ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAYI. SEPTEMBER 3fth, 19ï,5 Local Couple Hoioured With Surprise'Party On Thursday evening, Septem- 'ber 23rd Mr. anld Mrs. William 'Tomlinson. were surprised by, -their relatives, friends and neigh- bours. Mrs. Tomlinson (nee Doris Wannan) is the dauighter of the late John Wannan and Jessie Wannan now residing at Almonte, ~Ontario. The couple have two sons. William Jr., of Oshawa and Terýry of Orono. The guest book was presented S and attended by their neice, Miss Lorna Yeo. Thie table was decor- ated with pink canidles, pînk roses and white mums. It was centred with a wedding cake beauifully decorated with pink roses and -ilver leaves. Mr. and Mrs. D. Yeo presented- their sister and brother-in-law with a corsage of white cana- tions tinted yellow and a white boutonnaire. Master of cerenonies. Mr. Car- los Tamblyn, said a few words of congratulations to the bride ind groo mof twenty-five year,ïS. Mu rs. Everett Brown sang Th .,unshine of Your Smile" followed, by'a piano solo. The address was read by Mrs. D. Yeo. The evening was held in the Orono Oddfellow's Hall. Plenty 0f Action At Mosport There ýwas a drastic drop in spectators at the Canadian Grand Prix held a Mosprt last Saturday1 Attendance has been aninounced a;t 21,600 fans who witnessed ac- tion of an unprecedented nature for any race at the track. Jim Hall, driving a Chaparral sped across the finish line a mere 9/10 of a second ah ead o>f New Zealand's Bruce McfLaren. This pair battled the race ln a free -trading affair for the last few laps During this period of the race the lead changed hands a num- ber of times. Jim in his final dash to the finish line set a new track record ln the sixth last lap ,of 1-24.9. Accidents were, the theme of the day and mounted with each passing hour of racing . Drivers Dlon Jeyes of Oshawa and Tom Mofnareh of Michigan both spun o)ff the track in a preliinary -ý vent. Popular Ludwig HEimrath ,of Toronto, in the Prix, spun intoi a hait on an embankment after bouncing off Charley Hayes' car. Tom MeMillan was hit when the cars came up for the first' rolling start in 'Grand Prix his-' tory. H1e was hit by Dan Gerber's McKee-Ford and sent flyïing over -the car. Two cars burnt to the ground as drivers complained of the fire fighting arrangements. This made up the raclng events at Mosport last Saturday along with the race itself. John Surtees was another cas- iialty of the proceeding and his tif e held in the balance for a num- ber of hours following a crack- CaIlyour 1)censed Plumbing Mechanical C ontractor who selis, instailis and guarantees CARMAN PLUMBING -HEATING FPestival Opens To-lmnite up on Friday, the day prior to Oroflo, Ont. &statuette presented by the Orono Lions' Club. Best Director, don. the race. Dear Sirs:, Chamber of Commerce, whîch was ated by the Orono Recreation Halls average speed for the en- Final arrangements have been won last lear by the Pic-Ax Play- Commission, and the Adjudicators tire race was 104.268 miles per made for this years Orono Drama ers of Pickering and Ajax. Award is donated byj the Kendal hours which is a new record for Fsiawihi ob edi Women's Institute. the track. the Orono Town Hall on the 3th Other awards are in the forni Mrs. Philip E. Tyas will adjudi- The sponsoring British Empire of September and the lst and 2nd of a plaque. These are awarded to eate the Festival which is spon- Motor club expects to lose about of October, at 8:15 p.m. Amateur the Best> Actor, donate by the sored by the Central Durham Ag- $S30,000 on the race. The ban On theatrical groups froni aIl over Orono Oddfellows Lodge No. 436. ricultural Faîl Fair. ovenigt arkngit onideedCetrial Ontario will be competing Best Actress, donated by the Or- to have been costlyv to the club,.for the followling awards: ono Rebekah Lodge. Best Set De- Yustuy The OPP frisked incoming cars sign, donated by the Newcastle Yustuy and buses, consfiscating liquor. For the best play - a carved ' Gay Quinten foby'sSuic-Y Sae15r!Apl 2-o.Tins Save 20,;! C'rtis3s or Planters Baby Rui h, Bultter Fingers. Buitter Cups 10e Size î aocsent Discount Prices Reg. 70c! 9-oz. Size ~niseptie -ivor"s ...59e RLeg. 64e! 1,4-z iek's fapo-Rub 49c Reg. 69c! 3-oz. 13l. Vick's Cough Syrup 59c Save 10e! EES ELI Sve 7e!MONItC Poch ak Zkg. e'"y PO'wders1ý ow ?ESIY BUY! Sive 10e! CATELLI'S i Spaghetti, Spaghettdni 16-oz. Pkgs. 0 ~ES EL~'!Save Vc! Wbite or Coloured Toilet Tissue rolls $ S. !2C Off Pa, k 2-lb. Save 16c! 8Save 3"2e! Save 8e! CUL EEOIE 3p-meBa CULVERHOUSE CHOCEPiCkýleS CHOICE ( Dicead Beets or See ide ea Save 4! 12-o. Pkg. Dred Carrots ra N'Bte j 210-oz. Tins ' u tRls 20-oz. Tins -tC or$ iaï "'1 for Tampco o. 2l. ag e WHITEONIOS eah 39 Oeg ar 9e W S po r y n b m1 t P k g . CIAMONBUNS e- - 39c Libby's "Harvest of Values" 15-0oz. pkg. 10-oz. Pkg. French Raspberries Green Beans 39c 5 pkgs. $1.00 Frozen Foods 2-lb. Poly Vegetable Mix For Stews 39c Save 13e! HEINZ .Strained Foods 9jars $ SaveIle! Uhristies Iprernium Crackers 1-1b. Plfgs. 3pkgs. Save 2e! KELLOGG'S Corn Fla-kes 8-oz. pkgs. B3EST BUY! Save 10e! ROSE BRAND 1l.pkgs. B.ES BUY Sav 12e HENZ TOMATO 11-0z. Bottles BEST BUY! Save 7c! 14-02. Tins NIBLETS Corn 3k55cR'!i le BEST BUY! Save 6c! Quick or Instant La-rgeý Pkg. QUAKER OATS 47 BEST BUY! Save 12e! AYLMER Faney 48-oz. Ti TOMATO JUICE 219C Libby'sNEW- PINEAPPLE -CASH REFUND OFFER gail in any three (3) labels of Libby's New Size Pineapple and receive $ 1.00 in Cash ?.e an Vte s Fatrin tis ualtyHawi. tins .0Pick up some hsWendwn I.an Pineapple thîs week at 3 S IJ hopping 212 to 3-1b. l. ýAvg. 1. 5 Tender Young Plump Value, Uheck'd LEGS or' BREASTS lb. .59c Shneider's Farions - Pure Pork - Flatter Fack COU NTRKTY SAUSAGE lb. 53c- Shneidler's - Miid Seasoned Red Rt 1l.Vae Park SKINLESS WIENERS lb. 59: Sehneider's Mild Cured- Cryovac Portions 1y2 te,2-lb. average PEAMEAL Back BOn lb9u Schieier's -Mild Seasoned - CountrL,.,Stvleý HLAULU1tL~L Plastie Bowl '5