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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Dec 1965, p. 6

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THIURSDAY, DECEMBER 16th, 1965 CI'anging zValues (Conti nued fromn page 4) (Continued fromr cause Christianiity is consered for thus enabling them ti Unit1 page 3) rough gifts life in gen,-1 a l nther imen iltercinedto -ontribute-toward ~vriua.The church -In lie as the fund to further study and aid biind as anyone. In a p.ailel dis- victimsr, of this disease. cussi on m-ad]( nu -)of varlo4,us dle- Dorothy Bailey gave a report nominations, and faith Rabbi Fine- ontebrha aedr aIg bergpoits ot tat popl dothey were now ready for sale. suggest and dlo fe& th fat wat, £am- ine and diseas;e woi0d be the real The secretary was asked to con- answer to overponulation. But hie vey the appreciation of the group goes on to sav that a wvir that to the C.G.IT. for their help in xielt be starfed unof01ficiaillv tO collecting naines for the Calendar. deplete fthe ulaýtion could end In the coming year Mrs. Long Up finishing us a" He P0i1fst utwill continue to lead Unit 5; Mrs. that disease bas been largely ov -________________ ercome and the conscience of the man of God will not aIIÔw him t oIFA PLEGO RSRL feel that peopfle shoulid die like 55th ANNUAL CONVENTION flies vwhen lie has the means of (Continued fromn page 1) preve(nting that death. H1e also Carrying Place; Dr. David Zim- said that -oroliferation ofrpeojie merman, Trenton, Irwin Colwill is irnv more d-anqerous than the and W. Harold Gibson of New- proliferation of the atom bombh. casýtie People are increasiag at 2%7,ye-ar- Elected to the District Apple Io/ and 80 fof tbceases aton y rowers' Committeewere: Earl 1%--a5e and e8%iofthe nouav tonChatten, Brighton; Irwia Colwill , irr'-tries.aei h hv o Newcastle and Hlarold Wa*ison, counties.Bowmanville. The "have nots" after at while will rebel i5ainst not havingi, "Let there be awa and kili off, w,,hen a smaill portion of the world pr ftepol,, r"e hi is able to live in such luxury that part of the peolse" owLe hem e they dIo themselves harmn. You know how to prevent it. Modern know what happened in the ",,renchman irnowsagetd bu Revoflution when the poor were birth c ws o. areaofthdea abut oppr,îese and ignored. Soon those coto.Profhehuh at the top of the ladder lost their opposes birth control as contrary heads. We in North America are to the wîll of Gort, yet we have at the top of the ladder as far as the means of helping people so to abundance. in this world's goods is regulate the population that a coneened.great deal of misery could be e- cocre.lieved.I t isyne to take scri There are maay ways of doing somethinig aboutt overpopulion. Certainly tha Cristian cannot say to let themn die lai one way or an- other. A Pýrsbyterian ini&;er suggested that bhis congregation stop having children of their own and become coacerned'for the chidldren who are going to die of hunger in other countries. To' take these children and make them our own is to act la a posi- tive way about the pop)ulation ex- plosion. Ile points 'out that in a a ma or roblm, ersQýon o oly becomie chieap,bu a lia2bility and are likely to lie treated asý such. Surely God, cetigman ia Bis own image, did not intnd that they should live in such a cbeap and degrading way, as _maa.y of the people of the world are forced to live. We ought not to sit iii this beautiful commnunity with its a- bundance and have no conc'ýern for the peopfle who live la such poverty and misery. «When wie try to dIo something abot the population explosion , wht will the answer be? We canno,,t say, fice on the part of people who have so mucli. la the beginning when man sparsely populated the earth, «lbe fruitful and multiply' had great meaning. Now, when things have chaaged so much that overpopu- lation brings misery, perhaps the- spirit of that teaçhing is to think seriously about the regulation of the population of society, so that in the spirit of God's love, each man mnay know that he bas th right to live and that he can have a fihF e to the -extent that we, ourselves are able to, live it. Jesus said to Hlis generation, "You know how to interpretý the appearance <of the earth and sky, but why do you not know how to interpret the present time?" Sko often we, are blind to the great changes that are taking place which need our interpretation, participation and understandiug to keep a true balance in society. As C-hristiaase, 'we must seek to know w,,hat is the spiritual signif t- cance of change for us. God has called us in Jesus Christ to be the servant of ail men. 1<EEP YOUR c hoose a place for the tree wbich Winl uot block access C o doors or win-dows in the event of an emergenucy. H Id it! Before you set op the tree, cut one or two inches from i te bntt. Then set it in water. Crushed stone in-a, suitable coeaiiner wM k1çeep it steady_ Remembher to replenish water regularly throughout the Christmnas season. Von may need to add more than a pmnt nsulation of lightiug strings should be çhecked for dam- Ia go and possible short circuits. If buying Ïiew lights, be sure they are C.SA. approved. S moking near the tree is foolish and dangerous. Keep cigýarettes and mnatches at a safe distance. island other decorations should ho non-f lammable. TDon't dleck your tree with added f ire dangers! M ake surltatmaftches are kept out of reacli of children, Mand ïever leave young chtildren unattended even for a A ways lear away discarded gif t wrappings promptly "rom thne tree area -Even a moist tree will umn if ignited by such a fire aronnd itsbase. Swih off the tree lighting when yon go to bed, or when- eveèr you leave yonre home. SAFE FOM F1R S POEDUY THE ORýONO FIRE DEPA1tTMENT POSS MERCER, Firo Chief News Gamsby will take over as secre- tary from Mrs. Couvier and Mrs. R. Rutherford will continue as treasurer. The January meeting will . be1 beld la the Friendship Room and Mrs. N. Allia asked us to meet at j ber home in February. We, greatly eajoyed llstening to the record "Don Loney speaks to Teen-Agers", while Mrs. Mill- son and Mrs. Gamnsby served a' lovely lunch with a cracklinýg fire and Christmas symbols addng to a very pleasant evening.1 Sanîta Cornes To ORONO 8 Treaitsâ For Alil The Childreni I PN~RDBY TRE ORONO 0CHAIMBER 0Fr, COIMMERCEI i ANNOUNCEMENT- wiII now. cover dependent children to 2l1st birthday Effective in January, 1966, dependent children wil be covered under "famiiy" agreements in ail P.S.I. plans to age 21 (rather than age 19 as at present) at the regular family subscription rate. A dependent child is defined as the subscriber's unmarried chiid, stepchiid or Iegaiiy adopted child who resides with hlm and Is not reguiariy employed. (This Includes students attending University.) P.S.I. subscribers who have depen dent chiidren over the age of 19 and under 21 may make application for coverage under this revision. Subscribers in empioyed groups may obtain application forms from their Croup Leaders; subscribers who pay their sub- acriptions direct to P.S.i. may obtain forms from the P.S.. office If they have flot already received forms through the mail. PHYICINS'SERVICES INC, m TORONTýO 7, ONT. 1~. Wvvhy Pay More ...... 16c FUEL OIL gai PHIONE NEWCASTLE 987-4215 DXFUEL OIL Serving Orone, Newcastle land District SATURDAY, elýl C E

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