ORONO VWEEKLY TIMIES, TUSAOTJE t,16 Laboilre-nrs Together Tcxt I Corinthians 3: 9 Taýken from, a sermon preaehed1 by Rv ai E. Long. When Paul was writing te his congegaionin Corinth, lic real- ized that1'they were dîvided in many waýys. 11e poiuted eut that it did't mnatter thcy were followers ofApoos Paul or Cephas, the glory laïsnet for man, it is for God. The caliing was to work te- getheýr for God. to be labourers together with lm. Se as a ChrTistian con gregation we have to ask ourseives to whose glory are we labouring. This la a very serious question. Christ camne not to save an individuai out of life, but to save ail men lu life, Wc are greatly mistaken if we think the ultimate ia Chrst is our personal salvation and re- ward of heaven. Christ came to sae us in lîfe for the benefit of mea. Christ's salvation brings menr together 'rather than separ- ating thern. Why are we Christians? Are we Chrîs,-tians that we might finally get teý heaven, or are wc Christ- ians because we have been caugit up in the Spirit of Jesus Christ teý the point whcre we are readyi to !ose ourselvesanad thus find real life? "Stren g, Serve the Weak", was the heading of an editorlal in the Telegram. It read. "Mrs. Joseph Kennedy is a symbol of how spir- itual power balances life by plac- ing the strong at the service of the weak. As the mother of the late President of the UJnited States and a mentally retarded girl, she perso-nifies the lesson that the stogand the weak mnust live t,, oeth-er. John Kennedy recogniz- cd that a ma's gifts doý not be- logto hirn oly to be possessed and used as. hc wills. 11ec is their custodian for the sake of the les gîfted." Now this is the essence of Christianity. Wc are clled to be Christ's, to be labourer, to- gehrwith God, for the benefit How easy it la for uis to get wrappcd up la our own ceaccrus; pursuits and interests and negecet ùhe benefit of maakind. Paul's thîiuking of themseivcs. Their congregation la Corinth were jealousy and strife was nindica- tion of slfishness. Thcy were aeeking personal gain, popularity and prestige, not the ,go-od of oth- ers. Christianity calis uis teý the working together as a tcamn. Two boys wcre cimbing a long steep blli on a tandem bicycle. Whea thcy got te the top thc boy on the front seat puffed. "I didn't think wc would make it."ý "Neith-er- did 1" said the other. 111'1l bet wewod have sid ail the way, back down if I hadn't kept the brakes n." Isn't this a parable of liife? This happens in a congregation. Sone work so bard te go aheadl in the service Of maakiud and others are putting on the brakes.,But %7we are caiicd te work together te the giory of God, not te our owu glory. The world. la suffcring today because Christians in general. denomina- tiens inparticular, aud individu- ais have worked too rnuch for their own glery, name and pres- tige, instead of losing themnselves in service. Wc arc very proud of our Orono Baud, butl imagine what would1 ( happen if, whea they were play-, lng a livcly mairch, the cornet player decidcd te play the Blues. Imagine t-he chaos. They have te play together ajs a tcam or they do't make b)eautiful music and we have te werk together as a tcam iu the name of Jesus Christ or we do, net do the thiugs that wc are called te do. It is se easy tp get caught up iu the wrong thiaga and let self cerne te the for( -front. People !,ï "I arn a good Christian but 1 don't associate wýith a lot of Ot;P er things. 1 just live by myscif the good if e." No Christian can be au isolationist because we are organist, bi for him te service at there was gregation gan well. that the d( would cor play until go beyond choir throi hÉe did arr over to hii 1cdsewsthere. If someene iDay, after, day 1 eoc that our So often people say, 111f we just od cscxvas there to take over and ý Suindýav ho is stroýng because had a good minister everything W tn Gdo a better job she was ready to we have team work. Peopie are would go." It wouldn't! You have ýut is was often difficuit1 step asideP. Tis is the spirit of iready to forget tesvsand to have the team with the rninist- attend or to be in the which we speaki If the 'congre-J labouir togethfey rifr the good o er paýrt of that team or things its beginaing. However,' gation dosnt ork together as a the1.,vo01ug peopie fiý our cmun donr't happen. At conference, a a woman in the con- team then the work is not going ity. Tech-oir arreadytu work yo n an told us he is ]eaving who also piayed the or- to be donc. Edgar Guest says, ýtogetheýr as- ta bcas tcyte church bebccause he could not Whenit as ppaent "Leave it to the minister and1b ave cauglit smtigo hs convince his congregation that he loctor would be late she soon the church will die;-a i hecuc.Thywne ne to the organ and Leave it to the womenfolk, the We eaqg ow'tru î a1of th-e to corne and look in on something he arrîved. She would young will pass it by, expression o f theChrc adthisan Iav hi rspsbefo that to practice with the For the church is ail that lifts i's the way thiat it shudd e. e erything. 11e knew n orn ugh the week, btwe us from the coarse and selfish mob Whcrever we doni't work together could happ e unl oth er rive she quictly gave And the church that las to pros- as a team then w-ýe fail Jesus olh.ape uni teywr im. When she was nccd- per needs the laymen on the job." Christ. (Contînued on page 12) ~ ~ I 1 lIvest Spioe 'VI Save 6c! Qniek or Instant You e'an wini $50 to $100 Lge. PIeg. Save 8c! 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