ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIWPRSDAY, OCTOBER 'th, 1965 IT' S ALL in the WANT ADS NOTICE The Oshawa Presbyterial Re- gional Rally of the United Church Womnen wiIl bc held in the Orono United Church, Tuesday, October 26th. Registration at 1:20 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Miss Muriel Stevens Misionary Nurse, home on fur- lough from the Congo, Africa, will be the guest speaker both af- ternooiý and evening. She will show' slides to compliment her address. Be sure and attend this rafly. Bring a friend and ladies bring, your husbands. Everyone welco)me. NOTICE '1r. and Mrs. Cecil Bebee wilI be ce!ebrating their Golden Wed- dirg Anniversary at the Campbell- croft Hall on Saturday, October 30th, 1965. Opeii House from six until nine. Da-ing from fine 'until twelve. ~F'-ieni 1s, relatives and, neigh- bours welcome. a-c NOTICE The Leskard United Church Thank Cffering Service, Sunday, October 24th, 1965.- Guest speaker: Rev. H. Catto, Hampton at 7:30) p.m., Special Mugie. <b-38-c COMING EVENT Horticultural Open Meeting on Thursday, October 28th -in Main Sunday School Hall at 8 p.m. Mr. John Clarke will give an intei'esting lecture "Europe by -Mooxnlight" illustrated with col- oured slides. Everybody welcome. Come and hear this splendid speaker. Ad- mission 25c. b-38-c* FOR SALE One Baby Carniage, Thistie, two torie' biue,, also one girl's winter coat size 10. Both in ex- cellent condition. Reasonable. Phone Orono 1731, Mrs, O. Challice, Orono. a-c1 NOTICE Figure skating mothers - your assistance is needed to help serve at the Girl's Hockey Banquet at the United Church, October 2th at 5:30 p.m. a-c 1 flNffilTf! ' 7UEN Liberal Social evening in the Legion Hall, Queen Street, Bow- manville on Saturday, October 23 commencing 8:30 p.m. Round and square dancing to Clare Nesbitt's orchestra. Cards and refreshnwnt $3.00 a couple. Everyone welcome NOW AT VOUR DX SERVICE STATION IIWY. 35 and 115- Just North of Newicastle FEATURING PREMIUM QUALITY PRODUCTS AT THE MOST REASONABLE P»RICES My be picked up C gaie in any quantity gl SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL -~c Chevy Heavies New low-cost Torq-Flow -New englues Îp te 48,000 lbs..GVW 4-cycle diesels New transmissions tao t 000S I " ý wfor true economy! ev a D r ln t u AUCTION SALE 1 8th Annual - Ail Black Breed- er and Feeder Sale. 650' head sel- Jing Thursday, October 28, Wood-, vill1e Sale Barn, 11/2 mile east of Hîghway 46 at Woodville. 4 Complete Herds to be dispers- ed starting at 11:00 a.m. with the herd of Mr. H. Glover, Coliing- wood. Stock and Feeder Sale will start sharp at 1,00 p.m. Sponsored by Eastern Ontario Aberdeen-Angus Association, Jas. Mowbray JI., Pres., Willowdale; Robert Petch, Sec., Gormley. Malcolm Bailey, Sales Manager Phone Port Perry 985-7583. 1Gordon Ribey, Underwood; Nor- man Mclntyre, Woodwille, Aue- tioneers. b-c MORTGAGE INVESTORS Units of participation available in first and second Mortgage Funds. Diversification. *Management. *Higli Yield. *Capit al Appreciation. Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation l3owmanville 623-2527 Oshawa 723-5221. I up te 05,00 n et9" basf gef lui ae1 CL fi. MOI gai. And t Callyour timons do licensed Plumbing X. Mechanical Contractot -16 who selis, instalis and Suarantees CARMAN ROY PLUMBING - HEATING Bowmanville, Ont. rels a great new Uine lot trucks; the 70000aid res wifh 60W ratinga M0 Iba! Thcre's a convenflonal-cab that's fr worklng otficecncy. a enw Mgh capaclfy ad azles. There's r, rigbt Up te the 837 el and the 478 en. ln. there's Ghevrolet's opondabffity bufit rfght I! rive groat new 4-cycle Cheïrolet Diesels put the adeent on savings as nover before. Loy tint cost recouers your investiient qniokiy; iow runnlng costs aid 1ev Maintenune coMt put nov Chevrlet 4-cycle Diesels îi the profit picture for everything from medium-dnty rouid-the-city worh to long hlghway hauls. ait every job requirement in each weight class-18 engines, 12 of them brand new for 168. There's new versatility, new big-ioad capability with both gas and Diesel engines. And you can match powerful Chevrelet engines with the widest choice of transmissions ever-from 3-speed Synchro-Mesb to 16-speed Spicer .. automaties, tee! Phono pour Ghevrélot Dealer about any type of truck you want. models! Here's what's nov: bigger ongins, more mnines, bigger trucks, more trucks, high capacity tramnes a id aies, self -adlusting brakes on most light aid medium duty modaïs. And more! Check the long strong Une of Chevrolet Workpower Trucks for 6 nv! Chevy's bullt for bigger thinga là '66! AUTHORIZE» CHEVROLET TRÙCK DEALER IN BOWMANVILLE NICHOLS MOTORS LIMITED Phone: 728-62«, 'i PRESCRIPTION DEPT. Interest ta' , c~pounded Co for your health The first interest of your Registered Pharmacist l's to compoqnd your doctor's prescriptions with professijnal precision te safeguard your health. STFUTT'SPharmIacy OFINO. <ONT.PHONE 1GsJ