Oronl VOLUME M, NUMBER 42 Wtely Ti osý ORONO WEEKiLY TIMES, THIURSDAY, NOVEMBER llth, 1965 Honey Increoses His Majority In Du.,rhamri Russýeil C H-oney, Part Hope,, hïas retained his liberal seat in Ot- tawa for his third consecutive victoryv in the ridingc of Durhiam. 1Ifs is najority aver his closest rival Progessve-onsrvaive Garnet Rickard, was 1248. In the 1963 ýelection MUr. Honey held a smaller m-ajority of 5,li over Mlr. Rîckaîd. Mil Honey palled 7,945 votes coampared with 8618 in 196i3 and Mr. ickard 6),697 as cmae uih8058 in 1963. The New Demao- -cratic Party candidate, Tony Ket- ch'umn, polled 3941 votes ini the reýcent e&ecîton campared ta 1898 RtISSELL HONEY'ý voýctes in 1963 to is CauItts. Wal- -te.r Ciandaïl, Social Credit, polled 17M votes campaied ta 158 in '63. Mr. Haney led in ail areas ex- zepting Cartwright, Manvers, Ca-, -ran and Millbîook which have eansistantly been Conservative stronghiolds. Mr, Honey, did how- ever, show ani increase vote ini Cart-wrîight aver the 1963 caunt whvii7e AM.m.ickard's vote dropped by Uiity-eight. Clarke Township gaegredter support ta Honey in 1965 than in 1963 by vote campai- i sanrai 907 ta 880. Carke also in- creased the NDPvote from 110 in 196ý3 ta 2510 in 1965 while it de- irae he Conservative vote ai 842 ta 714. The NDP candidate, Tony Ket- chuom, cut deeply into the Conser- vative vote as wýel as trimming same from the Lîbemals. The NDP increased their vote by 2043 iram the 1963 election ta, the 1965 el- ection wýhen they registered the highest leve] ai votes for the NDP in Dur'hamn. The Canservative vote ~Iropprd by 1362 with the Liberals also dopn 673 votes. The to- tailosb thfe Canservatives and theibealsamaunted ta 2,035 votesý. Tis, vote loss went ta the NDP aiong with som-e ai the new votes. Vating increased by 32 ballots rii-o the 16 total ai 18,724 ta the 1965 total ai 18,756. In a bni victory speech Mr. Hloney said he could see a minor- ity goIvermmcnt situation for a number ai years ta came. "The people ai Canada have spoken now for the third time for a min- arity government. Mr. Honey polled 42 percent ai the popular vote against, 46 per- cent in 1963. The Conservatives polled 35 percent as compared with 42 percent in 1963. Tony Ketchum pollécl 21 percent for the ND)Ps whereas Mis. Coutts in 1963 gained only ten percent., Vating resuits page 2 Council Receives Numerous Delegations Clarke Township Couincil mnetaon Mr. Donald Staples was appoint- Noý7vember lst in the Council ed ltu the Township Cenitennial Chambers when they received a Committee as a representative 3-iumiber of d1elegation1s. ;fromi the Durham Central Agr,;il- Mis. Ross Boyd spoke to Coun- ural Society. cil concerning drainage fromn the Council, on requesting, a mneet- -road allowance onto their prop- ing with the Orono Police Trust- ,erty. The proposai to correct the ees,' informed the Trustees that it ýCo-nditioni is to be given further was inforing the Water Resoure- -consideration. es that Council hand not received Mr. F. E. Lycett was also aoheuei the amontof 6613 prsntat the meetingc to discuss for the oversizingofte ae- Mrs. Jean A. Allin's insurance main to service Curvply. The ,clarni with Cou,-ncil. Mr. Lycett Trustees informed Council that an inforined council that he had yeti agreement was being drawn up io receWve a reply frorn the In- and should bie completed within ,surance Company in this matter. a week. Mr. Dane Faund discussed with on nmotion of Council il was re- ,Cauncil the possibiiity of setting quested that the Township Audi- uLp a taxi by-law for Clarke. In tors recommend an estimated a- this the clerk was authorized ta mnount which may bie charged to procure a draft by-law and copiesthOrn WaeSytmacvr of other by-laws whioh nmay be in such dulies and services as under-~ lorce in neighbouring municipal- taken by the clerk-treasurer in ities. Council is ta make a study connection with the water systemi of the by-law and report its de- in Orono. cisian to Mr. Found. Th~e clerk was requested ta, Messrs. L. Greenwood, H. Best draftî an amendment ta the re- ef the Township Public Schaol strictive area by-law as recom- Aiea and Mi. C. A. Halmes, mended by the Department af Schoai Inspectar met with Coun- Community planning. The amend- cil outiining a proposed publie int ileabshotraszs -chaal building prog-ram, for 1966 formulile esbish ltiareauilizgs and 1967. The proposed planîin- Thifor mulitipe eien the buidings. t1uec 1 n ddiionoftwoclas-by-law passed by Couincil. The by- tluded and aditin f al clase Ti a oitdi teoiia îaamsand geneal prpas la-w has yet to receive final ap- room for Na. 9 school in 1966 atipea rn h eatet tota esirntedcos of$9500000. On motion Counciil has request- For 1967 it is proposed ta build a ed the Cornmunity Planning Board -rew six roomi school north of Or-tagvfomlprvltaher- onoi aendaif ncesar adiios aposed W. P. ,Irwin suib-division the Kndal chool south of the Village of Orona. Council' gave aîpprova1 to the ad- The reeve and clerk were auth- dition for the No. 9 school which orized ta execute a contract on) is ta be fînanced out of current behaîf of Clarke Township and p-ublic school funds, it is alsa Ganaraska Bridge Ca. Ltd. for the mnaling the necessary applications construction of the Crooked Creek for the addition. brde SI!denîts Act As Scru:ireers The Aitificial Ice Cammittee is stili hopeful ai having an Artifi- cial ice plant in operation at the Orono Aena this caming winter. The Committee metl with Mi. Clark on Sunday ta fuither dis- cuss the praject and ta endeav- aur ta speed up the obtaining ai the equipmient. Mr. Clark informed the meet,. ing that he was ta look at equip- mient the farepart ai this wek and if iaund suitable it would be available for the Orono rink. School Board Proposes RiiIdna Prnnrzm, Some thirty high school stud-%J %u a ents fromn four of the area schools At the regular manthly board The Clarke Township School acted as scrutineers in a number meeting of 'the Clarke Township Area Board along with the Pub- '-f poling baoths thîoughaut Dur- Public School Area reports were lic Schooi Inspector, Mr. C. A. 1-am riding on Manday, election submitted on the p'rdgress oi the Holmes, has formulated and pass- lay. This new venture resuited construction af a two-room addi- ed a plan of building. expansion ïrom a request by the Durham tion and general purpose îoom at for the Township School Area. %"'New Democratic Associa- INewtonville. Some doubt exists The programn of building is ta, 1on, that high school students be whelr-ther the addition will bie com- provide accommodation for the a1lowe(d ta act as scru3tineers on pleted for use at the first of the rapidly increasing enro Iment of ~1'i~ day. The request was year. One memiber of the Board Pupils. '-r h'v lotte-r ta al Highi School stteoha paress would have The pragramn includes that the r~rn<ipas n Drhm CiIit. The ta býe a lot faster if the additionto roam schools at Kendal, N.DP. ssociat ion fe" i tha such . rs)t be ready for the first part Brown's, Lockharts and Newton- ai v-etu-re woiild be bathi educa- )f J.luary. ville ho retained as basic units tionýal for th1e suè as xvo]l1 as .. and that additions be built an creating an awareness and an' ttetm iteme iit these schools when required. insiglit inýta the miechanics ai an ~ tate tat the walis for the A ncw schoal of at least six~ ý1e io vL ws alsa pointed out two classrooms had been coin-raams bie built in the area north that mnany af the umper grade ffletcd and that roofing of this sec- ai Orono ta replace the remainîng stud1ents waufld be possibly . vat- tion was underway, one-room schools ai the district. i,1g in the next election. It was also stated that on re- This school ta be paid for on the ".111nndtio ofth arhitctdebenture system and the addi- The proposaiwas looked pon commendtionath aritctins ta the two-room schoals tû wlbfavour bv Trinity College. a chatng had en sim ad a epaid for fram current. funds Porth ' the heating ytem costing an ad-if permission cauîd lbe.obtained PqrtHope Miibrao andCaurice itioal $170000. The change isfomte naiaM icplord If igh Schools3. Thlese four schiools ta0 imprave the heating and yen- fomthe BOarioMtaipaead.wit supplied thirty students who were 1iaigsystem ai the new addi- The aditiafato classroom endlorsed at the polis by the N.D. tion over that which was planned. thanddianc gena puro sraom A propaseal bv Mr. Stephenson addition ta Lockharts 'school -ini Two students acted as scrutin- ta pay an additional $ 10.00 an- 11966. eers in ijali 1nmbe2r 5 in Orona. nually ta teachers for before The program in 1967 would in- The ropoai ws prsentd byschol sup)ervision was dropped. chude the ýbuilding ai the new six- iMr. E. Dent of Orono ta the ex-Mr Stephenson si hti ae omscalnrha rn n ecutve f th N..P.children were arrîving earîy at 'if the demand requires that a school with no supervision. itwo-romn addition and utility __________________________________________raom be built in Kendal. Chaîrman aif the Township 'Vila To e~' nteraine And Board, Lawrence Greenwoad, sec-. C. A. H-olmes met with Council on Navember 2nd. In reparting Entertain At Orono Meeting tothe Tonship e eein wt tthe oardip oncheM.retn-it On Tuesday, Nl9vember 2 mem- ied on the piano by Mis. Marrow, w,,ood stated that council were a- bers ai Unit 5 welcomned as their ta them Jessie, and their trans- wvare ai the increasing student en- guests for supper anld an evening portation and care was handled rolment and appîoved in princip- ai music, four yaung people known by Mr. Cyril Knight and Mr. ai of the praposed building pros as the "Villa 'Uones,. Mr. Douglas IWright Morrow. A. visitor from gram . Knight, Miss Beverley Chamyank, Flint, Michigan, Mrs. Viola Young Council appraved af the first Mi. Kevin Maber and Miss Shirley, also joined with us ail for the stage, the addition ta Lackharta Young. These chaîmlng young evening. school in 1966. More information folk are victims of muscular dys- Ini place oi the usual evening1 was feit neeessary for the latter trophy and came ta us iram the mieeting we gathered at eight a'- part ai the program which would "Villa" at Thornhiil. They travel dlock in the Upper Christian Ed- -include the new school noth ai and entertain quite iiequently, uicatian auditorium and were join- 0jo-o. sharing their lavely voices and ed by ail wbo could attend from Council are ta seek -appraval happy persanalities and contîib- the other units and church graups from the Ontario Municipal Boaid ute any gifts they eceive ta ur We were happy ta welcome sever- in aider that school cuiment funds ther the study ai dystmaphy and ai gentleman and a full auditori- may be used for the addition at the hope for a cure, um, providing a large and very Lockharts. SThey have eceived vice trgin- etuiatcgoup, greatly appre- tvaponeoua her'-t inig from a Doctar's wife, Mis.liated andi enjoyed the musicalmeintwa pone out atfthehet John Wynni, known afiectionatelylevening pmavided by these young eting thatle school foan lrkte' ta themi as Pat, and are accompan- (Continued page 5) eniepbicsho ie1nCak would. require at least a thiity- roonm schooi. Taxpayers, it was A i r ii R~upointed out, vouild under such a M r. A-nd ivrs. Chnarles llmer central school have ta pay for the 30-rooma school along with carry- ing full charges on the unpaid' debentumes on, the other schools. Celebrate 2 5 th \n niversary This was osdr ueait. On Saturday, October 30th, Mr. After conigratulating the happy and Mrs. Charles Miller received couple the -uests viewed the over 100 friends and relatives ta three-tiered wedding cake made celebrate their 25th wedding an- by the bride and decorated by niversary. Mrs. Cecil Jones, Orono, and en- Home ta assist their parents joyed an informal social time dur- Io receivè the guests was Larry ing, which a dlainty lunch was ser- from University af Waterloo and ved by cousins and fîiends. Wayne ai Waterloo University Colege Mr. ain., ilerOsh 1They were then invited b r Collegn. Mrs. Jaes Minler, Osh- Carias Tamnblyn ta adornta the onawa an rs. FresenTamb lntOr-recreation roam ta see the beaut- anal alerae peettahlh iful gifts and cards and also ta coupe cie~rte.have a friendly chat with aid and After signing the guest book new acquaintances. the visitais were invited into the living-room which had been taste- Charlie and Mary wauld like ta fully decorated with autumn thank aIl those who in any way flowers by Mis. Van Horne, Whit- helped ta make this dlay such a by. memiorable one. Officiai Opening On Friday aiternoon the Town-~ ship of Clarke are holding the Officiai opening ceremonies for their new garage and ten ather road prajects throughout' the Township. The ceremonies are to commence at the new garage. at 2:00 p.m. The garage will be open ta the public from 2 ta 5 and 7 ta 1), A dinner will foilow at 5,:00 iîn the Orono OdIdfellow's Hall. Power supply was also diseussedi and other aspects ai the installa- tion ai the artificial ice plant and1 equipment. Arrai.lements were made by Coimmîttee ta level the ice sur- face aiea. Mr. Earl Taylor was put in charge ai this portion ai the project. It is expected that waork wiil commence an the pro- ject this Saturday. It was also repoited that a meeting had been held with a committee ai the Duîhami Central AgricuItural Society A~ whicêh time various cansiderations werte discussed an joint use ai the build- ing. Fuither iacts are ta be ob- tained befare any final agreemnent is pîoposed between the twe, groups. A suggestion was prolased that the Athletic ,Associationi hold a series of dances in an effort 'Un raiý3e money for the artificial iee fund. The matter is ta be discus- sed fuither at a future meeting withini the next week or two. Stili Hlopeful For Artificial Ice This Winter