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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Nov 1965, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOEBE lth, 1965 ORONO WEEKLY, TIMVES Eat-ýablished in 1938 by R. A. Forrester _roy C. Forrester- EdItor and Manager (Authoi'zed aýs Second Class malI, Post ff e epvý me, Ottawag) Published every Tbnrsday at the offic r rTl- cti Main Street, Phone 109, orono, ontario The victory at the polis on Monday by Russell Hloney was, no doubt, a personai victory. It was his third success- fui attempt ta represent Durham riding in Ottawa. The voters of Durham have, in the three elections given Hloney an ever increasing majority. The widest spread between his nearest rival was registered on Monday. It could hardiy be said that it was a party vote that favoured him at the 'poils because this was flot the trend with other liberai candidates acrass the nation. No doubt Russel l Honey has earned his re-election ta office as many have claimed "he does his homework." H1e ba s been consciaus of his electorate and has served fhemt diiigentiy bath in local matters and those within the nation. ai scope. Ail candidates in the Durham riding are ta be con- gratulated. They entered the fray with vigor and determnin- atian. Their campaigils appeared well organized and were on a high level. Durham was fartunate in having such a siate from which ta choose. Any graup ta be cangratulated, an a group aften overloaked,,is the party stalwarts. It is through their ef- farts that candidates are presented ta the generai public, Often this group is labeiied "diehards"' who vote consist- antiy for their party, candidate. The party stalwarts, do however, play a necessary function in the democracy which we enjoy ini Canada, 110W DURHAM COUNTy VOTED CARTWRIGHT MANVERS TWP.- CAVAN TOWNSHIP HOPE TOWNSHIP CLARKE TOWNSHIP DARLINGTON TWP. MILLBROOK NEWCASTLE BOWMANVILLE PORT HOPE ABVANCE POLLS Cran 7 6, 16 23' 42 TOTALS 174 I10W CLARKE TOWNSHIIP 1 Cr Poli Number 1 Poli Number 2, POil Number 3 POil Number 4 POli Number 5 Poli Numiber 6 Poli Number 7 Poli Number 8 Poil Number 9 TOTAL idaîl Honey 271 285 580 907 1406 124 332 1593 1851 293, 7945 VOTEID andal Honey 3, 150 4 59 4 84 1 55 7 172 1 90 3 211 23 907 Ketchlum 169 126 169 265 250 1047 59 71 675 1033 77 3941 Ketchum, 36 39 20 12 41 19 12 13 58 250 Rickard 355 51i 494 377 714 1156 209 257 1294 1144 185 6686 Rickard 8à 69 97 73 116 46 22 61 147 714 CoCo'ymMilk Committe Durham County Milk Producers voice. elected a 10-nMan County; Milk O'ther. members af the Durham Committee representing fluid M1ilk Committee are: Donald Budd milk praducers and -cancentrated af Part Hope; Allan Down, Bow- miik praducers at a general meet- manvilie; Harry Kennedy, Cavan;, ing held in Orono, Navember 2nd. Ben Dejong, Nestleton; Frank Over 120, representing 60 percent Stenger, Enniskillen;, Wiifred oi the producers from aIl parts Bowmian, Enniskilien and Art E. of the caunty attended the meet-I Hamilton, Bowmanviile. ing. Mr. . ODaiympe Aricl JMr. George 'McLaughin, chair- tr.Ai.Rp0-senativme ctd man ai the Ontario Mîlk Market-i Chran ersnaie ce , ing Board discussed the Board's FaransJsNwatews- officiai palicy statement that wiii«, -ectedcirmaseNewaithe -ane serve as a guide for its future, ac- commiiitt ee; H-ai-v Graham, Nestie- tivities, and answered questions tonvic-chirma an Caiasfrom the large group af interest- Tamblyn, Orono, seci-etai-treas-cdpocrs urer. Mr. McLaughlin was supported The Ontario Mk Marketing an the piatfarm by Mi-. Glen Cole, Board wili be able ta keep in the local member af the Ontario touci with the producersý, through Miik Marketing Board and Mr-. E.' the County Cammittees and the C Rouse who presented th'e pro- County executive will foi-m a con-I posais for the Commîttee. necting link in communication be- J The Caunty milk cammittkes tween the Board and ail produc- will take the place ai the many ers. MVilk Associations, the powers af County Milk Cammittees wil vhich were transferi-ed ta the On- speak for ail milk praducer-s - the taria Milk Marketing Board with first time that Ontario miik pi-a- the proclamation ai the MHilk Act ducers have had such a unified 1965. a, - Leuer I o I lie LcLdor IN MEMORIAM Get tough CUiti-J jobs drone hie rOcCulloch way. [icvei models iiudlng H[4newmAv Series ligtweights. For fast -- 1ngan u'y p an lu s d r dability and ,f .0 y, ils if F h r MarinÔ & ycle Orono, Ont, Phone 146 COMPLTE AUO SEVICE imulle,'.vuiu uDe awaeof(i if (d) Why the, resuits are conceal- ed can only be, we believe, lab- elled ta the fact ... (e) .- - , * it is the future af aur childi-en who we must be concern- ed f or. Teaching may be considered by some ta be "a casy and protected profession", but few teâchers would be permitted to write their names and the date upside down on the chaikboard, as yours ap- peared on the editorial pare' Let us give due credit to the Durham District HIigh School Board for praviding a recessa'-v service, without denigrating the efforts af the eiementary sehbool teachers. Sincerely yaur James Rickaby ps. This letter bas been proofread with care. Any errai-s in its print I Phone 17311 Orono R L ed foi-m must be the anus of the. publisher! J. R. PART-TIME RADIO TV REPAIRS - U-FI - Stereo - Record Players - Antennas - Towers' -- PA System for i-cnt AIl paýrts ïand labour -guarantecd HARMY WIERSMA Bowmanville THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY- NOVEMBER 11, 12, 13 Thursday Only Special Stage Show Beach Banke ingo, (COLOR) Frankie Avaloân, Annette Funicello' i, flUC S. WED - NOVEMBER 14, 15, 16,1.1 hat's ew usycat Peter O'Toole, Peter Sellers Aduits $L00 1 - , > - M, ' - lýý - -, - - - -.- , - . - -7- , , - ' .ý - 1 . . ý,ize wno passect away November Orono, Ontario, 'itorial, "Let the Facts Be Known" l 1959 anid Shirey Anne, who Noa-ember 5, 1965 the implication that, somnehow, p~e w~Spebr8 90 Mr RyForstrcertain damaging facts are bein-'g1 Edtrconceaied, and that something A suen1t thought, a' secret tear, Orconaý Weekiy Times must be amiss in the elementary Keeps their memory ever dear Dea Sr:schooi system; for, in your ratherl TIime takes away the edge of pontifical column, you reveai the gri ef, As ai nientary school teach- basic faiiacy in the slogan, "Edu- But muemory turns Lback'every er w-ith t wenty-six years of experi- cation Is Everybody's Business." leaf. enc, 1 should like ta express my Ift would be as logicai ta say that, Sadly missed and forever remem- comliments ta, you an your ap- "Clinicai Medicine Is Everybody's hee by the famiy a-p parentt interest in the proposed Business", since most citizens, at ee remedial readîng programme rec- one time or another, find them,- omm!enided by the Durham Dist- selves under thie care of a physi -I51 ict Hiýgh School Board. An inter- cian. uOSI sapo rae est ite academie aspects o aiap i education, when discovered, is a However, since ioi have appar- Mr jackRed3,rsindSt refreshing alternative to the usual ently aastheyourthesis on this ur concern with the provision of bus- postulate, let me assume also, with ay as ate own's lerk-trea- ses, thie problemns of supervision 5ome justification. that "News- erdfomisadtsof i- during lunch hour aind the 'aiarm- naDer Publishing Is Everybody's landfonisadtr ims ing rJs in the cost of eduain Business", in view ai the iact that1 appropriation af funds totalling ucto!most ready source of reading mat- $17,529.00 It is with somne regret, hawever, erial entering the homne is the Mayor Ivan Hobbs told a. speciaI that one can discern in your >ed- local newspaper. Such a source council meeting Saturday he had wili, therefore, be a most ifu been advised by the municipal au- entil eampe o th imortnceu-ditors regarding the. misappropri- entil eampe o th imortnceation af the printed word ta the young The letter fromth uios 1IN ïMcCCUL L OCHIS reader. In its construction and in 1 Humpg alr a d heDaudr, its p-csentation aof actual materi- mPete Tylouhctrd Mcond ai, the newspaper will h ave a Ptraouhcatre con ~~1lIfI1 ] great effect on the reading habits 1 a ts firm, said that on Septem- and linguistie development of 2 .7 this year, cash counts dis- youn peole.elosed a series af cheques totail- LIUL UL) 1ULJ 2JL~ L> oun peo $7,607 signed ,by Mr. Reidl TN WIN SAW ORAW " As amatter of fact, is reading ",,presurnably reporting undeposi- iedge", as your editoriai states? during the period of January 13, If it i$, then ta what position does 1965 ta September l3th. ___________one relegate the techniques of The aûditor's letter, read to the, observation, e4periment and dial- council, said further investigation ectics? If exactitude in the use af revealed that through payroll ac- YOU CAN WIN A CHIAIN SAW language is a thing ta be desired, counts, Mt-. Reid had received sl PLUS ... any of 900 Other rie why should we be expected ta ary payments eceighssliy includig an International Ilarvester confuse the ternis phonics" and allowance ($8400.00 a year) in Scout, Savage rifle, 15 foot ski boat " phoneties", as we read, your cd- the amounit af $1785,71 in the, with traiter and McCul loch 75 hp. out- itorial? As a further matter of period of January 1 ta. October 31 board, a 1966 Pontiac Tempest sedan, fact, how do we know that read- of this year. an RCA Victor home entertainment lng, per se, bas deteriorated? On' In addition excess salai-y pay- center and many more national prizes. what basis can we make a compar- meènts from priai- years totailed 325 iMcCulloch chain saws will be ison? Thirty or forty years ago, $1,186.22, the letter said. "Further given away in local drawings, sa bie reiatively few pupils entered sec- investigation and discussý,ion with sure ta se@ your McCulloch chain saw ondary school; at the present time Mlr. Reid determnined that certain dealer for details soan and see the ail provision is made for a large maj- other cash withdrawals had been new MAC-10 Series chain saws tlhat orîty of pupils ta receive second-, made in 1964 which hadl been ac- make aIl othe;f lightweights overweight Iai-y education. Is it not reasonable coniplished, by not recarding the and out-of-date. Yau' must enter before, ta* expect that a significant Pro- receipt ai .certain departmenit of ecjhr15, 1965, ta be eligible. point out the incangruity af the Municipal subsidies with the sub- qieremedial edn proced- stitution of these' cheques for cash quir reaingprior ta making the bankl deposit. I The total af these was $6950, the I itotishig a1 pper n-auitor's report said, bringing the dluly vpedaie, Ishouid like ta total cash shortage1to$17,529.66. poin au th inconguit aithe The,,firm said it conisulted with folodwing constructions which you Alan Strike, town soicitor and have permitted ta appear in antrug hi.teansfoth editoriai relating ta the linguistie bondin' opn were notified * TIi Di- development af aur secondaiym, heshrtgf schol puils:A further letter dated Novem- (a) It is gratifying ta see the br5ifre h ao n Hig Scoolarecam to~ris..coun cil that funds in the amount (b). theirs can anly be a Par- of $17,529.66 cavered by personal tial ure.i cheques, were placed on deposit l(c) If there are weak points, the 'by M r. Reid. Adults $1.00

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