ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, t Il i i i i j I I I. I IJCW'Meetinlg l The U.C.W. hield their Christ- mias meeting on' December 16 in a beautifu-l setting, an attractive decoratedi tree enhanced the back- groun wt many Christmnas ar- ran-gemients in the midst of candie Mrs, M. Staples at the piano, playing Christmaas selections and carols added to the theme. Presidenit Mrs. W. Irwin com- mnenced wvith a Christmas mesag extend(ing, words of welcome and greetings,, to Ail in attendance, fol- lowdb singling of a hymin "Joy to theWol" Unit 1 was responsible for thYe Devotio-nal and Mrs. F. Lycett, leader, hadi efficiently prepared a most enilighItening Christmas Wor- ship service. Each miember read several ver- ses describing the Christmas story. Those wvho participated were:- Mrs. F. Lycett, Mrs. C. Miller, Mrs. G. Carson, Mrs. R. Chapman, Mrs. 'C, Fisk, Mlrs. R. Carton, Mrs. 1-1. Allen, Mrs. U. Bullock, Mrs. N.1 -Bairstow, Mrs. A. Pos. A vocal trio consisting of Mrs. R. Chapmian, Mrs. C. Miller and MNrs. G. Carson, sang two numbers, "Little Son of Mary" and "The1 Story that Neyer Grows Old," ac- companied by Mrs. M. Staples. The group read verses f rom a ei poemn by Henry Wadsworth Long- fellow entitled 'The Three King«s'. Mrs. Lycett conicluded with a '.uitahle Christmas message stat-J ing: Whenl there seems to be littie peace and less goodwill anywhere, ,the scriptural miessage of Chirist-ý mas rings clear, lîke a trumipet, in the frosty silence of a December nighlt. Two ý)carols were sung, 'Hr!The Herald Angels Sîng' land 'The First Nowell'. The president deait with the necessary busies in an effectuai N but coise mianner. It was decid- ed to dispense with reading s3ome of the inutes, Of formner meet-l ings. The recording secretary-, read the minutnes of an executive mieeting hleld early in, December. Roli cal! was responde to by Un- its and a nice representation at- tended.N Variouis reports from the sec- retaries and convenors were then given for, the year 196)5 and shlo- ed a gratifving successu ermi.- Mrs. A. MýcGijll gave the Treasur- er's report of finances for the yvear. Mrs. M.1 J. Tamblyni read a let- ter fromi Miss Muriel Stevens whio is stuidying French in Quebec nt! present, she mentioned mnly of her activities and that she plansI returning to the Congo inJaar She wished to express h.er thanks for ouir help, conicern andl prayers, a Most devoted girl whio spokle in 'Orono chuirch Jin Octoiber at the Regional Rally of Osha;a ïPresby,- MKrs. ri thanked c_-eryone as- hier termi of office as president exp)ire,7 and wishedl themn a joy%- ous and Hlappy New Year. lVrs. O. Chattertoni, read a lis,Çt of officers presented by the nomin- ating coitteel for 1966-67. Rev. Long, conducted an îm- pressive ins-tallation service f officers for the coming team. MHrs. Irwin welcomed the new, presidlent, Mrs. 0. Chatterton andN sincerely wished hler the samne co- operation as she had received in Mrs. Chatterton replied expres- sj-,iî fiting remiarks and stae in the' U.C.W. conistitution it ment- ionýs a president miust be court- eous and pleasanit at ail times, which she would try to fulfill, Mrs. Chattçýý,rto)n then askl, 1Mrs1 Irwviin and M rs. B. Long, both past presidentCS. to comle forward. MIrs. M. J. Tamiblyn paidl them both "ayfne tributes of their extce1- lent «efforts attributed to our U. C.W. and mentioned they had been a tower of strenigth, and in j ci 1 Ire o u î V ie li fici Oronow G a raugeà i~il i. M.ERR i ORONO ONTARIO j N !/urholiday wouldÎ I if we dicIn't announce ai iOPON%,O BUILDING CE Oroino, Ontai Wr greetings and ONTRACTOR tib Thank you for Ietting userve you - best vAshêm fra happy, hiealthy holidiay. r4at ndDane Orono, Ontario ,,OOOaO*e000000<>ç>eOeO0040f0f000..fl Coch and Four Restauirant and Gif t Shop HIGHWAY 1,15, NORTH 0F ORONO ~: CI~rtstinas t~kss~ s qýI1greet you wlithe wc vish that, for, ail of uls, hIe mninýg -'cf Chris -îa ma;"e ever de-eper, Î'S oe br tS besnsgr coLier. "TEXACO Th0DUCfTS REPAIRS ORONO Park St., Orono