ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, THUIRSDAY, DECEMBER 23rd, 1965 Administrator Hired By High School Board M~. A. MacLeod, 47, of Niagara Falls, Ontario, has been engaged as :administrator-secretary-treasur- er for the. Durham District High Schôol Board. Mr., MacLeod will replace the late W. B. Reynolds who died suddenly some weeks ago. The announcement of Mr. Mac- Leod's selection came fr'om Alan Strike, chairman of the manage- mient committee at a meeting of the school board held December 15 in Courtice High School. Mr. MacLeod has been an as- sistant administrator with Niagara Falls High School board for a number of years. H1e isalso vîce-president of the School Administrators' Associa- tion. Mr. MacLeod wlll be paid a starting salary of $10,500 per year and given yearly increments of The Coming Christ - 'Continued from page 5) what happened ln ancient Bethle- hemwhen Mary gave birth ta her first born son and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Hlm in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn. Here is a strange account of what is hap- pening in our day. People doi not want to get involved, yet the meaning of the coming of Christ is that people should get involved. In aur day people are nat hos- tule.ta Jesus, they are just uncon- cerned - H1e does not matter. Buit to each anc of us, who have pro- fessed the namne of Christ, who have claimed that we are His dis- ciples., H1e has left us with the re- sponsibility of the charge ta go into ail the world, be diligent, be faithful, keep on being His wit- ness, lis servant, until H1e cames. We have the promise of His com- ing aeýain, but because we do not sec lmri in a visible way, many rrow carelcss in their serving and witnessing. For centuries His own people looked for lis coming but when He. came t hey dlid not reeie im. Some bitter1v opposed Hlm, mnany did not bother with HlT.m, some followed a while, then grew tired, content to live on thie perioherv. Tr esus' agony over Jerusalem. as He says. "110w often I minuld have taken thee under my wings as a hen daes hier chickens and you would not," we see four imnort- ant things for us as, we prepare for the comîng of Christ. First. we see the patience'of God, how God, longing for men, gives them the cif t of Jesus Christ. 11e agonizes thiat sa many do not even bother to find out who Christ is in the real sense, but the patience of Godý is still there. H1e still longs for us ta open up aur minds, and hearts ta seek Truth. Secondly, there is the appeal of Jesus. To those who hand stan- cd the prophiets, abused Him and would abuse His followers. when He spoke, H1e spoke in the agony of love. 11e did not speak con- demnation, H1e spoke of the great love, which Lad been is and 11e agonized be cause they would not receive the great gif t 1e had for them.. Thirdly, we see the deliberation of thse sin of man. Desperate deeds are only a littie part of sin. Sin is to live for ourselves in such a way that we are blind to Truth. The Bible says that ail are sin- ners and we see here how deliber- ate sin can be lu the lives of man and women, how self cornes first and the good things are lost. Then fourthly, we see the con- sequences' of rejecting Christ. Jesus said, "O Jerusalem, Jerusa- lem, killing the prophets and stan- ing those, who are sent ta you! How aften would I have gathered youir chîldren together as a lien gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not!" Forty vears later Jerusalem was a heap of ruins because they played poli- tics rather than experience love. If they hand turned ta the life which Jesuis was offering them, this need neyer have happened. In this Advent season the great appeal of' God thirough Jesus Christ is the appeal oifHis love to us. If we are going ta receive it wehave ta prepare ourselves. We cannot live on the periphery of things, on. the auter part of the circle. We have ta put auir lives lu thse way of the Spirit and when we do,1 1 e will corne again, and again, an gin! $400 until he reaches the maxi- mum salary of $12,5C0. The board set its salary sched- ule. for administrators from, $8,500 guidance committee of the sehool1 board said the Careers Night had amiounted ta a forward step in ed- ucation. "This board owes a great debt of gratitude toi the sponsoring service clubs. We were ail over- joyed at the success of the night and with the large attendance;" Mr. Strike said. ta the maximum.1 The sum of $350 is ta be spent Letters of thanks are ta be sent ta instail partitions and shower to the Rotary and Kiwanis clubs curtains in the girls' shower room of Po rt Hope for their sponsor- at Port Hope High School. ship of the recent Career Night A cantract in the amaunt of Fair at Part Hope High School. $9,173 was let ta H. M. Brooks Thse guidance committees of the Construction Company for thse two service clubs worked in Ca- building of a racing track at the operation with the guidance de- Courtice School. partment of thse high schaol ta ar- Insurance premiums for-th e range the event. year 1966 on Durham District Mr. Strike in his capacity as HigIs Schools and their contents chairman of the co-ordnating and (Continued on Page 7) merrv, merry Christmastime affords us the chance to express our heartfelt gratitude for the friendship and generosity youI hae wn us through the year. \ - 1 extenid best wishes for a happy holiday. HIARVEY Plumbing - Heating - Electric Taoaur loyal patrons we express aur sincerest oppreciation. F R ED J'LYCE GENERAL INSURANCE * » O O O 0 O O O < O O O O . O b a Q q .g~ .j;Z - z Iî 1-1 "," I &reet 178ns We offer best wshes ' g and sncere appreciation to ai aU ur friencis on this Blessed CkI-estmias. ILLOYD TA&YL OR Orono, Ontario 4 s 49ells ring nt ........ ..nxerrily for al Our loyal fîiends and patrons. May we wish yau the saine generous measure of happiness youve given us over the > cars with your valued patronage; ROLPH HARDWARE Carmcan Plumbin'y & Heating Phone 143 Orono 0.e.,o00o0e , t.. o s 1~ I s t I I i i I ;TT s