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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Sep 1965, p. 3

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, 'THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2frd, 1965- Agricultural Scholarships Announced- A. O. Dairymple, Agricultural -Representative and secretary of tution of theDurha« -of the E.. A. Summers Memorial rlAscaineh Scholarship Committee announceddil Asoiatione acr recently the resuits of the various ideving will egacci -agricutural Scholarship awards fiv e voting doeutesh Ior urha Couty.delegates Mr. Wade si In 1958, the E. A. Summers Scholarship Fund was set up and I is' generally e. since that time a $100 scholarship Russell C. Honey,M has been awarded annually to a liam in the iast- Pai student attending an agricultural be the candidate agai school or coilege for' advanced training in agriculaure. The sel- - ection committee met recentiy and the E. A. Smmers Scholarship will be awarded ta, Paul Tamblyn who is now a student in tlie~ fourtli year degree course at the Sa Agricultural College at the Uni- versity of Guelph. PA The Oshawa an d District Real EAR ýEstate Board for the past three E year's has awarded a $100 schoiar- ship to an agricultural student 100 toC ent ering bis first year in advanc- ed agricuitural1 education. Mr. Ken Hawkins, secretary of the6 Oshawa and District Reai Estate6 Board also is a member of this committee and at the selection 6 committee meetin~g, it was decid- ed that Mr. Ken Knox of Harnp- -ton would be awarded this sebol- arship this year. Ken Knox is very active in 4-H and Junior Farmer work and' will be attending the Kemptville Agricultural Scliool at Kemptville. For a number of years, the J. S. M-cLean Foundation lias awarded two $125.00 scholarships ta be given each of two years ta stud- ,ents attending the Kemptville Ag- ricultural sehool. Those wlio have been awarded this scholarship are Mr. Brian Bradley, BowmanVille, -who bas been active in 4-H and Junior Farmer work and Mr. Ken Knox, Hampton. These seholar- ships are awarded to the student upon completion of the first I A terma with an average of at least e0%. Members of the Selection Com- niittee- this year were Ken Haw-, kins, Secretary, Oshawa and Dist- rich Rteal Estate Board; Bruce, representing the Federation of Agriculture; Gerry Brown, presi- dent of the 4-H Club Leaders As- -sociation; Don Weish, president ,of the Junior Farmers, and A. 0. Dajrymple, Agricutural Repres- entative. ,1 Congratulations are extended to the young men being a; re -these scholarships and we hoe -that they wili ho of assistance in providing them with future atg- -ricultural training. Durham Liberals To Meet Oct., 6th Durhai4,Counity Liberal Associ- ation President, Harry Wade, an- nounced Septemher'2th that the Nominating Convention for Dur- ham Riding wiil be held ini Bow- snanville on October 6th. Guest speaker will be the, Honourable Mitchell Sharp, -Minisî,ter of Trade and Commerce, In accordaî-ce wt thecnti CallyourI llcensed ?lumbing&. Mechanicai Contractor who sel-s, installs and 8uaranteel CARMAN PLUMBING - HFEATING Phone 143, Orono Mîllbrook Enrols More Pupi1s' 'Millbrook High Sehooi started sehool, is in charge of English the fail term September 7th whh clas;ses; Cecil Canham, formerly three new teachers, m,,ire pupils, of Brock Higli Schooi in Canning- and the almplified facilities of an ton, teaclies commercial subjects; nCounty Lib- addition contain-Ing two new ciass and David Grundy, in Cayuga h pol in the Irooms, a guidance office and a last year, instruets Grade 9 in ýedited with storeroom. Grade 13, twice assceean gorplyMrGu- s.Credentials numerous as last years will have ;ortiy ta the ýa high standard to emulate, for dy lives in Port Hope, and teacli- said.i Principal William Brown reports es half time there. that last year's Upper Sehool expected that students pa-sed 86 per cent of ail Mrs. Elizabeth Twomey, who I.P. for Dur- papers tried. tauglit hall time in Miilbrook last rlîament will y hevear, is now teaching fu~i timne. in. O h new staff menibers, Miss She is in charge of Latin anid ýMay Gr-oss fromn Trenton Higli girls' physical education. BEST BUY!- Save 15c! Deep Browned - with, Pork BEST BUY! Save 3e! Libby's Fancy Qu Furuit C'wocktal BEST B UY! Save 8e! Shirriff - Good M~ MA RMALADE * £ ~ DEST BIJY! - NEW! -' Taste Treat for Dogs Aff> 19 Cash Vour le Coupon Save llc LIBBY'S COOKED SPAGHETTI 20-os, Tins 4for 89C Save 9e! Libbys Deep Buttered CORN 14-os. Tins 4 .for 8 9c Save lie! SLIBBYS TOMATO CATCHUP 18-oz. Botties 2for 5 9c Save lie! LIIBBY'S FANCY PUMPKIN 28-oz. Tins 4 for 89C Cas",ur7 Cuo BEST BUY! Save 10c! Liquid 6c Off1 JAVEX ABLEAC rnowhite home grown No. CAULIFLOeWI New Crop SUNKISI ORANGE! Sunhine fresh No, 1, Ontario TOMAIGE Save 7c! Bîrds Eye GREEN PEAS and Pearl Onion Save Se! AWAKE ORANGE DRINK.... Reg. 39e! Weston or SunbeaM CHOCOLATE SWISS ROLL.. IEssential To Up- Grade Agriculture I"The fa Il fair is the traditional show-place for the agicultural industry and. is a part of Ontario's rural tradition that should be en- couraged by the whole commun- itv, and by government." Russell C. Honey, M.P. for Durhiam in the iast Parliament stated as lie of- ficially opened the 134th annual fair ln Port Hope on Saturday. Tt is irnforti," that we contin- t ually upgrade the quality of our a wriculturaI produc!e, particuIàr- 1ly if we hone' tn o-large Çanada's 1 Continued page 8 Quality 48-oz. Tins Ifor!59.?C, .20-oz. Tins' 4 for 8 9C eaiity 15-oz. Tins, lf or5 9ct .orning 2 zJar 8-0o. pkgýs Zfor 69C 18-0z. Pkg. tS Save 6e! Pack - 64-oz Pas4 Ige. heads ea. ER 19c S doz. 49 6-Qt. ïBasket s e-a.794%C 10-oz. Pkgs. is ....2for 59c 6-oz. Tins .2for 39c Pkgs. 2's .2 for69c B A Most people are playingthe Red and White Easy Cash Game . .AreYiou? JOIN IN THE FUN FALL CLEANINL* Reg. $1 ~ ea. No. 77 Im:,erI] Sponge Mop .. $1.49 C5 Imperial BROOM ----- ea. 89c, DISCOUNT PRICES! Reg. $1.19 Super Size Pepsodent tube 99c Reg. 45e 'Aduit Pepsodent Tooth Brushes ...39 Reg. 39e Child's Pepsodent. Tooth1 Brushes .35 Specially Selected S ecali eleted endrloj Potion3-3-lb7Avg nlb lb RINDLESS BACON 89' Swift's Peim- Mýild Seasoniý 16-oz. V.P. TASTiOLGA491b Prizes $1 to $1000-00 m 1 d.

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