ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23rd, 1965-- Local Group Discusses Population Explosion Resolvini that "Population Ex- Plosion", is a factor of great con- Oronc cern and also a responsibility of' The Art ,everyone, the ?den's Discussion been info cýroup last Thuirsday evening at portionc the United Church decided to is to arrn lurther their search to gain public Tuesday.. awareness of the problem now fac- the equipi ing mankind. ____ The group are to invite Dr. agricultur. C7harlotte Hforner of thie Northum,- 1E-ven todaý berlan)d-Dujrham H 1-ealth Unit, a- this probiE long with Russelli Honey,, M.P. land fort Prnd Alex Carruthers M.P.P. to dlines. their next meetinug to be held on The mei January 19th at 7:30 in the United feit that ,Chureh. At this time it is the in- well as di tention to find out -what the vai- view in i -ous governme,,ntal bodies are do- matter fur, Ï g about the problem of Popula- lionExplosion. The group in discussing Popu- lation Explosion concluded that it is a problemn to be considered not -only in such cotries as' Iodla and China but also in Canada. It was considered that public awar- ness should be arouised and thajt political bodies should, be made aware of the conicer-n held by the publie. in a eehein discussion the group discussed population ,eontrols by natural causes of dis- ýease, hunger, to better education end birth conitrols. A stalemate did, however, exist in means of euaigthe masses in india and Chin a even though a majority felt that education was the key. In the matter of birth control it was pointed out that opposite factions do exist in the United Church. In the Roman Catholic Chureh birth control is- opposed. T~his, it was stated, does not nec- 'essarily mean that it is not a prac- ice among miembers. It was felt by some that this is an indîvidual inatter in most cases. Hère reference was made to &Sarborough who is considering ,ýetting up Blrth Control clinics ndpossibfl' using church build- 'îngs for suich centres. It is poss- ible that too few have adequate koldeof birth control as de- termninedï fromi a survey that re- veld31 women. out of 80 used no A-re politicians at ahl levels of g-overnment qualified to give leaersip or his and many oth- er pro L;sTothis guestion, one 'tweed i the affirmative. There could hve heen doubts in 'Île mins f others at the meet- hie uoF gOod agricultural land forreinta and indust- dial development came under dis-, ~cusson. Here indcividuals referred to the sprawýling,, municîpalities which are todlay using the best SAVING $ $ The Credit Union is not on- ly the handiest place to saveý your money, but it pays dividends as good, or better, than other places to save. Ask about the life insurance provided without added charlge for eligible savers evenif Orono Diýstrict CREDIT UNION Treas.-Man., Angus Louchas Phone Ir10, Orono 0 Attîflcial 10e ificial Ice Committee has ormed that the remainlng of the ice-making plant .ve in Orono this coming With this shipment al ýment will be at the Or- -al land for development. ay many go hungry and lem is ever increasing as the growth of food de- en's. group on Thursday action was needed as Liscussion and with'this mind are 'pursuing the rther on January l9th. ono rink ready for installation. 1The time necessary for the in-.. stalling of the equipment will1 depend on the amoutit of volun- teer labour available, Consider- able time has been given in the past few weeks by volunteers and work has been progressing at a. good rate. Ail the plastic pipe has been laid and volunteers are now work- ing on installing the header pipe. The plant equipment which is now at the rink is in the basement and ready for final installation. The Committe has paid out a sum of $6700.00 to date and this arnonnt includes the payment'for the final shipment which is to ar- rive ln Orono on Tuesday. Total donations to date amount to the sum of $7400.00. There is to be a bee this Fni- day at the rink and will continuel next week on Wednesdays and Saturdays.1 S~ave 10e 17lb. Bar 1< i ~~Aun-t mary's Coffae9 U R KY gDel Monte Save 6c ZO oz, Tin Grade A Supreme Value Checkcd (Over 20 lb.) (young Tomns 20-26 1 avg.) FRUIT' COCKTAIL 37C SWhole or Jellied-Oceau Spray-Save 4c-15-oz. tin C C ~ CAN BE Y Sauce 27c 3 1 bt) prs ardens Pure- Save 19e 48-oz. Tin r qOR EJUICýE 2f"or 79 Treesweet Save 9c 4%-oz. Tis af Ysnn prton C ~' Club Ds Millionn ire Sve 5e Tn lb. c LBB'SFR(OZENFOO,ýý DS 1,Save 9e Richi Red 15-0z, P kgp.s. SchneidersU 8-zRASPBERRIES 2 for 89c fo , C ,e 4e Tasty 12-02. pkgs. S fr6c GREEN PEAS 2 for 45c aSave 4e 12-oz. Pg Lucos e mprrNo. 1iYi*BA13Y LIMA Beans 9 %RAPES 2Ib. 5 GILLETTE FEATURES Genuine Louisiana Fresh Ocean,*Spray 1-1b. pkg Super Rer. 75e 5 te Pkg. YA S2 b. 9 Caberes3c STAINLESSSTE LE ..65 YAm"S2b-9'Cabris3C Rg. $1.95 Bach f 15 Blades with Adjustable Razor $1.69 ~Re g. $1.295-sArso Fac re ae1e15-oz. Tins RGHT GUAIRD ................. AYLMER,, PEAS '% 5188c -AER EAUE loc13oz TinPak esonor Sunbeam Rer. Se 2-0z. She TO C IS59c §MINCE, PIES 59c Wston or Sunbeam 4Brown en' Serve Reg. 35e IZte pkg. Save 1lOc, l18," Roll, Free ,Skewers andl Tying Cord § TWIN ROLLS 31c ALCAFOIL WRAP 59c Aylme Sav 5c LF 'f qu;reme Brand Aylmr Sve c l-oz. Tins MIXED NUTS lb. 59c Su P 4R4A c l uk$E 1ýCRî-E A M93c Coloured Save 6c 1-lb. Pkgs. Red & WhÎte ige. BtIs.(plus De-posît) e ~*GINGERALE 4for49c re-e1b. BI.ck SOLO argaine 2 59cChrsmsCk 19 Stuffed Manzanilla Liquid Pack Narked 39C 8-Z. Jars § -lC.ristmasC oke-lb . 973 Olives 31b. IOCeuA1- 4, < u n N 4 9 C mom 9 7 c-ebe . e<e<eo e., ,, Flowers For 6hristmas CIIRYSANTHEMUN POINCETTIA Flowers Are Always CYCLAMEN Appre ciated As A Gift ol at Cnbs We will be closed December 25th, Christmas day and Deceniber I27th, Boxing Day. Als'o January lst, New Years.