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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Sep 1965, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSIDAY, SEPTE31BER 3O4th, 1tig5 Mr. Jack Cowling of Parry Sound visited with his aunt, Mrs. Fred Tamblyn on Thursday. Mr. Cowlîng is manager of the Sted- man Store in Parry Sound. Saturday of last week Mrs. J. E. Richards was a dinner guest of Mrs. Etta and Miss Clara Page of Enniskillen. Mrs. Arthur Brookes of Toron- to and Mrs. Foster Hoidge of Willowdale visited Mrs. Fred Tamblyn on Friday. Mrs. Jim Rickaby returned homne fr6'm Bow-manville Hospital on Tuesday of this week. Mr. and, î41rs. l c unes.s and Mr. Tcrry Graham, Ii~tn spent the week-end witli Mr. and M-s. Ed Graham. Miss Jean Buchannan, Toronto, spent the weekend witli Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Drummond. Mvi. anid Mrs. Malcolm --:en-. zie of Kitchener and Mr. Ian Mc- Kenzic of Waterloo University spent the week-end - itli Dr. and. Mrs. A. F. MeKenzie. Master Ian Moffat feul on Sat- urday last, breaking his riglit arm just abýove the wrist. Mr." and Mrs. Van Homeé of Whîtby took Mrs. Fred Tamblyn and Mrs. Stout of Toronto for a motortnp )to Trenton and.Stirling the occasion beîng Mrs. Tam- Mrs. James E. Richards visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Jacula and son in their new home, Jane Ave, Oshawa. START WORK ON VILLAGE ENTRANCES Bennet Pavîng of Oshiawa who recentl3y were awarded the con- tract to reconstruct the entrances into the Village of Orono by the Department of Hîghways have started their work. Work lias commenced at both the south and inotth entrances. MORE USINfI MUNICIPAL WATER Mr. E. Dent reported on Mon- day evening that somewhiere in 1 the neiglibourhood of 1204 cust- omers had now connected to the >Orono Municipal Water System. Connections continue to be mnade daily. Members of thie advîsory board[ met on Tuesday night with rep- resentatives of the plant opera- ions brandi of the Ontario Wa- ter Resources Commission. PARTNER PLUMBING A3ND HEATING TRIE VES B1EEAK IN AT Last Thursday night thieves en- tered the premises of Partner Plumibingý and Hleating stealing plmin ools, fitings and equip- ment to a* valUe_ of somewhere a- round, $500.0.. Entry was made into the soutli workshop. The Provincial Police are investigating.I Local Norsemen Keeping Busy Action in liarness racing over the past wcck lias seen local horsemen competing over a wide array of tracks. Racing at the Lindsay fair gave a new outiet for the sport and lo- cal enthvtsiasts. Junior West with Speedway Pat placed fifth on two 1a time of 2.07.1 and paid a hand- soe$18.00 at the wickets*, Jack also placed second with Sî1kk Boy W. Flemington Jane stili holds true to lier colours and placed second in a stake race at Ancaster for Mr. Reid. Lawrence Hooey's Fatherland placed third recently at the Gar- den City. Althougli action is spread over a number of trncks the local boys were still in competîtion at Pet- erboroughi. Jack Williams with Happy's Mac placed 7th, Junior West with Kity Witty, 3rd and 4th and with Lady Dean lst. Gerald Robinson plated '.5th with Rebel Ai and Harold Hooey 5th withl Flash Winigay. L. H-oy's Carl W. Grattan raced 3rd and 5th with Downe's Ken- dal Brooke crossing the finish u!ne for a victory, Contiied froma page 4 unit -and our executive teasurer to be able tp keep their books in order it is necessary to end the year's membership in December and the next years are due in January again, keeping a member paid up until the following Dec- ember. The remainder of the eveningý was spent planning the Otober meeting which will be held at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Bailey m with Mrs. Olive Milîson looking after,,the devotional period, and f finishig our' Birthday calendar as timfe 'for its printing is run- nng short. Mrs. Bailey is looking- after the gathering of birthdays to be printed ori the calendar and Mrs. CouvIer the advertising. .NOW AT YOURL fly SERVICE £% STATION HWY. 35 and 115 - Just North of Newcastle FEATURING PREMIUM QUALITY PRODUCTS AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRIICES STV EOL May be picked up Q p er in any quantity 1.UC gai ATTENTION-FARMERS & TRUCKERS SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL thný beautiful new office of C .~QaIOntar;o Trust & Savings Corporation a,_ î' &ing Streïet West in BowmanrviIIe. SERVICES Svnsaccounts. C-owmanviIIe's hîghest rate of intesft. 4% on Chquing accoun-ts. You receive your own personajizea hd u kit - LU3 %%on Guaranteed Investmient Certificates. Longnr Hours: We are open from 9:00 to 6:00 Monday,' to 9:00 on Friday and 9:00 tg 5:00 on Saturday. Closed' Sony Portable Radio or Westinghouse F.M. Radio with each $7,500-5 year G.l C.* Plus jnterest of $2,1 56.25 ($4,31 2.50 for 10 years) Sunbeam Snow-Blower or Phillips 19" TV w[th each $25,000-5 year G.I.C. Plus interest of $7187.50 ($1 4,375.00 for 10 years> T uesday and thur'sday; 9b-0 ,Wednesdays.' Schick Electric Toothbrush with $500 account Mon's or ladies' Tmex Watches with $500 accourt You may choose from many delightful gifts which are based on accounts of from. $50 to $1,000 and Guarariteed ýn- vestment Certif icates of f rom $100 to $25,000. SoMe of the Gifts Are Ilustrated Above ,L. FOUN1ADHEA 0F SE,-'îJCE CENTRAL ONITARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 23 King Street West, Bowmanville Tel. 623-2527 Head Office: 19 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa Tel. 723-5221 -7

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