ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, JULY Mbh, 1965 Prices Effecive July 7, 8, 9 and 10 We Reserve the Right to Liait Quantities Frut Pnch- rape- rage - Orange & Pineapple 48 oz. Old South Frozen6 oz. Tins I I- DINKS 3 for $1l ORANGE-t' JUICE 5for$I' IGA Canned - Buy a Case of 24 for onl>' $1.57 10 oz. tins Welchade Soft Drinks l 12 for 79c Grape Drink 32 oz. Jar 2f>r 69C IKool Aid - Rtegular Orange - Cheiry - Lemon - Lime - Grape Drink Millxes 10O for 49c Nestle's Keen L. oz 49c. A "RED HOT" FEATURE A Pkg. of Hospitality FRE!WIENER, ROLLS With >thePuirehase of a ï1lb. àkga. SWIF<T PREMIUM W ir .EN ER S AT THE REGULAR PRICE Tablerite Sliced Varuum Sealed C ooked Meats Lean, Mild Cured, Sweet Pickled Cottage Rolis- Lean Meaty Fresh Side Ribs 6&z19c mhole or ]Hall lb 49c lb 65c Granuýlated WIIITE SUGAR 101hl 75cý Libby's Deep Brown 15 z. Tis B)eans and Pork 4lor 69c HIospitality Faiy Sige Apple Rhubarb Pie ea 45c SAVE THESE EXTRA TAPES FOR FREE GIFTS OR EATON MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES RECEIVE AN EXTRA $6.00 -BONUS TAPE WITH MIR LIQUID DETERGENT 2 24-oz. Containers RECEIVE AN EXTRA $4.00 BONUS TAPE WITH KELLOGGx'S SPECIAL "K"' il oz. Pkg. JAVEX LIQUID BLEACH 64 oz. Size Leaaiinigtoin Grown ONTARIO, P0%T ATu'OE S loIlb 99 Sweet, Juicy Valencia SIze 138 Sunkist Oranges 2 doz 89c Produce of U.S.A.. Can. No. 1 Grade Canta loupes Produce of South Africa . Can. Nio. I GralIe Granny Smith, Apples, f or 49c 6for 39c STONES STRAWS Homepack 2 pkgs. of !00 - ----- - WHITE S WAN TISSUE White or coloured 2 Twin Packs ---- 49e Cara mel Wafers or 'Fanecy Assorted 8 oz. pkgs. GRAY DULNN BISCUIITS -Z2 for ------7-------- - -- ------55e BAVER ASPIRIN TABLETS - Bottie of 100 - -- ------69e MacLE ANS TOOIPASTE Economy S ize 79e HÙOSPITALITY BRAN MUFFINS - Pkg. of 6 - -------------- -- 35e LICORICE ASSO RTMENT English style 2 ý9-oz. pkgs ------- 49C RECEIVE AN EXTRA $2.00 BONUS TAPE WITH IGA EVAPORATED MILK 4 Taîl Tins FROZEN FISH & CHIPS Fraservale Black Dlamond White or'Colonred 0LD CHEESE STIX 24 oz. Pkg. 8 oz. Stix SLICED SIDE BACON Tablerite Rindless %/ lb. Pkg. Produce of U.S.A. - Can. No. 1 Grade CELLO TOMATOES 14 oz. Tube -~ -~--- Kirby 1Mvr. and Mrs. Wm. Wannan vis- ited with Mrs. Ross Patterson» who is in Hillscrest Convelesctt)' Hfospital recovering from a brok- en hip. Mrs. Beatrice Bigelow Robin- son passed away ia a Cobourg hospital after a lengthy iliness. Beatrice was the eldest of the family of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bigelow,, Tyrone. The June meetinig held Tues- day eveni ig was,>well attended. After thie eai to worship, op- ing hvmn 31 and the Lord's Pray- er, the minutes' were read and adopted le ow,ýed by roll cali. Correspondence was, then read Motio ns were made to send, a donation to Quin-Mo-Lac Camp and a committee to arrange the catering of the wedding. Kay then reported on her twa days at the workshop, he therne beirg "Music and You."1 Several new hyrms were then enjoyed. Bible showing tions of Sower." (readings were tak£n the different transia- the same parablç, mie The ladies were then divkde d into grop for a very interesting bible dicusion. Qffering was re-, ceived and dedicated. Me eting was closed with choral benediîc- tion. junior Gardeners (Continued from page 1) Stesa. il years and over, Girls-Ilst Sally StapIps; 2nd Evelene Brown 3rd Julie Schmid. il years and over - Boys - lst Wayne Convier; 2nd Peter Obrist 3rd, Chris Aslètt. A.B.C. Collection-lst, Dale Evans, Paul Staples, Donna Chai- lice; 2nd, Donna Williams, Yvon- ne Schoenmaker-, 3rd, Bonnie Barlow, Nancy Barrabaîl, Chris Aslett.' Junior Farmers News Roundup by Wm. J. Tomlinson Well here it is Gals, the cop)i- petition of the year. Tell me, how, many of you i ve in this situation, "I'll do it later, I don't have time to do it ri ght now." You kniow what I mean he doesn't have tinie to plant the flowers, weed the carrots, paint the. window frames, trim the grass, paint the fence or dlean out the back wood shed or garage. Well what would the old man say if you offered a hundred dollars to hlm for cleaning Up those odd jobs. 1 would be willing to bet he would have junior or the girls out there in a haîf hour working. Here's how it works, the Junior Farmers of Durham with the as- sistance of the Ontario Govern- ment and some other farm or- ganizations, are planning to jiave a Farmstead Improvement Com-, petîtion. The objective of the competition is to encourage farrn- ers to dlean up, dress up and paint Uip their property in prep- aration for Canada's Centennial. Date of the competition is from Sept. lst, 1965 to Sept. 3rd, 1966. Entries must be made previous to Sept. lst, 1965. Judging will teke place from Sept. 6th. to Oct. 151for the first visit. The final inspectioni and judging will be betweeèn August 22nd and Sept. 3rd, 1966. If there is sufficient interest the prize money will be based on three levels, township, county and provincial. If an adequate nuaiber apply a fist prize winner could win up to $635. plus the pride of his own achievement. Entry forais may be obtained from the De- partaient of Agriculture, Bow- mianville. There should be ini the near future some one 'in yQur townshiparound toe all on yen, So, tii then, keep it clean. I