OE~Q WEJ~LYTIM~, TRRS~Y,_Sf'7~BER23rd, I.96, ~pek g'~tCap Qin-no1a~ e er prmptd ~ PY9utie Cgaiian cQupcil ki Çl4rsýt- k...astn g k ut ûen on s ,1 e the sateiixent tha-t lI, j.don't lkethe church eand t ris and Jews which blamed'tbe chuvrh as yinig ~dthat tl(ç I fore lokfor t 1ns hat are churclh as a factor preventing Iv- Taleneh romasermonipreacedgoo tins m tutwhich i_ Oner 'tie clurcb ceaSed to c Iwqn;ym,'ofo inesan h ias rm uiigf~ç~ by Rev. ai og~* the beýtter it wouldi be eor so- 4 churclh and theref are mniss thelitizens. Thle sexinar weflt on tU, Scr~tre eson- Mttew16. Whn e~u sid to etrciety. T.h.,s sstii atenient 1-ood fthat it does." They mitîhtsay "Today eveiywhoere aeross "Whn Jsussai to' Pter estemmâred from t bis unde.rstanding hv onoe.themïselves that 1 te land the ehurcb sits on In- In mosdiaino dem--ons w "e to lhndm Stn" hte that the echurch was respon.,iIte thiý was a voice ffrm the ou1ts'ide dian reservations somretimes as ie must get bey.n(d the though;It of _spmigoItatPtrsd-frtE extremity of Capital pun- withouit nmuch significance. oesaoigbih n oe littie bad he,ýinigs to the broader "lre to hold Jesus to himsel! and ïshmnent and for the inadequacy A recent newspaper article times as a suffocating, clucking concepti h sees that whîrh is tlus frust' ate the revelation of 'of our diverce Iaws which seemed cearried the heading "Churcli a old hen." These are flot compli- opposed 1c Ced as demonic. that God, was demonic. ito resulttin harmn rather than Suffocating Old H-en." It told of mentary remarks but it is cluite force wich-I bas power to ca"' Recently a high school teac~her, good. Those who heard him .iould an Indian seminar sponsored by <Continued on Page 5) The CF'an ada Pen sion Plani and its benefit '0, '~ Mre is, wIat thé Caniada Pension Piàn wil do for pole lik-e Huguette S amsoxi, a 22-year-old married woman Who earnis $5S,50 a week. Huguette and ber husband, who youing children, Huguette would Ail benefits under the Plan wjll This adv'ertisement is one of a is earning $4,200 a year, hope receive a widow's pension maintain their value. The series which relates some'of that Huguette w'ill work for of $57.81 a monthi plus $25 a actual benefits payable will the important benefits of the a few years before famnily needs mionth for each cild-a total of probably be higher than those Canada Pension Plan to, iequire ber attention ful l ime. $132.81 a month. She would alsq given here since benefits will be individual eircumstances. *receive a lump sum payment adjustedto meet changes in ~Assuming that Huguette does just of $500. living costs and in wage levels this, ber contributions to the before they are paid and changes Plan will beniefit ber in several < At age 65, based upon both ber in living costs after they become ways. For exarnple, if she works own and her husband's1:: payable. eJ only for anothier fi-ve years, contributions she would receive a sudb at age 65 she will receive a small pension of $57.53 a month plus What will the Plan cost you?Isedb ilt n authoritv of the initro retirement pension of $8.38 a month in addition to ber $75 a month Old Age Security. Tbrough lber busband's contribu tions 10 the Plan, should be die when îhey have thrce $75 a month Old Age Securty- a total of $132.53. If she decided to-supplement ber income at any time by returning to work, she could'stili receive the widow's and orphan's benefits, could substantially increase her retirement pension, and could alis eûsreher entitlemi-ent to a disa,ýbility pension if she becanie di,"?bled. If you are employed and, like Huguette, bave earnings of $2,938 spread evenly over the year, youwill pay at ibhe rate of 810 a week. Your employer will pay the same amount. National Healtli-and Welfarc, Canada, The Honourable. Judy LaMarsý., CP55G ý . -1- 1 -Il - - ý7!' ý ý .1. . -