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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Dec 1965, p. 5

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MacMILLAN &CO. Ch.Iartered Accoutants -J½ Kin, St. E, Oshawav 725-6539 KgSt., Box 245, Newcastle 987-4240 Partners: William C. Hall, B, Comm., C.A. David G. Perkini, C.A. J.Graham IMacMi 1lan, C.A.. Qlia the Offices ofQ R. R. Waddell Q.C., Q Q MAINST., ORONO 1 fi Telephne 13ý Oon0 9 BS-A. .A:Sc .OL:S: f Q RO0FES SIONAL NGNER (Civil) U Q Ontario Land SuerveYOr i 11QenSt. Box159f S Bowmanville, Olitario f Telephzee6375 275 Water Street PETERBOROUGH Phone 742-5482 IN SURANCE FRED LYCET OFfFlCE - MAIN ST, ORONO Specialize in Farmn and Furnitudre sales Coünsuit mefor te-rms anid dates 'IhOne 5 r 18 ùOron-,, Auctioneer and Vlao Conduets Auction Salem, of ail gi7es and at reasonable rates Communicate with hlm at Port Perry, Ontario PUMPING OUTl-l' SEPTIC TANZKS WRITE WASHING STABLES Sert Tonipkins, Phone 786-25,52 W. FRANK Ô LIMITED Q Ô21 KING ST. WEST Bowmaniville 623-3393 O('rojr -< Electric PHÊONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and IIOISE WIRING Free Estimiates APPLIANICE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repairs to ail kii!- of Electrical EIquipmenit and Appliances Sucb at Metors -Water lHeaters T-V. - Radiàos- Stoves - Irons Auto, Pakg Serice Fidelity Bond, Lïability Q Lit e S First Mortgage Loana Sadie oHamiIetonl"j fi Phoinle -R.1Uf .... . 318 Dundfas St. E. Whitby, Ont. imanufactutrers of C'emetery iMemorials Dealers ln Domestie & Foreign Granites and iarbies - lnscriptlons Cnt and Cemetery Repair Work Mono ndtsad Our quality and service leaves Ask the person Who bought from us, a neighbour, friend or relative The RUJ¶1ER GRA NITEf COMPANY 73 Ontario Steet PORT F-OPE "Larget Di7-lay ilu Soth>era Ontario" ILEISHIMAN ,john E.-Suddlenly at Buffalo on Wednesday, Decem- ber 1, 1965 John Leishmnan of .110 Park Rd. North, Oshawa, dearly belovedi husband of Eva Mitchel, dear brother of Mrs. F. Cook (Mabel) of Newmarket. Rested at the Northcutt and Smnith Fun- eral Home, Bowmanville. Funeral service was at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Intermient Orono Cern- etery. a-C. SLYCETT Plibn & H aic OPhüne 33R11 g 0 rono, Ontariog IOrville Chatterton 1 lEectric IHeatingj anld Service P3HONE 245 OR 10412j * ..OoOntaioO Of WATSON'S Marine and Cycle Orono Phonie 146 MeCUL9LOCH IlBOATS & MOTORS CHAIN SAWS Repairs to ail mak-es of Lawn Mowvers and 2 andc 4 cycle OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACHINIERY BUVIG OSELLIN11G R E AL EStAE AJ. McG.1LL f REAL ESTATE BROKER. Phones: Orono 1407 Oshawa 728-4285 or remjodeling your. present Cnto otact Floyd Nicholson PRONE 2191OON CHRITMASTREES Sco.tch Pine Chlristias Trees o le, 5 to 6 feet. $1.50 deliv- ered. Reid HIarniess, Phone 5-r-16, Or'ono. a-p BABYSITTING WANTED 16 year old glirl wishes baby- Sitting. Apply Marg. Middleton, phone 11392, - FOR SALE One Formnai size 16; one semi- formaI size 18. Phone Ororno 347. a-7p GARBAGE Clarke Township dnmp will be open on Friday, Decemiber 2, 8-4l and Tuesday, Decemiber 28, 8-5 and rem-ain closed Decemberi 25th and December 27th dlue toi Christmas. Also for New Years 'the dump 1wuill be open Friday, Decem'eer 31, 8-4 and Tuesday, January 4th1 8-5 and remain closed on January lst and January 'rd. Monday pickup wiIl be done on Tuesday, and Tuesday's will be dione on Wednesday for Chiristmas and New Years. a-c Robert Hicks. ý CHRISTM'AS CONCERT Enterprise Public Sehool' will j rhold their Christmas Concert ini the sehool on Wednesdlay niighit, D)ecembIer 22nd. a-c NOTICE The General MAeeting of Oronc U.TC.W. wiIl be field on December 1l6tb at 8 p.m. ini the Main Hall of Orono United Church. Unit, One has arranged a Christ- imas program. 1Installation of of- Ladies cordially invîted. b-c 'i erFwll Rak p ae. One pair Ladies Figure Skates, size 81,4. Used five or sbx times. Phone 1307J a-p FOR SA,*LE 1963 Rambler Chassic, low mile- age, in excellent condjition. Phone 24L5 after six, a-c BIRTIDAY CALENDARS The Birthday Calendars being printedi by Unfit 5, U.C.W. are owcomi-pletedl and may be puir- Icamsed( from iany membiler of the Unit or at the Orono Times, of- fice. Price $ FOR SALE ORONO - 2 bediroomn storey and haîf, fireplace, oul furnace, towni water. $2,0C000 down. MeGil Real Estate Broker Phonýe 728ý-429-8 5 'WA1NTED Vaihdaway with SACA,-PEILO.i SACA-PE,'LO is difernt tdos nlot dissolve oreohar fromli the surface, but penetrates and retards growth of UNWANTED H1AIE. Lor-Beer Lab. Ltd., Ste. 5, 679 Granville St., Vancouver 2, Pl.C. d-49-c Real Estt Whéni Buying or Selling cal 1r12 Oronlo Jcack Ricard REA LTOR 71 King St, E., Dowmanvll;e 623-253 Meiuber Oshawa~ and Dsrc Real E4ýýte BoGard' 'F Box 160, November 26, 1965 Edfitor, Orono Timnes. Orono. Ont. Dear Sir: I wýas çdelighted wîtdh Jim Rick- aby's letter of Novemnber 19 and arn gratified to know that as long9 as supply the studcents thiere are teachers of Jîmn's wit and dedication to teach them. Nocfr Jim a course ini remned- lal hiumour. Sincerely, MUargot Samuiel HFOUSE FOR SALE N'ewly remodelled and decorat-, ed 9 roomi house, Victoria, Street O0ronio. Ail convenriences, town water.Imeit possession. Suit- abole for apartmnents. A-"ppl)Y joe Becker', phone 316 Orono.a- Anyoe wihingto go to York- dale Plaza or dwtonTornto,. ,Mon'day, D-ecember 6th and Dec,,- emiber 13th- !Phone 88,5-2527, Rïowe Travel AgOleny Pot ope, Ont. b-416-e ROWE TOURS Fiorida Tou, Jauar 9th and als Mac 2thi. EscorteCd twventy as.Mardi Gra, Ne Orlans. Sixteen Day Touir, Feb)ruary 12th. No nig-httrv. Travel De Lux Air. Conditioneci, wash rom, Moj- tor Co Il ote] l and trs ar- ranged. Frno rmation ponle or wie Rowve TraVe-ý Agency, Port Hp Onitarfo. Poe885-2527. c 46i-c DONG SIMPSON f3im iI oOrono 911,', f3PAPER IANOING FURNSTURE REPAIR& g ANI)ALLODD JOBS, PLUMBING and HE-ATING Sals ndService 1 S24 HOUR BURNER SERVICEo B-A FINANCINO Low Inter estates I Hampton CM.3-2288 Tyrone CM.3-2650 111i your who seils, installe and guarantees C AR MA N PLUMyINC,HEATING PHONE 149 FreeEstmate -No Obligation Cafi 623-2973 Coileet Preferably Ivaftlr 5 LLOYD G. PRý'ESTON Bowmianville ont. c-47-c NURSý IN-G 1HOM 1E Oroho Nusig omle has a-j comdainfor bed or up pa - tient's. Reasone krates PhneOrno371. 51-c -HI-FI -Stereoj -Antennas - Towers- -PA!System .for 1rent, Ailprs;',abu uaate

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