ORONO Wý,EEKLY TIMES, THUBSDAY, SEPTEMBEU3-hU 16 r ~ IGA -1 -1ý1 ozL.Tn Beans & Podirk 7 for IGA Dogr or Cat PET .FOODi IGA Sweet ORANGEi J UCE IGA Choic PACE IGA Cream Style 16 oz. Tins 20 oz. Tins 5for 15 oz. Tins 4for 20 oz. Tins 5fo-r FROZA- OODSAL TOKJÇA'Y GRAPES California Flame Red - Produce Of U.SA. Can. No 1 Grade VALtENCIA ORANGE~S Califort'ia- Sweet & Jiticy B RAD FORD CE LiERY Canada No 1 Grade - Cisii .Gre- CRISP CARROTS Cantada No. 1 Grade CIIOICE NEW ZEALAND LAMB SALE Short Cult Whole,.r Walf Hoîti4geiiized IGII LEG O' LAMB lb 53c Cwn 1 9:SO LOIN ' LANB- Whole Flank on ----------------------lb. 29eIG CANDIES. FRONT O'LANB - Lamb in a Baket, ronst, chops, stew lb. 25e Ta9blerite Rindless, SLICED SIDE BACON ------i lb. pkg. 88c Lemon Filled DEMP SPECIAL COMBINATION OFFIER! Kraft Cracker Barre WIENERS - Tablerite l lb Pkg. booth lCourOT andfoAiCoorSCT BOLOGNA Tablerite 16 oz. Sliced1fo Pepsodent TOOTHPi lb l ic 2 5ile 13 69c 2Large25 3 lb bags 2 for 29~c APEANUT BUTTER 3 9-oz. Jars s8e FT, DRlNKS 12 l1O-oz. Tins 88t. OQFFEE - 6 oz. Jar 88e 29c range 4 Pkgs. 88e PSTERS BUNS - Pkg. of 12 --------- ------4lc -e MILD CHEESE 2 12-oz. dits------------ 88e TOWELS 2 Twin Packs ASTE - Family Size --------------8 8e -------------8 8e 913253 71 12 2.ý9 36 46 73 4972 - - ~ Ke",ndal Three of the neighbourhood ~boys are in Bowmanviiie Hos- pitai. Barry boy had an infection in his leg and a Brennan lad had an operation for appendîi[tis and Gary Patterson is suffering from ILI Mr. and Mrs. Rec Elliott at- tended the christeniyng of their g'-and son John Gerald, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Elliott in Brockville last Sunday morning. Aý chilling1 frost, on Sunday aight, September' 26th ended the Tobacco barvest in a hurry. 'Al corn, tomatoes and potatoes were frozen. Silo fiIlin,ý is progressing as fast as possible. Several from Kendai attended Remerrl~- th~e îendal Anni- versary Octoher l7th and the turkey supper October 20th, Krb y Kirby anniversarv service was well worth atte'rding. Rev. Dyck of Oshawa rendered a very inter- esting and down to earth sermoiw; one which vaong and old could understand.. The 'Country Four' quartette supplied the music iu their melodjous voices, oniy onQe thing, we would have liked more. *Frjends from Kendal, Leskard and Oronq attended. Thank you to al. Mrs., Grace Cochrane visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wannan over the weekend. We wish a speedy recoverY 10 orsick -friends, Mrs. Nellie ý nOf Bowmanville and Gar Patterson. r Our syrnpathy ooes to Mrs. Ar- thur, Tennant and family in the loss of a husband and father. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Oakley and son viýzited with Mrs. Oakiey's parents, Ml-. and Mrs. Wm. Reid over the v--,ekend. Miss Mor-,i McKelvey and Miss Catherine 1-tewart called on Miss Laura 'anton ôf Zion on Sun- day. The Harr-is sisters visited ai horne this week. Miss Cathy Wison and friend attended the anniversary. Relatives and neighbours gath- ered at'the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tomiinson Thursday even- ing to celebrate with Bill and Doris the occasion of their twenty fifthi wedding anniversary. A beautiful gift of siiverware was presented to the hap couple. Federation of ,Ag r. At the rneetipg of the directors of the Durham County Federatloai of Agýriculttgre held last weê, concern was expressed over the Iack of entIries, in the Diurlit-i Couty Centennial Projeet Farmstead lImprovemient Compet i- tion. The Fîederation bas Prov- lided money to be usecd for the organizing of this comipetition. Every farmier in Durham County who receives al or the major portion of lis iivelihood from -a farm on which improvements 'W111 be made is eligible. The déadline for receiving entries has been ex- tended to October lst, 1965. At-. tractive prize money is being giv- en provided enough 'entries are received. Entry forms and addî- tionai information can be obtain- ed by contaicting the Federation of Agriculture o(-r the Ontario De- partment of Agriculture. Durham County bas beexn re- quested by the Canadian Feder- ation of Agriculture to provide the names of farm people who em- pioy farm. labour. The CFA bas heen meeting with an inter-de- partmnental committce of the fed- eral government to study the problims of extending unempioy ment instirance to fax-m workers. The figures used in these meet- ings have been questioned by varlous people and ih bas been decided to make a study of the situation. The staff of the Un- employment Irisurance and the Departrgent of Insurance will be interviewîng thoge named. Mr-. Dan Cayley, O.F.A. field- man reportedthat some shortages of hay existinl the eastex-n count- les and asked anyone having hay