ORLONO WEEKLY TIMES, TRURSDAY, SEPTEMBDER 23rd, 1965 UNIT NO., 1, U.C.W. Unit 1 of Orono U.C.W. held Their September meeting at the home of Mrs. N. Bairstow., Mrs. F. Lycett, unit leader, cummenced the meeting by read- ing a pocm which cuntained val- uable material useful hints for everyday living. Mrs. R. Chapman was respons- ible for the program and explain- ed to the members details of a worksisop she had attended iu Oshawa earlier lu the year, lu-, tîtled "?Yusic and You'. Wisat can muie lu in te 1TJC. W? Tt creates fePlowsl-ip. icee o-ns luove and 1apr c ation for oou msic. Tisey advisèd to select hymus to m-atch tise theme relating them to tise worslisip service. A isymn 'Praise tbe ILord, ye iseavens, adore Hlm' was isen sung. It was suggested to use hymns to introduce Bible reading, Mrs. N. Bairstow read portions, of Bible passages from different versions of tise Bible. They stated Roll plays eould bc of assistance, also a prugram on Peace could be included. sa R. Chapman introduced Schedule At Oronc svrlnew suggested hymans, unej being sung by the members "Now, R arness racing at the recent God be with US." Oru'no Fair provided a heavy Mrs. F. Lycett conducted the sehedule of twelve heats plus two business, minutes were read and! further heats of pony racing. iThe Colt Stake was the feature approved and roll cail responded o h ae n vswnb .E to.oftercsadwswnbF.E TreasLycett's colt, Royal Duke placing Traurer's report was gven lst and 3Ad. Thi.s horse set a time showing an encouraging balance. ef 209 in thse fis-st heat. Jim Wan- nan 's, Philhrick Mary, placed 6th Mrs. Lycett annuunced the fam- and 1't and recorded the fastest ily Mission Niglit on September mile of thse day, 2.08.4. Alex For- 23 at 7:30 p m. in Orono Church mt',s Ca' 1ord G'aton, !phscnl2-d whien 1ev. Douglas Pilkey will be b'Oth' trips. Buddy Gist, owvned by gnest speaker. Me ( HcFampton and Pt <unie Mrs. Lycett mentîoned Unit 1 and iris en liv Jack Williamis would be responsible for the De- pla'ed 3rd n rd 7th uin h . r- vtional at the October General JIn tise cs f nn r ý-o f Jc meeting. -.0O1u125Dar.ny .Rîor Il was thse first heat viuer with Orono Church Anniversary will ,The Leo taking this honour in be held on Oct. 17. In the evening!the second heat. w'e will have the opportunity f0 Lo,,a1 interest was- arosed in hear Port, Hope Men's Choir. Flrank Real Esilate pace when Suggestions regarding theOc, a rIW. Gratten , uwrol by R. L. heOc l'Týos f Kendal was the double, meeting were mentioned bringing : n- n' nr uno West with the meeting to a close.,ue'dJunat iaodrt ad n The hostess, served Peacis Mer- i-h-ile Cerald Robinson with T4na- ingue Torte for refresbments ýdow -Bob placed 3rd aud th. which was su delicious many of Oxford Abse was the double the guests were anxious to re- I heat winner of the Hlambly pace. ceive the recîpe, IMargaret Hal, owned by Ross Brown of Newtonville placed 5th- Mrs. J. Reýid expressed thanks land 2. Jack Williams with HIappy to Mrs. Bair stow, for ber kind Mac placed 6th- and 3rd while hospitality, bringing a delightful Flash Wingay, owned by Willi am evening to a close. ýand Harold Hooey placed 3rd and Dio You Know Mr. E M.k There's a good chance that you do. He lives ar d He gets around quite a lot and lie knows this That's part of his job. He's the manager of your local branch of Ca Bank, of Commerce. And he's a good man to with financial matters or for Sound advice, on an3 banking, he's the man to see. If you haven't already-met him, by all means be glad to see you. Over 1300 branchzes to sevey Qhampionship Team Keith Robden, Brookln this'prize winning team shows -eceived tise O'Keefe Trophy wiich 'the best on the grounds. o Fair 5tis Two divisions of the Orono Businessmen's trot wvere held ln w hicis twelve isorses competed Letter To Editor 23, .7 Roslyn Rd,, Winnipegý 13, Man. Sept. 18, 1965 The Orono, Weekly _Newspaper, Orono, Ontario. Dear Editor: f have intended writiug many timres to tbank yon for publishing tise sermons of 11ev. Basil E. Long The pnople of Orono, p( haps, no nurealize how fu luna±cte are t'have a miipster w.vFu can. in su] n- gi ,nc t1""~. ~"n~1 th~of t ot tt1ise car, e uob apY iin1 '7le-e isa verse in the Bible, part uf vh-c s 'eads. " . .+wice bae T eard this," The congre-! gatiuu uof11ev. Lu 'g'.. churc? areý 'n sncb a position. Tbey can have tisese 'pearis of great price" 3 uopped into tiseir minds un Sun- day and eau again be reminded of their practical value during the uveek b-,, ïeadiug your newspaper. As you know, 1 subseribe to your paper for une reason only - to read 11ev. Long's sermons. I am always disappoiuted if, either tisere is nu space available, or for sume other reason unknown tul me, they are not printed by yuu.1 Siucerely, Mrs. M.. H. Hykawy. ONTARIO SELECT COMMITTEE ON AGING VISITING e ~'~ .ho joi- Sa, in -s Crprtin several montiss ago after a long al- sue- cesful business career lunOsisawa, bas been appointed a Busin ess Development Representative to service clients and accounts ini the Whitby, Osisawa and Bowmau- ville areas. He is available for consultation in both Oshawa and Bowmanville. in tilse al-mile ieatures. Pill Reid's Farmer Paul was an N RO neasy ssinner of tise twu iseats iu Alex Carruthers, M.P.Pi, Durham thse first division. Ivan rocbrâlne's Tise members of tise Ontario 'ýp1ka Radar placed second butis Select Committee on Aging under trips.tise Cbaîrmanship of Alex Car- 1 tise second division Bi,, rutisers, M.P.P. for Durham, is on "'l",a- KitsWod' el;y fan exteuded visit to Nortisernk Dave Frisco placed lst and 2ud. Ontaro tu hear briefs a-id ? ... Qng ilibe, oned y Lenardcuss with various groups the prob- "' a- - tof rooîluplaed rd ndlems uf aging, as thev relate , . ,',. 'st. ~toounr nortiseru areas. ,' ? Tise pony races using sulkies Ts omte is t a Y ovs somevriat of a disappoint- Ste. Marie ou September 12th. ah ument as tise speed was slow and Plnd following a une-day meeting tise eveut aronsed little excite-hi tisat city on tise l3tb, moved ment for tise spectators. on to the Lakehead for five c PACES TOP WINNINC UILLY lof meetings in tisat area. During Mr. Jack Reid who trains and this ueriod discussions will be r1îves F]emingtun's Jane is hav- held witis varions grunps in Port iro a usost successful year sith Arthsur, Fort William, Fort Frn tise twu-year uld. At tise pre.sent cis and Kenora. time tise colt is tise top mouied Tise members will also have tise fllly winnis'g over $9000.00 lu ýopportnnity f0 participate lu tise its.four starts. 0f these tise colt Convention uf Ontario Homes for isas won tlsree. lu its îast race lu tiseAlu whieis is being held lu tise Garden City tise colt won in, Fo t William tisat week. 0ppui[me"s a time of 2.12.4. It completed tise1 Fromi Kenora tise > Committéee M.Ade 1akn og 3ast hait mile lu tise record time'ivill tly to Moosonee,, usiug Beav- M.AdevPakn og f or twu year uld fillys of 1.02 4 lr aircraft suppiied througistise terni resident of.tise Oshsawa mid Jac, wek go Weusa, urey fts onourable Kelso Bowmauville area, bas been ap- set a new time witi Tiselgiers !Roberts and tise Departmeut of POi t' Manager of tise B'sn giving tiseisorse a tinse of Lands and Forests. An overnight ville office of tise Central Ontario stop wîll ise made at Kapuskas- Trust and Savings Corporation. iug on tisis ieg ufthtie journey. A full range uf trust nd saving At Muosouce tise Committee servsices are available to area ie- n-PI b ave an opportunity f0 study sidents for thse first time Ouriug, i Indian Housing for tise Aged and covenient Trust Company bours eion discuss witi cisureis officiais and iuciudiug Saturdays. Mr. Prakken otiser interested groups, fise pecu- bas been Assistant Manager at Ilia rbeso aigapial Central Onîi îo Trus' s llead Oe iotar prbemsua gigap cbeflue luOshsawa aff e mcre tian a toiat area the.a y idei-ade ot dis ersified experience, travel by tise Ontario Nurthland u-h neof, tise char"ur"sJ bankts. Railway. A sleeping car bas heen put at tise disposai of tise Com-, mittee an'd ou tise southward jourmnaiu itd fr frie uey many ufthtie meetings will bc eratnd. iti fr fut iseld in tisis car. Meetings have been arrauged for Cochrane, Timmins, New Lis- O t rt rr otsr keard, Nortis Bay and Sudbury. Ontario tiss svork will bc coutin- Tise group will arrive back lu, ued. A nismbei- of major briefs Toronto ou September 24th. are qtil' to beciseard but tisese Tise Cmmittee, di ring tiese çl ~Iise eompleted sv tise endI past week, bas been cuudueting of October. a vorksbup of its uwn af Qneeu's Park. A number of tise briets Tise finsal report and recoin- prcseuted tu tise Committee have mendations of thse Committee ssill been aualyzed by tise members ise preseuted totise Legcislature and tisesvarions facts and recomn at tise sinfer Session. Hutton-Couvier Weddingy Continued from page 5 er wiso chose for tise oecasion works riglit here. ically fasisioued fluor lengtb !a soft bine lace dress Nwitis match- gowns of piuk silk urgauza over ing uvercoat of dress length and town very well. taffeta. witis rounded necklines, threp quarter s17eeves. Sise vore short sleeves, and tise waist and !white access,ýoriles and corsage of train bordered lu Frenchs appli- yellowss'ssee-tiîsýearf ruses. itnadian Imperial que. Tisey wore matcising head- As tise couple left tise dance pieces witis tiny veils. Tisey, car- wiic followed tise reception, tise kçnowr. For help ried cascade bouquets of piuk bride wore a tisree piece suit with and whbite carnations, tise skirt. and flaring jacket of ýything to do with Mr. Wm. Hutton of Toronto white lace trimn'ed witi a jade svas best man for bis brother and j greens bosv at tise neekljue to 'tise ushers were Wayne Convier,1 match tise green sheli top under eaîl in soon, He'll tise bride's brother, Orono; Tom tise jacket. Rer corsage -,sas of Turner, Toronto, cousin of tise I ced sweetheart roses, and she groom,. and Mr. Robert Reid, tise wore white aceeýssries. isride's brotiscr-in-law, Kirby. Tise reception ivas held in tise-" ope nyoud l s i mI; parts- uthuierr Ontario Flying Duteisman Motor Hofel, 1 uei 'r cn weka Bowmaushllc, wisere tise bride's Ia'tge a 1o. hvwh motserreeivd u abie auareside Ft185rauk Street, Bow- dress ut chiffon with ronuded neckline, elbuw length sleeves andI mausvîlle, Otro ou graeefully flaring fui? skirf, wifis A Ouf of-twn .gests at tise yed- white accessories and a 'corsage dn were from.- Brampton. Tor- of yellow sweefiseart ruses. Sise out-o, Kiugsf n Sdensam Guelphs .U~Um DU .vas assistcd by tise groom's m=tis -,vaa, Nss . nd Stayuer. Har ness R'acing A Heavy