Santa Coin o Orono This Saturday At 2.30 VOLUME 27, NUMBER 47 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER l6th, 1965 Chamber Pledges Il-Cs To Seli Board Ask's Approval $11OOO To I-ce Fund CIrnrch Calendars 'h For School Addition The meeting openied with the secretary's report, t>reasurer's re- The ron Chmberof om-port and left the meting openke W Shi ch(-O1 cussion and obtaining a report on ierewith I4 memb3ers preS- to business. We dlecided upon De- A~aBadhl t otl etadsciision with Mr. lÇay Lycett, etheld their monthly mi'eetinig Icomber 15 as our date of Ôur cal- ing on MYoiidas' evening in the the Board passed a motiDn to pay atthe Northway Restaurant. I endar blitz, so be surýe to be home Clarke Union Sehool with M.ýessrs.1 in trust ail costs for the~ addition whn e orecaî1~i.Lawrence Greenwood, Mlorley to the Newtonville School. This The bank balance waps rportedMenw c* cli.Robinson anid William Wýýannan 'procedure will inake it, possible itan amouint of $298.42. The ite a tgAIOd~de a 3present along wîth the crtyfotefordf -deaui 09ýaiiâMer is to c6ntitue îts m z Ix'e a or uht6fCukstia aio-grant in l qn iith'ecô't of the rfýrhpi sehaaia habrin O theu om ng hihshCd einna70dianfeBordrcevd elghaditomberwovil êê l'rý, 1966. dtfl0 Banhdco- n.wic oiilt7:0 eBor eeedad1- dîon x N toyle vn Th O~n ha~e s o on ereç esio . 4heaco 1ynet1oo tien roqith PBwn's Schoo1l area Ùe iathe CaonadaCha ber i ocn cec so n au ndâýy eve i h ccmay t«Mr, Brtliat they were not sat-iZ lsýýijP nif. n,ýwho stated 'pa lth1966. Výt heCaada Camerina ing in the base menit of the Towni- at the~ pianio as vie alarticipated isfie d with the general cleanlinessaTe grant money ean then be uaed -ffort to hâve a' reprseètative o ship HIall. In all, abou¶ttiirty-live 'in singing various Christmnas car- of the school and classroopis at fr sttctoî > tre tan eia Chýanber o dreàth wtree esent t eique to b' IBrown's scIool. They se i _ x'ooms to No. 9 school in 1966. lie~~~~~~ Caidanoranzaio ,çIred .e edaI rmeyooihsadereThis, with àdditiomnal ctù'ïent rev- fe 11à gili concerihg the înstrumients which range frofili Mr. Brooks itrodÙcled a nurn condtitions at tleh oo.I ~e 1fDv. slould pay 'the cost of this 4I1if lb&inei aX., t is hoped to cor' t t art ,aloto4- e o e ames ïn which ail connection the Board also receiv-adtin H~ lÇ t h lerar loes, basses, drums and clarin- ýtook part. ed a le4fer from fDr. C. tIorner of In, this latter respect the TËoard ,ýr March meeting. ets. the Counties Health Unit and also ~apeiu etn edDc The annual meeting of the Somre of the horns, now avail- We are al very sorry becau 1se àa letter frbim the principal of the emb e 9h pss meatin ton e- hamber will be hield on the sec- able, were distributed to the younc of the departing of Mr. and Mrs. SC1101 asking that conditions bc questing the Counmcll of$Clarke ~idMonday in Janitary. This sm cas te ntuet o seta u 1- edr.Wegreatly improved. Mr. Greenwoodl Township for- apprôvà1 to con- -toý be. a dinner meeting as last! beirig repaired are expected to bhe would like to take this opportun-ste thtewagadIiws struct three addiitional rooms at ýYear and tickets wilI he pre-sold ýatth hall this coming Monday1 ity to thank themn sincerely for a brought to the Board's attention No. 9 School at an estimnated cost fo themeingr. asekrf.oE. tyet alongl with six new clarînets which successful Hi-C year and to Jlet a ta twul ecretd of $95,000-00. The cost to be from lat oti aseae orteare being purchased by the Sen- them know they are always wel- The secretary wVas authorized to current funds with no debentures imeig or Orono Band. It bas been a corne to any of our meetings. interview the caretaker in tbis being issued. I~WENTRANCEIS good( many years since clarinets atr On motion on December 9th the Viemeeinginitiýctssiig have beeni used in the Orono band Also we would like to welcome A bank balance of $37,174.32 Board tabled the request for ap- the eetin i scssng n hscudb cmda- Mr. and Mrs. Brooks as our new existed asof November 3th, 1965. proval to build a new six-rerom bue ecenly onsbruced en- t io Hi-C leaders. As a resuit of a previous dis- (Continued page 5) they were an inmprovemnelt The venture, sponsored by the tiath as entrances and in ap- Orono Band will provide weekly eearance. They do nat, how- practise sessions every Monday -ývd ov b niepo under the leadership of AritcD s ly A hit csS o ?-m, lb was said. iMr. 'Abe Darcli. !é p a stcli t ae-hw niew execubiv;e thaI they TFle Orono Juiniorv Gardeners' home. Competition, Creativeness and caýrry on endeavouiring bo oh, o- Lo a P - Chace. tain'an under or overpass in- Lo a P -aitin'gs Club field their annual Award Circe) tOrn.dinner andCrita Show on Afterwards the children ajourn-' Bowmanvlle K-iwanians Roa-)s i ,-'~~~i Thursday, December th :in the.e oth akhal b le nes Jackman, Jim Cola, BHi Cobhham OL1RONO BUSINESS I n &jsnaw'a Jis pia auditorium oT f.h United Cburch. wiercie o h rn o-and, President Biownlee judige-d A general discussýion cnrda- ayticultural Society's Christmas the junior Showý as follows:' -round business in O Tno twas- As a public service, Central show in conjunction with the Jun- Class 1 - Christmas Table ar- theý feeling that localfaites ntroTut ndSvgsC- Forty-five mremibers and guests ior show. The auditorium was ajsýOüroTus n aig cr rangement 11-16 yeiars-Evelene plyda big part in creating ýa'poration, 19 Simcoe Street Nortb sat down to a bot supper at 6:15 beautîful sîght as nearly 200 ex- _Brown, Charmaine Newmnan, Chris ~taourbl alosher. Tes fa- n Obaa i plasd t anoucep.m. -Head table gýuests were Rev. hibîts were viewed by the visitors; Aslett. -long with other s11ch itemsý. Ilt tat works of Art by Oshawa 1' n r.LnM.adMs C I nre ee o xeln Novice- Sue Aslett, Laurie 'waS 'ielt tha't somlethingU had to bel District artists will be displayed IBlîgMsF abln r n ult.Scbmid. do1ýnê shortIy to give a lifIt b fhs lin our lobby on a continuing basis. Mrs.- F. Stephens (Directors of1 The Bowmnanville Kiwanis Tro- I Class 2 - Christmas Door Decor- District No. 4), Harwood, Mr and phe o 95weepeetdb <eection of the Village and to pro-1 At present some of the paint- iMrs. L. Asict, Mr, and Mrs. 0 çi. fr165wr reetdbyation- Donna Challice, julie ,nôte growth. ingýs of th ell(wiKnila-I alcMs nteJrensen Kiwanis President Brownlee t Schmiid, Evelene Brown. 4lMýTXOMNGtie, r. Richard orto, deict- ýand Mr. G. Pollard. Director Mrs. B Jade hi Jresn Schoenmaker, Sue Aslett. _DfOOOin,, fall and winter landscapes inijT. Fairbrother welcomiet Ieponsi theAnua Class 3 - Christmas M4antel àr Saut wil ariv hi Qruo aliurtn ae o dipia an weguets n4 haaed l¶è ke~ Achievement l1965 - Chris slett, rangement-Donna Challice, Cbris tbis Saturday, Decembe ItWh cordially invite ail la-vers of fine !I present for their capable assisa- So vln rw.Met ao n adel at 2-30Q jlam. uftder 4the 8111- art to share with us Ibis fine show- ance. Addre-sîý ' e c-dret Sho 1veeBov.Alet ao n ade sorship of the Citamber and ing of talent by one of the local ýMr. anil Mrs. Aslètt and théeir iDistrct IDirector Mrs. F. Steph- Novice- Sue Aslett, Lailrie wibli i$sÎta'ce 5rom the Or- artists. ichilren Sufe and Chris Who wm lens presented Horticultinr1 Dip1o- cee(C1ý u,,ýFr eatet. He will soon be leav .ing itie 0illage, the 1 mas to: Sue Asiett for peirfect at- msCr u-us-ui cÏù gOroeo FsirHal hîits ad vice and co-operation, theywfll F Dale Evans - BesI Novice Garden c id 9te 1>e deo~raed for the occasion. passed unanimnously' a motion be greatly mise, h Éterirg 1lDonna Challice - (The newly est- Novice-Laurle Shi,~O All ichildren are welcome t. pledging a sum of $1;000,00 te the wisbed themn well in their new'ablisbed) 4 C Award (Challenge, (Continued page 8) ,ilsit Santa this Saturday lai Orono Artificial Ice Fund..he ________________________________________ pledge is bo be honoured on r- chame r whnit i N , .C W. Aeee dr wreMd ~ Cabrmay have to borro UiNo2 -CW ra nleG wrsH d The Chamber on Monday nigi against a $1,000.00 bond wbicb is ilt h eld by them. Artifiîcial, Ice Installation Progrès sing Most Favourably Saturday afternooîî and! Wed- i placing the equipment in the base- msday eveningc 'bees' at the Or- m nent. This equipmàent bas been onc riak are bringing to treality tested and proves in good con- artificial ice for the coming wînt-dion ,er season. Barring unforgeen de- Inys it 1. now expected filaI arti-1 The rest of the equipment is ficial ice will be in existance in expected shortly and on arrivai Ou-no earîy in.January. will be quickly assembled. Progress aI the rink bas been notfavourable over the past two w7,eeks and itl is expected that all ih,,e plastic pipe wilbe laid by È-bis weekend. At fihe lime of w.riting, a goodly portion of the pipe lias been completed. Tuesdlay evening, somne of th~e plant equipment arrived at the Arena and work can. Pffôw stat in The Athletic Association are grateful for any assistance in help- iag with the inistallation of the pipes and equipment. This help! canien the load and cut down considerabie on the cost of in- stallation. Work 'bees' are held every Saturday afternoon and Wedresday evening. Report aI the rink witb any spare time you may have.1 Unit 2 met Tuesday, December- 7tb in the lower Church hall with 12 members and 2 visitors present 1 5 th Annual Conver-ition Mrs. Tamblyn thanked everyone More than 100 members attend- the apple producing areas ia 3ri- for their support and help during 'er the 55th aànnual -convention of tish Columbia and Washington. bier terni as leader. Arrangements the NorthiuMbçrl4nd and Dlurham Professor H. W. Goble. Uni-, were made te serve lunch aI the Apple Growers' Association, Dec. versity of Guelp-h; reviewed the General Meeting Tbursday l6th at 9, at the Newcastle Community life hisbory and meîhods of can- 8 p.m.i Hall. President Clare Allia, RR 4, trol of sojme of the major insect I Bowmanville presided. pests which aîtack apples. ,THe The offering was received and, S Shultis, rulings officer, de- pointed out weathier conditions the 10c a v7eek bags collected. The 1piartment of national- revenue, canI influence insect populatilon treasurer gave ber report and the J Belleville, spoke briefly on the and suggested growers be aler teb roll caltaken., Mrs. 1BIta Irwin Canada Pension Plan and l m i atr fetn rhr eî moved a vote of thnnks le Mrs. plications for apple growers B. and make optimum use of control Tamblyn for lier capable leader- G. Wilson, secretary of the *OnI- methods. ship. We then were entertained by & rio Fruit and Vegetable G-rowers'1 Officers for 1966 are: President, Unit 4 for, an impressive Christ- 'Association, Toronto, discussed !Harold Bonter , RR 1 Carryig mas programme. the activities of that organization.1 Place; Vice-president,, Harvey He also gave a report of the apple Brooks, RR 3, Bowmanville; secre- promotion programn and discussed tary-treasurer, H. Morley Webster, chagesto be made for the comn- Brighiton; past president, Clare STORES IN ORONO OPEN ing year. Allia, RR 4, Bowmnville. Robert Wilcox, fruit and veget- Named as representatives te EVERV EVENING UNTIL aljeexnso spcas, Vine.,tbe Apple Section of the On taulo ]and, discussed apple production Fruit and Vegetable Grow,ýers' s trends la Canada and the ,United sociation were llariold, Bonter, CHRISTMAS I States. n.{e also shôwed slides of (Coatiaued on page 6)