.~OORON WEEKLYTMES, THIURSDAY, NOVE1MBR25, 1965 TE LOW z. boaves r oa Gold First Grade ienïy 39c Caer oz. Tin Shreded Wheat 1Pkgs. of 12 OBalet Nle off Label) Pink, vieo o IGA OenFesh24 o EA 2bave 1-IJ New ICrop a eni ý Wm wana4 iz 'A ms an Pow e ed ilk antry S heif Processed ea- ,&a àbD ý U 41Z, U, for 4c ASN bpg5c c If Salaa Orang ?ekoepkg. of 0 Subdue (Re-g 88c) z.Cnaie TEA AG 7c HA PO7Conti 7Z)c s H i à ',NeiàP 11' Tablerite - Canadas Finest Red or Blue Brand Beef Blade Boue Renmoedj Bl1ade Rastlb 9c 'SHORýT RIB ROAST lb 53c ,CROSS CUIT RIB or %l ý-ONEï-ESS SHOULD ER lb 59C These Prices Effective November 24, 25, 26, & 2l7 We Reserve the Right to Limiit Quantities SA1VE TlESE EXTRA TAPES FOR FREE GIFTS OR EA,,TON'S P5ERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES RECEIýVE AIN EXTRA $C,90 TAPE WTITH Buncn HnesDe L'uxe -Ail Flavours CAKE IXES19 oz. Pkgs. OMO ETERENTGiant Size s. Ot s PDPkg. of 10 1ý,kiGA WxEDrPPER100 ft. roll CPEST TOHPSEGiant Size RECEIVE ANETR 2,00 TAPE WITH1 Canada No. 1 FaDun Grad'e MIûINTCjSIJI APPLES 3 Mb. cello bag ri " rozelis" Dadi's Coc-Ciiip Kendal Mri. 'and 1rs M]Nei ll'Ott and f; amily have movedint her1 e hom o t thh siiid (e Of the seventh Une east Of the'e, Glass farin. Sympahy isextenided to Ms 1Ralph GCreenwood nth!e death 0f her grandfather 11r. Dunsejth îu Toronto on Sunday,, November 21. Several fromIl this area atfended the futneral ',OF !Mr. Ernest Patter- son. He tused to oý wn the farm west of Ms-r.Jae Rutherford. Te Un1ited Church Women willh&dther <hristmnaq meeting m)ef tis fist at vhe homre of Ms. E CououxGifts ' "b I h ugi fortheKavanougi am ru +c~ V ~ex'change amon-g It s eps-edthat Mr., Wm. Turaskyhaspurchased the Ms-. JoeGirwn'ldfarrun known locally as the A!. Langstaff farm. Mupchicken pox and meas- le,ýs seem to have hit the commun-, ~ryNews LatWeek seems to be asa oe for KirbY. Our deep sympathy bsbeen .called UPOn .several ries al-ry Patterson, Young so 'o M. and M rs. Lave sne Pat- tesnpassed away after a seri- onsilnes.Thevon and the i An Mr.Ernest Patterson of Bowmn~i1~ ormrly of the sevent ~i eeast t KP'v. 1e la I su-vje~ v hi w e vte âand ore so Jun -i t 'o gra dci_ cen li frme wfe iUAn e Oeceased him sevIrl yeasa Satud y n gt SodGood, ne ea an n The hapiy gteigwa lmx edwith a deliciouýslun1chl. 4-H1 AWARDsNGT Ný:igh't willth( lieiltl TonHall on audyNvm ber 27th at8:00 pm î Awas-ds and eenao's il be, Made to 4-H 'agridu1turaî andi hoiemiaking clubl)s and ff Junio'-r Farnes-s. Mvr. J. E. _Mol0 es, of the Ontario HroElectric Power Commiission, Wi11 be the g-uest speaker. This year 4-H1 agriculttual club members have nlot been informed of their final standing in the res- pective clubs and wiIl discover their results for the first time o-n Saturday evening. A special Presentation of wri-jt watches wil be made durlng thle evening to thie boy and girl in 4-H agricultural club work wlio have shown outstanding interest and participation in 4-H clubs) Since first becom1ing a 4-H club memiber. A special invitation is extendeî Awakre NEWV LIBRARY BUILDING AN E D I KOPENED AT OMNIL A large crowd gathleredi Satur- 2 ' * 7 daafernlooln for the officia],p 14 oz. P k g. T e cere mn o ie sý to o k p lace i f T B R I 1 L E4 9 ', ,i u s a n i prs s v IFrthle fist ime Bowmanmvile bias a lirr bidng just for this purpose and 1 believe it i; oz p g 37c, on e Of dhe mot odem in the BS ~ ~ ~ ,ý JOozpg37c Co:tofDrs ~10,000 sq. fA. ~ Of flor Space. si 0 1 MKI.A 1 > oz 1 L £ln - n y cq