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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Jul 1965, p. 7

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUIRSDAY, JUTLYlý5th, 10C. _____Mid -~ FEMALE JIELP WANTED Pîofe.sinuaI Drectory 0 BARN DANCE' __ _q__ W- FRANK Switchboard Operator wanted. iApyin writing to Box 38 Orono Allen Foster's, Kendal, July 241 Pol b-25-c featuring Bob Adams and thie ~REAL ESTATE Bu ie os HALPRI o STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE Admission $1.0. 1i IIE tabrre o ae o a 9 te 12 o'clock, Everyone wel- CH A L L, E R K IA c oN & C * L M I TD0p ick y o u r ow n. Orono R.Re Chartered ccountants177 Church St. R~sa King St. NewcastleBomnie6239 Phone 1177, Orono. , WNTE Ï987-4240 gO ___0______________ ~ ECELET OPOTUIT A place toboard or a couple of 361/ King St. E., Oshawa *~rarn now interviewing ladies' omtern;bthmidef 725-6539 gwt 5husawe vial August. Adult home would he ap- WilliamC. Hall, B.Comm., C.A. ai j to train in teir own terri- preciated. David G. Perkin, C.A. in tertonl tris Big demand frAo' pl o 0,OooWel O ileCahista Line o merchandise. Times. a-p !Electrical Contracting High hourly earnings. A f ew ter- ritories now open. NOTICE g Electric lleating Phone 725-9696 or write Muriel roLambert, Beath Farrns, R.R.. 2, Stutt's Drug Store wil be W. KY LCET, BA.gand ervce shaa ac cosed the Week of August 1 i HNE25AUCTION .SALE, Darrîster -So1i4c!tOo OrnoOnarj The undersigned has received M HRE .LM IS In the Offices of g instruction to seli by public auc- 0 R. R. Waddelletc,.C. tg residence Charles Wesley Lamb, 75, Pro- Il MAN ST, ORNO gJohn St., in the Village McNeilon Teehn 3 rn ol(eieWli'Grg)o toria-Haliburton, died in hospital Hono Ele129 i Saturday, uly 17th at 1 p.r. odyeei C ONE1TOR Terms cash. No- reserve. Mr. Lamb had been in hospital -OTATR FOR R. J. Payne, Auctieneer. in Toronto and Lindsay and net FARM and HOI.SE- able tô attend Commons sittings SWIRING FOR RENT since îast Octeber.lie recently OFree Estimates Cottage on Kosh Lake, go-d announced hie would not seek re- ÎERL .BONs fishing. Hydre. election.1 B.SMRRIL .BROWN .: p APPLIANCE SALES Phone Orono 371. d:2-p lie served on municipal- and B.S.. B.Sc 0L:S:O Pompt and Guaranteed RepairsNRSNHOEcutcucisfr3yerb- fPROFESSIONAL ENGINER 0 te al kinds of Electrical'NUSGHOEcut onisfr3ye§b- (Ciil Euipeu ad Apianes Licensed accomimodation. at fore h le was elected te Parlia- 0 (ivl) SuatMeter a ter aes Lyntonhurst Manor NUrsing ment in 1963. 0 Ontario Land Surveyor0 T.V. - Radies - Stoves - Irons HomfoSeorCtzn.Rsn n ____________________________ able rates. 02 eeSt Bo169 Phonie Orono 371. n:28 p j Bowmianville, Ontario o_________________0 Telephofle 623-7251 o 0mu.HOME HEA MarineERVICE uco lnmiions 0'Wo I s eMa ia g and cycle nsura0e g Orno Phone 146 L.J SAF gSric O McCÙULOCH BÔATS Du, SIMPSO Vubg C'nhartered Accountant O0C.AN g0&SON g 375 Water Street ORpist l ae fLw Phone Orono 208 g PETERBOROUGH cAuto, Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle PAINTING INTERIOR g Phone 742-5482 Fire u C EXTERIOR OTACO PLOW POINTS fj AFER HANGINO Package Foliles gN nCIER ANDMAHIER OBUILDI NG CUPBOARDS t .0 Fidelity Bond, - REMODELLING g LfeBUYING OR SELLING '0FINISHg IN3 RAN E ~~irt ortageLo~ C E I ESTA EAND ALL ODD JOBS 0 g0 PART.TIME RADIO FRE LCET gadie Hlamilton AJ.Mc IL HI-FI - Stereo OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO g jj REAL ESTATE BROKER -'Record Players Phone 12516 Res. 20616 0o - Antennas - Towers 0 Phoine 1-R-16 Orono Phones: Orono 1407 - PA System for rent _________p_____fi__ 0 Ail parts and labeur guaranteed Oshawa 728-4285 HARRY WIERSMA JACK IZrEIDt Phone 1731 OronoJ *Orono's Licensed 0_ Auctioneer and Valuatux o 3 O -55 i Sti Furniture Sales Consuit me for termis and dates 'Phone 5 r 18 Oront, TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conduets Auction Sales of ail sizes and at reasonable rates Commuàicate wîth hlm at Port Ferry, Ontario Stafford Brothers Building a House? Limited 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. or remodelllng your present Manufacturers of one, then contact Cemetery Memorials Dealers inFly Domestie & Foreign Granites Fod Nicholson and Marbles- Inocriptions Cut and Ceietery Repair Work PHONE 2191 ORONO When Buying or Selling eaUl Wilf RHawke Wr2ZOrono Represeliting .Jack Eicaid REA LTOR 71 King St.-E., Bowmahvllle 623-2503 Member Oshawa and District 1Real Estate Board Il BIRTUI SHERWIN_'-Laurence and Glen- da are jproudi to anntounce the ithof a:in Walter Ros3s, 6 lbs. !2oz.oSaudy July 1Oth at the Memoýrial Hospital, Bowrnan- ville. a-p CARD 0F THANKS DEAN-We wish to express our deep gratitude to our rnany friends and neighbours for their beautiful floral offerings and cards and for their many kind expressions of sympathy and con- dolence durin g our recent be- reavement. Mother, sister and brothers. a-CI IN MEMORIAM MARTIN--ini loving memory eof our dear son and brother Allan who 'passed away July 15, 1959. Within our store of mernerie,, He holds a place apart- For no one else can ever be More cherished in our heýarts. Only a .memory of bygone days And-a sigh for a face unseen, A constant feeling that %"--d alone Knows best, what should been. Ever remembered by Dad, Mom, Audrey and Lorraine. TRACTOR EXTENSIVELY DAMAGED. A tractor with backhoe and bulldozing equipment attached had extensive damage done te il la te Saturclay afternoon when Lt was tossed off its carrier truck, The accidêpt- happened opposite Miller's Restaurant on liighway 115 with the tractor being the property of Màr. Lloyd Taylor.' In an effort te avoid a collision with a car that had decided te tura into Miller's Restaurant, Mr. Taylor swerved his truck quick- ly, resulting in the trailer portion jack-knifing and tossiag the trac- tor off. A great amount of damage was done to the machine iacludîng the breaking off of the bacl.khoe attachment and the bulldozing attachrnent. Letter To Editor Box 98, Parliarnent Buildings, Toronto, Ontario July 8th, 1965 To The Editor: Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. Dur- ham, in a statement to the press, has announced the designation of Jocelyn Street, Port Hope, for pre-engineering by the Minîstez- of Highways, the Hon. Charlez MacNaughton. This is the first step in impie- menting resuits of the County IRoad Needs Study in the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. The preliminary resuits ef the Needs Study hav e establish- (1) The road is a desirable County road, (2)- The road is critically de- ficient. 1,- I Monuînents and Ifo PU PIO U~ q amlyMmor*aIs Accounting and Arnott c Our quality and service leaves D Representative s SEPTIC TANKS 1 nothing to be desired 1 ooneeplng service EXCELSIOR LIFE h Ask the person Who bought fromn Insurance Company q WHITE WASHING STABLES us, a neighbou r, friend or relative Income ýTax Returns Frepared Phn Bs:s545 The RUTTER GRANITE Res. Orono: 15211 Bert Tonpkinsl MPN2JA K2shWaesthopgcent r 73 Ontario Street JC FERRENOsaaSopnCete b Phone 786-2552 PORT HOPE Oshawa, Ontario fu "Largest DîspIay ln Southeru ORONO 3R2 p: 25 fo: _______________Ontario" ____if_______ (3) A residuai entitiement for direct aid has been established for the United Counties desirable County Road System. The criteria for direct aid as- sociated- with the Needs Study have been fuît illed by this re- uest and the United Counties ave assîgned this request top priority for direct aid according ,oprelirninary information avail- ible frorn the Needs Study. No irther action is 'possible until rrnal publication ef the results Lfthe Needs Study.

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