Orono VOLUME 27, NýUMBER 25 Wooly Timos ORONO WiýEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULV lSth, 196-w Chcimber Memnbers, Seventeen ýmembers of the Or.. ,no Chamber of Commerce -met -at Miller's Restaurant on monday evening for the regular monthly me2eting. Parking in Orone, along wîth entances inte the Village andPlanning came under discus- nin. Mr. F. E. Lycett reported that the parký-ing committee ,ef the Chaber had met with the Orono PoieTrustees and that propos- ais we'Ire under consideration. He nlo ointed out that the County hIPEId jurisdiction over 'the iroad and sidewalk allowane- . In discussing- some features 'on planning it was feit that 1lîttle was known by the group. The secretary was instructed te con- tact, Mr. H. E. 'Mlison, clemk' for the Township, to address the members at the next meeting in ,connéetion with planning and al- se 'the duties and controls by the newly appointed Cemmittee of Adjustment. A discussion also was directed te the underpass proposai in.sti- tuted by the Chamber. It was de- cided before progressîng further 1,hrQugh the Depatment of Hig#i- ways that the committee should obtain the opinion and support of the local governing bodies, lar erder that-a united approacli can] be made 'te the, Dep_-artment. The, Committee is te first arrange a meeting with 'the Orono Police Trustees as soon as possible to d1iseuss the proposal. A director's meeting is to be held in the near future to pre. pare plans for the Street Carni- val On Wednesday, August l8th. The treasurer reported a bank balance of $667.92. We have been i-vif ermed that negetia.tiens 'te have a dentist le- cate in Orone did net materialize as was expected. The Trustees ci the, Little Charitable Feundatien weenegotiat!ig with a dentist who had indicat ed that he weuld liocate at th,-e Orone Medical Centre. The dentist lias another centre. now lecated inu Deoiis tLocato b Oiono Cee WtrProject aniigC pet ion ALI projects on rhe urono Mvun- Township Lets, Contract For Leskard ràdà icïpal Watder rSystcm are nearing The Couincil-.of the Township completion and the majority of0 of Clarke at a special meeting on workî expecte to be complet-Coric H gh Bd Monday evening accepted the ed i nýL.toweeks.10 tender of the Ganaraska Bridge i pia 1ait he i Comnpany for the construction of T ers~at pie t i OCO u 111L the new Leskard Bridge. The ac- atr ta~dpipe at theTo cepted tendered price was $17,- paite it fna c~t f gee, enders for the construction of,259.0.0 plus $120,00 for hackfili. +h la'ae lesorces C ten-a large addition te the Courtice ITbe Canaraska bid was ene of ilsionan Orne ortheout figh School will -be opened July two tenders. des Pïesntly omkfomteoare 15 by the Durham Ceunty Dist- The ether tender xvas from Mcl rict Higli Sehool Board. The -ten- lion Construction for an amount Il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f- - 7 'vn pitigte n dr ill be studied by a cern- cf $28,827.40. * il3f the tank. Within a few iittee, meeting at the Clarke- Ceuncil àlso passed a resolu- Cays this should lie cempleted. , ligli. School. tien on behaîf of the Orono Pol- The ie ajo'-ity cf the w ater1 The addition will include 10 ice Trustees requesting three ln- mains, throughout the- Village classrooms, two typing rnoms, a dividual extensions' te the water have been given their pressure business m achines room,- three man in Orone. test and with eniy a few exlep- science laboratories, a drafting1 tiens have. held up under the room, an auto mechanics shep, a girls. test. woodworking and carpentry shop, Theî prejeet alse calîs for an 1 shop, an agricultural laiboratory, extension ef the cafeteria, rcino- At the present time the wn.ter an electrical' and. electronics vatien cf the kitceeA and staff vap tth um ies i e , ,i occupatiedal dining room and aiteratiens to ing înstallgd and by the end of a reenhfoubose ý anote o h o e o thp, weeeem for oysandrnothr froth boier-0om ime weeK iii oi- ne pro- Thirty-eue Cubs and five Scouts ject wil] b- ccmpl,)eted. The auxil- along with their leaders, travel- ýiary motor will ne be installed led te Presqui'le Provincial Park at1 thi ias it lias ye.t te Fniday afternoon te spendtvoanieWeknthpmplus days under canvas. The Orono is far from being, finislied but group were the sole occupants of ceuld-be cemplc'eed within? a few the reserved Cub and Scout days. {camp grounds. The two days were paceked with cmigchores, cooking, swim- ming, hiking and a visit to a nature Museum. The group broke camp Su nday afternoon. Those camping with the group were Messrs. Russell Major, Jack Garden, J. Eastabrooke, Paul' Groenveld and Robin Taggart. An -outig is also being con- sidered for the Cubs and Scouts near the end of August. 1. Workmi-en ame aise making sidewaik reportîs threughout the Village and .vith final testing the qroad repazir program will take ef- feet. The request for three individu- ai additions te the system is preseatly under consideration by thie O.W.R.C. and gainin.g their approval, will be ,,ibn1itted' to the Municipal Biairdi for their ap- proval. It is net known when this womk may be approved. Dairy Princess Night In Newcastle ' ,ArenaTo-Night A -special, salute te the Dàiry dairy iqdustry in their own' coun- Jndustry will be the 'selection cf ty. The contestants will thenz be the Dairy Pnincess for both milking dairy cows that are sup- Northumberland, and Durham plied by dairy farrners in Durham Counties at a gala event la -flc County. The winners in the conit Newcastle Aena on Thursday petition will compete at the Can- evening, July lSth at 7:00 pi.m. adian National Exhibition for the Through the co-operation cf IProvincial Dairy Princess. the dainies , creameries and Those who are taking part in cheese, factories there will bIthe competition will be scored by free milk for everyone, draws for three judges on their _general 40 lbs, of elheese,, butter and knowledge cf dhe da~ industry,. mnilk tokens. their ability as- pubýicI speakers The evening program will start and their success at milking fol- at 7:00 p.m. wvith the young ladies lowing recommnded procedures. competing for the Dairy Prin- At the present timie, three young cess .,ivinýg a short talk on' the1 (Centintied on page 5) Newcastle Aena wlll open its viacial finals at the Canadian Na- doors at 7 p.m. on Thursday, tional Exhibition. Training liard1 July lSthi for the annual Dairy for the contest are, from left te Princess, competitionl with at right,, Margaret Shiackleton, Bar-, least tbree contestants from bara Leeand Margaret Coombes, Norýthumberland and three fromin from the Bowanmville area MVrs. D)urham vying for the two crowns ICoombes won the tËtle last year. Winners will advance to the Pro-1 Special, guests w-Ill lie lwit year's Lewis i-Cobbledick Wedding With the Rev. D. R. Dewdney with cap sleeves. Bodice of cot- officiating, Sandra Darlene Cob- ton lace over taffeta and silk or-- Sbledick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ganza skirt of taffeta with a bow Rloss Cobbledick, Newcastle, Ont., at the back waistline, They wore becamne the bride of Robert Tien- three-quarter length white g1ovýes ry Lewis, son of Mr. and Mdrs. and shoes to match~ their gowns. Harry Lewis, Orono, Saiturday, Theýir hats were one large aqua June l9th, 1965 at 3:00 p..i oewt acJg tulle. Their S St. George's Anglican Church, ýJèwellery was peari d rops, gifts Newcastle. of the bride and they carried es- cades of white and aqua xÉums. Pikad whlte Mums andl The flower girls dresses were whie laiols ecratd hewhite organza over taffeta, short church, Mrs. Dora Kelsey played 1ulsitcmbrud fau the wding mic and Glra Wmaysilk, organza. Their headpiece was Laewthé hiesistergo uri Gaalarge laqua mum and they wore (aunt of tebie agdrn white lace wrist gloves and a the signing'of the register. necklace *!th a stirling- si[,er The bride, givà in marriage heart. Theyý carried baskets of M ~ by her father, wore a floor whiteand aqua mumis. length gown of white lace over RosLws fOrn (b.te taffeta, with a scoop necklînie ac- ftegom a rosa cented by pearîs and sequins, adFe lnil fNwate long pointed sleeves and a very cundfe grooimlafne Stanley fulsit wt oes imade ofcosn fth grmadSale skirt with'roCobbledick of Newcicstle (lrother chiffon starting at the side of o hbiewr ses the waistline, going to a V to- wards the bottom of the skirt at Receiving the guests at the ie- the back. The'skirt flowed out at ception, held in the' Legion Hall, y the back to f ormi a train. Bowmanlville after t he ceremen.î, The bride's head dress was was the bride's rn&her, assisted made of Peau de Soie petals with by the mother of Ilc groom. Irç. peari trimi and shoulder length Cobbledick had1ch oien a gown of Veil of fine, nylon tulle and she pink chiffon over taffeta, -ather- carried a cascade of gold roses, ed at the waist with a rose, a white stephanotis and fera, round neckline and short sleeves Matron of Honour was, Judy with mnatchirg pink %nd white ac- Hope (friend of the bride) from cessories and a corsage of whitle Newcastle and the bridesmaids carnations and pink roses. Mp were Margaret Cryderman, Bow- Lewis was wearing ýa two-plece manville, friend of' the, bride anid blue and white figured dress Fae Lewis of Orono, sister of the with a pleated skiit and the jack- Ontario Dairy Priincess, Elizabeth groom. Flower girls were Brenda et had three-quarter > length Crawford. The public is invited Cobbledick, sister of the Jbride sîceves. lier accessories Mwere to the ijnteresting show, that will and Joanne Collier of Newcastle, white arn h w' 1 oraec also fMature free milk for 'every- cousin of the bride. The maîd of pink and white carnations. one, many worthwhile draws and honour and bridesmaids were at- For the wedding trip'ta Lake displays of modern dairy euttip- ýtired in aqua floor length gowns, Placid, New York, the blide don, ment. with straight-ci4 skirts andem red a teal green sheath dress pir wistinsscoop necklines (Continued page 8)