ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 15th, 1965 v is its Northi Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., Dur- ham County. 1It was my priviledge and plea- sure during the past week to jDin with a number of my colleagues oi the Legisiature in making a flyîng visit to North Western Ontario. Organized by the Department, of Lands and Fo-ests, unier îhe direct1on of the llonouraUe Ke- so Roberts, the v-rit wasdesigned to give members a broader knowledge of that vast area of 1-n umerable rivers, lakes and fcrests, as wvell as the work, and problems of those people who are developing the wealth of the r atural resources on the frontiers ,of our Provin-ce. The group, representativ Qs of aIl three Parties, and the Preý,s, 4ravelled by T.C.A. to Fort VfliI- liamn on the morning of July 5th. Here, twelve Otter and Beaver planes of Lands and Forests took ýover and from that point until we touched down at Toronto's Island Airport on Sunday even- ing, provided us with safe, cour- teous and efficient transportation over some 3000 miles of -Ontar- io's rugged northland. The fliglit was so well organ- ized that, except fo a one day layover at the R.C.A.F. Radar base on the Mid, Canada Line at Winisk due to weather conditions iwas compietely on schedule. When one realizes that at a inajority of points limitcd dock- îng facilities were available, and planes had to ta.ke. their turn in la nding their 'ocupants, the feat wvas indeed an -anazing onie. Great ,credit is due Mr. Roberts and bis On arrivai at Fort, Williams, the group was transported by buses -to the' pulp and paper plants of the Abitibi and Great Lakes Companies. flere we were given an excel- lent illustration of the' changes being wrought by automation in the timber industry. In 1962 three eastern Pulp and Paper companies formed a part- ,nership known as the Logging Research Associates. Two and ,one 'haîf years, and two million dollars later, this wrganization bas produced two protype ma- chins, both of which vere dem- onstrated for the .benefit of the visiting legisiators. The first of these, the arlbo matik. self -loading . kidjder, as- sembles full trees after they bave been felled and forwards them to a roadside location. The second machine, the Ar- hbomatik processor, picks ups the trees, removes the bark and limbs, cuts the trunk into reguir- ed lqngths, and piles the finished rroduct for transportation. The two machines replace about forty mien. ,World competition in the pr-- duction of iiood pup and paper bas forced companies' to adopt suc'h time-saving equipment., Icq use, however, has other ad- vantages. The'branches and, bark remain in the forest area to pro- vide, through decomposition, a seed bed for -reforestration and, iu addition to the greater effi- ciency and increased production, Callyour licensed Plumbing& Mechanical Contractez who se lis, instczils and guarantees -CARI1.ÎN PLUMBING - HEATINO Phonie 143, Orono Flying over this area of count-, on that, great cavity in the One might say it was a trîum. i ern ()ntario , less lakes and streams, one is im- earth's surface known as 'Steep phant conclusion to Governor pressed, not only by the great Rock Lake. Simcoe's main street of Upper provides a solution to the grow potential wealth lying both above Canada, part of which is yonge laboie~ shortages in the industry. and below the ground, but by Here in 1943 huge pumps, (Continued page 6) 1 th rol plaed b thi are inmôunted on barges, pumped the Followingt this, demonstration, the hirol lyedf by thoic n lake dry at the rate of 300,M0 the group was flown 195 miles ntioryouroic n gallons per minutp, to expose one west to Fort Francis on Rainy of the largest areas of iron ore - Lake, pagssng over the sceniui Through this rugged land of to be found on the North Amner-Rvm 0 Kakabeka Falls. The provincial forests, lakes and rvrrau the can continent. M re'?and By m o paka h aloeae yearly routes of tradean explor- Arriving at Fort Francis, thC jj tepar the Faîsof aedandation connecting the Great Lakes ri PLUMBING and HEATING @à Foets ttabd 5,00vii-tote athinterland to the members joined with the offi - a, aesadSevc or lstye~ac 4000 ii west. Along this route the early party of Prime Minister Roharts o24 IIOUR BURNER SERVICE U voyageurs in their fur-laden can- to open 'the one and one-haif mile j oesbroghtthewealth of for est Noden Causeway across Raine y 0 B-A FINANCING Ia additioa to the present largeosbouh h Lake. - 0 Low Interest Rates provincial parks in the Rainey lEu rei otemreso This Causeway marks the M 0 Lake area, some seven park reEuoe pletion of an important lt3 inýPhones:U serve areas totalling 30,000 acres The potential minerai wealth the 1,181 mile No. il highway0 HapoCO 3-2288 an-, being held by tIhi Go /ern- of the area was made vividly ap- running from Toronto to Rainey 1 Tyrone CO. 3-U650 [ ment for future dex-&opnetit. )parent when one looked down River. Save34!J5 Off Yack G-oz .Jar I3EST BUY! Save 16c! Salad Dressing Sa', 6c etren 4-oz. Giant S'ize Sý1 LIG T LI ID - I3ST BUY! Save 7c! Yr7 Save- 19c Swnsvian Pînt Bricks e t I CE CRE4for À89C IEST BY!Save c Save 6c - Club Des Millionaires tnm SARDIUNESp -- --27 TA G Orange wrsa HEALTH AND BEAUTY AIDS! Regular 93c! 4-oz. Jar NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM .......79c Reg. $1.19 Pienie Jug Mail-lu Offer Faîmily Siz'ý 1 'DIIflr I rLI FnAc"e Ê 5-lb. Bag of'Lump with the purchase of SLUG-A-BUG [1NSECT KILLER at. reg. price $1.69, 12-oz. Aerosol Bomb 32-oz. Jar lO-oz. Tins F 0 ,K R BEST BUY! Save 13c! 12-oz. Tins KAM LUNCHEON MEAT 2*"85 ' UUIN riAiT ........$U2 BEST BUY! Save 6c! Cello Bag of 50 FROZEN FOODS g Save 6c. Old South Supreme Tender am G re Ta,4j i ORANGE JUICE GREEN PEAS Pl adn TaBg 9 6-oz. tins 2-lb. Bag BEST BUY! Save 12c! HEALTHO 21 39c 49% Dogsor at Food 1Otins95c Grade "A" Specially Selected 2 to 3 IL. average CHICENS 5 m _S -deal forC CHICKEN -LEGS or B R EAI' S the Barbecue' 59lb Mild Seasoned - Pure Pork 1-lb, Tray For Quick Meals or Snacks Trend Sausage, 6 3cIBeef Stea.ketteslb55c LLPPOSE Tasty Homnegrown No. 1 Obse HoneySweet California efUit4n5 Famous Walla Walla Pkg. or 2 19c MAPLE GROVE RED &ý WHITE Maiple Grove CORNISH'S RED & WHITE Orono PECK'S RED-&WHITE Newt.onville 1 ý 1