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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Sep 1965, p. 1

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TagiittR~J Sept 26 '62 E -.verythings 'O For The Two Day Orono Fair One of the main features of i of the Ontarlo Provincial Poliece cision squad Itl perform at 3:00 ,Sýe q dd )n 'Page six for fuil 1the program, at the Orono Fair Motorcycle Precision S-uadý and 7:30 p.m. Plkan to attenid the rogIram of ev--ents on bothFn on)r Friday will be the appearance wyhich is shown above The Pre- fair at 0~othisweek-end. Jay andi Saturday., VOLUME 27, NUMBER 32 OVrono Flov The adverse wahrcniin ?f the fast geigselasen eeme -te have lhad neeffýc1it1n the any gardenens -in the district- fo Mrs. Tinik of H1ampton juidged Specîmen classes. Thieir job w\as 1 ac rdeene but th'yatC kied it ,aiiy anid cmity VSitÎ1ons were welcemed in at terewene- xnawiy 0f them. 1ýFriends 1fnm Oshawa, Hamton iWitby, Toronto, Ajaxi and thi1 le s urround ing, district, TEvery-leewas welcome te take teaý n ia littie haven convened by 0r. . Challice. Mrs. Fred Tam- blyýn an-d Mrs. 0. Roîpli poured tea at a table centred by a foun- tain (loaned fer the occasion by Mrs. K., Jorgensen). Racli lady~ was presented with a rose or carnation as they toek tea served te thenu by the youing ladies of -the Junior Gardinler.s. A silver collection here netted $17.00. On display along with the ar- rangements donated by S.J. Jackman, and So n were paintings helonging te the Orene Art Class. Mrs. Fairbrother, Chairman of the Show, welcomed everyone and expressed her deliglit at the aumber of entnies- there were. ov-er~ Schools thneughout the *anea dual classreom la epenation. fopened on Tuesday with increas- Due te the fact that theTon ed attendance being the main te- ship, of Clarke has declared Fni- pic of the ennolments., , day,1 September lti a civic holi- Enrolment at the Orono Public a heshos hoghu h Township wilI be closed fer the Scheol has now readhed 245 la entine day. The Onono School will the eight sepanate grades, The la hsb lsd o h a u crease at the school was duesthuds e lsed .or the mybut mainly te the closing of Antioci atthdetcoanakd teraembl te School and the transporting of fatr.the sehooad adete the, grade 3 pupils frose the Kendal tan. er nono tudenfot inltwe ,rea along with junior grade stu- unrdesalnentr a foated in-h dents from the sixth lune.paaeaogwtdcotdbi cycles and take part in the pro- The fellowing are the indivi- gram befone the gnandstand. duai grade enri the teadher: Grade 1, Mrs. Grade 2, Mn.s. Grade 3, Mrs.1 Grade 4, Mms Grade 5, Mns. Grade 6, Mrs. Grade 7, Mn.1 Grade 8, Mn.1 This Orono is thec Public fully graded, * The Big Shw" movs into 10ro0o10this eekend wvýith the au-. .nuail pr'omotion of the Durhamý elè'nhral Agnlic'uftur-al Fail Fair. The fia in t'he past few -yearg, willî' be held on bOth Friday and Sauda ifternloons and even- ings anld ene should find many Points, of in-terest to thpir ikng at this annual ex:hib)îiion. _____ J ighlightlng the'show will of course he the 'livestock show of ORO4NO WEEK-LY TIMES, TB'IUPSD[AY, SEPTEMBER 9th, 1965 light, and hieavy horses, cattie, jpoultry and the ever popular harness horse, and pony races. Or ,o11 ùr.y Ke e vn AlIso featured in the exhibition ~howkJr no ii~rariux cebcngart d omltesti scinc wiICIlxhbe t, otcutrlexii ree %VJLdUi ^, rxererevice DooKs' 1 'eot S uc ess__Of sreciajl interest on Friday he Orono Pbl Lîbnaryi evening w-iIl be the, choosing of Mrs. îaàîrbrothen saîd she was Board met n ueda i~ening Tf E F0R ENTEINO 'ý' Miss Durham iCentral" frorn ai very proud of hier Junior Garden- Lbay h teIlMPROVEMENT COMPET!TIO ntyofgrl ro hi ze.A ers.whose entries numbened 14 mmbes wre îinfrmed that the' Old imeFdir'e eto h and in the Garden Competitienlca lbrryws i receiv.e a bliAs B EEN EXTENDED isamic,,eeven,i I prove interest- ther wee 23juded ' t L ti a 1luf ofing to mnany who find a delight in thene werC2ub udgofby he K- Tfeat fbols a vle f$50Lotfctinhs been receiyed this stylje 1of mutsic. To the farm- wanis Club ofsBwmanville.ePniheI Theseabooks re beingamade a es were thenawardedto th1efo-vlaetruh the Lake Ontar-- ta u eth des esn rteFtCi so1 n uto thegotOtnowhich bias de- aniia- h js ,e lowing Junior 'Gardeners,: iO Regional Co-opýerative Lîbrary r-ýwillb ta h etbe iae aretn aboutl two weeksà, in t he area will be 3tînivin-g for la ss 1 10 years and 1unfder- h Association.het,- nnur ndfo rie Includr'edinu the grant of booksta'h-iefo neigte h o oorsadt~pie 3 Asters- Sue Aslett, Laurie ïs a cempl")ete voîýlumej of Ency-' Favrmste-ad I reen Compe- Schmid, Paul Staples. clopeiai Canadiana alo1,ýng ith1It io)n has been extended to Oc Friday is aise children's day l. years and over - Deninis Cob- 1eenen eernc oos tober jst of thisý year. - at the FIair an the sehool child- Ibledck, Dnna hallie, Eelene 1 is hopTed th-at a, greater inter- ven of the area will march te the 1Breiko DnawhnlcE.lne I s Iethtugh he eiona er,ýst1 willbe shown truhottefair weenumerens shoswl Iar Brown. Cino-oeerativeett ilt rspecia {Cjlas, 2 3 Ziiis- lIoyar -enc boks ar r vilhe e e- Cut ntecmeiinan oipt npoiigsome of the and iîndýlË' 1)aut'neapls, Steven-i-1 _ 2 -il te t $brtiry. I e 6k, t. ýercer, Laurie Schmnid. cf rferen.e Pn0t on the 0Or1oo h- ceipeitio. PiZe mny sbemg'11 'ýij7 a Il years and ove-r - Evel1ene ibrary shelves are available te the sUppjied by tePoice nyoth fair wih plentybeng rEv rwn, Sallýy Stapîes. Wendy Mr oa ibayuo euet t1ad te r~iatjD1ien Du dd-bythe varieus herse classes f t. he wish of the local !Boardt ,hat Futhrinfo)rmain in Dr Class 3 - 3 Maioids- 10i yrsi . nadens will take ad1vantage of hmCut a e otie agn rn adèt oist and~~~~ une u sltDl v ti evc.frosDn el sh. cýhairman of the fu hreteanis and standard ans, Pauil Stapfles. Te ereay nfred fueC mpetenPomiteA-_A Ards il years and over- Evelene mneetIng_'thait a bank baac f armle .AAgiutra h vr popular amnateur show Brown, Donna Challice, flennis $7.0ddeuta hste ersnaie emnil. wI rdmnt on Satu,:rday ev- Cobblediclç. Books circulated daig June, pRaîpli' Banuy ere gi esgwentetîntisw Gl ass 4- 3 other flowens - 1, :July 0and Auigust frese the Orene 1culitural epesnttie of-North- poiean heur and a h,,aîf of years and tun-der- Launie Schmid Library tiotaîled 1967 whîch is 1a1 umberland will be the _uC iialetranet Charmiaine Newman, Dale Evans. deraefo1h am he rajde The big show will aise. feature Il years andicieve- TJuiie wynths in 1964 when the te)tal F11 ini your entry fermn now ii a miwa nd exhibitsý of cars Schmid, Dennis Cobbledick, Ev- w ,as 2187. 1 elen Brown. t' wasaIse decided at the meet- You intend te comipete in the and farm îmachineny. Net teo be Class 5 - Vase mixed flowers- ing te make arrangements te -Fa,7,'a d mrvren op-f1),efý9ýdî ler-j-r1uyo 10yersad ndr Se slt, ai his faîl show mevîng films titiQn. nmeeting_ old acquainitances who 10 >yars ad undr- Se, Annualginytattend the faîl fair at Laurie Schmid, Yvonne Se.heen- neetadas fa dc-Onono. Cerne and enjey the fair maker. tional nature. Funther plans are ly a.ýppointed member of the Board hyoïýnnegbus 11yasad oe- Dnate be maie, at the, boek-buying was present along with Mrs. S i yu f*ns n nihbus Challice, Donneta Challice, Evel- meeting te be held this coming IJ. Norton, Mrs. J. Riekaby, Mn. Wagering pivileïïges are being ene Brown. Menday evening. R. Ferrester and Mns. Joyce provided for the eight heats of Class 6 - Dining Table anrange- Mrs. Derothy Robinson, a new- 1Simpson, assistant librarian. harness racing. Sne tnanked ner committee uarl meint - 10 years and uner- xY- Billings, John Caldwell, Orville vonne Schoenmaken, marie Sdi- Challice and aise Mn. Pollard for mid, their help,, and the ladies in il yeans and ove- Evelene change of entnies - Je Barlow, Brown, Julie Schmid, Donna C('l- Helen Schmid, Elleen Billings, Is- lice. abelle Challice- and Gladys Aslett. lass 7 - 3 carnts- 10 yrs. and She called ppon Mrs. F., Ste- under - Charmaine Newman, phens of Harwood who is Direct- Paul Staples, Dale Evans. or of District No. 4 te say a few il yeans' and ever- Dennis wor ds and present the Special A- Cobbledick, Clinis Aslett, Wayne wards. pC ta: age 2) Durh "am M'P. Pol0'1e S Locma làContituents O Durham M.P. Russell C. Heney ecenemie relations, means of will be a' Member of the Canadian strengthening the effectiveness of Delegation te the 54th Inter-Par- pariamentary institutions, and liamentaiy Conference te be held the problese of apartheid. la Ottawa frem Septemben 8th te The dellegates will be welcom- 17th. ed by Prime Ministen Pearson This year Canada is playing and the reply'te the welcome will host te an expected 800 delegates be deiivered by Sr. Ranieni Mizz- frein sixty different countnies. illi of Brazil, Presideat of the The Conference will make Ot- j nter-Panliamentany Union.. tawa the centre of debate on top-j Senator J. M. Dessureault is lcs of international' import ý dur- the Chairman of the Canadian ing the ten day peniod. Delegation. Mn. Heney was a Pnoblems te be 1 considered by member ' of Canada's Delegation the paliamentarians are interna- lat the 53rd I nten-Parliamentany national' ce-operation' for peace IConference held last yean lan Ce- ..and dîsarmament, international 1 penhagen, Denmark. number the boys by 163 te' 144. One hundred and sixteen stu- dents are enrolled in grade 9, 58 ia grade 10, 61 la grade 11, 42 in grade 12 and 30 in grade 13. ýTo Establish fFertilizer Plant ronnenIn Newcastle /' The Township by-law prohibits Teuclibura - :28 the holding of sdhool la the men- The fertile agicultural negien W. Bailey - 32 iags as was the customi la former surnounding Newcastle wiil be D. Staples - 34 yeans, senved by a new industny bnought R. Canleton- 27 111GB SCHOOL about by the point venture of G.. M. Ltùn- 30 1B. Rîckard and his sons and' one Brown- 32 ENROLMENT.UP of the country's langest chemical Lycett Thee hunded and seven stu- produces. dents ennelled at the Clarke Gannet Rickand ef Bowmanville f inst yean that the fligh Scheel on Tuesday. This1Sis as made it known today that he Sehool has been an increase of twenty-six over- with eight indivi- that of last -year. The girls eut- (Continued page 8) rono Puilic Sclhool No-w it Egh Rom ý In Newcastle

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