ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUýST 121h, 1965 -_ ______ ITSALLENu _____ 0 ~ IN IMEMORIAM CMN VN W. F'RANK Inlvn1eor fm e Meet Red Kelly and Jim Ro-' _________________________ ~loved mother, Florence White,' berts at 'the Annual Liberal Pic- Tl who passed away August l3th, nie, Waltona Park, Newcastle, 5p ~ EA ES AT g19S1 in London, England. Saturday, August 21 at, 2:00 p.m. Aug 0 Always rernembered by her Everyoue welcornè. b-3- HALL, PERKIN & CO. 0 9MTE daughter Joan Cox. ________and___ 0COMING EVENT tar Chartered Accountants 17Cuc t ADO RNSCMN VN at 1 10 hrhS.CR FTAK The Orono Horticultural Soci- To) NewcastleI would like to. thank MY ety and The Orono Junior Gar-IP01 King St., g Bowmanvllle 623-3393 friends, relatives and neighbours deners' Club Flower Show, will 987-4240 o=-o==oc:>c=,:ý for kind enquiries, cards, letters, be held Thursday, August '26th,' er 36% King St. E., Oshawa visits, flowers and other gifts 1965 in the UnitedChurch Audi- f c 2-639j hi ch I received during my six torium. Entries will be received ln WiliamC. all B.Omm, CA. jweeks stay in New Mount Sinia from members from 11:00 ar. r terI Hospital. A special thanks to the until 2:00 p.rn. Doors open to th&e ss. David G. Perkiii, C.A. U >ViiiCiaurt 1 Durharn Junior Farmers for the Public at 6:30 p.rn. 1 basket of fruit and to the friends Tea and cookies will be served IElectrîcal Contractifl who helped draw in rny hay. frorn 7 to 9 prn. by the Junior IRalph Greenwood. Gardeners - Silver Collection. ~ cz~o~~ ~ Electric Ileaing ap b3 -W VAY 1IVCETT BA. and Service REUNION PICNIC FRHOIGMRIG "' CPHONE 245 it ieGrs ael em Ig iter - u I Sîxthof Lnearsowls' asebain-. Mr. and Mrs. W. Ross Gilbart tai .ari e-Soiitoo Orono, Ont arioo f 'iyeaeirns ago ol ienin- announce the forthcorning mar- casi inteOffices Of eterfriedstoa inage of 1their eldcst daughter _ jlunch in the Orono Park on Sat- Barbara Diane to Mr. Anton For- R. R. Waddell Q.C0,4g1, urday, August l4th. ster son of Mr. and Mrs. A. For ge n ofepoie.l ster. The wedding to take place MAIN ST., ORONO case of raim, corne to the Angli-atarS.UnedCucOnoD Telephofle 138 orono fl rono Electr*c cnPrs al - on Saturday, August 28th at 4:30 A r.PHONE 129 NOTICE ocok - 4 CONTRACTORS FOR ~ FAM ad HOISE Anyone iîîterested in sending NOTICE -----FR an IUE their child to the Nursery Sch oolFrdraaniopighs WIRING ~~in Bowrnanville at the Lion'sFe Gaa, soen, i ~ '-'" ~own gas and oul business this 1 0 Oz:o:=oFree Estimates Centre, phone Sirnone Groene-we nOa ei'sRsaran,( 0 MIERRILL D. BRON APPLIANCE SALES vl,12J rn north of Homnes'. O:LS: romt ad uarnted Rpaia PPLS FR SLEThank you ail for your past bus-1 B.S.A. B.A*e :SC.Prmtan g tie Rpis PLS O AL e PROFESINA NG 0ER to ail kinds of Electrical RdAtaa lfrsale.iness and friendship. Would Iike to (il)U Equipmeflt and Appliaflees Red Asrakn $1A0persorae to stili, serve and chat with you.1 anc (Cvi)Snell at Metors- Water Heatera ikyu on$0 erbs ra-p c n - g Soves . ron $200 a bus. delivered. cor_______________ Ontario Land SurVeYor T.V. -Radios - -_______ .Cascddnphnr3R9nO-s,, t Z Qe t. Box 1659g ono. acth Bowmaflville, gtai g WATSON'S Marine _________ L. ~ SKAFE ~ Insraiie gand Cycle Orono Phone 146U0 Sevce g MecULLOCH BOATS- DOUG SIMPSON gCHAIN SAWS gBoxSON Cbartereè1 Accountant0000bé n.QRepaira te aIl makea of LiIwU Phone Orono ffl Ai 375 Water Street 0 Mowere and 2 and 4 cycle g AE PETERBOROUGU ÔOAuto, pEnglnea PAINTING - INTXP1IO« ý Q r phone 4-58 OTACO PLOW POINTS PAPER PLiNGING i ___________ Package Folioles AND MACHINERY BuI IN%; UPBOARDS- & FldeUÎty Bond, 0 .~ MDELN GFURNITURE REPAIR Llability BUYING OR SELLING gFNS IN SU AN E Fra LuteLon RE L ST E AND ALL ODD JOBSI SEE 9 PAUT-TIME RADIO- 1 vi à -à 'TV REPAIRS FRE LYET ~SdieHa iItn~ A. J. McGILL - HI-FI - Stereo OFFCE MAN T.,OROO Qfi REAL ESTATE BROKER - Record Players OFIe AI T. 2OO06160o- Antennas - Towers Phone 12516 9 . 066 phoine .R-16 Orono f Phones: Orono 1407- PA Systern for rent ________________________ oAil parts and labour guaranteed 0Oshawa 728-4285 HARRY WIERSMA JACK Phone 1737 Orono J ACK R ID - _____________________ Orono'S Licensed Auctîoneer and Valuatol elE tt Spcalize in Farin and Box 133 MO. 8-3552RelEte Furnitulre SalesIe he uigo Sligcl Consuit me for termIs Stafford Brothers Buiilding a Houe hn -igo and dates Limited 1W ilf R"awke Phone 5 r 18 Oroffl &I31 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. oreodelllng .your present îrî2 Orono _______________________Manufacturera ef one, then contact Representing TEL) %JACKSON 14 cemetr eoll jack Ficard ~r1tr Dealers In ' " NcholsonREALTOR Autineran a1a Domestie & Foreign GranitesUISoY' 71 King St. E., BowmüanvMll CodcsAuction SaleS of al:sct O 6320 Coê. ndt reasonable rates and Marbles - InscriptionsCt6320 andCeeteyepIer r PHONE 2191 ORNOMmeOhaandisrt TENDERS Township of Clarke Tend ers will be receîved u f p.rn. on Thursday, :-S > ~ gust 1965., For the supply of - Gsîri id Diesel Oil. supplier to S upply stol~g ,s andl purn-ps at the ie' )w1ship Road Department - )at Orono. ,urther informnation and Tlnd forrns may be had at the 2- eof the Rond Superîntendufl Orono. Lowest or any Tender flot ne4c:-- ;arily accepted., M. L. Ross, Rond SuperintendePlt. Orono, Ont. WANTED Waitress wanted; Hornes eu irant. Phone 987-4226,,Nw- itle. FOR SALE One Chlorinator and filter &r. irro for sale. Apply- Bruce Tennant, phone 16J, Orono. -9M WORK WANTED Baby Sitter avaîlable. Phan* -ono 356-J .a-p The Clarke Township Ars 'hool Board requests app - ýns for caretakers for Starkh nd Kirby Schools. Dutiest rnrnence Septernber st. Applications to be received by- e undersigned. not later thaa ILfgust 2lst. 'Horace R. Best, Secretary-Treasurer. ,Orono, Ontario-~ COMMýUNITY CENTRE MEETING The mernbers of the Cor-înra- ty Centre Comnnitte are urged oattend a neeting, which bas ýéen calledl for Monday evenïng, ýugust l6th at 8:30 p.rn. The aeeting la being held in the Or-: >o Municipal Building. P, ese )e present to voice your opin-o, is -Monday evening. RKub'ber Sta mDs Confiious Forins Orono Times ibowiqg, - ;; e wîl Il l ý ý ', 1, > 1 --