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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Nov 1965, p. 1

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Ribbo.n Cut, To Open Township Garage The Township of Clarke on Fr1. day afternoon held their officiai opening and dedication of the e« 'ýpnew municipal garage and other road projects tbroughout the Township. The projects, 'now neai-ly completed, not only indu-. I idt~ co sti-uction of a new Townshit) garage this year but also road const.ruction and bridge construction in varlous sections of tFý,e Township, The total est1- "'J'ma+ezd rost of the Projects bas been q't at $367,530.00. This a- mnount is 'above the regular an- nual road budget. The con n1Iete work was done with assistance under the Munici- /a Vo-is Assistance Program es- tabu shed in 1964 by the, Federal o e4 and administered .r...,.through the Provincial, govera- - t Provincial road subsidies 0f the total estimated cost of $37,530.00 local taxoavers wil a sum of $109,331.()0. ThiS cost is to be repaid over- a five Warden A- Blanchard prepare s on Friday last while M. Ross, BdI E Walkye, John Stone, reev'e, L. J tractor, look on with interest. year period. hto cut the rîbbon at the officiai Supt., R. C. Honey, MP, Rev. B. Perrault, deputy-reeve, R. E. Sims1 Around 150 toured the building About si xt y representatives of opening of the Township garage Long, Alex Carruthers, MPP, H. lengileer' and Wm. Winte r, con- jFriday afternoon and evening. County Council, neigbouring mua- icipalities and those associated with the projeetwere present for the officiai opening and dedica- tion of the garage on Friday. Fol- lowing the official opening two buses were employed which took k1 ly, Tthose present dn a tour of the program of work in various sec- VOLUJME 27, NU31BER 43 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, ORONO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1965 tors o f the Township. A supper and eatertainment at the Oddfellow's Hall supplied- hy Am 'udoiHous' Chmberthe engineers and a contractexr ï.%,j% s r o% ô îmirigconcluded the days activties. At- Junir Bad InOron Oens In Orono Donation To Rink Fund coet J u n 1il D d lni u %,giiio iMr. Earl Walky, former reeve 1 -e Ptiitiia o Care olv en-wm hnr Members of the Orono Band wish that this information be a- .Ad their wives enjoyed a baii-Ivailable for a general meeting qutservedi at the New Dutch of the band members on Novem- O1vea Restaurant on Monday ev- ber 29th. If a qualified instructor enirng. There were thirty in at- is; available it is the intention of ~ten~anc. .the band to advertise for young r.Carlos Tamblyn, president, ipotential 'wàuld]-be' musicians to wecmdthe bandsmnen andf their form a Junior- band la Orono. wives to the, annual banquet, Further details on the Junior 4S, M. J.Tamiblyn expressedthMe i hand are to be dscisldonNov- -ppre'Ciaion on behifl of the wïo-emuber 29tb. Thienmeinbers, as a 7!nen peet whole, dîd favour a modest charge olo ing te banquet the mem- for lessons which would be sub- bers of the band d1iscussed the fu- i idized through the treasury' of ure of the band in Orono, It was the senior band. -eunianouslyý agreed that the fu- Following considerable discus- taeof the band dependedt on sion, a majority of the bandsmen gaining new members. It has be- voted in favour of both boys and come increasingly difficaît to se- girls being able to join the, Jun- cure safficient maembers for en- ior band. gagements and to hold practice. The decision to form the Junior It was the decision of the meet- band will now await the report î_ng that steps, be taken to orgaon the availabilîty of a lae ize a junior bgae~ band, This which should be kaown on Nov- ,niir band woald operate sep- ember 29tb. Drate to the senior band so that A nominating committee of -oang potential bandsmen woald Messrs Donald Hamm,, Carlos -iot become discouraged by hav- Tamblyn and Carman Coraisb, ne1 to play music on the level was appointed to present a new -ith the s-enior band. Mr. Donald Hamm was author- ied to gain information on the possibility of hiring a qualified unior band instructor. It is the H.E.Miio Mr. H. E. Milison, Clerk of the Township of Clarke, was the guest speaker at the monthly Chamber of Commerce meeting held at the New Dutch Oven on Monday ev- ening. In his.address to the mem- bers. he outlined the history of planning as it has developed in the Township of Clarke(- as well as explaining somne itemns contain- ed in certain legýislation of the PlarnnngAct. MMi tjlîsôn sai thaît "A Coun- dl, ~ ~ iý prmrîv i ot Mainly in- ~erste inthe!-stion "Who is rgt?"butraterin the( question 'What s rigt". Or legislation, t~e sid, mY restrict somne per- Sonialy, atiuarytheir pocket- bOookS, but geýnerally it is enacted w prteetandcons.,erve equitable u~uiciaI ervcesfor our rate- Mr.Milsonalso stated that planning is often referred to as ~the lesser (Mli "And so it cani vei-y well be until it is readily un- derstood, accepted and properly applied." hancing the business section of Orono, will open its doors to the public on Friday, November l9th at the hour of tl2ýee oclock. It isj to bc known a-s Tudlor House and features a fine selection of an- tiques and decorýating items. The new, enterprise,. openinÉ south of Barlow,'s Futrniture store, is ondadoeae by Mr. and Mlrs. S. J. Nro who have collected a wide variety of items of an antique.nature. Articles in- clude fine china, glasswarc, cop-ý per, brass, furniture, pictures and a host of other items. Presently the fine window dis- Celebrate 25tl The Cnamber of Commerce Was l"I '-I'lK l "'m , vs ""'<ir nresentedi with a notice of motionl man for the opening of the garage on Monday evening which will, and the evening activities. Mr. come before their December Walkey referred to the planning meeting for consideration by the of the program which started in meniýbership. The notice of mo- 1964 and was being- completed tion concerns a donation of $1000 this year. Following his brief his- to the Orono Artificial Ice Fund. tory of the program he called u- The donation would, if passed,' be pon Mr. R. E. Sims for the pre- gîven if and when needed. The sentation of the key to the - con- (Cotinaedor age6, tractor of the gnaae,.Mr, Wm. <Cotinedon age6> Winters whioprsne it to th', reeve of the Township, John play is creating considerable in- Stone. terest aogthie local public. We wîsh Mrï. and Mrs. Norton Reeve Stone then turned the key a succesýsful! veniture wvith Tudor over to Deputyreeve Perrault who, House. passed it to the Road Superin- _______________ tendent, Mr. M. Ross. Mr. Alex Carruthers, ~MPP, h A nniv e rs a r extended congratulations on be- half of the Prime Minister, John. llobarts and the, Minister of Higýhways. H1e said, as did many other speakers, that the program - ~ ~was a magnificent examule of ce- onerative efforts from the Feder- al level of jgovernment down to local level of govenment. 'siate of officers for'-the November --- Warden A. Blanchard who of- 29th meeting. " fiaîct the ribbon to open It was reported by the treasur- -- h e uligas 4ne er of the band that a bank bal- ' - congratulations and spoke, of the ance of $1511.00 existed. co-praie sitance from al levels of goverament and spec- *ially at the local leve1. It, was at this local lvlo government, 1 U r c sthat Clarke Township was, able te >Mý gain eaough fands through the Municipal Works Assistance Fund mm to finance boththe Orono Water oroject a.nd the special road pro- Pram. Thei Township of Darlington In outlinîng the stePs fur plan- Hope and Manvers along with the niag in Clarke Township the VillgofecsteadteHh speaker referred to the establiBh- r,,School Board tairned over their ing of the Clarke-Newcastle Plan- altet9 h udt lre ning Area in 1958. This was dis- Following the cutting of the nib- solved in ?March of 1963.1He also bon Rev. B. Long offered-a pray- referred to the setting up of Sub- er of dedication aloag with dedi- division control lnanam surround- k cating the garage to theý service ing the Police Village.of..rono.. of.Go. and tbe Township of Ia Auguýst of 1963 Clarke etb Clarke. lised hei Plnnig Bardwhih IReeve John Stone introduced was floe by other legislation -' - . the guests wbo took part la the I rguîtin enraces costrct-~-Yc .. ... .. ~ officiai openiaig of the garage. iiii - -entance. cnstrct-At the supper in the eveaing ion 'of sbdiiioloads by the On November 6th, 1965, Mr. assortment of. silver gifts. Mr. Honey, MP, spoke along witb sub-dîivîd1ers to thie final forming and Mrs. E. A Couvier were the'Temse fceeois r representatives of the Ontario De- in 1.965, May, of a Comnmittee of guests of honour at a surprise!Th atrocemnisM. Adjustm!ent ýv!i ch hi andies types dance and get-together held la Orville Chatterton, made an ad- partment of Highways. Ail spoke of tran'~cin affecting lands la the Orono Oddfellow's Hall. The dress to the bride and groom of of the co-operation and the spien- areas of suib-!division control. eetwsgvnb hi son, twenty-five ycars and everyone dîd foresigbt of Clarke coancîl Ia examinjing Sub-division con- Wayne and their daughters and joined hlm in a toast to the happyanterepoys'listuig trol, Mr. Million,, "it may be said their husbands, Donna and Jim couple. Mr. Chatterton also sup teporm r imto h it is simply toý- conrol the sale of Iiutton a-d Bo m,-ie and ltbbie plied the music for the evening. Department said that. the key to ladbut it is also to prevent de- Reid. The occazssion, was the Alnhwste evdadthe success of the program 'cer- velopment whicb miglit prove de- couple's twent-fifth wedding an- Atlosehprese t eft f re aoes peiny ted t r. oss.Su trimental to our community. The niversary. hs etfrterhme eitnat r os effect, he said, is to ensare that in Brampton, Cooksville. Toronto t was furtber stated that the there is adequate opportanity to Approximately eighty friends Oshawa, Peterborough, Lakefield, Department of Highways was pre- consider the publie interest wben and relatives attended and pre- Camp Borden, Bowmanvillead pared to give any assistance pos- (Continued page 5) sented the couple with a lovely of course, Orono. (Coatinued on Page 5)

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