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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Nov 1965, p. 2

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ORONO WVEEKLY TIMJES, ORONO, lTHURSPA,!NOVMBER18, 1965 O1RONO WEEKLY TIMES (Aho%-qd sSe(.cond Cass mail, Post Office D-partmyfent, CIIILD'S ABILITY TO READ 0F UNPARALLELLED WORTH 1<"No skill Young Canada can. acquire is more import- ant -~ and none will be more important in the future - than the ability to read, and to use the ability for both pleasure and profit".î These are the words of Dr. William Kaye Lamb, Canada's first National Librarian. 'He is patron of Young Canada Book Week. The one week of the year dedicated to the special world of books for youngsters. The influence begins early. As soon as a fi" or older member of the family shows interest in reading to a presehooler the first steps iu the world of literature have been taken. Soon the small ones won't be content to hal-, a story stopped just as the hero is about to walk into the robbers' cave or the fairytale princess about to be bewitched. There's the desire to carry on lis own, read-it-yourself plan, to decipher the magic words himself. Itis an essential art oft en as casually acquired las it is later considered. Whatever the attraction of other means of communication, the importance of books and reading will remain. "Books", says Dr. Lamb, "offer an almost infinite variety of topic and point of view; and it is iu books we find - and shail continue to find - the fullest' and most responsible discussion of miny subjects, that are vital to us, both as individuals and citizens." "Quite as important to young people is the importance that books and reading can have in their lives and careers. No school or university can teach thema today the things that ehanged crusacs new knowledge and the ad- vance of technology will be essential for them to know to- morrow." Books and reading will be indispensable to their future. -Oshawa Times In Orono, as elsewhere across the nation, the best source of reading matter for youngsters is the public library. During Young Canada Week, adluits and teachers should encourage the youngsters of this community to delve into the wonderous world of the written word. Take your child to the library and acquaint hlm with the shelves upon shelves of interesting and educational books. Whler you tur»n 21 you're no longer cov- ered by your par-ents' H-ospital Insurance, To keep însured, you must take out indi- vidual rmember-ship within 30 days. Get your application form ata bank, a hospital, or from the Comimis- sion. The fam iy' Hspital ~if.Notify your 1gr0UP' wthout Cde- lay OR, if you both pay premiumsdirect, noti- fy the Commission. NEW JOB? ,To keep insu red fol low the instructions on the PiHospital Insurance J Ctrtificate of Payment Forrn 1041 that your Ipresent employer is Srequired to give you on! leaving Callyour icensmed Pluzbing & Mecha,-niccil' Contra ctor who selis, instale aýnd'Suarantees CARMAN PLUMB ING - HEATING PHONE 143 -c l ,ý77,uv W17,g if YuANDtE O T 10s Y ci sic Ontdano jHospital II21R ...T W N Sevcs(Oiia______________________ Lelt Villa-ge d umpi . 'The peetsite r'1%mmust bevaatd y arch ,1st er T o YThie ci lt r Q,96 heae reetyused as~ a i,3p a; een purchased by Bo ýix 16 dith(Town ;P ami is being incor-. Bowani edae- o-te nthe Centennial pro- November 15; 1,965 Discussion also centred around je fapr n fdIf ra Mr. ~ Jamnes Rickaby's lnusi developmruent is amply dmnta t (d in) 1is, letter of November- 5. I low(Ieer, bis dialectie demianlds I some ,sel'f.examination. Ilis syllo-_i gism read s: inUdcîjn s Everybody's Bus- "Chni-ical Medicine is Every- bodv's Business" - False. Therefore - "Newspaper Pub- ]ishiaig is Everybody's Business" True. Perhaps Mr. Rickaby can ex- plain how a syllogism With a false mnajor premise and a falsej minor premise can have a true conclusion. Mnr. ickaby's reference to the editor's "pontifical column" - as- sumes an infallibility on the edi- tor's part . The very fact that the editor did print his newspaper's name and date upside down proves his fallibility. I concur with the editor that t Educationi is Everybpdy's Busi- ness. Every taxpayer contributes directly, to the educational sys- ten. àMore precisely, the taxpayer is a shareýholder in the business of education, and as a sharehiold- er is entitled toa yearly state- ment of policy, financial success and or failure and hopefully, a dividend. Unfortunately the tax- Daver ;-annot play the open mnar- ket in edutcation - he must con- tribute, but he merits an account- ing. ervbody's1 business, but with the advent of Medicare it mighit wel be. And newspaper publishing - we ' should be so lueky! For a share iu the dividends of Lords Thompson or Beaverbrook I would gladly con tribute. Perhaps Mr. Rickaby would be able to explain why he believes that "Education is Everybody,'s B3usiness" is a fallacy, but before he tteptsanother discourse, mayI uggsta course in remied-i ial phiilospy (Mr. Eward) Margot Sme ~A. Pos Ga'ins 'Garbage Contract The Orono Police Trustee's 't a special meeting on Tuesday even.- ing authorized the signing oýfar contract betweent Mr. AlbertPo and the Police Trutees for theà removal of garbage from Orono to the Orono dump. The' tenderý submitted by Mr. Pos was the only one received by the Trustee The contract price remaîns at theý annual sum of $186000. Mr. Pos will commence his duties as of Deecmber lst.r Mr Pos was also hired toca- take the Oro;no Municipal Build!- ing which hbas been unattended since thie îilless of Mr. Leaman. Ths dtes will commence im-1 oannganotner site tor the (9 GU ARANTEED INVESIMENT, CERT12iFCATES TERM1,S EFFECTIVE 53%fer one and two years 6'/- for three, four and five years OPEN SATLJRDAYS FOUNTAINHEAD OF SERVICE Centri Ontario, Trosi Savings Corp. BOW-ýMANVILLE - 23 Kinga St. West - 623-2527 OSHAWA 19 Simcoe St. North - 711,5221 NO A YUR SERVICE STATION S-WY. 35 ýand 115 - Just North of Newcastle J FEATURING PREMIUM QUALITY PRODUCTS AT TUE MOST REASONABLE PRICES May be picked uppe In a ny quantity SPECIALDISCOUNS eON GA1,SOi î-NýE AN D DIESEL FUEL 623-5589 TI!HURSDA'ý.-ýY TO SATURDAY, Nov. 1,192 SPECILCILRNS SHOW SAT. '1Il (COLOR) BOB HOPE ADULT ENTERTAINMENT - TUESDAY WELD SUNDY TOWEDESýDAY, NV.21tu2 ( I N ,LOà CLIFF ROBERTSON CHRISTWI' -JACK HAWKINS SEALS Have helped Pay for praûticallý, every major battie won over TB WE MU1ST CONTINUE TO PROMOTE: HEALTU EDUCATION CASE FINDING 'M MASS X-RAY SURVEYS STUB-;,ERCULIN -TTESTS SX-RIAY PROG'ýRAVMMES FOOD HANDLERS INDUSTRIAL WORKERS JAIL INMATES REIIABILITATION COIJNCIL BABY STTERS' COURSES RESEARCHI WORLD) FIGHT AGAINST TB If youi didi not receive your S eals, please wriite to the AND HALUASSOCIATION BOX 300 COBOURG, ONTARIO And we will bc happy to send them ont to you. Saviog The Credit Union is not on- ly the handiest place to save your money, but it pays div ideads as good, or better, than other. places to save. Ask about the life insurance provided without added charge for eligible savers. Orono District CREDIT UNION Treas.-Man., Angus Loucks Phione 4r1Oý Orono ............ 0 Y

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