ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, JULY l5th, 1965 le three times, now holding the Senior title, Ontario title and the Professional Amenican titie. Lin- da will be present during the day and give a dancing demonstr a- tion but will not be participating in any of the events. On the male side there will be present the World Champion Piper, Bill Gil. mour, who has only just recent- ly won tbe title in Obein, Scot- land. During the day the Eastern On- tario Track Meet will be held Bands from various areas inj Many visitors for the first time Ontario, the United States and with other types of sports entry. other parts of Canada,' wiii be in will see tbe Tossing of the Ca,'er, attendance. The Sprigs O'Heather a feat of strength and women's Girls' Pipe Band, froin Moose teams will be competing in a Tug-, Jaw, Saskatchewan, 27 rnemlbers of-War. There' will also be the in ail, will be performing on Mon- usual Men's Tug-of-War compet- day at the games and wi]i pe.- zng. form at a special r-once~'.im-c Sun- day afternoon, August lst,- at 4 This annual event will be op- p.m. in Donegan Park. The Blue ened by Dr. Matbew B., Dymond, Bell Highlanders fro"x Saugas, Minister of Health for Ontario. Masssacbusetts, wbo have been A oik rm ai tto featured performers on the Ed CAl Bo.isnaTfromtoRaio Stations Sulivan Show, will be in attend- CKEY nTrno ilb r~ ance tbroughout the day on M<>i- ent during the day. day. Last year there were oven 160 I dancers who participatel and 40 different tartans w.-n1e to be seen.] This 'year it s expected the tatal number of dancers wilt exceed last year's attendance. T~his yea-r dancers will be zoningý fr0mý Alberta, Ontario, Queb)ec, Michi- gan, Pennsylvania and New Brunswick. One of the biggest at- tractions wili be the World's. Champion Highland Dancer, Miss Linda Campbell, who won the British Open Dancing Profession- ai Trophy ln' Edinburgh. Linda wbo has entered 39 competitions in the past three yçars bas won 39 trophies. This 17 year aid who left t er native Scotland at the age of five has danced lier way ta triumph and the World titie and won the Junior Canadian tit- Dairy Princess (ContluCd from Page 1) 1 ladies have entered from North-1 umberland in the persans of Aud.- rey Moore, Cobourg;, Margaret Stewart, Brighton, and Maria Bat-. taglini, Warkworth. For Durhami County there are three contest- ants at present namely. Margaret Coombes, Barbara Lee, and Mar- garet Shackl etan of tbe Bawmnan- ville, area. It is hoped that there wiil be ane additional contestant from each county. A special featune of the even-7 ing wili be music by the Onanoç Brass Band.E Unit No.,2 Unit 2 met Tuesday, July 6tb ln the Uppen Christian Education Building. Mrs. Tamblyn, the leader, op- ened the meeting' vith a reading., "No Least Thing" follawed with prayer. Our first bymn 668 and the' 39th Psaim read in unison. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved and tbe ral cail answered with a verse of scripture by 12 members and 4 visitons. Visits ta shut-ins were 13 and to bospital, 15. The offer- ing was received. Mrs. Stella, Carson was Our guest and, gave the devotianai. Aften singing hyma 434 "Saviaur like a shephierd lead us", she spoke on God's Flawers on Eartbý shocwing the beauty of trees and flowers, especially samne wild flowers and our rases andJ daffo- dils, reading frami the bookc of Soloman where he speaks of the birds, and turtles in Spring, clos- ing* ber talk wth prayer., Mrs. Tamblyn tbanked Mrs. Carson for' the appropniate and intýeresting talk. We wene then favoured with a nectatian and sang "Lave makes the Worid go Round," by Marie Yeo., Janet Duvali gave a piano solo. These girls wene very much enjoyed by àll. A .special invitation is extend-j ed to ail urban folk to see mod- Mrs. Tamblyn continued the ern day dairy equipment, to see study of Mexico. Iîymn, 'Breath the top contestants from the Un- on me breatb of God' was sung ited Counties' in competition for and the Mizpah Benediction clos- the Dairy Princess, to see Ontar- ed the meeting. A delicious lunch io's Dairy, Prîncess, Elizabeth was served by the ladies and a Crawford and to get their name social half bour was enjoyed, in the, bat for a number of very finishing our meetings until Oc- wortbwbile dairy product draws. Itober. hihlndGames UNITED CHURCH Orono PastOral Charge M inister Rtev B. E. Long' S SUNDAY, JULY I8ti, 1965, Church, Service at Oronio at 11:15 Combined withNewcastie KIRBY Church at 9:45 Sunday Sehool at .11:00 No services at Leskard Mrs. F. Lycett, Mr. ai-d Mrs. Don and Mrs. Irwin enjoyed a few Lycett, Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Marten days last week at Steenburg Lake Orono; Mrs. Breens, Portland, and reported good fishing. Portland, Maine, Mrs. Frank Sax- Miss Dorothy Dunlop returnedt 13y, Port Credit, Mrs. Perry Ir- home Monday after a short stày win, Mr. and Mrs. K. Prentice. lin Bowmaniville Memorial Hos- Toronto. Ipital where she had ber appendex. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mowat and Mr. removed. This Week'sý Specials Selected For You At Orono S,,c to$100Store PHONE 122 ORONO LOCAL NS Miss Aima Cutteil and Mrs. R. R. Waddell are bolidaying in Eastern Ontario this week.* Mrs. R. Morton returned to her home on the Sixth Line after several wëeks in Oshawa General Hospital. Week-end visitors with Mrs. Minnie Stutt were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harrington and Mr. and Mr.Delbert Hollowell, Mrs. Stutt along with Mr. and Mrs. Harrington motored to Bewdley on Saturday where. they visited witb the former's niece Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jamieson. Visif5rs with Mrs. Ken'Gamsby for the weekend were ail her family. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snell Danny and Bobby, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. John H. Boyd, Brian and Terry, Oritllia; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ga-iisby, Melanie and Steven,, St. Eustache, Que.; Mr. and Mrs.' Doug. Gamsby and Paul, Orange- ville. Bobby and Terry are spend- ing the ne4t week in Orono.1 1 1Mrs. Ralph Willis b as accepted a position in Armstrong's I.G.A. Store. Mrs. Garnet Gamsby, Kingston is visiting with bier mother, Mrs.. Robt. Allun, Cburch St. South, Or- ono. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs Malcolm McKenzie on their mar- niage in Orono United Church on Saturday last. Mrs. McKenzie is the -former Sheridan MacFarland, of Gores Landing and Malcolm is the(- son of Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Me- Kenzie, Orono. Weekend dinner guests withý Mr. and Mrs. Irwin were Mr. andi Baby Bliss Blankets Gift boxed...... $2.98 Protect-O Baby Train- ing Cups .......... 49e Johnsons Baby Powder Spec. extra large ... 59e Party Glaýses, package of six for'........ 98e Creain and Sugar on matchng tray, glass $1.49 DurawareCups and Saucers per set.ý.... 35e Bird Sait and Pepper Sets only ..........45t Ornamental Wall Planters pricedat .'.... 65e Ladies Summer Pleated Skirts 12-18- .... $3.33 Girls Dresses - Dan River Cotton ,4-6x ... $2.44 Ladiesrayon Briefs 39c pr. or,3 pair for $1.00 Mens Work Socks HII Bulk Yarns pr.. 69e Beaver CaramelCorn, per bag......... 29e Zippered waterproof. bags, shoppers, dream 95e See our attractive window Display of Pottery Ornaments ail seling ut.2...... 43e Family Âllowance Cheques Cheerf'ully,:Cashed Lay-a-way Plan Always Available I J SALaE ON* DRESSES We are clearing ahl the bajance of our ladies' Summer Dresses at reduced prices. Good materials, attraýctive styles, the newest shades. Size 9 to 2412 Look them over. Reg, values to $9.95 Your choice $6.95 Reg values to $11,95 Your choicep$8.- 9 5 iReg., value to $13.95 Your choice$1 0,95 Reg. value to $16,95 your choice$119 R~eg value to, $21,50'your choice $14,95 Reg value to $29,50 your choice $21i.50 Ladies' Swim nSuite 25% off any of the balance of our ladies' Swim-Suits. One and two piece styles in sizes 10 to 20 ARMSTK G'S Diaper Bags ea,, only $1.99 Donegan Park, Cobourg, will, on Monday, August 2nd, rin; to the sounds of the bagpipes and roiein the sight of dancers as they perform on the stage unider, it is hoped, 'a blue sky, the trada- tionai dances of Scotland. From 9 arnù. througbout the day the residents of Cobourg and visitors from all parts ýof Canada and many other countries, will gather to listen to pipes from On- tario, Ohio, Michigan and NewN York States. NQW AT OUR DX SERVICE STATION, HWY. 35 ànd 115 - Just North of Newcastle FEATURING PREMIUM QUALITY PRODUCTS AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES 59TOV E OIL May be picked up 1 9c- per in any quantity ~ gai ATTENT1ONJ ÂERS &TRUOKERS SP"CIAIL DISCOUNTS ON GSOUNE, ^NU DIESEL VU19L il