- ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, ILY Sth, l1965 FEMALE HEL ATIELP WANTED THANK YOU Pr{esiea retryW. A Switchboard Operator wanted. TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE 1 oldlk to thank al A Apply inwiigt0Bx3 rn Labourers for construction work parents of, the uiso rn b25 C 1IMust be over 18. Publie Sehool for their kind co- REAL________ES____i_ Apply in person at- Township' operation during my stay at prin- FEMALE HELP WANTED Road Department Shed, Orono.ciaoftesoo.Iwudas HALL,ý PERKIN & COMIMTD xeletOpoIliy- r a-c like to thank the pupils f or their Accuntnts177Chuch t. 0 Exelet flg laies w-t15 ___am____________kindness and the gifts presented Chartered fl nat 77Cuc t' o nevewn iswi h 15o me on various occasions while o0nhours a week available tîme to SUMMER PARK PROGRAM teaching at this school. Ail was King St., Newcastle 0 om~iî 623-3393 u train in their own territories.,Big Those wishing to enroll in the greatly app reciat ed . Jh atn 987-4240 ill demand for Avons Christmas line Summer Playground activities aI onPatn oco -o=ý of Merchandise. H-igh hourly earfl- the Orono Park rnay do so by 361/ King St. E., Oshawa . , 0 0 i ings. A few territories now open. contacting Miss Leslie Stephen- 725-6539 Phone 725-9696 or write Muriel son at the Orono Park any week- CR FTAK William C. Hall B.Comm., C.A. K% Lambert, Bcath Farms, R.R. 2, day morning. Activities run from Myicrs hn tm p- Daiu.pri'CA rvfll te rtn Oshawa. a-p 9 to 12 each morning during the Mysnesthak Dai G eri, .. _________________ month of Juy. Interesting pro- pus and friends of Antioch S. No. IElec-trical Contractiflg LOST grains arranged. a-c 8 for the sumptuous pienic dinner served at the school on June 29th j iji+ fija gBlue and grey Budgie "Joey". and for the gift of a beautifut £flectric .lean Please contact Patricia Wallace STREET FAIR AND DANCE transistor radio presented to me. Oron, pone 207 a- Corne one! Corne ail to Kendal Words cannot convey rny deepest '~~~~W.~~~ KAlYETI.. ~ adSrvc _________ JuIy l4th. Street Fair and Danceaprctinbyu a-p ,W.Kg PHONE 245 AUCTION SALE featurinig Gary Price of C.K.L.B. Mrs.. Catherine Lowery. BDatrister - Soiilitor o The undersigned bas received Oshawa. Entertairnent for "the ______________ 0 i Orono, Ontario. instruction to sell by public nue- entire family. a-c DIED Iithe Offices of O tion household furniture, antiques ________________ R. . addllQC, ~garden tools etc, at the residencé METCALF, Gilbert Ross -w p. R. _____________________ of the late Mrs. Charles MeNeil on BARN DANCE Jl t,16 tbslt eiec ~j MAIN ST., ORONO John St., in the Village of Ponty- Allen Foster's, Kendal, July 10 Lot 23, Concession 5 Clarke 6npool (beside Willis' Garage) on 'featurîng Bob Adams and the Township. Beloved husband, of Teehn 18 OO rn l1ectric. Saturday, July l7th at 1 p.rn.. Bine River Boys. Tris Korop atwa. Age 30 years. 1 -.-PHONE 129 Ternis cash. No reserve. Admission $1.00. Dear father o& aubeanna, David, c=<V CONTRACTORS FOR R. J. Payne, Auctioneer. 9 to 12 o'clock. Everyone, wel- Diane and Day 7. Resting at thçý _______________ FARM . and HOLISE corne. a-c Barlow Funeral Hloîîe,. Park St., FOR RENT Orono. Service will be held oti, WIRING Cottage oni Kosb Lake, good SENIOR CITIZENS PICNIC Friday, July 9thî at 2 p.rn. frorn, Free Estirnates fishing. Hydro. The Senior Citizens Annual the Barlow Funqral Home. Inter-- APPLANCESALE Phone Orono 371. d:25-p Picnic will be held in, Cobourgonmnt Orono Cernetery. B.S.A. BA:Se: 0O:L:S: e air JuIy 14. Those ,wishing to go Prompt and Gharanteed Repair NURSING HOME phone Mrs. H. Barlow or -Mrs-. W. I~~T PRB ESONLEGIER te'ail kinds of Electrical Licensed acconmmodationi at Hoar by this week-end. a-c ET (Civil)Equipment and Applialices .Lyntonhurst Manor NursingDAN Kent- At Humber Onaro adSuch T.. adMeos -ater Hetros Home for Senior Citizens. Reason- Memorial iospital, Weston, on V ntri Lnd5i~~veorT.. ados- toes~able rates. Sunday, Jiily 4th, 1965, Kenneth 1 QenS. Box169 Phone Orono 371. n:28:p Dean, Newcastle, aged 51 years. 121 ucenSt.1659 o~oZ~ ~Beloved husband of Bessie Bear, Bownfville, Ontario dear father of Ross, James andt n62 3-7251 0mf~, u HOME HEAT Mary. Rested at the Morris Fun.- TelPhIle ~ ~WA1Tu.ON iviMarine eral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service C fl ~ U , i* 'e s :was held in Newcastle United O~O ~ >O~OOaOm' jlt~lIJon Chuirch on Wednesday, July 7th CI at 3:30 p.m. Interment Orono nsrne0Orono Phone 146 ujCrntr L. ~1 SrviceMCULLOCH BOATS ~DOUG SIMPSONg 0 CHGAIN SAWS SONg LEAMEN-In loving rnemory of Accounlani. ~~Repairs to ail makes oLaf Phone Orono 208aderwfanmohr 375,Water Street Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle 0Ouy1t,15. PETEBOROG0 AutoEgisgPAINTING .- INTERIOR &3Jlylth 95. PEERORUG E'XTERIOR oThese things death cannot take Phone 742-5482 Fr OTACO PLOW POINTS g PAPER HANGING No 1]nrternrcr Package Policies AND MACHINERY O BUILDING CUPBOARDS fi o gnrternrcr Fidliy ond g REODLLING y Canharrn nor enter memory's y . FURNITURE REPAIR & h a l vd obaui n Genieral gLaiiyBUYING OR SELLING F0IHO heair, ved IN UR NC gLifegg AND AIL ODD JOBS From worldly care secure is 0 she -si R AN E Fist ortgge LansLovely she was and lovely shall SEE irstMorgag0Loan j EAI ESzTATE 0 ~be. PART-TIME, RADIO Ever reniembered by husband 0TV REPAIRS William and family. a-e FRED LYCETT 1 Sadie Ham ;ton A. j.-McGILL HI-FI_-_______ g REAL ESTATE BROKER - Record PlayersINM ORA OFFICE . MAIN ST., ORONO - Antennas - TowersIN EMRA Phonie 12516 Res. 20616 Phon~ies: Orono 1407- PA Systen for rent COOPER-In loving memory of a Phoie 1--16 ronoAl parts and labour guaranteed dear wîf e, mother and grand- -------00-Oshawa 728-4285 HARRY WIERSMA mother, Leta, wAho passed away JAC R I Phone 1737 Orono July 6th, 1963. -- -.Sadly missed and lovingly re- Oronû'9s Licensed ______________ membered by hushand Charlie 'Acioerand Valuatoi el ~~ and famiîy. Speçialize in Farm and Box 133 MO.MEMORIAM Co nitume forlers lr rohr uilding a H uSe? When Buying or Selling eali GAY-In loving memory of our i 12 R wle dear mother and rnioh, and dates Lirnited % 91 i Ie ~hn 8 Oronu 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont- or, remodelling your present lrlZ Orono rtaGyw pseaa n Manufacturers, of one, then éontact Rpeetn 1942 and. our dear father 'and T D A KS N Cemetery Memiorials Jack i c ald ' fteJohn Gywopse Dealers in REALTORÇ21, June 22nd, 1946. ACone andn aluao oetc&FrinGaies elytNcolo 71 King St. E., Bowm anville Lovingly remembered and sad- sonus Au tlraon ale rfaes and Marbies - Inscriptions Cut 623-2503 1Y missed by Harold, Elva and sizs ndatreaonbl rde Cemetery Repair Work PHONE 2191 ORONO Member Oshawa,,and Dstr girls a-p Cmuicate with him aI eEtt Pr port Ferry, Ontario _____________ elEtt or ACCIDENT KILLS THREE _________________________Three United States resîdents Monmens ad ________________were killed Monday and two oth- I IIcIaÀnandJ 1,.ck tt ion on theMadnl-rte PU PIG UT Fmiy naorils nCUl5adA n t Freeway near Newcastle. OuPqaltyPi eric lavs UTRprsetaie eacae auaLink74,1n ........ ..