wvhîle the other1 classes are ln order of standing. Iromoted. to Grade 2-4 Davidi Armistaong, Brenda Buck- 1er, Bruice Buffam, Steve Burram, Bobby Bunting-, John Cornish, Jim Estabrooks, Wanda Kramer, Murray, McLaren (transfeared), JoAnn Mercer, Susan Partridge, James Quinton, Chris Robinson, Douglas Rutherford,, Maureen Shetier, Marilyn Suelders, Jona- thon Staples, Donna Tennant, Nicky Van Seggelen, Sally Wal- lace, Barry West, Cindy West, Judy West, Kim West. Promoted to Grade 3- Douglas Black, Diane Boyd Cheryl Cornish, Linda deJonge Jane Forbes, Deborah Gordon, Daniel Groeneveld, Michael Rut- ton, Mark Mercer, Nancy Mercer, Catherine Milison, Ni a Tisma, Gary Taylor,' RQy Teary, Elaine Vagg, Terry West, (' 'irles Wood, Kenneth Wright. Proinoted t6 rae4- Cath'erine Eunting, .Debra Ileard, Susan West,, David Gil-ý bank, Jacqueline Suelders, Don-, na Knapp, Bonnie Dunlopî, Paul Staples, Alan Pears, Keith Powell, Steven Mercer, Mairk Carmpn,ý Yvonne Schoenmaker, Lynn Low- ery, Gail Morrison, Dora Knapp, Steven Allen, Stephen Cox, Jroirn Gi1bart,, James Pres,'ott,- Randal Eastabrook. Promoted tb Grade 5 Carol Chatterton, LarryLanna, Steven Boyd, Nico deJonge, Jan- ice Caldwell, Geraldine Vanden- brink, Sheila Kennedy, Susan As- lett, Brion Black, Joan Duvaîl, Laurie Schmid, David Luxton, Ed- ward Robinson, Wesley Knapp, Krista Dent, Arlene Buchier, Ran- daîl Nixon, Déborah Moore, Kath- leen Gustar, Steven Mitchell, Michelle Hooey, Lynda Terry, (transferred), Gregory Wallace'l (transferred), James Tennant, (trans ferred), Ronald Forrester (transferred), Shirley Dunlop (transferred). Prainoted'to Grade 6- Bob Tennant, Richard Bunting, Betty deJonge, Blain Moffat, Kar- en Hardy, Diana Razelden, Heath- er McGIl Byan Garden, Bill 'il- banik, Tom , MacDonald, Barbara G)istar, Geo(rge Jones, Gay QuinT- ton Pal TddCharmnaine !New- maFranesTrrtbam , Donald McLaren, Ho)nda Tennan, ,Nor- mon Hoy, VlrePrrde ri Tennant, Kathiryn Grody, She('ila Bairstow, Dean Cox, Kay Prescitt, Catheaine Walkea, Shelley Mercer David Mercea (transferred). j Promoted to Grade 7- Sally Staples, Evelene Brown, Margaret Santo, Bonnie Barlo,, Donna Cha-llice, Donnie Alen, Chai s Aslett, Nancy Barrabal, Ken Partaridge, Artur Kilpatrick, Wenl'dy Meacea, Kathy Mîddleton, Edlard Woodyard, Jim Partner, Dennis Cobbledick, Alan Walker, Ken Easýýtabrook-, Randy Tennant, Wayne .Couvier, Julie Jones, Day- id Foarester,, Ricky Simpson, Bill Buckier, Edith Kilpatrick (trans- ferred), Joe Eastabaook. (trans- ferred). Promoted to Grade 8- Glenda Tennant, Carol Cald- W~ell, Suzanne Bunting, Julia Neal Michael Carman, John Duvall, H-arry deJongeý, Caroline Johuson, r Dianne Nicholson, Linda McLaren Donna Gilbank, Molly Newman, Nancy Foarester, Julie Schmid, Judy Garden, Lynda Barrabaîl, Tanya Estabrooks, Nancy Nixon, Bryon Myles, Katherine Paki -n- son, Gardon Rooey, Heather Hughes, Doetta Challice, Raye West, Sharon Bairstow, Ronald Prescott, Ralph Pakinson (trans- ferred). Promoted ta Grade 9- Donnie McKenzie, Bill Cldwell, Caola Mercer,- Ellen Milîson', Beverley Tennant, Patricia Wal- lace, Pamela Hardy, Patsy Mather, Eline Schmid, Susan Goode, Di- aune Portridge, Robert Nixon, Mog Toggart, Fred Bunting, Anne Arnott, Cary Smpson, Margaret Middleton, Darlene, West , Fac Lewis, Glenn Grady, Don Todd, Doug Taylor, Borbara Mitchell, Clive Johnson, John Parkinson, Betty Prescott (transferred). ANTIOCII S NO* 8 C.T.S.A. June Promotions. lst Closs, Hon- ours (1); 2nd Class Ronours (2). N'Jmes in order of mnent. ITo Grade IX- 1 Kathryn Coatham (1);. Don White (1); Gary Black (2); Ron- nie Cowan. rTo Grade VIII- Marie Yeo, (1) Janet Duvail (1) Stephen Black (2) Robert Taylor. To Grade VI- Lloyd Gifford (1); Susan Mor- risqn (2). To Grade V- Dale ïEvans (2); Karen Coat- ham 2);MicaelMorrison (Rec- Dense tepens (1); Sandra Taîor 2>;John Coatham (2); To Grade IV_ Nancy Drivali (1); Margaret 9 MAoffat (1); Catherine Stepheus (1); Carl Coath)nm (2). To Grade III- Valerie White (1); Jim Moffat (2). To Grade Il- Thomas Mvoffat (1), Kenneth Coatham (1). Perftect lu attendance-Karen, John, Gairy, Stephen. Perfect he-alth recod-Kathryn Marie, Janet, Carl, John. PROMOTION REPORT 0F LOCKIIART, NO. 9 SCIIOOL Senior Room Grade 8 ta Grade 9- Arlene Allun (Hon.); Lois Bar- chard (Hon.); Rosemnary Gibson; Danny, Harte-Maxwell; Brent Kent;,ý Sandra Laing, Steve» May; Elaine Parks (Hon.); Bar-y Wes- tern (Hon.) Grade 7 ta Grade 8- Nick Bonnema (Hon.); Janet Gîbson; Carol Harte-Maxwell; Bar ry Hozelden (Hon.); David MacDonald; Steven West. Grade 6 ta Grade 7- Debbie Carveth, (Hon.);- Gay1 Gibson; Karen Harte-Mdaxwell;' Doreen' Hazelden (Hon.); Chais' Jorgersen (Hon.); Gina Lowery (Hon.); Peter Obrist; Marilyn W'est (Hon.) Grade 4 ta Grade 5- Irene Aluin (Hon.); David D'-a- miant; Lawrence Grozelle; Wayne llazelýen (Hon.); Virginia Laing (11-Ian.); I ay Martin (Hon.); -Mi- chael Obrist. Principal: Mrs. Gladys Green- vood. Junio-jr loom Grade 2 ta G ýrade 4- Laine All'in; Mary Allun (lion) Jiromie Borchoard; Roddy Carveth; Cathy Dmn; Susanne Gers- pacher; P.atsy Gibson;, Wendy Gîbson: Grant Kent; Kathy Lem- pen;-Tommy Lowery;, Heather E Aul'o SC., C Local News Pupils i Mas. M. H. Stapfles, whoj were successful at the re- Grade 2 to Grade 3- Shirbi1T Allen i Hon. V Mai'v cent Royal Conservatory of Tx onto, Jane examinations were: Piano Grade VII- Donald -Me- Keuzie lst class honors; John Du- vaîl and Marie Yeo,- also in Gr. VI, tied - honors. Grade Il-jea-n Duvall honors, IH. E. MILLSON Clerk ai the Municipalîty MAEMORIALHSITAL BOWMANVIJJLE PERSONS TO BE ADMJTTED MUST REPORT BY -3 P.MO- Effective il JuIy, 1965, persans, other than emergencies and those admitted early lu the morning and discharged the.same day, must check'in not later than 3 p.m. Tis decision has been made in the interests ai improved service and better patient care~. BOARD OF DIREC¶'OB Public Sehool Promotions Urha Cntral Agricultural Society FAIR A ORON, ,SEPTEýMBER 9th, lOth, and llth posrdby SI21TR BEVERAGES 0F OSHAWA "Miss Durham Central"' to be chosen September i th at,8:30 p.m. Orono Fair Grounds N a m e ------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Address ---------------------------------------------- Entries must be lu by August 31, 1965 Contestant must be 16 years ai age or over as af August 31, 1965 and must, be a resident ai Durham County. Dress, short formai. Dressing room available. Prizes lst $25,00; 2nd $1500; 3rd $1000. Please sign'and returu this card ta: ,Mas. H. H. .Barlow, Orono. Coujtt ,(Rec.); Gary Cox; Danny 1 'I Theory Grade II-Idska Ri- Dan iko; Kevin Drane (Rec); esr s ls oo John Fox; Mark Obrist;ý Billy Grade I Theory-Sharon Bar- Siater. chard lst class honors. Grad 1 t Grae 2-Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tuggs, Mr. Grade toAde 2-o);Tom and Mrs. Jack McClaud and their aricSev All(Hn.; ommyn two girls from Treherne, Mant- DAlk; Seen DAn; ' Jon toba visited at Mr, and Mrs. Ev- Darnpeik; Ssia Drae;Don;erett Staplenton's îast weekend. LetiMpen; highnMaconald;1 Mr. 'and Mrs. Keith Treguna Doas Mayh Criten.Oritland family have moved into tie Dougas Wite.home on Miil Street which they Teacher: Mrs. Barbara Ingra- irecently purchased from Mrs.. ham. Lantz. T-he Cuclof the Municipality of the Township o, C1a0; ' c The Council of the Municipality of the Township of Clarke hereby gives notice that it intends to pass a By-law to close or stop-up. the Road Allowances ini the Township *ot Clarke, in the County of Durham, following that -is to say: 1. The Roi-ýd Allowance between Lots 8 & 9 in the Eighth Concession of the Township of Clarke, Count~y of Dur- ham, being the north 1412 feet 'southerly of the said northýerly boundary. 2. The Road Allowazfce betweeâï Lots 24 & 25 in the Foui-ti Concession of the Townshfi p of Clanke, County of Durham, extending from the southerly lirnit of the said Fourth Concession to the ntortherly îimit therepe. 3. The Road Allowance between Lots 34 & 35 in the Tenth Concession of the Township of Cla-ke,- County a Durham, extending from the southerly limit of th said Tenth, Concession ta the nortlierly limit therv-of. 4. The odlwne between Lots, 6 &%-7'î i the First Cocsin aithe1 Township of cIïai-ke, county of Diii-. ham exendng ram, the southealy nt of the sa'd FirtConession tc the southeny Iiit of King's fh~~ 5.The R ,ioad Allowance'between Concession 8 & 9 abat tigon Lots 7 & 8'oet the Township of Clar~ke, (Caunt of Durham. 6. Part of the Rond'Allowance between Lots 2 & 3 i th soujth bau of the Eighth Concession of the Town!' i of Clar-ke, County'-, of Durham, extending from th southberly limit ai the said Eighth Concession northerl ta oetIfint where the said Road Allowance between Lot 2 &ý, 3 intersects with the southerly bonndary of h Fori7ced oad, whjich point is 436 feet, more or les, sontherl from Oi Centre Line'ai sdid Eighth Cou- AUTAKENTC that any interested party desiring ta mae ai rta oDppose the said By-law wiIl be heard ii persanou or by prxyit the meeting of the said'Council to h held in the Tonsi all at ODrond, Ontario, on the 3rd. dr, of August, 1965,.at te hour of 10 o'clock in the torenoani Daylight Savlng Time. Dated this 8t0ay af July, 1965.

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