ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3th, 1965 Bhind I he Orange Curtain CLARKE TEACHERS MEET iMrc XXW-XX/ýin,ýrî What frus trations have you met li '-l. IY . ~V '.-iA&iri withlately .- the commion coId LIBERAL CIHIEF LEADS re1de1,t0 oracraikv car? Unraked leaves PROBE 0F MILLBROOK or unpaid buis? A bawling babe or a sassv schoolboy? Then what Andrew Thompson, leader ofT a lir ri you need'is some "escape" liter-1jthe Ontario Liberal party, wilT a h r'G n ature! lead an inspection of Milbrook The first meeting of the new Corne to the Orono Public Li- maximum security prison Oct. 7. tprm was 'held at the Brown's brary, and meet a man who faces lie said Monday night he 'plan- School. A delicieus lunch was situations that will make your ndt hc eot.ta e served by Mrs. Bruton and Mrs. troubles seem like joys, and he perverts are forced to run about Preston, the teachers of this cope inthe ostunperturbel, in~ baby-doll pyjamas as part of school. coes in th-ce manest ,lii uismn.New officers were elected, as devi-maycar maner.thei puishmnt.follows- Yen will encounter this para- Hie will be accompanied_ by President - Mrs. W. Wannan gon of courage if you sample our George Ben and James Trotter, Vrice -President - Mrs., W. Barra- James Bond mysteries. These fan-1 both Liberal members of the leg- bal tastic spy novels bv Ian Fleming. isiature in Toronto ridings. are se very readable that once JUNIOR GARDENERS you start, yon will find it diffi-' "The suggestion is that if a (Continued from page 1) cuit to put the book down. man is a perfert, they put him and one new member. in baby-doll pyjamas and make Tove and Annette, Jorgensen Fleming dreamed up this im- him run in the' corridors," Mr demonstrated how te make a probable hero, British secret a-- Thompson said. Thanksgiving arrangement. Mrs. gent -007 in 1951 in a book caîl-. arote shwdhecidn ed "Casino Royale". Since the Reforms Minister Alan Gross- F'iow ter showed ths fomehren Bond movies starring, Sean Con- man termed the pyjama report nery have been filmed, Fleming's fantastic. îums and how te grew them. - The Christmas Show was dis- thrillers have sky-recketed te However, he added, while sex- cussed and Mrs. Fairbrother sug- fame. 'Dr. Ne', 'Frem Russit with jual deviates are often transferr- gested the children should start Lov,' nd Golfiner' hav ed te Milibrook te "protect them collecting weeds and leaves for reached the sereen, and the fourth from attacks from other inmates," Christmas arrangements now. Sug- and latest is 'Thunderbali'. Now they are isoiated frein priseners gestions for future Club activi- Bondism is a craze; Fleming's flt suffeîng sexual problems. tics were asked for. books are "in" in a big way. 1 Mrs. Fairbrother reminded the The only explanation for the chiîdren te be kind te trees, flew- ,aine.s Bond is a handsome. col- baby-doll pyjamas report was that ers and animais and also remem- ourful. hero: his villains are hid- eesl ausng bs erins repriseners considered disturbed ýber kindness te People. She re- eousy ausig; is eronesarewear a short nightgownt se that it marked that if everyene was kind- devastatingly beautiful; bis as- ceannot be used te bang themselv- er te their neighbour the world, signînents are unbelievably larger les," Mr. Grossman said, would net be in the condition it than ife.is today. The late John F. Kennedy en- noticed one of the $20 bills look- joyed Bond's adventures, and wee d a little paler than it should. are - sure that 'you wili see them as thoroughly entertaining fiction,.lHe made a further check of the takings and discovered 15 At the Orene Library you Will other bogus bills. find these Fleming tities avail- able: Moonraker Goidfinger Live and Let Die You Only, Live Twice New Books 'at the Library: -Later a total ef 25 counterfeit bis had been handed over te the Peterboreugh OPP detachmient. The bis are very professionally made. The celer is the main fault. AIl look much paler than they should and are easily spetted if Cooper's Creek -Alan Moore- cat Ctu~iy ea1ieui. head.- Four numbers- are used on the Techiniqute of Smaii Boat Rac- bis., These are: L-E 2849072, ing - Stuart H. Waiker. L-E3049228, U-N 9754338 and Duchess of Jermyn Street -,R-E 8253031. Daphne Fielding. The ceunterfeit bis were pas- Happy Family Camping.. Brewing in Canada. Dorothy Robinson BOGUS $20 BIÈLL PASSED AT MOSPORT BOOTHS A well dressed man with ai French-Canadian accent made a real meal out of the confection booths at -Mosport on Saturday and successfully passed $500 in counterfeit $20 bis. Mingling with a crowd of 21,000 attending the Canadian Grand Prix motor 'races, the man had ne trouble in passing the bis. They were not discovered until late on Saturday after,noon.A confection agency collectio man was, making his regular tour of1 booths to collect takings when hie1j sed enly at Mospert. it is net ex- peceted that they will appear ianywhere else in the area but the public is asked te be on the lookout. The bis can aise be detected by taking a close look at the Queen's face. According te police the Queens nose is a littie wider than on normal notes and the eyes on the bogus bills have a rather dead look. "The man would neyer haw getten away with At in a City orj town where people have a littie mrore time te look at money," a police spokesman said. "Mospert was a perfect place .where the booths were ail rush- ed fer time and had ne opportun- ity te examine money they were receiving." Durhanm CentralI Agricultural Soeiety *PRESENTS THEIR ANNUAL DRAMA FESTIV"AL ORGNO TOWN HALL THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY .SEPT.@ 30 OCTe. iýa2 ENTRIES FROM OSHAWA-LINDSAY -SCARBOROUCH AJAX - PETERBOROUGH - WHITBY PICKERING MRS. PHILIP E, TYAS, Adjudicator Admission: 75e aduIts; 50e students Tie8:5pm UNITED CHURCI4 Orom~o Pastoral Charge Min ister Rev S. E. L ong SUNDAY, OC:TOBER 3 CHURCH SERVICES Orone - 11:15 a.m. Kirby -es:30 p.i "'niVersary Service Speciai Speaker- Rev. Helmuth Dyck, 'Minister af Aibert St. Un- ited Chuirch, Oshawa SUNDAY SOHOOL Orono- 10 a.m. Leskard- 10 a.m. Kirby 11ila.m. Sec. TJreasurer- Mr. Ellis i told us about our new gr0upý Press Reporter Mrs. E. Rowe IHealth plan and the ordering of, Our inspector Mr. C. A. Holmes supplies. poke to the teachers about the marking of the daily registers. ý Mrs. Wannan, the new presi-, Mr. H. Best, secretary of the' dent brought the meeting te aý Clarke Township School Board close. Au;~innItems Orono 5cto $1,00U"Store "Desert Flower" Bubhle Bath for.....3W3ý "Old Spice" Travelling Kits for Men . ... $2.37 "Score" ilair Dressing for men ï and women,.8$» Flannelette Blankets, 70x9O, per pair .... $6.69 White Embroidered Pillow Cases 22x32 $1.67 Add-A-Bib Shirts for girls, 3 to 6x, each $1.33 Girls Cotton Blouses, roll siceves, 7-14 .. $1.19 S"Kelta" Sapitary Pantie, S, M, L and XL. .98 Ladies Rayon 'Gowns, long or waltz, Uin sizes M, L, and OS priced ......... $1.98 Ladies Sheath Skirts, sizes il to 18, each $5.88 Ladies Wool Faîl SkÎrts, sizes 10 to 18 ... $4.19 Ladfles Wool Gloves, 66e Cotton Gloves 7'9e Good supply of Dutch Bulbs ý,available, 'Tulip Narcissus,- Daffodil, Croýcus, Ilyacinths Always available apd welcome is the LAY-AWAY PLAN FOR CHIRISTMAS Birthdays, Anniversaries or Whatever PHONE ORONO 122 I I New Fal i Fashions LEOTARDS A new stock of Stretch Seamless Tights, 100%- nylon, guaranteed non- run. Colourfast, soft, comforl- table and perfect fit. Severaj col- ours. Sizes to fit 6 months to 14 years. Priced'from . $1.69 to $2.09 MISSES' LONG STOCKINGS "Harvey Woods" Wool Tweed Stretch :Stockings suitable for teen-agers to wear with the new Short Slrts. Grey or brown Tweed. Will fit sizes 9 to il Priced, per pair ...... $2.25 WOOL KNEE SOCKS Stretchy Wool Knee Socks by "Hlarvey Woods", tops elasticizedu- with lycra for longer life. Fancy design with bine or green predom- inating as well as plain shades of brown and green. Sizes to fit 9-11. 1Priýce per pair........ $1.50 NYLON KNEE SOCKS 100% Nylon Strech Knee Socks výith cajjle design. Blue, green, red brown and white. Sizes to fit 6 tol 7V2, 7 to 81/2 and 9 to Il. Priced per pair ........ 79c' 6"CANADIANA WOOL Caftadiana Worsted Knitting WooI, a hardy 4-ply wool which knits up quickly. Shirink reý isistant and mothproofed. A good variety of shades. Prîiced per 2 oz. skein ..85e v 4 Time: 8: 15 p.m.