ULM UBR49 ORONO WEE-'KLY TIMES, TI*URSDAY, DPCEMBER 30th, 1965 Note Rift In Orono Foire Depart- taoADra1ro ru Vet i J.A. Macdonald. Livestock sýay, will be speain,,g du:ring th Specialist, from tflecWestern On- mrnnpora1wie r Mc A . UtI l g erienta Farn a Rigeton, peakr. r. right wJe dis. mut ~ u r u e i u St ewio i ulturaSehotol and Ex- Donald wiIbe the itrui i v'il e 1he-isýspeaker cJanuary c 'ssing pot wr in the area 15 at the Durhamn County Soi]andandthswo have been presenit he rnoPolice Truýstee-s held R. Forrester moved thLlat DouigCrp mroeenAnul et-npatyrswIfid otte ~~beir~ý -a mein- teye1o psn hira fte ied-ing in Orono. _Mr!.,McDonald is imorn iing aind aftrnoon prelgramrs 'r Iý,À rtýeingof te YE11, u o thewellde-qualified Ito disussüthe sc-worthiwhilc. Tuesd,(ay evenjing and received twvo partmient, contact the chief and 1p et TeSoae2 lzto llgtosrespecting ,the orono haïveilca t hea ciudrtnigdn et TeSoaeadi liti of the Corn Crop"." An invitation is extended te ail FieDepartmlent, fied with bis officers. 1Àe also nesinDra out ob Mn . A.J eGl aving sub- pointed out thlat: the Police Trus- The meetings will be fromn 10 faresiDuam onttoe m~ttd aletter te -,,li Truistees tees hadl asked the chief to re- r. :3 .m n h OdF l cluea :0p.mi. We wouild stg- -dhc deatetacrl Inows Hlall in Oreno and those in- peet The meeting will start ,Tçed for a hearing in accorac organîz e e p ent acr- erested in a nme of attractiveprntl at 10 arin. and also con.- withthe ireprotection by-law. ;ng to the by-lawý,s and rpotati ~ wui 1lsetesttdhalehdbenDecembfer Meeting buit hadl not i àl (I j o or prizes should plan to be on gest tat nyn coming for ol ms emer tt 1th tre, epartmen pcfclY sanctioned any de- lhand by 10:15 arin. to bce]eigiblc'e 4he(a-tenooni plan to be on hla nd ýf te fre, epa sp-,,iicplý or the door prizes. Lirnch will be at 1:15 p.m. Doon prizes will hi- sinFce 1953 and~ had been promi-otedl motions of the efficers. Thisf W acatan.On ecmbr 4th~bU1 cm( s rcomendfationi. The Police Trustees on Tuesdlay proviîded in the fo)irm of sanld ldesp '~lots of grain cern1 ealong -withi the rest of the Of he cýsa:d. D. Simpsj),on stated t ht 1igrcie eoto awced-usadcfe.fo edadtefr xigih ~iers hd.itwa sate, ee d- hechefRes erer ws u te lanig uCeyfor the north- IHarvTey Wright, Soif and Fild ,rs presentedt through the court- motd ithnereaison given. This, P'rocess of re-orgauiizing the De- eastsectO f the Vi!llg. The 'r'P SPecialis fo te nano ey o teiDramCutyFr ~esaid, was statedl by the chief Partmient.R. Forrester saîd' that1 report and plan was requested by Departmnent of Agriculture, Lind- aeyCucl 1e take ffee irn iately ad , hefieideartlient was under- the Trustees S0110nie onthls ugo ireet order of the Police 1nustee siaffed ,ad had apparently been and prepared by the eonsulting Bor M.MGllsttdthat he se or somre tine. This condition,.professionais eugit)eers of Mar- ,.-pealed t h. ýis move a Ïs )it b-adaie hesaid, couild cause increase in saM~ln eehnLmtd benstated( on Decemlber 14th fine insurance rates throughiout The studY was to investigate - e2t the 'fine figtn qimn h ilg n ouhP. Ithe land anea florth of Centre i wasnotto lovethe fine hall -.Mn. llarvey Partner lu speaking teewest eOfHliway 115 and ansu~ officler was preserit ind-en to the Tnùsýtees stated. that lie had , eas'Lof Chunch street and Miil ehconditionis, hie said, the a fine and thiat at that time hie re fer possible future use. The Y 6z jr-ck could onily leave if the fine rang the sinen and had gnabbed r e port stated that it miust be emn- £ýhief vias presetrt as al othen of a fine exýtiniguisher. "T put the fine Phasi that the study deesntj scers ~ ~ ~ ~ 1, ha endeee efie u yseîf, be said. ,Ollr effic- presume that any given parcel eof fýghters. 1He salil if the chief was ens and men sat lu the finehail", land is available fer develOpment, I. ~utet ownand not maalable the.lhe funthien stated. "You call that bu ahri s neddt u- present conditions wouLId net al- a fine tdeparntet?" H1e aise gstaolinudeastainj wthe truick or equipment te be asked why thene were net 21 men 1 f comPlete cOOPelratiOn amnongst0 La-en out of the hall, Mnj. McGiJl's, on the. dcpatmenti This, he said, lard owners in the area. ýiis~ taternellts mnade at tIîe ould cost him incneased rates stDvlpmnTed lecmbe' 4thfinfihtes'meet- for fine insunance. Mr. Parnen The repent nefernedte the past ugwas substantiat.ed by Mn, H. alo criticized the Trustees for di pm tted wth ls ~artue;r whO ?was aise present at neîlt talking action -befoenl the frontiug on the few main streets e metig.Department an(] said tbey had let in the Village. This devlopmient esrs Godq ad oulasit ride far to(i long. Mn. D. Simp- extenlded the Village on a lineai 'moustated that they wene of sou poiuted euLt te Mn. Parnen ieso n fýnpreso e po that 1the demeotiens t hat hie was a memrber of the De- lands were left land-locked and, erér net 'te talka effect uitii the partrient himiself. Non, lhe said, inaccessible fnom the main streets y ~ ond $imson hath ompflait rn ' e rme.Mn. the anea under study which bas-- de ~ ~ ~~ ~l a h àP foi efl ~Wi,& ste t -iUY o.r f ii~sne- ief te tace- eut the equtlpincnt somune firenien lad aPproa-llich lm The reor ;dd state hwvnif î-d ý that the ciififhadaISe l-)in on hestreet about the depart- adessteCent,,re Stret wslest ýnmed Mýr. Jak Menýen7 that tfli mnt. e aise said that coincli becaurse (of fotg eomn fies\eesiiofie~ad ebr a( aked what was go - ttsreet thlIhe ar vowuàd! ad auhnttetake eut t'le ing on?9 becomne more diffîicuIt te serve qupmnt n.DoglsSlmnpson àr. G. Simpson stated thiat Mn. and deeOP. skedl hyiwspendeu e atnradsaid wheu ieaving the Munlicipal Watei- c elcief onDeemen 1iththat bUdnn h niet of, bis fne Depen u teVillage, is n ~enexi dIt was that onl thie fine exinuihe sates the re_-port, bias new nreached se e7tedeu tat e ofe th~ anee d.lan imporitant point. Muiicipai l rele ad ce u dIn R.Forresten stated that it cen- Walel aubepctdtecus coranc vt eby-awandastaiiy appeaned ta hr ere miajor changmes, one being thle ne- nch ~ ~ ~ ~~n ha0it di fdmtd rwe differeut factiol nlte De- duction et lot sizes and(h! ohn paltent which wouid have te the unecessity ef iucsi g the I ---be corýrected. 1He moved that the d ensity et present aud future de-ji twe, complaluts be referred te the veloprnents te keep sernvîcîug ,UEE UEIU. ew Police Trustee Board. cests te a minimum. Gowtb is I .,'1 UNG ~M. McGiII stated that there aise expected te inenease. fraya wee ntrniprb insl the fine Scope of Plan Foaya The villa Private Hospital, 1department and that th-e men The everali plan consistiug oet ja eruhili, was the setting for athemnselves wene atteminlgte ir-3acelut ethesseto-..narrtj edîgperfonmred by Rev. Busil on tbem eout. could develop into a total et 108 i mankiindl's greatestj Long On Saturday, Decemben A letter was received frnm tbe residential building lots. The pe- twhen M. Cyril Knight, Patin- United Ceunties Health Uniit iu teuitial for homes appears, states rstou and Mns. Viola Young et whichi the Unit gave approval for the repont, te be greatest lu the 1 ihfinl Jint, -Michigan were uuited in efs disposai area on the nenthern section cemiprising some appt. riecidly arniage. . ~preperty et Mn. Albert Pes. Cen- 72 lots.weaircton The lange neceptien hallwa tain conditions were necomimend-i The waten table lu the seuth getYU lest attractive with Christmas cd te be followed lu usiug the section was found te be quite close ~ naios-The cenemouy to arca for refuse disposai. R. Fer- te the surface beiug mest seieus, iacnl front et a langýe picture rester statcd that hie understood states the report, west et theI nl1,dw and seated te the Icft that there was some Opposition te sehee1. The presence of higb ,ere, "Thie V'llatoues" who sang tihis location which had appaetly g cui water table ceuld causej nsve(ngitndwt the unit. ýpossible construction difficulties,- idewasattnde byberThe matter was referred te the wet cellans and sewage dispesal J (Cnitinu.ed page 6 new board. poim.Terpr ute stated that with tlhe exception ef j--- the waten conditions the anea ap- av pears suitable lu al respects for construction et small residential tope To~ Est llîh 1 00 àC buildings. The suthenn:aif MayI tank and tile bed could be used r% Developmnent Patter-n Pa k, A r a t el S The pattern as suggested con -- P re t LO tsists et three major elemrents. uunnamned street by Mn. George Onitanîio's Depan tent et Energy ieased but Mns. Brewulig said Wiison's te the unopened noad d Resotirces- bas appneved puir- 1 the autbority hopes te mneuse uorth etf Bowe's garage and. fur~-j ase et a 200-acr rc tln odnsl h meite arca, ther nontb te a tunn-a-nound near ,th et hcre by the Central Lake wth 1,000 acres the goal forithe-Mn.cs hone A inogs twe cul-d itarie Conservation Authlority. future. d-as iheebiga h n The land will be develo.ped forI Final approval by the CLOCA et the uunamed street by Mms. H. j th eceato» au ntoest~aionj asdesvrihed as cý"aifoninlity" Bowen's imake use et irnegulan