-~ VOUE27, NUMBER 34 OYi-IONO WEEKLY'TIMESTUIA, SEPTENMR 2r Grade Nine Students ' Take Reading Tests Reading tests are now b)ein-gIinstructina lai given to ail grade aine students in public schi in high'schools of Durham Dist- could be dise rict, it was anaouaced at a recent ive action ta] meeting of the Durham District tevels. High 'School Board held in Port Hie said it1 Hope. scholastic ach Alan Strike, of \Bowmaaville Ily related to chairman of the co-ordiaatiag grade studer guidance commnittee, said the tests found to bei .bad been develcýoped by the Ont-1 ers than tho, ario Departmenýt of Educationl ment. 'nad the Ontario Curriculum In-1 The Port ,titute. committee rep meats have t Through administration of the have flood li tests it is hoped to dîscover- where the area of th wenknesses exist ini thýe ead1ing portable clasa;,3 ability of studeats entering higb ,Ta addition school. students' and Whea the deficiencies are pin- t is also hopý pointed it is likely that arrange- iserve to prev mîeats wilI be made to have a lage being dor teacher experieaced in remedial1 Ontario HyÈ reading wvorkvit the individual 'necessary pole schools in the area to give in- keep them ser struction to, students who require f lat rat chargi it.ing the cost of Mr. Strike said also thiat dis- ed. ,ussions are being held with a The board view to having remnedial raig(Coatii ~du,-1uced te pups iken at loixer grade hasiý been f oÙnd that hievelnent is direct- reu' bi!jty. Top mts are generally more efficient rend- )se of lower affain- b Hope Sco ýorted thaf aa a g- been undertakea f0 gbfiag înstalled la he newvly 'coastrucfed 3rooms.,. 1 to beiag a help to staff using th e area ned the lighfiiail1 Veaft malîious (dam- me to the buildings. Aro wiil instali fthe s and fixtures anid 'viced for a monthly ge of $11.80, includ- - the eaergy consum-, gave permission for anued page 8) Local Horticulturists Attend Convention In Kinmountl Gel eb.rates Diamond Wedding t"-Àn-Pniversa-ry Mr. and 'Irîs. Jo)ha D. Brown, 1,Nedding aanni',ersary at their friends and relatives and received lifeloag nresident.s of Orono and1 home la Orono, on Sunday, Sep- congratulatory messages. area, cl ae their sixtieth itember 12th. They received many me Iav..omDetinz in Two cnrloads of 1ron ".teti- present from Orano.- -- - -- ultural Society mca bers journ- Mr. W. E. Hartnoll, C'ioks ic ,eyed to Kiamouat on Saturdaiy -was guest speakerfor the aflIer-j to attend the Aii ial mýeeti«ng cf noon. Mr. Hartnoll i3 I erO r n 1)Mstrict 4. kno-wn as Ontario Gaýrden Clinic's r % The cars left at1:0 r.ad'i Doctor', H-e gave a very lain _______________ traveîLed over^ 7ery pic[!iresque teresting talk ongadngad A tt irco. The performing arts retura toý conty ô hecotae fMrc. N 'Lfswihhascma- rr this coining week when the ixnid Mrs. Thos. arbobe 1'ed wthvery-,,, j îde. k 'a,)î -7 e ni iiFetvlof One Act PBasisbl HedLake where eve von cil joyed a pienieuc'u.The ýwarn M . omeSecretary E Hnr o rew ofntresucsieaihsl h welcone and teddgu theheOtro oriutrlSocipeyty e_ oatdb Cb , ofuhs year has zan. increýase ofen- Trom ,the cottage mi ofori -jhe loag wivth sc.tai fronk lhe! tries wt iepnsblgen- deluge of main whîca.occarred i.n differeat- Socîei is ,(' Guep. .tcred and petd Thursday, the w9j. diocted a pam;il qlisçe.isson on At 5:30 a bîi ot turkey dinner Friday -and Saturday, eveniags,ý From bhere the parey wtt rnf 11"Your Publiceflelal àms are 1 0Gw- was seve f the inemhlers zt. the Septembeýr 3t ùf ctober 2. to Kinmouat whenaieý -tin g." This proved interesting 2-,Roy-al Ca~iauI iali, in took place at 1 p.m. ,ela giviag Socicties somneKim ntMayoteetrsaebig ideas on bow te cotain and hald peete ytheatre groups wbo The meeting apened with the I new members. Heýad tabl'e guests we're intro- haepromd oOh rono -inging of 'O Canada'. Annuel re-I duccd as follows: Mr. and i rs. J.stg lafreyar.H ev, p-orts and businesi foU)wcd. iî'1, Mrs. A. Stevens was reap- oint $msa rsdato h aw3.awcmaisaemka h crail was talken )f the iffirent ed District Drcetor for District xne r nkn fcr socetis wic sh~ve felv 4 ad erbusaadwa apoiaed(Coatiaued page 8) i rst ent ntotecmptto wih n. hbeing th'z Scarhr')rw1i. Accorclianist Top Winner In Amateur Contest, The Amateur cont est held in caught the nod for second placiag position la the coafest. oonnection with the Orono Fair Two young girls, Lyna Wilson Those wbo weatbered the crisp l.ast. Saturday evcniag ia front of and Barbera Langeira from Gar- evening breezes, ad there were the graadstaadat the f air grounds dea Hill preseating a tep dance may, also viewed arts of baton witniessed. aineteen entries in routine copped third position twirlinig, vocal solos, a duet, e .ompetit ion. with a fine displey of rhythmj and trio, a male quartette and scbool close coordination, choir. Two youagsters from En- Miss Tina Kozub, an accomîp. neskiîîea broughf action to the llsbed eccordiaaist, won top lirize Miss Mary Horsfield, accordien- ýshow wlth their rendition of the for her outstandiag selections3. îsf from Port Hope and a former ' Charleston. Plecing second were the 'H.4bol winner et the Orono Amateur Local artists competing la the froinBowmaville. This gr-oup of contest, places fourth. ýshow were Avel-yn Lyetft, baton; 1e Vru, iln ak Reid, A recitet ion concluded by e jSharon DaAfin, Sue and Nadia' base and Paf Welsh, gu-itar, pro- vocal solo by Miss Marie Yeo, Or 0Qiriô oa trio and Elaine iddlively westen nui which, ono won for this, local- artist fiffii ,- Mercer, guitar anlid vocal T~tR8DYSEPT. 39- Ajax Dramea Worksbop w,.,Ill pre- sent Teast Caulder Street" by Frances Perkbill, a member of the Worksbop. Also on Thursday eveaiag will be the preseatation of "The Pen of My Aunt" by the Lindsay Little Theatre and "Pas- sion, Poison and Petrefaction,", 4y tbe Oshawe Little Theatre. !FRIDAY, OCT. Ist- TheScroog Theetre Guild wil peset Imromptu" sthe willbe fllowd bythe"BleediyJ Heartyof Wee Jon" by th-e Kox Theetre Group ,3trborougband nVis f D esire" by furtber members of the Scarborougk SATURPDAV , OCT. ZA- "FinersKeeprs"by tbe Whit- by heereGaud opens Seturday'a pefomace.The New v Pway Worsho of Ajex wiU1 present "The Journal" and the Pic-Axý Playrs ill oncudethe Festival Foiloag Ibe g tbree pleys on Satzuday the 'Osicars' will be pre- ýsented for the best play, best ac- for, besf actress-, best director, best set and a special ewerd. This bas always provedl most in- teresting for those tekiag part ia the plays as well as the audience. Awards are spoasored by local and" area organîzations. Mrs. Billi Tyos will be the 'ad- judîcaf or. Orono Midigets Lose lst Game «To -Six Nations Th e O VmiMdget basebali club- the SxNtosweil ont in front met with def e st Sunday in hy six run,-s ff7 a rneagre thie teoniggaine of the Ontario hits,. ix Nations *.;cred 1lheii Seifna scree with the Sixý Na- final r i he sevcnf h off two tionis entry. ehe 0row) (Aub were ri t S. defeated 9-2. Jh ahr was the hest Or- The game was wvon hy the Six ono bhitter wt two for four. Nations ia the f ifth inaing when Other Ornohits were by Brian This, aloag wïÉh the pitchiag of Poster, Ricky Neal and Doug Davis for the Six Nations club Moffat. Paul Jones pitched into Who gave up -only fi~ e hits end the fifth inning with relief be- 'took twelve, striLoe outs against ing taken over by Eau ('.obble- Orono. The Orono club were out- dick-. hit- 10 to 5. The winning .pitcher, Davis, Orono' took the lka .la the was also a powerbouse at bat with game in the first inaing when_ a two for three record aloag with John Mathers and red *Sark one walk. both scored with an assist fromp Brian Foster's hit.. This lead .iiney The second game of the sïeries held until the tird frame jvenis tw be Iplaye-d ilahe Orono Park the Six Nations' tc-ain Lied the this coming Saturday f tfýrnoon score with two runs off two bits, at 2:80. The Orono bis will two Waîý ll adan rrr.have to win this gaîac to stayi Thâe disastrous fiftb frame put the series. 1965 ýý a Timmes