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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Aug 1965, p. 6

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES. THUR6DAYy AUGUST l2thp 1965 Everyo ne Is In The Act For Peterborough's '67 Show, Representatives of more than c lea ring the channel in the river ~.o dozen city organizaions An officiai from city musical ý_uîned out at a June meeting of organizatio'ns said the groups iPýeerborough's Cenitennial Com- have designs for a mammoth miteandoffered a multitude 'of musical concert featuring ail fa- ýqutggétions for '67., The many cets of. music from classical to pnsand programs submitted jazz to rock to folk. School bauds ,ýdAJt tra-isform the face of the cîty and Sunday Sehool orchestras are yictre itrepd adentuersbeing invited to take partin the Fitue- tepd d .tresconcerts. ,,Iying tileir way througa tne wa- ,ers and surrounding foliage of - idîan River in a pint-size Kon- 'i expedition. Or a fleet of carices knifing the waters of a u-mm7y-cleared channel in the nyv- Picture couples dancing be-ý planted in every yard of public and separate schools in the city by the- Peterborough Horticultdr- ai Society, which will also spon- sor a Centennial garden and lawn contest. TOWN AUTRORIZý-, ADDED DEBENTURES Additionnl debenture paymeuts of $4,913.84 per yenr for the uext' ten vears were authorized, by a meetin'g of the Port Hope Town council held recently. The money, must be rnised to help with payment for a voca- tionni school addition to the High School at Countice. Council of -Pont Hope had pre- viously voted for debeutures for the addition which requires an- nual pnyments of $14,348.40 per yenr for teu years. The othen seven municipalities îu the Durham District High School area are. niso being asked to debenture additionl amounts. WTho,, rieirnal Dlns n for the 100 years of agricultural historyI ture. Because of their. food pre-[ in- the county will be stnged by fereuces they are ail economica- nhe County Fed. of Agriculture. ly beneficial. They do not con- irePeterborough County Agri- sume grain, vegetable inalter or qltural Society aims to sPend foliage, thus lu no way do seakes -$;,000 sprucing up and renova- damage our food supply. i-r the buildings t NMorrow paî-K lun ecent years, more people 'fhe Universîty Women's Club have developed an enlightcnled -says it will att"-rpt to round 'IP attitude towards these reptiles, nid children's tos f by'ore cdays and there is evidence tia, tome along with ecths and -irn*oiture 'of the wantou killîrg has ceased ,or a spec'ial. Museum section. It Perhaps this due in r airt 1 h _s also panning to stage a "T a eduacational efforts of tt1,e Depart lent and Skill" exhibition featur- I ment of Lands anid Forests, the -ig the arts and crafts of the van-! Canadian Amphibiaiandaud teptile 'fous ethnie groups lu the area. In ervatiou Society, hUrnanýe or- ce'brs of the 'club vil - IaniLtons dnd natsu-al qce- peilydesigned place Mats, I classes in sehools. atrsa -d other gits mn kofni Hw vr r OMsia sa-e i ïa;r a souvenirs to tri5ts faced with possible extinction ho 1ti-sthis summer. ýProceeds icause of the rapid depletion of s'i n-fiance various Ceniteu their natuiral habitat by urban ~iiprojeets. expansion, new highways and in- Thec Showhoat is the idea of creased cottage building. Also, lhe Soroptimist Club-the canoe some of their food items may be i-aces on indian River, the brain- destroyed if pesticides are used wave of the l1tonabee Region indiscrimiuately. Snakes canuot eflnsevatonAutho'ity, which adapt to vnstly different surroun- i.auan ANNUAL LIBERAL PICNIC Waltona Park, Newcastle Saturday, ,Augusi 2lst 2:00 P.M. "Fun iu the Sun" Don't Forget - - - Bring Everyone Meet RED.KELLY JIM ROBE RTS RACES- SWIMMING - PONY RIDES REFRESUMENTS EVERYONE WELCOME ,.eath the moonlight on the Cen- The making, of handicrafts for Corteadto were discussed 1ý.mnial Showboat as it glides a- sale at the Peterborough County it was estimated that the cost ,vioss the waters of Little Lake Pioneer Village will be underta- might total about $1,197,000. But wh.;,ere fearless, voyageurs once ken by the Women's Institutes of we edr eercie h theg n tenders were received the ,t tured. thlonis hyaeas n owest one, after some parîug, a- Festivals, contests, parades. gaged in rural beautification, and mointed to $1.315,000. Thus the have, expressed. willîngness to e-1 eight municipalities had to raise mT ee and more are the ingred- rect a sign naming the village., nu extra debenture amount' of lens that wîll make the pot- The Kon-Tiki effort is the idea poriof life in Peterboroughlof the Peterborough and Distr ict$150. hubble over with activity in less Boy Scout Association which also ai~n two years. announced intentions to stage a, dings and food as can some other -eterborough's owu, main Cen- "Scouting in action" show. 1 animais. r~nial1 projeet, is the building Other ideas which may be in-J Another possible threat. to ndmaintenance of a Museum on cluded in the calendar of events' snakes that may come as a sur-- A1ýrniour Hll. A second city pro- now under preparation by the prise to some people, is the ex- jeet is the publication of an an- Centennial Committee are: a re- cessive collecting and keepiug of thol)ogy of history of the area, view of old timie boats, a regatta snakes as pets., This has caused w-itten by 50 contributors, each and a fireworks display on Little conceirn to some zoologis ts iu dth authority in Is own field. Lake; the construction of a model parts of the United States' where ,,i--veraI townships have settled on of Peterborough as it was in 1867 there is evidence that collecting î -dividual projeets, with one -the installation, of plaques on on a large scale has contributed ,group working on the planning of farms occupied by descendants of to 'a decrease in some species. AI] nPioneer Village in Lakefield, the original settiers; the making too often those who are interest- of maple syrup at Warsaw; a mii- ed in keeping snakes, are not in addition, the Peterborough itary display and special 1967 Do- satisfied to chose one or two as a etenniial Committee has been minion Day celebrations. they would a dog or cnt, but at- ltouch with more than 400 or- ________________ _i tempt to acquire as many differ- aztosin the city and coun- HORSES ABOUND lent kinds as possible. Captive andatei'et an enthusiastisnakes eau be fascinating and ev- ty, nd e me aATu11FAIRÂ~ en somne become quite famne. But ï-p nsiAT F I unlike m ny other animas that I The Lions Club is planning an Horses wili dominate the entry wll eat just about nnything if ;en palace in Jnnuary of Ceuten- list -at this year's edition of the they are very hungry, snakes pre- ni'ai year; and a sculptural con- Oshawa Fair from August 19~ toI fer starvation and death rather teý,st on school grounds andlawns 21. than eat what they do not relish ldtpicting historical figures iu George Hayes, director of the Most of their food items are too :-innadian life. In the summer, the light horse division, expeets a difficuit. to provide,' especially in -lub hopes to woo the Interna- larger-than-usual number of en- winter. Also, as is the case with tinl Ornamental Swimming trants in the saddle class conipr- turtles and other captive reptiles untest, to Peterborough. tition where ilorses and riiers (but not frogs, tonds and sala- heChamber of Commerce has v. iii be judged >I'htirsday erening manders which are amphibians), isans for a fountain to be erected for color, conforriation, perform- they require wnrmth of about 75 lu Little Lake, perhaps with mu- ance and manuers to 80 degrees and canuot stand -.c emînating fromn it.,' Classes to be judged Thursday temperature fluctuations. Wild The municipal chapter of the include Palomino horses with animais are best left in the wilds, LO.D.E. is consîdering a $joo Western equipment, English -sàd- and snkes, in most cases are not o-ilarship fund to Trent Uni- die cqlass, Western pleasure class, exceptions. P s.,an h enet ct Arabian native costume class and 'hapter has costumes available the haif-Arabian line ciass. lor paean conectd wth he Of speciai interest to "the child- founding of Peterborough:. ren will be the pony class open to The 'Historical Society is doua- exhibitors 15 years of age and .ing a large collection of artifacts under. 4athe Museum on Armour Hill, Mr. Hayes reports that the bar- .snd ias offered its services to ar- ness ponies with long tails show tists, planning to paint historical on Friday as well as the roadster S p """%l ucenes in and: arouud the city. A classes. The roa ister classes pro- --presenýatiVe of the Peterbor- vides haif-mile ron'l racing etur- uhof Painters said the grou-p iug the afternoon schedule of -flans historical painntings rein- events. vre te the area. # n »W9d 1 e 1 T'he Rotary. Club said it would - niConfederation Park displaying A r t îhe historical paîntings. - is P t Au old Edison carbon lamp ndan 1900 milking machine have Suakes have ,been wantonly nen uncovered by the Engineer- killed and pensecuted throughout 1ng Institute 'of Canada's Peter- the ages and are stili having a ien them-and more such anti- though some people may neyer L a Li 1eý yet to be acquired over to learn to really like suakes, they -e museum. should try to apprecinte the role A parade depicting the_ first they play ln the balance of na-,l- Teeare with exception of Lauan, Canadian MVaufacture. Cornplete- Sonie with slight damnage - inost perfect. Original prices ranged up to $22.0Oa het Corne inand look it over while the stock lasts., ORONO, ONTARIO, PIIONE 14816 ~ 'I ............... ,ROYAL Bowmanville 6231-5589 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY - AUGUST 12, 13, 14 G"'IRL H APPY (COLOR) Elvis Presley, Shelly Fabares SIJNDAY, MONDAY TUESDAY- AUGUST 15, 16, 17 Fate is the Hunter Glenn Ford, Suzanne Pleshette Also "APACHE RIFLES" inColor WED., THURS., FR1., SAT.- AUGUST 18, 19, 20, 21 CIRCUS 'WORLD (COLOR) John Wayne, Claudia Cardinale One Complete Show Nightly at 7:30 p.m. 1Plywood Price n Ofak- $S.50 'mhsheet ~apIe$6.5@ sheet 4x7 35ihe 4x8 $4.50 sheet -17 $5,00 sheet

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