27,QNUMEE27,4ORONO WeEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1965 Inei yr aeBeg InyCrpDics Con> t c' u hm Cunt'rhoney crop fOr 195wasý escribed as being, The T.he Orono Hydro'&f Comissý, in a "normal yearsà" bY one of of the'j Orono PoliceTrustees a- r~aModayevnm wee nfome ~counry's largest producers, Jack l ong with Messrs O. W. Rolph b,~ ettr frm te Otarl Hyro ~ r ~~yp Arnott of Orono., Al., and C. W. Billinso h rn trrt ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ý the ineî hydr raewl1r Ant.woha 0 ie A atwe meekting we were Masonic Lodge, set forth a num- in Duhm a well as colonies privlleged, to hear a tape for edu i ber of canitio s ihar tob be edu ed s o Ja uar ls, NG. istr L la enn d pe n ar apa ee estof Kingston. cat1îoal pu rpDoses spoken by the Pe te d to te ono Masonic 196This cam!-e as wecoenews sddover the regular meeting of The-.trohnyco a eeen o oiwihwsLdi in thehp, hta ge ~~~~~u d ~~~~~~ ~ 3 1s the re ul of aie o m e t e e e a o c o 4 l ths year o m p,, ared w ith oth er f ol o e by-a i t restin g dis- m en # a e e c e w h ereby a iabngestabihshed to seý,t rates lon Tuesdav evening and welcomed es, r.Ant said. He attrib- cussýion mniclîipal parkhingý lot couîd he toMun1icipalit1ies ovýer the P v-a present, the fla,- of ourn n uted this to drije' out flora which Ah ,u we ecidjed on a, $3().00 established in ani area behind the, l a c (e t r y w s p r e s n t e d . T e r e p o t o f c r a t e d a s h o r t a e o f n e c t a r , n e c - d o n a t i o n i ot o b e s e n o t hef M . & M I M a s o n i c T e m p l e . ý m p e s n t l nt e O r o n o H r e o f t e i k a n d s h u t -i n s 'w a s g v e n e s r o r d c i n o o e . F n e a e i h w r d h n e . T h e T r u s t e e s a g r e e d t h a t ' t h e y - t2em0payhs ra in trimrae G. Sister Jean Wood. Com- Wt oiihne. '- l v We wee edan lcd r A ýoi ad h vralp ere served a lighàt lunch would pay an annual rent for the ice S26.80 plus 2.75 milîs per kwh sil" f* 2111eio DonationotOf$10.0. tt charge. ~ ~ ul Thee Dewraealusado-n' of money was *ure was fair in the western prov- Wewr u otikn yatees Wudgae the ara an passpec ed to b eaýns- ob given to the I.O.O.F. laces. quîck game of charades. proposed to pave the area at the tina care s xpctd o e ad ebekah Home at Barrie, also IThe Orono hoeykng, decrb --ieable saving ta the local com- th ..Crsmssa ud s h cuaino omril Wevere also honoured with a'ted of the third year provîding ile B Crjstaý 0 co mecil isit fromt Mr. and Mrs. Brooks te lt a being ue n rv m1s io l th p rc ase of po er Plans for oiur Christm as Party b ekeeper s "A gam bler's ga11- 'w o m ay beco re ou r u u e H - n u ai f e o iy The T irus- Areport wýas ;aiso received from 1; which is to be held at the Dutch 1bie"l. One year you can be drivîng leaders.- tees also agreed to adequate light- heOntarioo Hyrdo's Homec Econ- Oe, Tuesýday, December 14th at a Cadillac andj the next a second New Hli-C mnembers are stili ing and adequaemrigwt omn-ist in vwhich wsrep)orted 6:30 and al i emiberil' be we- andca mwlcme i orn ot d" ch thtsomne of thle electrical appli- Comed. Cu an nu1a Bazaar is con- anul on. urn.L anrtr h rîte nesfurnished through the' Or- j vened by Sister Hattie Wilson es o e er nao,~~~~~~~~ Ne~sl n ua yr n ilb edi h OOF with the ont ion to renew the lease> al ouId ask aieeasenforeten years systems ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j to ththreHghHlStrey eebr4t t"fO end of this period. Tt was -iIý e be 4 a gred ha the lot wjj Seolhdfot as -et bceen used 2.30 p.mi.î t this termn. These apaceare A treendusamot fora not be usýed for truck paring. putla he chool, ae, each yeritig ndflamingos ntoa T d prnoais rno /to b a ontudrakigo h oa rjc fthsntr n ti ý' before the Lodge for their con a jdoinytem and manfacuesol îhted e co peais~~* sideration. 7Tt is thebwsh1ofthe Trustees býwdv or- o il i _ýThe alosestablish a muni.ýcipal parking tPti oecfteapincstv ebesta h rofýitable up ofth sertar trauesol~fnairlot in this areaý tht ould elimin- to ý__f u! ,ateCcongestionj.,onlChurch Street resnt upyte eteBrha reig eesîgDurham Diiltri 't atatun-he'c eoo.The, sertr a nsrc-frSser Mide aine after down a rerïucst thfr vh ITIw cf ci-"r Hpet st ewba"r )need for ff-street parkîi wen inse nw ae upq etwhor î a 4 n g a n e x i a at o ,o t h- is c o - w s i v t d t t e d i i a h ll w i h t e d iv id e h ig h s c h o o l tprhsm n a i n e o m h r e .m tp a k d it o n.w h e e l n c h w a s sýe r e dý a n f a tio n i m e f o r plasnttie pet.Thcots c it- ai bis com!ý '1_ýing r îday inu 1g on the Main Street ones into peii.Teequalized sesmn roîl oohfrconi f th cn'p - i effect, Te by-,-law, te etabiish the o nithdeCounties counicil re- cfClre frto'empso prigtmeo h ain street W hile~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~~ rn D u h mfh!ue e e d ~ w sh r u p i vsitors will1 be shown ipeints of ufi cdfrteoeainc er nti oncin , b e xtninhdnt e rie.A ers~~ fro thee pr vi c o îe eau visit between Ontarlo aad Quebeciai Nov mbe ;Mr ea r- seat fe o ncl oejt ep- o jcio a-egsee Jefery. O t etnto adayl- h en lsibi h f . wb. tci te The hirman cf th a nekage ie. M. Stpesa h as woe o h oet t Cnr ïnPment committee, Alan Striketayiheen a r me f o r e past y-ffier ad C uc tet wst e pr , u ofhtmesChamber letter bad aIs. Mo-,iclay. The 1 IWely hav t p a r e co l a te 'eeo tif e a a ti year. T e h s been A, ett o Mf,,r e n,Àeyj fo, p volndv ed Mr. H.BJardaggat, wbe bas resîa Several board membersof nancdnfrorthe Board was the other Tru M. Smpsof staterthat ith beolederedlQub-c ,iiithePort he Oreque fè retiringoicr this yea r, awfo3 tesddnt aeth oe Proceedi Asfy Sced le MCnîe mebe mus daw complete th fuh abiehine was rete rcefi' 2 9 ff t h e Q J1 î ( I' , ý - P e ý 1 a c s v i l f w y a r s s n f I -- n ,ý t h a t O fi a e b e i n l d n e t s p e c - lalýnîh ao ,r re en int rv ew Mr.ou scib r will beic t ableý11 toý dial te unti],a,. R. F rr s er CeThis Com unity lephon)-,e et sult cme er a o h xý,ýe nove n ts a fi s nteddond tela, sibanylie ie, avis..e tha et ative11foft; ien crý fia the Ccost. The Chamber liasolrcitotedaie treas wherelitd 1On th nta petshe equI-sip w m rctca te rcntctoilltim rge. Fraser,é R.C.M.P. tic urv arnd thPrstweefo thIe ent ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l fo thv tre o arv, ara d m bss ahrta s a wI arss the a adi a Clubý Nlar94, Supt.l Fraser h w a de- 01 oam n f the Poversiin cf Cethe Whle he e s c nsdeabe - p rt cf th e er al p e- ln c Wt Dprhite , a :5 . l S t ile d a ere fa r thdyguerd te o Cobleic k Street . a Th e T rs- mo nt c-wrk t be Çene ye , r" Y c à'tue e pro ram Th Co - te S n aosb opuioiufSr W nto h r hl -lg hs te d a e a n m l e c c b l , i r s , P a î w h s a t ~ , w a fil a w a r e T r t y e T o n e Cf bP r tb t e a t t e S c n Q b c Con - o n e r e T t o w s i g n t e a r e et. hav Horepe beene insaled cfni thisýf prclem and terete thee Supt.r Frase uniarlnyseeceuedy incenve~~~~1ience~t cause tee thet sub teOfcrCmadn0 iv- Uon elConfratio cf ew Oroi av eno yr a ie uhr the~~~Mr R.ner isT cfg1a- the liCas re i tytglcaan sretîgto provide ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ D Oead T -ptysr sinwst prc donasse-Plc te funan wih Cnd on Arl M. Himpso Drive. h kep h rra res nth bss dhrd e sclseyasposbl. hih nlus terbesî Ter- tere for jth ovr te yterTut sddnthv.te-ot cf~~i Four Poibr teirn afie thi roads Aeutn frn -wtemi ths surng is ubcibrsc Wil dfiie at orth itr-1,ad h Huoe Tqert or asr Office lacag fteC ntl a scarne lasil fo r csier- This ositin waî Supt Fras r's iie mauIv stat o Branh teHe re be dsuso. A sei efr teheSultemateM ii telephoneed servic-.( fiai Conversionlebast nnt beens fie' alrc Ditacen Daingev, Mr.c wi sbuk cf l theor wble om Supt. Frse jcadteRCMP.adrd ateCooainRd ete ason ask poser .ime iheen put int, oervke, O ron o f'sb- nty laa o ntear. on clusioN cIeri riig a rl efthat toe n t yar-plasof e __________________, T S ek A Teusoees inl therends ae sat. be Pt.Frsr eure t hefxe s as s osst ile.dada Ccnipan Liwàt (l, ad ised ( at . W esterni nAofctic and Thremainede Ex~~~ ~~~~~~Ar Mail Icehe Eq i n staIprcdl cterdakthea rtn there untiConve1956 pandaafter athashor t e'C-on s der ed i sio e nre Thewas detaiid to atendate laote firedepartient. imotio Th roe 4. ifcalIe c- rno hs montb Wca thi val l Tithe thTrttu ntd Kndo oie Clig a s e la pwhich the fir mitîce expect b gnt la uder the pipe arrives, oranizeinbecs 2iiSwp.ksnt rmshll la th Eng astenl A cingf, ans' ag" reem npoter wir n ae artiiciapletice ldas bel rb insal th ecospipe aad a eogeFasrR.j,.tCaiac, t hv aîn c ta l-e n te TrustcfbcPolice hr on rinia hims w ofter. i lar Ibis pin asirat dea cfh eip as a fia cil undsc the da Cr-lub ani instituto. Frarusted- yes nd ais the ters n fa tht isnw nerwa l.sa cveiiing te wi- b nsrceded. mitteen for Artfii ic otiusthe ludysho udtru fo oaledc Starrnet. Tshe ru as nakngprciscnsfo thphad- Mr f. Clark, wo s uply ag weeTnit $7nite0 d $7,40.oo. ytrs cus tteI pra e bces t g w re uatingth blawsme ,ter-lin et mcites b aet. e feeig ntmtlim fne Cal teecondon, ad 15-JCo n s usd at hetigta C. aear-rybe ntle.ommtitîcbe on Sndayfrming Wo'he k b.Frere ing enld aeev-nowlateR.P. Ciiall-if titabrnt h ylw IT ihe atcoppe tenlaidon stbe t h par cf btceuipmnt dyaerrnonatte esigton CnBlrach bfaew istedplae pawstftht pos tie finrcftheTrwnkasbeeo r- ',atba alath e ce otaed ad in wth nothlefr bengheld tis Sup1,19Frasep.rallse a o Tedsibly n-e problewcasdhavesar- dered as nd i x ted te ariesinfthAt the areaine ol e audate oafteeris eca. t RC.Ms.P. la tb hre N ort the" is-abe dsuson. p lefr